BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us! Rss Feed  
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2012-02-06 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4030662

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
SWF - 2012-02-05 5:05 PM

I have a couple of swimming question, maybe more that a couple.

My sprint-tri has a 550 meter swim....

Right now I'm concentrating on being able to swim 550 without drowning, normally it's 250 meters freestyle and then a mix of breaststroke and free for the remainder of the 550... I continue this pattern for another 500-600 meters. I am pushing myself every session to increase the initial freestyle portion.

I see the local swim teams practicing with fins, would or do fins help with endurance?

Same goes with kick boards?

My wife is an ex-High School swimmer and she has suggested breathing every other stroke instead of every stroke....any validity to this for a first time sprint-tri?









It takes time to learn to swim, 1st year beathing one side every other stroke. Last year I was all over the place, now this year things are clicking w/ every 3rd stroke.  Don't rush it and as soon as you can get in the open water DO IT which will change everything again!  If you are crunched for time don't worry about the fins or board, if you have time to play then go for it.  Sounds like you'll crush the 550 if you keep up at this pace - enjoy the ride baby

2012-02-06 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4031788

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-02-06 12:19 PM

SWF-I used to be a long distance swimmer in high school and try and swim every summer to keep my momentum going.  I am a single side breather and breathe every 4 strokes.  I'm right hand dominant and when I have tried breathing on both sides, I feel out of sorts; almost like my body has no control and it throws my rhythm off a lot.  I swim in clusters of 10, so it's easier for me to keep track of how many laps I have done but usually by the end of summer, I swim until I need to take a break and I can usually go about 20-30 laps at a time, by then.  I have found that swimming helps me sleep a lot better, too!!  I don't smoke or drink, at all, so swimming and hitting the gym just increases my lung capacity.  If I could swim year round, I would!!

This weekend was a play weekend and I ate a little more freely than I normally do.  But I didn't overdo it, at least, I think it could have been a lot worse.  I did make it into the gym both Sat and Sun, though and taking today off.  More running in store this week, too.  I had shin splints yesterday-anyone have any suggestions for those?? 

Have a great Monday, everyone!!

  Icy hot works great for me!
2012-02-06 1:47 PM
in reply to: #4031028

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
jaclynembry - 2012-02-06 1:15 AM

In preparing for this season, what is the largest gain that you have made so far?

What area other area would you like to see similar results before your first race this season?

For me it is the swim, it used to be such a struggle - now I look forward to the swim thinking ok lots knock this out and get the day going.   I hope this attitude goes to my biking as well, sure I ride 6 days a week for 60 min at a time on my MTB, but my training is alittle different than most, so I'm nervoous about the mileage and longer times on my rode bike....which I'm not riding....we shall see.  If the weather holds out in the 30's and 40's I'm trying to talk myself into starting up the commute again on the rode bike, but still not sure or confident.
2012-02-06 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4031028

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
jaclynembry - 2012-02-05 7:15 PM

In preparing for this season, what is the largest gain that you have made so far?

What area other area would you like to see similar results before your first race this season?

good monday monday morning everyone!,

I am amazed at how strong my legs are getting and how far I am able to run after only 4 weeks on my BT plan! I'm sooooo stoked! I have not been able to run at all for decades.....and last week I did 2.1 miles without stopping. Running has been my biggest gain so far because it was my biggest challenge. I'm improving in biking and swimming as well but I'm most happy about the run!

2012-02-06 5:45 PM
in reply to: #4031866

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

jaclynembry - 2012-02-06 9:44 AM Sounds like it's time for you to move to So Cal. We swim in a heated outdoor pool 52 weeks a year!

Don't tempt me!!  I love Washington State but to swim year round...maybe I need to shack up with Mickey Mouse!!  Smile

2012-02-06 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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New user
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Thanks seoulgirl39 & Paper Boy for the responses. Swimming is getting easier and easier, in January it was a struggle to make it 25 meters so I'm making progress...I think.

When I came in from the pool last night my wife my wife said I was transforming from a powerlifter to a triathlete...I'm not sure if that was a good comment or a bad one.

2012-02-06 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4031028

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

My biggest gains are hopefully to come in swimming.  I have improved slightly.  I have a couple of sprint tris coming up, just wanna do well.  The results i want are positive ones in the half ironman on March 31st. Smile

Also congrats to everyone who is doing well and improving.  That is impressive in itself to me.  SWF, i was like you in swimming.  It will come.  For me, it was real slow but i am inching my way to being a better swimmer.

Edited by bad91 2012-02-06 8:07 PM
2012-02-07 7:08 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Good morning everyone.  Great morning when I get done w/ papers before 6am.  Yup off to the gym for swimming.  52 laps today w/ a ave lap of 35 sec.  When i started a month ago I was at 42 sec so there is improvement.  Today was a struggle but I'm so glad i went, I always feel really well at work after i swim in the morning.

Long run (for me) 6 miles to fencing class last night, I evan have 30 min of day light now before sun go downs, very nice.

Hope you all have a super Tuesday.


2012-02-07 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I had a very difficult time at the gym this morning.  The shin splints were too much to bear and I had to slow down my walking and I didn't meet my goal for running, which kind of ticked me off.  I don't feel like I have set unattainable goals for myself but when I can't reach a simple of goal of running for 6 mins, that frustrates me.  I couldn't even walk at the pace I have been walking these past couple of weeks.  I felt a little better near the end of my workout and was able to run almost 2 mins straight (for a non runner, that was the highlight of my workout!!), but felt a little defeated when I was done.

My running shoes give me great support and they are ultra comfortable and even though I didn't have them professionally fit, I feel as though I did my due diligence in researching shoes and I believe I have the right pair for me.  I'm wondering if perhaps my weight and my form are causing the shin splints.  I'm not obese but I'm not within my weight designation, either.  I could stand to lose 25-30 pounds.  I'm developing a lot of muscle, but I am still carrying some extra here and there.  I also stretch for 5-6 minutes before exercising, too.  Any insights to prevention??

Thanks in advance!!


2012-02-07 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Glad to see everybody is doing well with their training.  I've been going pretty well for the past few weeks and am cutting back on the intensity just a bit this week to let my body catch up and recover.  That's one of the toughest things for me - slowing down.  I spent my first year training hard mostly all of the time.  Last year, I realized the importance of recovery as I trained up for Ironman Coeur d'Alene.  So this week isn't necessarily easy, but definitely less intense.  Make sure you're doing the same - you can't go fast if your body isn't recovering properly!

Have a great Tuesday!

2012-02-07 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4033715

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-02-07 8:46 AM

I had a very difficult time at the gym this morning.  The shin splints were too much to bear and I had to slow down my walking and I didn't meet my goal for running, which kind of ticked me off.  I don't feel like I have set unattainable goals for myself but when I can't reach a simple of goal of running for 6 mins, that frustrates me.  I couldn't even walk at the pace I have been walking these past couple of weeks.  I felt a little better near the end of my workout and was able to run almost 2 mins straight (for a non runner, that was the highlight of my workout!!), but felt a little defeated when I was done.

My running shoes give me great support and they are ultra comfortable and even though I didn't have them professionally fit, I feel as though I did my due diligence in researching shoes and I believe I have the right pair for me.  I'm wondering if perhaps my weight and my form are causing the shin splints.  I'm not obese but I'm not within my weight designation, either.  I could stand to lose 25-30 pounds.  I'm developing a lot of muscle, but I am still carrying some extra here and there.  I also stretch for 5-6 minutes before exercising, too.  Any insights to prevention??

Thanks in advance!!



Getting fit for a pair of shoes is never a bad idea, you may also want to consider compression socks. They are a little pricey, but feel great and are supposed to help with shin splints too. 

2012-02-07 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4032797

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

We just added some new items, and have a bunch more coming in. 


Go to 


If there is anything that you need before the season, and don't want to pay anywhere near retail let me know!

2012-02-07 7:12 PM
in reply to: #4033789

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New user
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
dws.ridesere - 2012-02-07 11:18 AM

Glad to see everybody is doing well with their training.  I've been going pretty well for the past few weeks and am cutting back on the intensity just a bit this week to let my body catch up and recover.  That's one of the toughest things for me - slowing down.  I spent my first year training hard mostly all of the time.  Last year, I realized the importance of recovery as I trained up for Ironman Coeur d'Alene.  So this week isn't necessarily easy, but definitely less intense.  Make sure you're doing the same - you can't go fast if your body isn't recovering properly!

Have a great Tuesday!

With weight training I learned the importance of a "Deload Week" years ago, and to this day it's still hard to do. Even now with swimming or biking I want to swim/bike further and longer each session. It's hard to ease up.......

2012-02-07 7:40 PM
in reply to: #4033715

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Hattiesburg, MS
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!


My wife went through the same problem with shin splints. She swapped shoes often and always had problems untill she went to Newton shoes. They are supposed to make you run more on your toes more and not heel strike. I know she has swapped from them and always goes back to them. I am to cheep to spend that much money on a pair of shoes but she has no problem. You can try You have 90 days to send the shoes back if you don't like them. I am like Jac. You might want to try a compression sock or sleeve. I currently use the sleeves and wouldn't go on a long run without them.

Edited by jmdraughn 2012-02-07 7:45 PM
2012-02-08 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Hattiesburg, MS
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
I want to ask the group your thoughts about an organized spin class vs a ride on the boring bike trainer. I want to get the best results from my workouts. I am curious to see everyone's thoughts. I am not sure which benefits me more. I feel like I work harder in spin but I am not logging time on MY bike or does that even matter.
2012-02-08 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Morning everyone, nothing new in Michigan, the weather last night was well below freezing, for the 1st time in a while i came home w/ ice in my beard.

Love ice in the beard - makes me feel like a explorer....

Long ride tonight on the trainer.


2012-02-08 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4035328

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

jmdraughn - 2012-02-08 7:49 AM I want to ask the group your thoughts about an organized spin class vs a ride on the boring bike trainer. I want to get the best results from my workouts. I am curious to see everyone's thoughts. I am not sure which benefits me more. I feel like I work harder in spin but I am not logging time on MY bike or does that even matter.

I don't think it matters, a good workout is just that - GOOD  it's a long training season, anything to break up the routine but keep kickin it is the way togo for me at least.

2012-02-08 7:22 AM
in reply to: #4033715

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-02-07 11:46 AM

I had a very difficult time at the gym this morning.  The shin splints were too much to bear and I had to slow down my walking and I didn't meet my goal for running, which kind of ticked me off.  I don't feel like I have set unattainable goals for myself but when I can't reach a simple of goal of running for 6 mins, that frustrates me.  I couldn't even walk at the pace I have been walking these past couple of weeks.  I felt a little better near the end of my workout and was able to run almost 2 mins straight (for a non runner, that was the highlight of my workout!!), but felt a little defeated when I was done.

My running shoes give me great support and they are ultra comfortable and even though I didn't have them professionally fit, I feel as though I did my due diligence in researching shoes and I believe I have the right pair for me.  I'm wondering if perhaps my weight and my form are causing the shin splints.  I'm not obese but I'm not within my weight designation, either.  I could stand to lose 25-30 pounds.  I'm developing a lot of muscle, but I am still carrying some extra here and there.  I also stretch for 5-6 minutes before exercising, too.  Any insights to prevention??

Thanks in advance!!


Maybe try mixing up the treadmill for ellipical or something w/ no bounding on your feet, still a great workout for heart, lungs, endurance.  I also think the more you keep going, these shin splints are going to work themselves out.  Give it time, don't hurry, enjoy the ride!

Good luck  & don't worry your going to make it!

2012-02-08 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4034899

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
jmdraughn - 2012-02-07 5:40 PM


My wife went through the same problem with shin splints. She swapped shoes often and always had problems untill she went to Newton shoes. They are supposed to make you run more on your toes more and not heel strike. I know she has swapped from them and always goes back to them. I am to cheep to spend that much money on a pair of shoes but she has no problem. You can try You have 90 days to send the shoes back if you don't like them. I am like Jac. You might want to try a compression sock or sleeve. I currently use the sleeves and wouldn't go on a long run without them.

Newton shoes; I will definitely take a look at them.  I feel the same way, in reference to spending a lot of money on inanimate objects, but I also know the importance of having quality equipment.  I'm not a shoe hog or a clothes horse.  I think I own 6 pairs of shoes, now and my husband's side of the closet is bigger than mine, if that tells you anything.  I paid $77 for the pair of shoes I'm currently wearing and they do feel very good.  I had to wear my old pair to go to the dump this weekend and I couldn't believe the difference!!  What I 'thought' was a good pair of shoes really do suck and my new shoes are soooo much better.  But I will definitely look into the Newton shoes and the compression socks/sleeves both you and Jac are suggesting.

Thank you!

2012-02-08 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4035328

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

jmdraughn - 2012-02-08 4:49 AM I want to ask the group your thoughts about an organized spin class vs a ride on the boring bike trainer. I want to get the best results from my workouts. I am curious to see everyone's thoughts. I am not sure which benefits me more. I feel like I work harder in spin but I am not logging time on MY bike or does that even matter.

I was wondering the same thing this morning, after riding for 50 mins on the stationary bike.  I am not familiar with spin bikes at all, can you tell me what the difference is?  Is one more like being out on the road/track/trail than the other?


2012-02-08 1:22 PM
in reply to: #4035328

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

jmdraughn - 2012-02-08 6:49 AM I want to ask the group your thoughts about an organized spin class vs a ride on the boring bike trainer. I want to get the best results from my workouts. I am curious to see everyone's thoughts. I am not sure which benefits me more. I feel like I work harder in spin but I am not logging time on MY bike or does that even matter.

I do almost all my winter training on a spin bike.  I own a trainer, but only use it at work if I "need" to get a workout in.  So far this year I have 31+ hours of "sadle time" almost all at spin class.  I find that the different instructors work on different area to help mix it up.  I am fortunate enough that my YMCA offers many back-to-back classes.  This way I get 1:30+ of riding in at at time.  I'll start riding more outdoor as the Wisconsin Spring arrives, but I still do some spin classes in the summer due to conveinence and weather.

2012-02-08 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I know it's late...but if I have to wait until April's "open" signup season, I'll be about a month out from my race date and I feel I need the help now! Is it too late to join?

I did my first tri last spring. I'm a group fitness instructor and teach 3 weightlifting classes, 2 core classes and 3 RPM/spin classes a week. My trickiness is getting in all the other training around these commitments. I'm hanging in there, but it makes a for a different type of training. Most of my bike training is through these classes cuz the roads here are awful and the winds helacious (west TX). Anyway, can tell you more about myself later, just wondering if there's room for one more?

2012-02-08 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4035766

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-02-08 10:25 AM

I was wondering the same thing this morning, after riding for 50 mins on the stationary bike.  I am not familiar with spin bikes at all, can you tell me what the difference is?  Is one more like being out on the road/track/trail than the other?


A spin bike at a gym should feel more like a road bike.  From my experience, most instructors teach as if they are riding a road bike.  Some even show videos from different Tours to help motivate/distract you.  I have never had an instructor decribe any part of a workout in mountain bike terms.  There is no "We are crossing a creek now" or "Watch out on your rock garden".  Everyone sets up their spin bike to their comfort.  Some have the bars real high and they resemble a cruiser where others, like myself, set the bike up to resemble a road/TT bike.

2012-02-08 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Monsterman is right....although I use plenty of road terms. I don't try to get my riders to "cross creeks", but I definitely try to get them to pass the guy in front of them, stay with the peloton, push to the top of the mountain - "you're almost there". "See that flat road ahead, we're going to take it as fast as we can", etc. Instead of pushing a button to electronically increase resistance like most stationary bikes these days, we manually turn a knob. And then we get out of the seat and climb, slide hips back in the saddle to race, etc. So the idea is to create a road ride experience. My classes are all about high intensity interval pushing the heart and legs to max performance and then pulling back for a little recovery before we go at it again. You can youtube Les Mills RPM and see some samples...I love it and that's what got me out on the real road - wanted some authenticity - see riding more like fun than a chore (but I still want nice weather and good roads). Hope that helps!

Oops...I realize this question wasn't targeted to me....but I guess just wanted to add that I think a spin class will work your muscles harder with the different resistances and varied positions vs riding a trainer. Obviously it's very important to get out on the real road because there's balance issues and core work that comes into play as you navigate road terrain, but I find classes to be a fabulous way of staying conditioned. Sorry for the barge

Edited by julieusaf 2012-02-08 2:23 PM
2012-02-08 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
julieusaf - You're in! Glad that you can join us!
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