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2011-01-11 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I have to brag on my daughter! She won 1st place All-Around at her first international gymnastics meet in Cancun on Sunday!! This was her first year of competition and she's only 8, but I'm still very proud!

2011-01-11 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3293484

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
wkirbytri - 2011-01-11 4:09 PM I have to brag on my daughter! She won 1st place All-Around at her first international gymnastics meet in Cancun on Sunday!! This was her first year of competition and she's only 8, but I'm still very proud!

Wow! In her first year? And to get the opportunity to travel like that too... Very awesome!
2011-01-12 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Congratulations to your daughter! How cool.
2011-01-12 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3293479

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
wkirbytri - 2011-01-11 6:06 PM

jmk-brooklyn - 2011-01-09 9:41 PM

I decided to start watching the Biggest Loser. Never seen it before, but I was amazed to hear that Rulon Gardner, the former Olympic wrestler is on it. I remember when he won--it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.
How does he show work? Are they really supposed to lose 100+ lbs in 13 weeks? Are they scored based on actual pounds lost or is it a percentage of their weight?

I've been a fan of the Biggest Loser for several seasons now. The show lasts 13 weeks, but it is pre-taped. After the 12th week on the ranch, the remaining contestants all go home for several months and then come back for a live finale. All in all it is like 7 or 8 months. They are scored by the percentage of weight loss. Of course body fat % would be better, but the scale is more dramatic for TV I guess.

Thanks for the info. How many people are left at the end?

Also: I think I've guessed the identity of the mystery female trainer.


I think her name is Mia St. John, and she’s a former professional boxer (and also playboy centerfold, I think). Her nickname when she was boxing was “The Knockout”. From what I’ve seen, the trainer is obviously a fighter, and between her voice/accent and also taking into account that Mia St. John, like Jillian, is easy on the eyes, I’m pretty sure that’s who it is.
2011-01-12 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3293484

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
wkirbytri - 2011-01-11 7:09 PM I have to brag on my daughter! She won 1st place All-Around at her first international gymnastics meet in Cancun on Sunday!! This was her first year of competition and she's only 8, but I'm still very proud!

2011-01-12 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3292813

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New user

Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
shannonlovley - 2011-01-11 2:19 PM I ran 5.1 miles today in under and hour!  And its my birthday!!  I felt good about the run.  It was rough terraine...snow and ice left over from the last storm.  They are predicting a bad storm for tomorrow so I upped the miles for today figuring tomorrow would be a bust. 

I have a question for all of you out there...I have this strange thing that happens when I run my first mile.  Most times it feels like my toes are falling asleep.  I have to wiggle them to get the feelings back.  It then seems to subside after the first mile.  I have tried extra stretching before I run.  Tying my sneaks in different ways.  Trying different sneaks, different brands, etc.  Nothing seems to make that stop.  Wierd I know...but any thoughts?

I had the same problem when I switched shoes. Bu after a month or so it got better. I tried the tying shoes differently but it didn't work. If it goes away as you run it should be ok, I think.

2011-01-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Boy....we're spending an awful lot of time at the bottom of the page. Where is everybody? Training, I hope!

My training for today consisted of helping a buddy move his old TV, a Sony Trinitron that dates back roughly to the period where the Earth was cooling, up to his neighbor's apartment. It was only 32" and it took two relatively strong adult males to move it a total of about fifty feet.

2011-01-12 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3296175

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
We are approaching our 4th day out of school tomorrow because of the snow and ice still on the roads.  I feel so cooped up but I finally got out to run a few miles this afternoon.  I almost fell a lot!  My back has really been bothering me.  I can't decide if it has something to do with running or if has to do with my attempts at core training.
2011-01-13 4:43 AM
in reply to: #3256444

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Starting to mix a little bit of strengh training in my routine.  10 minutes of various upper body exercise makes me more sore than any anount of running does.  A least for now.  Hard to roll out of bed.
2011-01-13 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I rode the drainer last night. Because of the achilles soreness, I've decided to take a few days off running to let it heal.

After the ride, I hopped on the Wii Fit to weight myself... It said I've lost 9.9 lbs since the last time I weighed (which was over a year ago), and that I was at 168 and some fraction... That's the first time I've been under 170 since... 2006? It's not that I've been trying to lose weight, I've just let it do whatever it's going to do from my activity. But it kind of shocked me a little.

I went straight into the weight room to do some lifting...
2011-01-13 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Back from our ski trip!  It was COLD in Colorado.  Started at -11 on Tuesday and warmed up to 4.  I shiver just thinking about it.  And now we're back in Mississippi, but it was 20 this morning. 

Going to buy a trainer tonight,  I think.  Still planning on the Road Master...everyone seems to like it.

2011-01-13 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Sounds like it would be a fun trip!! I've skied that doesn't really count.

I got in a short amount of time on the butt and legs are not used to it.

It's been nasty weather here :-(
2011-01-14 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I rode the stationary bike last night—no trainer for a while since my bike is stripped down to the frame for painting.
I’m taking it to the frame painter this weekend, and I’ll post before/after photos when it’s all done. Should be finished by the end of the month.

Skiing is a sport I wish I picked up earlier in my life. I did it a few times in college and thought it was ok, but it was all East Coast mountains. Maybe if I’d had a trip out west or to Europe to swim when I was younger, I would still do it. As it is, I haven’t been skiing in 20+ years. I’m curious about snowboarding, but, as being cold and falling down are two of my least favorite things to do, I’m not sure I’ll like it too much. Maybe if I skied, I wouldn’t hate the snow/cold so much.

It’s just stupidly cold here. I’m such a wuss about the cold—it’s almost embarrassing. I can barely get myself to the gym, even though it’s a 10-minute WALK from my front door. I was actually planning to run outside this weekend, but my training partner’s hurt and no way am I going to run outside in this weather by myself.

What’s everyone got on tap for the weekend?
2011-01-14 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Weekend depends on the weather, for me.  Michael is planning on running.  But it was in the low 20s this morning in Mississippi!  I know that may not be cold to you guys, but I am freezing!!!!

The pool is heated at the gym...Might head there for some drills, maybe a treadmill hill run?
2011-01-14 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3299731

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
We're planning a hike for SOMEtime this weekend, though the weather isn't looking all that promising. I'm going to hit the trainer again tonight, and I'll see how the achilles is feeling on Monday (it's been good the last two days) to evaluate whether I'll be running again then.
2011-01-14 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3256444

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
4 miles fast for Saturday and 1 hr trail running for Sunday.  Predicted high for Sunday is 14 so, brrrrrr.

2011-01-14 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3300313

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
knewbike - 2011-01-14 1:43 PM 4 miles fast for Saturday and 1 hr trail running for Sunday.  Predicted high for Sunday is 14 so, brrrrrr.

I think I'd rather have that than rain...
2011-01-14 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3299747

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Mary A - 2011-01-14 12:10 PM

Weekend depends on the weather, for me.  Michael is planning on running.  But it was in the low 20s this morning in Mississippi!  I know that may not be cold to you guys, but I am freezing!!!!

The pool is heated at the gym...Might head there for some drills, maybe a treadmill hill run?

Low 20's is cold-- I don't care where you're from.
2011-01-15 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
We found a hike for tomorrow, and will take Jake (the dog) with us. So tonight will be making pizzas, prepping for the hike tomorrow, and movie(s). Lisa is on the trainer right now (also playing Super Mario World), and I'm next (with MarioKart). Then weights...
2011-01-15 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3301861

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
briderdt - 2011-01-15 5:04 PM We found a hike for tomorrow, and will take Jake (the dog) with us. So tonight will be making pizzas, prepping for the hike tomorrow, and movie(s). Lisa is on the trainer right now (also playing Super Mario World), and I'm next (with MarioKart). Then weights...

I've probably been on a trainer 5 times in my life...I lasted the longest today.  Maybe 5 minutes in a row...which is sad and pathetic, I realize...but it's progress!!

Then I did some body resistance/light weight training...I don't wanna be sore tomorrow for our hike!  Woo hoo!! 

Also...I'm torn about the Bears v. Seahawks game.  I grew up around Illinois and if I had to pick an NFL team, it would be the Bears...but the Seahawks are my new adopted area's team...i'm thinking about cheering on the offense....??
2011-01-15 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Unfortunately we're Cowboys fans (we're from actually from Dallas) so it's tough to care about Bears vs Seahawks...Most of the teams I pull for haven't made it too far in the playoffs.

We did make it to the pool today--did drills for an HOUR, followed by a short run.  Felt pretty good to be swimming again.  I'm not a very fast swimmer as of yet, but we'll see if I get any better this season.

2011-01-15 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3302017

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Mary A - 2011-01-15 8:14 PMUnfortunately we're Cowboys fans (we're from actually from Dallas) so it's tough to care about Bears vs Seahawks...Most of the teams I pull for haven't made it too far in the playoffs.

We did make it to the pool today--did drills for an HOUR, followed by a short run.  Felt pretty good to be swimming again.  I'm not a very fast swimmer as of yet, but we'll see if I get any better this season.

This is a post.  It is only a post.  See the post below for the actual post.

Edited by knewbike 2011-01-15 7:37 PM
2011-01-15 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3302017

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
Mary A - 2011-01-15 8:14 PMUnfortunately we're Cowboys fans (we're from actually from Dallas) so it's tough to care about Bears vs Seahawks...Most of the teams I pull for haven't made it too far in the playoffs.

We did make it to the pool today--did drills for an HOUR, followed by a short run.  Felt pretty good to be swimming again.  I'm not a very fast swimmer as of yet, but we'll see if I get any better this season.

Any time I make it to the pool it's a victory.  I tend to swim mostly at races.  So, congratulations!

Edited by knewbike 2011-01-15 7:36 PM
2011-01-15 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I'm struggling desperately to care about any of the teams left in the playoffs. I managed to drum up some enthusiasm for the Ravens (I grew up in Baltimore), but that didn't work out so well. I don't even have any teams that I really don't like to root against.

I took my bike frame to the shop to get it painted today. It was really reasonably priced, assuming, of course, they do a decent job. Between the paint job and the total overhaul/tuneup that I'm giving my bike, it'll be the closest thing to a new bike I can get in my price range. Now, all I need is a dry road to ride it on. I can't wait to see how it looks.

DT: Yet another bike question: Do you have a recommendation in terms of bar tape? There are a million different kinds now. I bought some stuff from Fizik, but I'm not crazy about how it looks or wears. Also, are all cable housings created equal?

Wow-- schools have been closed for four days? That's crazy. They don't close schools here for anything less than a foot and a half. I guess it's different in NYC because even if the roads are a mess, there's almost always a way to get around via mass transit.
2011-01-16 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3302115

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training!
I've really gone old school with bar tape mostly -- Benotto Bike Ribbon. It's thin plastic, non-adhesive, and not padded. But it's some of the most durable stuff I've ever used. For padded tape, Cinelli cork tape is about the best there is.

Cable housings are not all created equal, unfortunately. Brake- and shift-cables  use different housings (brakes use a wound steel "spring" inside, while shifters use a housing with longitudinal wires to keep compression as low as possible). And there are different "insides" to the various brands as well (Aztec vs Shimano, for instance). But unless you're going with a full cable system (coated cable that needs to use a particular housing), then generic cable with generic housing (and well-greased when installed) works just fine.
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