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2011-04-18 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3452448

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
IceManScott - 2011-04-18 11:39 AM Food is a friend, not a foe.   Food is fuel.  We just have to be smart about it.  You can do it! 

Good advice!

2011-04-18 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3452471

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
acv - 2011-04-18 11:44 AM

Just thought I’d pass this on.

I’ve been using this app (runkeeper) since February to track my running and biking. I think most of you have a garmin but this app works pretty well with my droid phone. I still use my cheap bike computer for feedback on speed when I’m on the bike but this app is nice since I don’t have to write down my number after a ride. You can also log in online and check your stats out. It gives a lot of info on the graphs, map of your route and split times – it’s pretty cool.

Oh and best of all it’s FREE!


I think this is the app that some of the roadies I ride with sometimes use.  They all think it works great, especially when they are comparing it to the Garmins some of the rest of us use.  Like you said, the price is right!
2011-04-18 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3453279

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
KeriKadi - 2011-04-18 5:37 PM

Name: Keri

What makes me a good mentee: I check in often, keep my logs up to date, check on my fellow MGers and leave inspires. Richard and I were in the same MG last go round Smile

Hey Keri!!!!

Long time, no see!!  

Good to be in a group with you again...


2011-04-18 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

OK, my $0.02 worth about running...

Ken, nice summary & I agree with your post.

Some of my observations/practises/beliefs/whatever:

1.  Running is important.  Most tris are won & lost on the run.  See Kona.  It is the last event & you are tired.  

2.  There is no "free ride" in the run.  There is no coasting or gliding.  You have to exert to keep moving forward.  Even downhill requires exertion.

3.  I agree, to run better, you need to run.  There is no substitute...

4. I run mostly "regular" runs.  Just run.

5.  The long run, is next of importance for me.  I think 1 long run per week is important.  We are endurance athletes.  The distance will be determined by your goal event.  These long runs are slow & meant to build endurance, not for speed.  10:1s are very helpful here, if you are in new distances, for you.  Because I tend to run up to half mary distance, and hence, I try & keep my LSD (long slow distance) above 8 miles, when I am healthy.  I peak at about 14 miles, but have gone to 20.  My knees would not tolerate a marathon.  Personally, I like to go above the goal distance, althouh I realize that many plans, including Hal Higdons, often stop just below.

6.  Hills.  The are strength workouts.  If you live in a hilly area or your goal race is hilly they are essential.  If you do not train for them, they will kick your a$$!

7. Speed work.  The most likely time you will get injured.  I like them sometimes, but I don't consider them essential to an "old man", like me.  If I had to skip any workout, it would be this.

8. Running frequency.  Many feel that to get better at running, you should run everyday.  This is probably correct.  My body does not allow this.  My knees, & ankles will not allow it.  I have many othopedic injuries to prove it!  I do better running every 2nd day, but trying to do a quality workout.  The other days, I bike.  The crosstraining keeps my CV fitness & also gives mental variation.  It works for, but may not for others.

9.  I like running.  LSD's are better with people.  They are long & conversation is nice it passes time.  Weekday runs, I like alone.  It is "me" time.  I put my iPod on & think about my day.  Good thinking time.  I like this as solitary!  Running is pure.  Running is good.

10.  I am tech-geek.  I love my Garmin. Most times, I do not worry about my pace, during the run.  I do download my workout & like to analyze my workout to compare my pace with my percieved level of exertion.

These are just some random thoughts & anyone could disagree , but I'll throw them out there!!!


2011-04-18 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3453008

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
robingray_260 - 2011-04-18 4:01 PM

I do have a question though. I am a little lost on what I should do after my race. I will have sprint tris in June & July and then my first oly in Aug. How much should I be running for these shorter distances? I would like to better my 5k times and I know that everyone says run more, but how much is that? I would also like to start adding some interval/speed work as well. Any thoughts from the group?

Here are my thoughts...I am no expert, so take it as one person's perspective.

You are about to do a half Mary & have done a lot of miles.  Don't waste it!!!!

For weekly runs, I would run at least 5k.  At your pace this would take 35-40 minutes.  Not too bad. When you are finishing your 2nd sprint, I would add a little more in preparation for the Oly.

I would not let your long run drop below 10k. Again when your sprints are done, I would increase it a little to above goal distances.  These runs are manageable in a reasonable amount of time.  

For speed work, I would do maximum of once per week & maybe every 2nd week.  Would keep these workouts very intense & short.  Often the next day will be recovery or rest as they are intense, if done correctly.  I would build these over time.  For example, the 1st just 1 or 2 miles. These workouts are very uncomfortable from "lung" point of view.  These are very optional!!

Just some thouhts, based on experience & not being a coach, etc.

Take it "with a grain of salt"...

Hope this helps...


2011-04-18 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Welcome Keri...sounds like you have your hands full!

2011-04-18 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3453637

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
GoGoGo - 2011-04-18 7:02 PM
robingray_260 - 2011-04-18 4:01 PM

I do have a question though. I am a little lost on what I should do after my race. I will have sprint tris in June & July and then my first oly in Aug. How much should I be running for these shorter distances? I would like to better my 5k times and I know that everyone says run more, but how much is that? I would also like to start adding some interval/speed work as well. Any thoughts from the group?

Here are my thoughts...I am no expert, so take it as one person's perspective.

You are about to do a half Mary & have done a lot of miles.  Don't waste it!!!!

For weekly runs, I would run at least 5k.  At your pace this would take 35-40 minutes.  Not too bad. When you are finishing your 2nd sprint, I would add a little more in preparation for the Oly.

I would not let your long run drop below 10k. Again when your sprints are done, I would increase it a little to above goal distances.  These runs are manageable in a reasonable amount of time.  

For speed work, I would do maximum of once per week & maybe every 2nd week.  Would keep these workouts very intense & short.  Often the next day will be recovery or rest as they are intense, if done correctly.  I would build these over time.  For example, the 1st just 1 or 2 miles. These workouts are very uncomfortable from "lung" point of view.  These are very optional!!

Just some thouhts, based on experience & not being a coach, etc.

Take it "with a grain of salt"...

Hope this helps...


Thanks for your advice Richard!!! They are very much inline with what I have been thinking.  I definately don't want to lose all of my run fitness at the same time I need to get more bike time in. My favorite run is actually the long run - who knew? (I sure wouldn't of thought it!) Now if the weather would just get nice so I can get outside!

Welcome Keri!!!

2011-04-18 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3453279

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
KeriKadi - 2011-04-18 5:37 PM

Current Training: Had an Oly 2 weeks ago that did not go well, my first DNF. I was trained and very excited but ended up getting sick a couple of days before. Had the bright idea to tough it out which wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. Ended up getting pulled off the course around mile 4.5 on the run. I am back to training but not the extent of my plan right now as I don't feel 100% just yet. I signed up for a sprint race in May to help me get over my disastrous Oly. 

AAAhhh, jeez, sorry to hear this Keri.

As you have remarked, time to pick up the pieces & go again!

A bump in the road, nothing more...

2011-04-18 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Julie - which century are you riding in June?  My DH is doing the elephant rock in Castle Rock at the beginning of June. Was just curious if it was the same one.

2011-04-18 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Welcome Keri!  No kidding, you have your hands full.  The fact that you were able to get through rebuilding after the hurricane is testament alone to your strength of will.

I have a few questions to throw out there:

  1. how do you send inspires?  Is that the same as sending a personal message
  2. Do you think it's reasonable to assume that as long as you challenge yourself during your biking that you will improve.  For instance, I went on a ride this evening, mapped the route and then discovered that it was barely 6 miles with a climb of 377 feet.The route that I need to do by August is 17.3 miles with a climb of 1003 feet.  That seems like a lot of distance to cover by then.  I guess what I'm looking for is advice on how best to improve my strength and distance towards that goal.

Thanks in advance

2011-04-18 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3453008

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
robingray_260 - 2011-04-18 3:01 PM

Ken - your advice on running is one of the best summaries I have read. I have followed this same advice preparing for my Half Mary in 2 weeks. 6 months ago, I was running about 8-10 miles a week. Slowly increased my runs to 4x a week and then started to add distance to one or two of the runs per week and never more than 10% of weekly volume. Last week was my longest week at 25miles. I will get in 3 runs over 10 miles before my race. Some may say that I added on to slowly, but I have not gotten injured and that is what is important to me.

I do have a question though. I am a little lost on what I should do after my race. I will have sprint tris in June & July and then my first oly in Aug. How much should I be running for these shorter distances? I would like to better my 5k times and I know that everyone says run more, but how much is that? I would also like to start adding some interval/speed work as well. Any thoughts from the group?

Just to add a bit to what Richard said, if you look at elite runners the weekly volume doesn't change a whole lot from a 5000 meter runner to a marathon runner.  The biggest difference is the structure of the workouts.  In other words, I wouldn't change a whole lot assuming you can increase your bike and swim volume to an appropriate level while maintaining your run volume.  As far as the structure of the workouts, I would include some hills to continue to build strength, plus some striders.  But otherwise just continue building your base.  I have ran 3 stand alone marathons, and during all 3 of them I have set 5K PR's on only mostly slow high volume running.

One important part of run training for triathletes I forgot to mention in my earlier post.  Regardless of your run fitness, if you haven't properly prepared the bike and swim, your run will still be a major struggle.  But since we have a lot of time, we can save the bike discussion for when we are done with the run discussion.

2011-04-18 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3453800

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Viyoung - 2011-04-18 9:44 PM

Welcome Keri!  No kidding, you have your hands full.  The fact that you were able to get through rebuilding after the hurricane is testament alone to your strength of will.

I have a few questions to throw out there:

  1. how do you send inspires?  Is that the same as sending a personal message
  2. Do you think it's reasonable to assume that as long as you challenge yourself during your biking that you will improve.  For instance, I went on a ride this evening, mapped the route and then discovered that it was barely 6 miles with a climb of 377 feet.The route that I need to do by August is 17.3 miles with a climb of 1003 feet.  That seems like a lot of distance to cover by then.  I guess what I'm looking for is advice on how best to improve my strength and distance towards that goal.

Thanks in advance

On every ones page you will see the inspire link in the top right hand page for that day.  Click on that and you can type in an note.  If you get an inspire you want to respond to, just hit the reply button on the inspire that has been left for you!  It is different from a PM as that is more like an email that only you and the person you send it to can see.  An inspire can be given to anyone and seen by anyone unless your logs are private.

Be patient and consistent Vivian, August is still a ways a way and if you stick to your plan you will do fine in August!  Way too early to worry about it!
2011-04-18 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

NAME: shake-n-bake/Tim

STORY:  I'm 39 years and I got this wild hair that I wanted to do triathlons..After starting my training last year I ended up having knee surgery in February as soon as the doctor released me I was back in the pool and on a stationary bike..I have no background of swimming,cycling or running but I just continue to push myself and followed the beginner Olympic plan.. After being release to run in May I competed my first Olympic Tri in June..I ended up doing seven events in 2010 with setting PR with each event that I did.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids..


CURRENT TRAINING: Started in Jan. with the beginner HIM plan, but I suffered a grade 2 AC Joint seperation so I had to change my race plans for 2011.Wanted to do my first HIM in May of this year,but due to swim training I changed that to an Olympic and going to due a HIM in September.

2010 RACES:
5 Olympics and 2 Sprints check out my race logs if interested..

2011 RACES:  On schedule right now Peachtree International Tri(May), West Point Olympic(June), Chattanooga Waterfront(July),Augusta 70.3(September) with several local 5k and 10k races.. Might look at doing a half marathon doing the summer also..

I have the hardest time shedding weight, so if anyone has advice it will be greatly appreciated..Currently 185 would like to drop 20 pounds if possible to be lighter for my races.. Just haven't found what works for my body..

I only have one year experience but I will be glad to give any advice that I can..Happy training to all and look forward to being a men-tee..

2011-04-18 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3453880

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
shake-n-bake - 2011-04-18 10:38 PM

NAME: shake-n-bake/Tim

STORY:  I'm 39 years and I got this wild hair that I wanted to do triathlons..After starting my training last year I ended up having knee surgery in February as soon as the doctor released me I was back in the pool and on a stationary bike..I have no background of swimming,cycling or running but I just continue to push myself and followed the beginner Olympic plan.. After being release to run in May I competed my first Olympic Tri in June..I ended up doing seven events in 2010 with setting PR with each event that I did.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids..


CURRENT TRAINING: Started in Jan. with the beginner HIM plan, but I suffered a grade 2 AC Joint seperation so I had to change my race plans for 2011.Wanted to do my first HIM in May of this year,but due to swim training I changed that to an Olympic and going to due a HIM in September.

2010 RACES:
5 Olympics and 2 Sprints check out my race logs if interested..

2011 RACES:  On schedule right now Peachtree International Tri(May), West Point Olympic(June), Chattanooga Waterfront(July),Augusta 70.3(September) with several local 5k and 10k races.. Might look at doing a half marathon doing the summer also..

I have the hardest time shedding weight, so if anyone has advice it will be greatly appreciated..Currently 185 would like to drop 20 pounds if possible to be lighter for my races.. Just haven't found what works for my body..

I only have one year experience but I will be glad to give any advice that I can..Happy training to all and look forward to being a men-tee..

Great to have you with us Tim! 
2011-04-18 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3453788

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Robin I'm actually doing the Denver Century (Kathleen is as well) I've never done Elephant rock and would love to do it some time....Maybe next many events.... Will you be coming down with him?
2011-04-19 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Morning gang!  Whats on our plates for today? 

I did an hour on the trainer this morning, although it was a fairly easy pace.  I went to masters last night for the first time in a while and am paying for it a bit this morning.  Mostly due to not being able to fall asleep after swimming!

2011-04-19 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3453880

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
shake n bake, what kind of knee surgery did you have and how did you ease your way back into running?  Did it hurt when you started?
2011-04-19 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3454122

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

kenj - 2011-04-19 6:46 AM Morning gang!  Whats on our plates for today? 

I did an hour on the trainer this morning, although it was a fairly easy pace.  I went to masters last night for the first time in a while and am paying for it a bit this morning.  Mostly due to not being able to fall asleep after swimming!

planning a swim after work today - going to try 1250 yards

2011-04-19 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3454157

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Viyoung - 2011-04-19 8:15 AM

kenj - 2011-04-19 6:46 AM Morning gang!  Whats on our plates for today? 

I did an hour on the trainer this morning, although it was a fairly easy pace.  I went to masters last night for the first time in a while and am paying for it a bit this morning.  Mostly due to not being able to fall asleep after swimming!

planning a swim after work today - going to try 1250 yards

Have a great swim!
2011-04-19 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3454122

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

kenj - 2011-04-19 7:46 AM Morning gang!  Whats on our plates for today? 

I did an hour on the trainer this morning, although it was a fairly easy pace.  I went to masters last night for the first time in a while and am paying for it a bit this morning.  Mostly due to not being able to fall asleep after swimming!

I know this isn't the BT.COM typical answer to this question but I think it's just going to be a rest day for me. My legs are pretty sore from the weekend and yestrdays run so I'm thinking of using today as a rest day.

Ken I've been thinking about your post on running and I think I'm going to add in another run (or two Cool) and see how it goes maybe just start it at a couple miles right now. I think I'm still going to increase mileage on my longer runs but I'm trying to do it slowly.

Also Ken when you get a chance I'd like to hear about your thoughts on stretching. I stretch before every workout and usualy do a foam roller session at night (boy that gets looks from my wife). I have a little routine I follow for steching but it only takes me about 10 minutes to do. I think it effective but I'm not sure if I'm doing enough.

I follow this routine:


2011-04-19 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3453887

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

julta - 2011-04-18 8:42 PM Robin I'm actually doing the Denver Century (Kathleen is as well) I've never done Elephant rock and would love to do it some time....Maybe next many events.... Will you be coming down with him?

I have done the Elephant Rock a couple of times. It it a fun event. Robin, your husband will enjoy it. Just tell him that it gets really crowded at times. Which distance is he doing?

2011-04-19 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

I am just catching up on all the posts. Great conversation. Sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days. We are in the process of house hunting and put an offer in the other day. They rejected it (which is fine) but all of this takes time and boy is it stressful!  I have missed way to many workouts these past couple of weeks and am determined to do everyone this week. Today is a swim and run. Sometimes the logistics is harder then actually doing it. Having my bike downstairs (and it being my best event) makes that part easiest. Dragging myself to the pool is a constant battle.

Have a great day all!

2011-04-19 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Hour on the trainer done this morning...may try to get in one of those "extra" runs this evening.

Have a great day all!
2011-04-19 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Masters this morning working on stroke efficiency.  Getting 17 to 20/strokes per 25 consistency.  Loving that.

Functional Threshold testing tonight. Computrainer.  1 X 15 warmup, 1 X 20 all out on a simulated time trial course which counts as the FTP for the next 2 months.  Then 1 X 5 rest and 1 X 20 TT repeat use up whatever is left, I guess. Hard workout.  Trick is to start hard yet pace to the end.   I'm at 295 watts now.  Hoping to hit 300 tonight.  I was at 300 at my leak for the HIM last fall.  Getting back this early would be big. Have a great day.

2011-04-19 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3454234

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
acv - 2011-04-19 8:53 AM

kenj - 2011-04-19 7:46 AM Morning gang!  Whats on our plates for today? 

I did an hour on the trainer this morning, although it was a fairly easy pace.  I went to masters last night for the first time in a while and am paying for it a bit this morning.  Mostly due to not being able to fall asleep after swimming!

I know this isn't the BT.COM typical answer to this question but I think it's just going to be a rest day for me. My legs are pretty sore from the weekend and yestrdays run so I'm thinking of using today as a rest day.

Ken I've been thinking about your post on running and I think I'm going to add in another run (or two Cool) and see how it goes maybe just start it at a couple miles right now. I think I'm still going to increase mileage on my longer runs but I'm trying to do it slowly.

Also Ken when you get a chance I'd like to hear about your thoughts on stretching. I stretch before every workout and usualy do a foam roller session at night (boy that gets looks from my wife). I have a little routine I follow for steching but it only takes me about 10 minutes to do. I think it effective but I'm not sure if I'm doing enough.

I follow this routine:


That is a pretty good routine, and stretching is something that should be done on a regular basis.  Sadly I am not as good about it as I should be.  When I do get in the habit (which this post will push me along), I do a lot of what is on that link.  My hamstrings and calves are an area that require additional work from time to time. 

I also like to include massage therapy as well.  I was doing pretty good at getting regular massages after the IM last fall, but my travel schedule the first part of the year ended that.  But I am back on the schedule now that I am back home for a while.  I am talking about the deep tissue sports massage.  The kind that when she finds a tight spot will bring tears to my eyes.  But it is good. 
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