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2014-01-22 2:23 PM
in reply to: cheekymonkeys1

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Thanks Deb.

Originally posted by cheekymonkeys1

BTW KC, 14.5 is totally doable for you @ LP. You'll be just fine - I can't wait to cheer you on. Volunteer sign ups is in just 12 days, and I have my accommodation already booked.

2014-01-22 2:28 PM
in reply to: mtrunner6

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Welcome Helen.

Wow you started this Tri stuff early - cool.

Great time at Coeur d'Alene, I hear it is beatutiful there - is the water as cold as I have read for that race? brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I feel the same way about eating when I train - but now that I am 50, there is no chance I can continue to use the "I am training its ok excuse".


Originally posted by mtrunner6

In reading through the posts I think I answered my own question. That being said, I am in!

STORY: I did my first triathlon at 14, but didn’t get seriously into long course until 2012. I ran throughout high school and did my first marathon in 2008 (still my PR which slightly irritates me, 3:12). After several marathons I was injured and couldn’t train for quite some time, I gained weight and went through the whole “trying to get back into it” process. After rehabbing etc. I was content with simply working out until my big sister signed up for her first IM in 2011, after watching her finish twice I knew I had to get out there and see what I was capable of, that brought me to IM Coeur d’Alene in 2013 (12:40). Last year I also did the Racine 70.3 and the Chicago Marathon, so clearly I have the racing bug again!

FAMILY STATUS: singleish

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently in my 2nd week of training for CDA 2014

2014 RACES: Coeur d’Alene, Racine 70.3 , possibly Muskoka 70.3

WEIGHTLOSS: Weight is ALWAYS an issue for me, esp. in big training periods as I feel I justify eating a bunch of junk because of the training (it’s vicious cycle). I'm at a healthy weight, I guess I'd just like to keep it there, if that makes sense.

2014-01-22 2:32 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Good Afternoon Team.

Just had a few miniutes before heading to the pool here at the college for 4 pm and thought I would check in.

Thanks for providing your A races everyone. I will continue to compile for another few days then publish them for everyone and will do so once a week as a reminder for when it is time to send out our best RFP vibes for you on or around race day.

I will check back in later - swim / run scheduled for today.

I have a bike / knee issue I want to toss out there for some advice.

See ya


PS - SImone, very excited about you and the new bike
2014-01-22 2:37 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
I am interested in joining this group

Story: I also ran track and cross country in high school and college. I never was a standout but liked the middle distance races and enjoyed a good long run. I stopped running shortly after entering med school and did nothing during residency and fellowship. I am now a year and a half into practice. I looked at myself and my kids and decided I need to make a change. I am overweight, have borderline blood pressure and cholestrol. My journey to get into shape started with biking and swimming in August. Being heavier and prone to injury I did not want to start running right away. In September I started running once a week, and slowly building from there. I started a training plan about 7 weeks ago.

Family: Married with 2 kids (Connor 5, Jordan 2)

Trainging: Using one of the stock balanced programs from the website. I add a extra swim and run on weeks that allow. All my bike has been on stationary. Every workout is a double due to time issues.

Races Planed Azalea sprint 3/8, White Lake sprint 4/13

Weight loss: Initially I was at 215 this summer. Down to 200 now. I feel good and have droped two belt sizes. While running in college I was 175 so I have more to go.

2014-01-22 4:38 PM
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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
CDA was pretty cold but honestly the waves at Racine were so much worse morale wise. To be honest I'd rather be in the lake then on the frozen tundra that is WI at the moment! (this to shall pass,right?).


Edited by mtrunner6 2014-01-22 4:39 PM
2014-01-22 4:52 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Welcome Helen and Nate!

Helen what an awesome finishers time at CDA! This sport is addictive.

Nate, where do you live? I am in SC and your races sounds like the ones around here.

Deb, I want a picture of you waving those red spandex while KC is wearing them.

Kathy (KTC)

Edited by krazytallchick 2014-01-22 6:32 PM

2014-01-22 7:52 PM
in reply to: mtrunner6

NE Wisconsin
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hi Team- Reading to catch up since Sunday. I'm at 260/400 XT mins for week and 3/18 running miles (cutback week.) I've got to get running & swimming! Just couldn't get out of bed. My new spinervals dvd got me on trainer.

Thanks Todd the Healthlawyer, Simone and KC for the nods/comments. I have been KNOCK ON WOOD injury free with my running. Use Sauconys and that's it.

Kathy (KTC) County Door is great to live if you're from here, work on internet or retired. My internet sucks and getting anyone to come to your house to fix anything is a herculean effort. My neighbor claims she can stream PainCave cycling videos. Which oh BTW I like Trainer Road website better somewhat, but since I just bought spinervals DVDs I haven't looked further. I would like to buy the Madison Ironman course DVD because looking at outside terrain but also having the coaching aspect with it would be better than Coach Troy in a gym. (Which is better than nothing.)

I am looking to relocate to Fond du Lac for a different job-giving notice first thing tomorrow am-so if u know my boss please keep it quiet for another day. Plan to email Redline Tri Club, which is down there, to see whats up. Will miss my beloved DC Divas, my local triclub.

Helen-welcome fellow Wisconsinite!! We are forced to cope with this brutal winter. shoveling has been a workout in itself.
Stay warm!
OK try to check in Friday night so I can keep track of members more easily. I need 10 miles of running by then-thanks for keeping me accountable! Will ponder that A race-will stay with sprint likely d/t new job learning curve. Dang reality!
Till then-kick @ss in your trisport endeavors all!
2014-01-22 10:02 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

I'm in NC. Azalea is in Wilmington so it may not be too far from you, or perhaps you have seen them on the Setup page.

2014-01-22 11:47 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
I have 44 days to my first tri and after this week will only have 4 weeks in my program my second tri is in 80 days. Should I continue for the duration of the last weeks without the bricks and start developing speed or continue with the same pattern and increase duration.

Still can't swim the sprint distance continuous freestyle. Should I drill more, slowly increase continual distance, or length of interval?
2014-01-23 12:31 AM
in reply to: #4920811

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Nate - drill more. If you can't swim 400m without taking a break you likely need to learn to float and stop kicking so much What drills are you doing now?
2014-01-23 12:47 AM
in reply to: #4936904

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
22 days of SBR came to an end on Monday. The pool was closed for MLK day and I did not have a run in me. I did hills on Saturday and Sunday so my legs were shot.

I did my first masters swim yesterday! I was afraid I couldn't keep up but the group was very laid back. The instructor gave me some great advice for small changes that improved my stroke. She showed me how to engage my triceps with a push at the end of my stroke. That little change took a couple of seconds off my pace.

2014-01-23 1:37 AM
in reply to: pnwdan

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

G'day Team,

First off, welcome to all the new members! (we need a new list to keep track, KC, Tim?)

I got my second swim in today, it was pretty hot (35C/95F) but I walked to the pool and walked home again, 8 kms all up with some steep hills plus 1600m of drills and freestyle in the pool, so I was pretty happy with that effort. Definitely finding my mojo again and I am learning to be flexible without beating up on myself for missing a workout here and there when the body says no. This is the most consistent I've been with training in ages, so I'm letting the momentum carry me.

Oh and Deb, I want to see photos of you swinging KC around IMLP course by the red speedos too!! (um, KC, someone should fill the new members in on the symbolic nature of the red speedos?!)

Hope everyone else is traveling well.

2014-01-23 7:08 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

Hi all. Can't keep up with all the activity on here. I'll choose an A race or races next week. Still questionable with the hip for a half IM. Will see. I likely will sign up for one and go for it and wait to see what happens during training. I'm reading Galloway's run/walk system and there a USAT webinar with him I will take. I suspect it will work. 13.1 isn't that far in the greater scheme and the bike strength work this winter is very solid. I'm doing hill repeats on the computrainer three times a week for an hour to 75 minutes so that is going well. I've done 3 X 12 minutes at 90 to 95% several times and this week switched to 9 X 3 mins at 95 to 100%. They are very strong efforts with 2 mins recovery n between. Hip is great on the bike so if it survives to the run I think I'm jake.

Running hills on the treadmill 3 X 7 minutes up to 5% three times a week.

Using Real Time Pain Relief and Celebrex RX, rollers, stretching, etc. Really, standing on my feet for8 hours at court every other week is harder than the workouts on the hip.

Swam with my coach Sunday. He said the form looks great. I did 1400 in about 45 mins in 25s, 50s and 100s and called it. Good starting point.

I am mentoring for the run club starting next month. I'll have a group. I offered for the tri club and will likely be used there too or at least help with group workouts. Depends on how many mentors come back. Going to start coaching 3 to 5 people here. Off to a good start for 2014, first year as a USAT level one coach. Dropped my Vision Quest membership. Coached by them for 6 years. It was like cutting the cord. Ouch.

Have a great week. Cold sucks. Minus 5 here, feels like minus 30. CT again tonight.

2014-01-23 7:10 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Good Morning Team.

Welcome Nate - awesome to have you and I am going to go ahead and say you are the last one - Tim - CLOSE THE GROUP!

SIMONE - I will put together an updated team list this weekend for everyone with all the A races I have so far.

NATE - great to have you with us and great story - 2 young kids and a practice - you are a busy boy but you can do this! Awesome job on the weight loss, keep it up. I like the stock plans here, they work and I am the kind of person who likes to use plans, it keeps me accountable to myself. As far as the swim goes, Dan is right - keep drilling and if in 44 days you can't swim the entire sprinf dont' worry about it - I speak from experience on this. My first sprint I spend 3/4 of the swim on my back doing back stroke However, I believe you can figure it out in 44 days so relax when you get to the pool and work on one pull at a time, one breath at time - it will come.

HELEN - I was going to do CDA last year and may do it in the next couple of years but I heard the water was real cold.

ANNE - Reality yay Good luck with the re-locate and job search. Check in when you can.

DAN - 22 straight SBR days - that is impresive, your mind and your body probably need the day off lol.

Have a great day everyone - today for me, another trainer ride this afternoon.

2014-01-23 7:13 AM
in reply to: IceManScott

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Good Morning Scott. Keep me posted on your A race and check in when you can. You motivate us all my friend.


Originally posted by IceManScott

Hi all. Can't keep up with all the activity on here. I'll choose an A race or races next week. Still questionable with the hip for a half IM. Will see. I likely will sign up for one and go for it and wait to see what happens during training. I'm reading Galloway's run/walk system and there a USAT webinar with him I will take. I suspect it will work. 13.1 isn't that far in the greater scheme and the bike strength work this winter is very solid. I'm doing hill repeats on the computrainer three times a week for an hour to 75 minutes so that is going well. I've done 3 X 12 minutes at 90 to 95% several times and this week switched to 9 X 3 mins at 95 to 100%. They are very strong efforts with 2 mins recovery n between. Hip is great on the bike so if it survives to the run I think I'm jake.

Running hills on the treadmill 3 X 7 minutes up to 5% three times a week.

Using Real Time Pain Relief and Celebrex RX, rollers, stretching, etc. Really, standing on my feet for8 hours at court every other week is harder than the workouts on the hip.

Swam with my coach Sunday. He said the form looks great. I did 1400 in about 45 mins in 25s, 50s and 100s and called it. Good starting point.

I am mentoring for the run club starting next month. I'll have a group. I offered for the tri club and will likely be used there too or at least help with group workouts. Depends on how many mentors come back. Going to start coaching 3 to 5 people here. Off to a good start for 2014, first year as a USAT level one coach. Dropped my Vision Quest membership. Coached by them for 6 years. It was like cutting the cord. Ouch.

Have a great week. Cold sucks. Minus 5 here, feels like minus 30. CT again tonight.

2014-01-23 9:18 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Got up at 5:30 this morning to get my bike in, I need to remind myself how happy I am when I get this stuff done before the day has a chance to kick my butt! Now just a run to go, well and classes (why must law school get in the way of my SBR activities!). Have a great Thursday all!


2014-01-23 10:29 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hey KC - my A race this year is Boulder 70.3. Thanks for compiling them. That's a great idea!
2014-01-23 10:31 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Nice bike Simone! That's way cool that you can get it on lay away.
2014-01-23 10:33 AM
in reply to: WillTriForBeer

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
We got about 3 inches of snow last night so my run this morning was snowy and cold. I even passed a girl with icicles hanging off of her eyelashes. Brrr.
2014-01-23 1:19 PM
in reply to: mtrunner6

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Nice work Helen. I am the same way - it is tough to get up early some days but I feel so much better after the workout is done.

Damn law school getting in the way lol.


Originally posted by mtrunner6

Got up at 5:30 this morning to get my bike in, I need to remind myself how happy I am when I get this stuff done before the day has a chance to kick my butt! Now just a run to go, well and classes (why must law school get in the way of my SBR activities!). Have a great Thursday all!


2014-01-23 1:21 PM
in reply to: WillTriForBeer

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Nice job Jen - always a great feeling of accomplishment when we to face the crappy Winter weather and get our outside runs in anyway

Originally posted by WillTriForBeer

We got about 3 inches of snow last night so my run this morning was snowy and cold. I even passed a girl with icicles hanging off of her eyelashes. Brrr.

2014-01-23 1:30 PM
in reply to: 0

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hey Team.

Here is the new team list as of today. WE ARE CLOSED ( I know Tim will agree)

Finish off the week strong everyone. Just a reminder to list your A races with dates, locations, distances for me and I will compile them this weekend and post for eveyrone.

Here is the Team and here is what I have for A races so far.


Edited by kcgolf 2014-01-23 2:00 PM


RFPScheduledEvents.jpg (102KB - 5 downloads)
2014-01-23 2:02 PM
in reply to: 0

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hey Team - here is another list of the RFP team - not in a jpg format, just in case you want to cut and paste it and use it to develop or expand your friends list.

ONE MORE THING - I know Tim will expand on this when he has a chance - Please never feel like responding to posts in our group is an over whelming task. We encourage you to post when you can and if you miss a few days - THAT IS OK, DON'T FEEL BAD just poke your head in and say hello. We know life gets hectic (work, family, friends etc. etc.). We will try to support each other as much as and whenever we can and that is all we ask

Now get out there and TRI


PS - I am sure when Tim has a chance he will put together that magical team link list he so enjoys makeing for me and I am also sure he will expand on the red spandex / speedo stuff you will see us occasionally refer to in here.

PSS - lets have some fun - time to head home for a trainer ride

1. tmoran80 - Tim
2. kcgolf - Kevin
3. cheekymonkeys1 - Deb
4. IceManScott - Scott
5. krazytallchick - Kathy
6. WillTriForBeer - Jen
7. gdelamora - Gil
8. kruzmeister - Simone
9. ettringite - Todd
10. Lou_70 - Lou
11. murdock - Murdock
12. EV3110 - Elana
13. Herb Doc - Anne
14. pnwdan - Dan
15. Healthlawyer - Todd
16. PaulEC104
17. dhabernathy Darrin
18. mtrunner6 Helen
19. nrpoulin Nate

Edited by kcgolf 2014-01-23 2:07 PM
2014-01-23 3:23 PM
in reply to: 0

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Can we have more than one "A" race? My current focus is the Lake Padden Triathlon on June 28th. Call it a long sprint (.5 miles / 21 miles / 5.2 miles). My "B" race will be a to-be-determined late season Oly.

Edited by pnwdan 2014-01-23 3:25 PM
2014-01-23 4:07 PM
in reply to: #4936908

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
I haven't been drilling much honestly, but just started using pulling, and kicking. Bought fins (and jammers) this past weekend and tried them out. Really started to use bilateral breathinga couple weeks ago and feel like I tolerate going slower better.

Thanks for the tip. I will work a little more drilling in. Need to read about more drills.

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2014-05-16 3:19 PM jackiep
date : August 7, 2009
author : FitWerx
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Club or group workouts are very motivating and soon you’ll start feeling like a triathlete, making you less likely to flake out.
date : September 5, 2004
author : Team BT
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Her IM time of 13 hours and 44 minutes at the Great Floridan allowed her to compete for the USA Triathlon Team in Ibiza, Spain in 2003.