BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-05 4:43 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I will try but I doubt I will make the 20/31 this month. In light of my ITB issues I am taking an entire week off of the bike and run. I will go back to my plan on the 12th with a short ride then try to run on the 13th. I am taking Davids advise and giving the body a rest week even if my mind doesn't want the break my body needs it. I am still swimming with my team Monday and Wednesday but everything else is on hold. If the run still hurts on the 13th I'll come up with another plan at that time.

2014-01-05 5:26 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Burd

I will try but I doubt I will make the 20/31 this month. In light of my ITB issues I am taking an entire week off of the bike and run. I will go back to my plan on the 12th with a short ride then try to run on the 13th. I am taking Davids advise and giving the body a rest week even if my mind doesn't want the break my body needs it. I am still swimming with my team Monday and Wednesday but everything else is on hold. If the run still hurts on the 13th I'll come up with another plan at that time.

Better you deciding than your body forcing the rest.
2014-01-05 5:46 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by SportzVision

Not sure how to approach my goals this week. Just a short time ago I had everything laid out from where and when I was going to swim and setting up the bike on the trainer and winter running gear received from my girls for Christmas. But now I am at a loss on training. I want to make sure I approach this correctly and not relapse with pnuemonia nor do I want to miss oportunity to start building again. Today I finally feel human and think I will be able to manage a short walk. From there I have nothing so I am open to suggestions.

Since I rarely take a sick day I have a gazillion to use and I think I will take one more day off to get one more recovery day. And, to attain on of my wants I have not been responding to my work emails...yeah me!

Cyn - your primary goal should be to get better. So set some goals that will help to restore your body. Maybe it's to eat well or get a certain number of hours of rest this week. You might think about going for a walk or doing some yoga or getting in a short swim later in the week. Do what you need to do for yourself so you can really hit the ground running next week.

Ok my daughter just made me the best soup ever....meeting goal today by eating and eating well! Full of veggies! Drinking tons of water; specifically 96 oz minimum. Took a half mile walk w/ grandson which wore me out but was beautiful. Ok ok I got this sick thing.
2014-01-05 8:31 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Any room at the inn? If so, I'd love to join the group (and I have to admit that I've been trolling the group for the last two mentor cycles)!


Name: Gretchen

2013 Training: sporadic at best in the spring, with a summer break to focus on boxing and then a solid fall until December when my father went into the hospital for several weeks

2013 Races: 5K in November(first race of my life), but only planned tri was cancelled in October due to government shutdown (a real bummer)

2014 Training: begins tomorrow with 12 week beginner sprint program from BT

2014 Races: planning on sprint tri in late April, August, and October.

Family: with partner for 14 years (gettin' officially hitched in June 2014--thanks state of Illinois), two dogs (13 and 5 years)

Drinks: go to is bourbon, but I sure do enjoy a great beer. I really don't like hoppy beer, so I think that puts me in the minority. I will try anything once though!

Weight Loss: yes, please! I originally started tri training to lose weight, and am down 50lbs. I would like to continue that downward trend in 2014.

Someone from my original neck of the woods! I went to high school in Johnston City, and to law school at SIU-C, though I'm living in the northwest suburbs of Chicago now.

If you haven't already, check out Big Muddy Brewery in Murphysboro - their Pumpkinsmasher is phenomenal, the Dunkeldog is one of my favorites (though hop-heads will hate it), and they've got a smoky beer they make in conjunction with 17th Street Bar & Grill.

It's not official yet, but there has been a sprint at John A. Logan College the last few years Herrinfest weekend - it was my first sprint, last year. It starts with a pool swim, so it's very beginner-friendly, and the bike and run course are pretty cool. My wife and I will likely be running it this year.

2014-01-06 9:07 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
4/30. 45 minute trainer ride.
2014-01-06 10:41 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Looks like I missed lots of activity over the weekend! I usually only check the site when I'm at work, may have to start checking on the weekends so I don't fall too far behind.

Added to my January workouts:

Friday: Ran 2 miles then played flag football for another 1.7 miles of activity.

Saturday: Short 8 mile bike ride, had some mechanical issues and had to turn back early.

Sunday: Ran 7 miles.

Current days in January with exercise: 5/31

For beers over the weekend I was able to enjoy one of my hard to find favorites: Pliny the Elder from Russian River. When I first had this about 5 years ago it was an eye opening IPA, crisp flavor with fresh bright hops. It's the flavor profile that I look for in beer, fortunately there are other breweries that make similar beers as Pliny is hard to get outside of northern California.

2014-01-06 10:47 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I love to join the group.

NAME: Eric

STORY: I have competed in several events ranging from half marathons to mud events and mountain bike races. Since I swam in high school I thought the next logical goal would be to complete a triathlon. I thought a sprint would not be challenging enough so I decided to start with an Olympic. That was a little bit of a mistake. I did not have any transition practice was not conditioned nearly enough. This year will be different!!

FAMILY STATUS: I have a wonderful wife who has been with me for 11 years. My daughters are 7 and 4

CURRENT TRAINING: II have a plan that I found for a half iron man that I have been following for the past few weeks. Biking is tough in Michigan but I have trainer set up in my office and can generally get in a few rides a week. The swimming and running are completed at the YMCA

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Grand Rapids Michigan Olympic Triathlon, Hawk Island Sprint

2013 RACES:Tough Mudder, Iron Warrior Dash, Cleveland Rock n Roll Half Marathon

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything but my preferences are Wheat beers and IPA's

WEIGHT LOSS: My "best shape of my life" was when I was in IRAQ and had nothing to do for 8 months but train. I came back at 213 with a sub 10% body fat. I know I'll probably never get back there but its a goal. That's about 15 pounds to loose in just weight, but realistically its 30 lbs to loose and 15 pounds of muscle to gain back.

2014-01-06 11:00 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
With a 30 minute trainer ride this morning, I made it to 1/31 for January! Should have done a swim today, but the university where I swim is closed due to cold and poor road conditions, so I biked instead. Biking is my least favorite discipline, and since I set up my Garmin wrong (tire size imputed at 700mm when it should have been 2105), it only registered 2.01mi for the effort--disheartening (and also hilarious). I also got in Week 1, Day 1 of the pushup challenge and some core work.

What is everyone else up to on this Monday?
2014-01-06 11:04 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Any thoughts on adding a weigh in to the spreadsheet? Then weekly weight loss could be tracked there.....
2014-01-06 11:10 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Gretchen - Welcome to BDAAS! No wonder people hate Congress so much! Wrecking the economy is one thing but to have a part in the cancellation of a triathlon - well thats inexcusable!

I have a lot of respect for bourbon drinkers - what's your favorite? A friend of mine loves good bourbon and we some times get together on weekends and share a bottle with friends around a fire. So nice... What should I bring to the next one?

Congrats on the 50+ of weigh loss. How much more do you want to lose?

Favorite bourbon is Woodford Reserve, especially if you can get your hands on a bottle of the distiller's reserve (only one batch a year, ~190 bottles available). We lived in Lexington, KY for a year--tasted nearly every bourbon made. It was a great year!!

Ultimate weight loss goal would be another 100#, but for right now I'm shooting for about 7-8# a month. I want to be safe and lose the weight as I put it on (i.e. slowly).
2014-01-06 11:27 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I was amazed at how much farther/faster I could swim without feeling like I was gonna die. The drills always feel a little goofy at firts to get yourself back in the groove but I truly think it is the way to go for open water swimming. OWS is so different from the pool it needs a different approach.

A few years back I was lined up at the start of a race with some friends we were chatting and waiting to hit the water. This very nice woman next to us says that this is her first triathlon, and she has never swam in open water, is it much different? We looked at each other and then my friend Jill very kindly said - nope, not much different, you will be just fine. At that point what could you do! I didn't see that lady again during the race, I often wonder how she made out.

My plans for a workout at lunch were foiled by a dead van battery which got me to work too late to duck out at lunch. After changing out the battery with my fantastically patient hubby with a -50C windchill I don't think I will ever be warm again! Bike tonight and gym tomorrow instead.

2014-01-06 12:54 PM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by MSURDYKE

Any thoughts on adding a weigh in to the spreadsheet? Then weekly weight loss could be tracked there.....

That would be great to cheer each other on and a kicker for accountability...
2014-01-06 1:45 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Alright, after a weekend of work and finally some down time, I have completed my profile. So, here goes!

NAME: Jeanne (pronounced like the denim pants)

STORY: Have not done much involving exercise that I have truly stuck with. I have done some 5Ks here and there, a swim, and ended up completing a mini-sprint triathlon in 2012. I really like swimming, and enjoy running shorter distances, and since I ended up liking the triathlon I thought I would give it another try. Dropping some weight would be an additional bonus, but I am really just trying to find some exercise I can stick with and looking to become healthier. I would actually like to join a recreation volleyball team sometime, but that needs to be researched a bit more.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 3.5 years to my husband Geoff

CURRENT TRAINING: Some running here and there, weight lifting twice per week, but haven't been super consistent with this. I tried an intro to yoga series at a studio near my home and loved it, but this has kind of fallen off the radar. I am planning on adding this back into my routine. I am planning on starting the 20 week mini-sprint triathlon BT training plan after this coming weekend to get going.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I plan on repeating the Mary Meyer Cottage Lake mini-sprint triathlon, but apart from that I don't have a plan yet.

2013 RACES: Thinking about it, I can't remember even one (5K) that I did. Boo to me. Well, only one way to go from here, and that is up!

BEER PREFERENCE: It is shorter to list what I don't like, and those are the macro beers (Bud, Coors, etc). Micro brews for me. I will never turn my nose up at an IPA, but I do love sour beers as well, and dark beers in the colder months.

WEIGHT LOSS: Last year, I lost 10 pounds. I have since welcomed those 10 lbs back. I would find losing weight during training to be a welcome bonus, but I am planning on training more for my overall health.

So, there you go. I am looking forward to being part of such an encouraging group!
2014-01-06 2:53 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Burd

I will try but I doubt I will make the 20/31 this month. In light of my ITB issues I am taking an entire week off of the bike and run. I will go back to my plan on the 12th with a short ride then try to run on the 13th. I am taking Davids advise and giving the body a rest week even if my mind doesn't want the break my body needs it. I am still swimming with my team Monday and Wednesday but everything else is on hold. If the run still hurts on the 13th I'll come up with another plan at that time.

Alex - I think this is a good call. Remember - this week in the big scheme of things really doesn't matter much. What matters is being able to put in the time so you can take off 8 minutes from your sprint time so staying injury free is key. However, here are two things to think about. 1) Let your body tell you how much time you need to take off. You might not even need to take a week. I hope you feel better by mid week so you can squeeze in a short/slow bike rides later in the week (hell maybe even a walk run if you feel up to it!). 2) Try to figure out what caused the injury. You had mentioned going to see the doctor and feeling fine - but what do you think lead to the soreness? Getting to the bottom of it will help you avoid injury in the future.

Heal quickly my friend!
2014-01-06 2:56 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by SportzVision

Not sure how to approach my goals this week. Just a short time ago I had everything laid out from where and when I was going to swim and setting up the bike on the trainer and winter running gear received from my girls for Christmas. But now I am at a loss on training. I want to make sure I approach this correctly and not relapse with pnuemonia nor do I want to miss oportunity to start building again. Today I finally feel human and think I will be able to manage a short walk. From there I have nothing so I am open to suggestions.

Since I rarely take a sick day I have a gazillion to use and I think I will take one more day off to get one more recovery day. And, to attain on of my wants I have not been responding to my work emails...yeah me!

Cyn - your primary goal should be to get better. So set some goals that will help to restore your body. Maybe it's to eat well or get a certain number of hours of rest this week. You might think about going for a walk or doing some yoga or getting in a short swim later in the week. Do what you need to do for yourself so you can really hit the ground running next week.

Ok my daughter just made me the best soup ever....meeting goal today by eating and eating well! Full of veggies! Drinking tons of water; specifically 96 oz minimum. Took a half mile walk w/ grandson which wore me out but was beautiful. Ok ok I got this sick thing.

Outstanding work on taking care of you. Keeping up with those grandkids is probably a workout in itself! Way to meet those goals!
2014-01-06 3:05 PM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Well over the weekend I got in one run and one trainer ride. I've been crazy busy at work and haven't had time to log my workouts or my goals yet. I'll try to get my goals in tonight. I still have to get on the drainer for an hour or so tonight to make #4.

I work night shift 9:30-7:30am at a Toyota factory in my town. We make Toyota Camrys, Avalons, And Venzas. Next year we will start making Lexus ES350s too. I work as a maintenance team leader in the power train department where we make engines. I am basically a robot and CNC mill/lathe mechanic.

I am intrigued that we are talking about bourbon in here now! I live in the heart of bourbon country and I actually like it better than beer... That's saying a lot! I actually had my wedding at the Buffallo Trace distillery! I can suggest a lot of good bourbons to try, I just can't vary tee that you'll find them outside of Ky... My favorite everyday bourbon is Elmer T. Lee. It is a single Barrel made at Buffalo Trace and is basically a $40 cheaper version of Blanton's ( one of my favorite special occasion bourbons).

As for beer, this weekend I tried a Kolsh style ale from Kentucky Ales. It was pretty good, but for my next round with dinner I went with the Kentucky IPA. I also picked up a six pack of Newcastle Cabbie Black ale. It's more of a stout with that nutty chocolate taste that goes great after dinner in the winter! I liked it pretty we'll and would buy again if there was nothing new to try!

2014-01-06 3:20 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by MOlsen

Looks like I missed lots of activity over the weekend! I usually only check the site when I'm at work, may have to start checking on the weekends so I don't fall too far behind.

Added to my January workouts:

Friday: Ran 2 miles then played flag football for another 1.7 miles of activity.

Saturday: Short 8 mile bike ride, had some mechanical issues and had to turn back early.

Sunday: Ran 7 miles.

Current days in January with exercise: 5/31

For beers over the weekend I was able to enjoy one of my hard to find favorites: Pliny the Elder from Russian River. When I first had this about 5 years ago it was an eye opening IPA, crisp flavor with fresh bright hops. It's the flavor profile that I look for in beer, fortunately there are other breweries that make similar beers as Pliny is hard to get outside of northern California.

Mark - Pliny the Elder is perhaps the best IPA on the Westcoast. It's just outstanding! Have you ever had Heady Topper, which is the east-coast equivalent? Also, with 5 workouts so far this month, you are currently leading the BDAAS in the February challenge! As of yesterday, Thor had posted 5 workouts as well but he's notorious for slacking off

Keep up the good work!
2014-01-06 3:31 PM
in reply to: ervaller

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ervaller

I love to join the group.

NAME: Eric

STORY: I have competed in several events ranging from half marathons to mud events and mountain bike races. Since I swam in high school I thought the next logical goal would be to complete a triathlon. I thought a sprint would not be challenging enough so I decided to start with an Olympic. That was a little bit of a mistake. I did not have any transition practice was not conditioned nearly enough. This year will be different!!

FAMILY STATUS: I have a wonderful wife who has been with me for 11 years. My daughters are 7 and 4

CURRENT TRAINING: II have a plan that I found for a half iron man that I have been following for the past few weeks. Biking is tough in Michigan but I have trainer set up in my office and can generally get in a few rides a week. The swimming and running are completed at the YMCA

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Grand Rapids Michigan Olympic Triathlon, Hawk Island Sprint

2013 RACES:Tough Mudder, Iron Warrior Dash, Cleveland Rock n Roll Half Marathon

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything but my preferences are Wheat beers and IPA's

WEIGHT LOSS: My "best shape of my life" was when I was in IRAQ and had nothing to do for 8 months but train. I came back at 213 with a sub 10% body fat. I know I'll probably never get back there but its a goal. That's about 15 pounds to loose in just weight, but realistically its 30 lbs to loose and 15 pounds of muscle to gain back.

Eric - Anyone who lives in the same town as Founders Brewery is welcome in the BDAS. We would love to have you! It looks from your list that you've done a lot of cool races. I'm sure that with all the training you are doing - you will crush that OLY this year.

PS - I'm from Cleveland. How with the Cleveland HM?
2014-01-06 3:39 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Afternoon BDAS:

Today I biked hard for an hour with 2 10 minute bursts, swam for 1000 yards, did 40 minutes of PT and stretched for 10. I am one tired but happy puppy. Tomorrow I've got an appointment with my PT and I'm also hoping to get in a short run.

Keep up the great work everyone!

2014-01-06 3:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Qua17

Afternoon BDAS:

Today I biked hard for an hour with 2 10 minute bursts, swam for 1000 yards, did 40 minutes of PT and stretched for 10. I am one tired but happy puppy. Tomorrow I've got an appointment with my PT and I'm also hoping to get in a short run.

Keep up the great work everyone!

Nice one. Solid day. This group is rocking it with the workouts. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's 3 workouts today alone not counting if you get a run in. Trying to catch Thor huh? Well 2.75 because they are only giving .75 credit for the PT, lol.
2014-01-06 3:57 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Loved the Cleveland Venue. It was interesting My wife's friend was signed up to run with her but dropped out the week before so I was just going to spectate and ended up running the race.

Great Lakes Brewery Christmas Ale or as its affectionately referred to around your area Christmas Crack is one of my top 5 favorites.

2014-01-06 4:05 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by Qua17 

 Mark - Pliny the Elder is perhaps the best IPA on the Westcoast. It's just outstanding! Have you ever had Heady Topper, which is the east-coast equivalent? Also, with 5 workouts so far this month, you are currently leading the BDAAS in the February challenge! As of yesterday, Thor had posted 5 workouts as well but he's notorious for slacking off Keep up the good work!

I've not tried Heady Topper, if I find it I'll make sure to try it. 

Went for a swim today and discovered my goggles are due for replacement, a leaky eye made it tough to finish my planned 1000m workout so I stopped at 700m. I'm going to do my best to keep up the consistent workouts, however the soreness on my right foot from the HM came back after my run yesterday. It's on the top of my foot, no swelling that I can find and it's not really sensitive to touch but I feel it when I walk. With my first event of 2014 being a HM at the end of February I may need to cut back on running for a week or so to let this heal instead of making it worse.

2014-01-06 4:53 PM
in reply to: 0

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Plan called for a swim in the am and a run in the evening. The gym was closed because it was -10 this morning and even though I'm from Michigan were not used to that. The PM workout was supposed to be a short run. Did I mention It was -10 this morning. Well its warmed up a little. We are up to -4. Looks like we are back on the cycle trainer tonight.

Edited by ervaller 2014-01-06 5:02 PM
2014-01-06 4:57 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I am more a wine lover than a beer drinker, as I come from Spain, but enjoy both!! So I would love to be join this group, if still possible.

NAME: Juan

STORY: Have doing sports since I remember, from basketball to cycling and last few years running for fun (10k's, some half marathon, just 1 marathon). Last year, at 46, decided to add to my running some biking and swimming to reduce the risk of injuring my knees, and finished my first Sprint triathlon, raising money for Make-a-Wish. Had so much fun that now I am hooked, watching videos almost daily in Youtube about races all over the world, and now planning the 2014 season.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 16 years, with one son 14 y.o and one daughter 12, both enjoying running already and all the funny gadgets around triathlon.

CURRENT TRAINING: one hour sesion daily, or at least 5 days per week, with 2 swims, 2 runs and 1/2 bike sessions..

2014 RACES: Planning 2-3 Olys in May, June and July, and if not suffering too much, may be a Half on September.

BEER PREFERENCE: Living in a wine producing country, where beer is just to calm thirsty drinkers that avoid water, I am here to learn. Most beer I drink is classical, pilsner style, but after reading these pages in the last few days I know I will get HUGE motivation for training and beer drinking.

WEIGHT LOSS: Not too worried, just keep my size

GOALS 2014:
(1) Enjoy Oly distance to stop dreaming about HM in the future
(2) Improve brick trainings
(3) Get faster at running.
2014-01-06 6:47 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

As of yesterday, Thor had posted 5 workouts as well but he's notorious for slacking off

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
of 59
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