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2011-05-13 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I went to the first speedwork session with the LRS at the HS track last night.  10x400 at 10k race pace with 200 recoveries.  It wasn't too bad although I'm feeling it this morningSmile.  My legs were pretty stiff when I tried to get out of bed today.  I'm not sure it was the smartest thing to do since I have a race tomorrow morning.  Also my left calf has been giving me trouble lately - I think I strained somethingFrown.  I was hoping to PR the race but at this point I may have to settle for just finishing it.  I'm thinking about taking a few days off from running afterwards to let the calf heal and to give my legs a break.  My biking and swimming could use some extra attention so I'll concentrate on those for next week. 

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

2011-05-13 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I think I got the right day this time.  Good Luck on your race tomorrow sdejan.
2011-05-13 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3282419


Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi everyone!

I've been reading along and not saying much because I'm far behind everyone here. I have my first swim lesson on sunday and tonight I bought my first bike. I had borrowed a bike but it was way too big for me and I felt out of control on it.

I ended up getting a much better fit with this used bike... a Cannondale r500.  I don't know what year it is because I forgot to ask but it was in good condition and I got it from an excellent bike shop here in my area. It's getting some upgrades right now (pedals, stem, seat) and I'll be riding it soon! Plus I'll be joining in some monday night group rides for beginners at the bike shop in addition to my own training.

I plan on riding my bike to and from work. I'm a pet sitter so I have clients all over town. Most of the houses are between 5 and 7 miles away and I plan on doing that on lighter client days to begin with.

My plan right now is to train for a September Tri. There's a beginner Tri clinic here starting on May 27th. I don't want to freak myself out so if I don't feel ready in September I'll train all winter instead and do one in the spring. But hopefully I'll feel ready to just do an all female race in September so I can get one in this season.

What is my "why"?  Because I kept seeing this girl from high school sporting a bikini type race outfit on facebook all the time. She's a triathlete. I was feeling catty and jealous and then I came to my senses and realized there's no reason I can't be thin and fit too if I just got my lazy rear in gear. So that's my why. I figured it was better to celebrate that girl's accomplishments instead of hate her for them. And now I'm training for my own Tri. Wahoo!

- Maureen

2011-05-13 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3498389

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2011-05-13 9:28 PM I think I got the right day this time.  Good Luck on your race tomorrow sdejan.

Thanks - I'll be sure to report in! Wink

  I figured it was better to celebrate that girl's accomplishments instead of hate her for them. And now I'm training for my own Tri. Wahoo!

Maureen, you are soooo right!  What a great attitude!  Don't worry, from now until Sept is plenty of time to train from scratch.  You'll definitely be ready.  I started in January only able to complete 1/12 of a mile running (half my gym's track).  Within a couple months I could handle 5K.  Now I run 4 miles or so, and it's my mind that quits, not my legs.  And my first tri is this weekend!

Be sure to check out the free plans here.  I've been using the 3x/week balanced plan since mid-March, and it's been great.  It's 3 workouts per week of each sport.  It ramps you up from a very basic starting point up to where you need to be.  That one's pretty time-intensive, but they have a 2x/week one too.  I'd been winging it without a plan prior to that, but the plans are made to keep you steadily progressing while lowering the risk of injury by overdoing.

Keep us posted!

2011-05-13 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I picked up my race packet tonight.  (I feel so official saying that.  )  In it was a yellow wrist band, like a hospital wrist band.  Does anyone know what it's for?  Hopefully not the hospital...
2011-05-15 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

This morning was my first tri.  And a try it was, not a success.  It was 43 degrees, raining, wind at 20 mph with gusts up to 35.  They canceled the bike leg because it was too dangerous.  So we swam, which was ok.  I started out too hard and was sucking air - I need to learn better pacing.  I toweled off quickly, put on a long-sleeved shirt and rain jacket, and started running outside.  Horrible.  Miserable.  Headwind, rain.  What the f have I gotten myself into.  I could hardly feel my thighs.  But you go, right?  On the return trip it was better because the wind was from the back.  Unfortunately I took a wrong turn (no signage - totally my fault, but easy to do) and cut two blocks off my route.  So I dq'd myself to the race director.

Absolutely miserable morning.  And of course my only thought is I need to train harder for the next one in June.    I got a finisher's medal anyway.  I'm keeping it despite the dq because I darn well earned it. 

Hey, I showed up.  I ran in weather I'd refused to train in.  It was the best I could do, and since it was the first, it was a PR!  Very disappointing though.

I have no idea about times.

2011-05-15 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3499930

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-05-16 7:04 AM

This morning was my first tri.  And a try it was, not a success.  It was 43 degrees, raining, wind at 20 mph with gusts up to 35.  They canceled the bike leg because it was too dangerous.  So we swam, which was ok.  I started out too hard and was sucking air - I need to learn better pacing.  I toweled off quickly, put on a long-sleeved shirt and rain jacket, and started running outside.  Horrible.  Miserable.  Headwind, rain.  What the f have I gotten myself into.  I could hardly feel my thighs.  But you go, right?  On the return trip it was better because the wind was from the back.  Unfortunately I took a wrong turn (no signage - totally my fault, but easy to do) and cut two blocks off my route.  So I dq'd myself to the race director.

Absolutely miserable morning.  And of course my only thought is I need to train harder for the next one in June.    I got a finisher's medal anyway.  I'm keeping it despite the dq because I darn well earned it. 

Hey, I showed up.  I ran in weather I'd refused to train in.  It was the best I could do, and since it was the first, it was a PR!  Very disappointing though.

I have no idea about times.

Well congratulations are in order. For what was a horrible day you achieved a heck of a lot -

  1. You know you have the mental strength get out there and get it done whatever the weather has in store.
  2. You have learned the need for pacing in the swim - when you're at the start and feeling energetic it's hard not to go out too fast.
  3. You now know what it feels like to run in cold and wet conditions. This is something that you should have tried in training, but lets face it, none of us like training in horrible conditions.

AND - dq'ing yourself for a 2 block mistake - well done. When something means a lot (and let's face it your 1st tri always does) and you can still let it go and keep your integrity that shows your true inner-strength. Absolutely keep the medal - you did earn it.

Don't be disappointed - I think you can be proud of getting it done depsite the conditions.


Edited by lbishop 2011-05-15 5:41 PM
2011-05-16 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sdejan, sorry to here about the weather.  At least you got out there and finished the race.  Sounds like some tuff conditions for your first race.  On the brighter side, you've got another one in a couple of weeks.  There may not have been much to learn under those conditions but take what you did learn and put it towards your next race.  Don't be discouraged. 
2011-05-16 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3499930

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-05-15 12:04 PM

This morning was my first tri.  And a try it was, not a success.  It was 43 degrees, raining, wind at 20 mph with gusts up to 35.  They canceled the bike leg because it was too dangerous.  So we swam, which was ok.  I started out too hard and was sucking air - I need to learn better pacing.  I toweled off quickly, put on a long-sleeved shirt and rain jacket, and started running outside.  Horrible.  Miserable.  Headwind, rain.  What the f have I gotten myself into.  I could hardly feel my thighs.  But you go, right?  On the return trip it was better because the wind was from the back.  Unfortunately I took a wrong turn (no signage - totally my fault, but easy to do) and cut two blocks off my route.  So I dq'd myself to the race director.

Absolutely miserable morning.  And of course my only thought is I need to train harder for the next one in June.    I got a finisher's medal anyway.  I'm keeping it despite the dq because I darn well earned it. 

Hey, I showed up.  I ran in weather I'd refused to train in.  It was the best I could do, and since it was the first, it was a PR!  Very disappointing though.

I have no idea about times.

Congrats on trying your first triSmile!  A lot of people wouldn't have even bothered to go with those conditions so I agree that you earned your medal.  And now you know what to expect for the next one (although hopefully with better weather)!

2011-05-16 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I finished my 5k on Saturday.  It didn't go as well as I had hoped.  The race itself was great (although we had cold, nasty weather here too), but the issue with my calf caused problems.  RR is up if you want the details -

I'm going to have to take some time off from running and possibly biking.  I didn't even attempt a bike ride yesterday so I'm not sure if the calf will be an issue, but I don't want to prolong the injury or make it worse.  So if anyone sees me log anything other than maybe a short walk or some yoga or maybe ST (upper body and core only), please knock me upside the head and tell me to stop!  Hopefully a few days rest is all it needs.  It's going to drive me crazy to not be able to run, but I know I need to do it.  I'll just have to find other ways to occupy my timeSmile

2011-05-16 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3501738

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2011-05-16 11:55 AM

I finished my 5k on Saturday.  It didn't go as well as I had hoped.  The race itself was great (although we had cold, nasty weather here too), but the issue with my calf caused problems.  RR is up if you want the details -

I'm going to have to take some time off from running and possibly biking.  I didn't even attempt a bike ride yesterday so I'm not sure if the calf will be an issue, but I don't want to prolong the injury or make it worse.  So if anyone sees me log anything other than maybe a short walk or some yoga or maybe ST (upper body and core only), please knock me upside the head and tell me to stop!  Hopefully a few days rest is all it needs.  It's going to drive me crazy to not be able to run, but I know I need to do it.  I'll just have to find other ways to occupy my timeSmile

Good for you!  31 mins is a great time in my book!  Especially with an injury.  Take it easy this week at least.  You can always do push-ups if you're really antsy. 

2011-05-16 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3499930

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-05-15 10:04 AM

This morning was my first tri.  And a try it was, not a success.  It was 43 degrees, raining, wind at 20 mph with gusts up to 35.  They canceled the bike leg because it was too dangerous.  So we swam, which was ok.  I started out too hard and was sucking air - I need to learn better pacing.  I toweled off quickly, put on a long-sleeved shirt and rain jacket, and started running outside.  Horrible.  Miserable.  Headwind, rain.  What the f have I gotten myself into.  I could hardly feel my thighs.  But you go, right?  On the return trip it was better because the wind was from the back.  Unfortunately I took a wrong turn (no signage - totally my fault, but easy to do) and cut two blocks off my route.  So I dq'd myself to the race director.

Absolutely miserable morning.  And of course my only thought is I need to train harder for the next one in June.    I got a finisher's medal anyway.  I'm keeping it despite the dq because I darn well earned it. 

Hey, I showed up.  I ran in weather I'd refused to train in.  It was the best I could do, and since it was the first, it was a PR!  Very disappointing though.

I have no idea about times.

Tough race. You should be proud of yourself for getting out there. Nice job. You said you want to train harder for the next race. What do you want to improve on?
2011-05-16 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3501738

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2011-05-16 9:55 AM

I finished my 5k on Saturday.  It didn't go as well as I had hoped.  The race itself was great (although we had cold, nasty weather here too), but the issue with my calf caused problems.  RR is up if you want the details -

I'm going to have to take some time off from running and possibly biking.  I didn't even attempt a bike ride yesterday so I'm not sure if the calf will be an issue, but I don't want to prolong the injury or make it worse.  So if anyone sees me log anything other than maybe a short walk or some yoga or maybe ST (upper body and core only), please knock me upside the head and tell me to stop!  Hopefully a few days rest is all it needs.  It's going to drive me crazy to not be able to run, but I know I need to do it.  I'll just have to find other ways to occupy my timeSmile

Injuries suck but good for you for taking the time to heal. Its tough but important. We want you in the sport for the long haul.
2011-05-16 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3498413

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
used2Bfat - 2011-05-13 7:51 PM

Hi everyone!

I've been reading along and not saying much because I'm far behind everyone here. I have my first swim lesson on sunday and tonight I bought my first bike. I had borrowed a bike but it was way too big for me and I felt out of control on it.

I ended up getting a much better fit with this used bike... a Cannondale r500.  I don't know what year it is because I forgot to ask but it was in good condition and I got it from an excellent bike shop here in my area. It's getting some upgrades right now (pedals, stem, seat) and I'll be riding it soon! Plus I'll be joining in some monday night group rides for beginners at the bike shop in addition to my own training.

I plan on riding my bike to and from work. I'm a pet sitter so I have clients all over town. Most of the houses are between 5 and 7 miles away and I plan on doing that on lighter client days to begin with.

My plan right now is to train for a September Tri. There's a beginner Tri clinic here starting on May 27th. I don't want to freak myself out so if I don't feel ready in September I'll train all winter instead and do one in the spring. But hopefully I'll feel ready to just do an all female race in September so I can get one in this season.

What is my "why"?  Because I kept seeing this girl from high school sporting a bikini type race outfit on facebook all the time. She's a triathlete. I was feeling catty and jealous and then I came to my senses and realized there's no reason I can't be thin and fit too if I just got my lazy rear in gear. So that's my why. I figured it was better to celebrate that girl's accomplishments instead of hate her for them. And now I'm training for my own Tri. Wahoo!

- Maureen

Hi Maureen,
Don't worry about where you are starting from. This site is for beginners. I am just glad you are participating. Feel free to ask questions and ask if you don't understand. We are all here to help each other.

2011-05-16 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3494828

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-05-11 8:10 PM

I didn't have a buddy to swim with but I did have my wife and two little girls hanging out on the side of the pond.  The wetsuit feels fine in the shoulders and everywhere else except for the chest and neck.  It felt like it was cutting off my air supply.  The pond water was warm for about the first 3 feet and then it was much cooler a little deeper.  But to be completely honest, not much need for a wetsuit around here much longer.  The water may have already been a little to warm for the wetsuit.  I'm going to swim in the pond a few more times before my first tri.  I just hope next time I feel a little more comfortable and controlled in the water.

Is your wetsuit for triathlons? They are different from waterski suits (I think we touched on this earlier) Honestly the way you described your swim is the exact same way I described my first swim. Look hard at your pacing. Tell yourself when starting out to take it easy and relax. Your main job when starting out is to get used to the suit. Concentrate on that and the fitness etc will come with time. Also have you been shown how to sight in the water? This is a skill in itself that takes practice.

Don't freak out you'll do great.
2011-05-16 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3502802

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-05-16 8:04 PM Tough race. You should be proud of yourself for getting out there. Nice job. You said you want to train harder for the next race. What do you want to improve on?

Just three things really, swim, bike and run.  Laughing  General endurance and skill in all three.

1) Swim - endurance and pacing.  I also lost my form during the race.  That tells me I need to do longer intervals a lot more often so I build fitness and good form becomes more ingrained.  I need to feel what my "race pace" is.  When I started training I had only one speed.  Now I have fast and slow (although the fast is slow).  I need a bit more precision than that.

2) Bike - didn't do it for this race, but it would have been really hard to finish that run if I'd had the bike beforehand.  Tonight I did 12.5 miles on the indoor bike at the gym and tried to make it "race pace" with a few intervals.  It was hard.  Plus my bike handling skills still need work.

3) A 5K run is doable now but running is still just hard.  I'd like it to feel easier, not like I have to force myself the entire time.  Since I'll need to do it after two other events, it has to come more naturally.  I have chronic hip pain that I attribute to running and believe it's a fitness issue.  Hope so anyway.

I hated the race.  Weather notwithstanding, my brain was balking at how hard I was working.  I'm in "good shape," but want to develop much more tri fitness.  Then I can focus on speed and form improvements instead of just surviving whatever leg of the race I'm on and dreading the next one.

I really think this is a great sport.  I just want to be able to enjoy it more.  Thanks for making me think it through.

2011-05-17 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I've started with a swim coach a few weeks ago and she has worked with me on sighting.  Swam with her this morning and everything felt great.  It was almost like a switch was turned on in the pool this morning.  My form felt really good and my legs weren't dragging nearly as much.  As far as the wetsuit, I bought a new one from go tri sports last week.  The one I had was for surfing.  Ryan from go tri sports in Hilton Head was great.  He spent lots of time with me making sure I got the proper fit and was very informative.  Hpoefully everything will come together and I will have a good race Saturday and Sunday.
2011-05-18 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone,

I've been a little MIA lately due to work being absolutely nuts as of late.  My first Tri is this Sunday!! I'm beyond excited for it.  I of course wish I was in better shape, but I am comfortable enough to know that I can finish the race in some shape or form.

I'm in my taper week so my workouts this week are very short and low in distance.  I have a very light bike ride on the trainer tonight and a light swim tomorrow and then nothing until Race day!!

I'll make sure I update this on Monday with my results!!!


2011-05-18 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'm trying to work up my endurance to being out for over a week due to a couple of illnesses.  I managed to eek out 400 yards in the pool but had to stop because I was completely exhausted.  Even though my training hasn't been very consistent this time around, I still think I'll be ok in a few weeks.  It won't be pretty but I'll finish
2011-05-18 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3503770

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2011-05-17 10:08 AM  It was almost like a switch was turned on in the pool this morning.  My form felt really good and my legs weren't dragging nearly as much... I will have a good race Saturday and Sunday.

That's great!  I love moments like that when things come together.  (Haven't had very many though.  Laughing )

I'm sure it will help your race this weekend.  I don't know where you're located, but Chicago at least is slated for good weather - hopefully you'll have great conditions to race!

Agrant, best of luck on Sun!

Edited by sdejan 2011-05-18 10:56 PM
2011-05-18 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3505979

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

tricupcake - 2011-05-18 10:55 AM I'm trying to work up my endurance to being out for over a week due to a couple of illnesses.  I managed to eek out 400 yards in the pool but had to stop because I was completely exhausted.  Even though my training hasn't been very consistent this time around, I still think I'll be ok in a few weeks.  It won't be pretty but I'll finish

You and I will do great in that race.  We can pace each other. 

2011-05-19 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3499930

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Congrats on pushing through and doing what you could do!  I'm sure you've already received some earned and learned experience, which will most likely help you in the future!
2011-05-19 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3505979

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

tricupcake - 2011-05-18 11:55 AM I'm trying to work up my endurance to being out for over a week due to a couple of illnesses.  I managed to eek out 400 yards in the pool but had to stop because I was completely exhausted.  Even though my training hasn't been very consistent this time around, I still think I'll be ok in a few weeks.  It won't be pretty but I'll finish


I think we're in the same boat!  I don't think my finish will be pretty (or even the other parts fo the race) but I do know that I can finish!  Good luck in your final few weeks of training!

2011-05-19 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3507317

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-05-18 10:54 PM

tricupcake - 2011-05-18 10:55 AM I'm trying to work up my endurance to being out for over a week due to a couple of illnesses.  I managed to eek out 400 yards in the pool but had to stop because I was completely exhausted.  Even though my training hasn't been very consistent this time around, I still think I'll be ok in a few weeks.  It won't be pretty but I'll finish

You and I will do great in that race.  We can pace each other. 

We'll have to meet up at the expo.  I can't believe it's in 3 weeks!!
2011-05-19 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3282419


Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I know you guys probably will laugh but I'm so grateful that you're posting about your disappointments and race difficulties rather than saying everything is going smoothly. I've never been athletic so doing this is such a stretch for me. I'm making it a lifestyle and it's working, slowly but surely.

I know people do Tris in all kinds of weather but hearing about it first hand makes me realize that I'll have to maybe train in some foul weather too so I can maybe just get used to it? Does anyone really do that?

I had my first swim lesson and it wasn't really swimming. I floated alot though! LOL It was the Total Immersion program so it was all about balance in the water. I was kind of  hoping for some lap training but I can see it will be quite a while before I get to that. I tried swimming across the pool just one lap and because I was never taught how to swim the crawl properly I was gasping and struggling about halfway across. I just could not get my breath. So lots to learn. I feel so slow. Blah.

My bike is ready too but I can't bring it home yet because it's not all paid for. I found out I'll be losing a client over the summer so my income will go down for a bit. Usually I do make it up with vacation people wanting a pet sitter but it's never as reliable as my weekly clients.

I'm trying to remember that any time I make progress, any time I fight through adversity, it's a winning situation. The race will just be the icing on the cake.

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