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2015-04-08 9:04 PM
in reply to: #5106095

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Wow, I've never seen nor heard of anything like that. In my opinion that is way too much thought into something that can't possibly make any measurable difference. I'd rank that alongside the carbon-fiber water bottle cage. I've always just inflated my tires to max pressure minus a little bit if it was going to be hot that day. Tires are designed for the rated pressure. Less inflation means more tire in contact with the road which in theory would increase friction (grip) but also increase rolling resistance. I suppose the theory here is that the under inflated front tire would give you more control but again I don't think this can realisitically be quantified at our level of performance.

2015-04-09 10:22 AM
in reply to: mikerunkle

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Originally posted by mikerunkle

It is very common for a run that you think is going to be "easy" because you've trained that distance, to feel awful during a triathlon. One way to fight this is to be very careful about your pacing for the swim and bike. Typically, one essentially burns all of their energy and effort on the bike and find they have nothing left for the run. Here is another trick for a run, especially a HIM or IM. I forget who this is named for, but you do something called 5 to 1, or 5 to 2. This is where you run for 5 minutes and walk for 1 (or 2). The trick is to start doing this immediately at the beginning of the running race. You won't feel like you have to at first, but if you start this way typically you can keep it going for the whole race. As opposed to only trying to do it half way through a race after you are already tired. You will find that during your 5 minute runs, you will run at a pace higher than a pace you'd normally run, so the fast/slow thing actually balances out and you still run a competitive race. I played with this a few years ago and found that for runs over about 10 miles, I was actually faster than if I tried to run the whole thing at a constant pace (which I never did, as I slowed down over the course of the run) That being said, I would recommend you NOT drop out of the HIM just because you are worried about the run. You can walk, stop, rest as much as you'd like during the run, so given the effort you've put in to date (both training and money spent), try to enjoy the race and be proud of the accomlishment regardless of pace.

Hey gang, I finally remember the guys name: Galloway. I won't swear by everything on the website, but I did find that 5/1 and 4/2 did work for me quite well.
2015-04-11 9:52 AM
in reply to: #5106861

Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Thanks for the support, I have been trying different nutrition, I was wondering at the end of swim and bike it will be the end of a work out so should I have some protien based snack then, or do I go for energy gels and food all the way round?
2015-04-11 7:05 PM
in reply to: #5107364

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
The SBR is one workout, so I'd stick to the carbs for fueling and save the protein for rebuild until after the race. I'd like to invite our nutrition guy, HK8, to post his thoughts on this one.
2015-04-12 9:32 PM
in reply to: mikerunkle

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Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed

Hey Ruth, (btw I have used the Galloway method. It got me to finish my first 10K run, same with my wife and many friends)

I'm definitely the man to talk to about nutrition as I work with Herbalife. I actually found myself writing an essay long reply on POST-RECOVERY but no worries here's the short version!! :-) In essence I agree with Mike as do most of the scientific world. It's about hydration + calorie intake during activity (and not skimping on carbs). Recovery = protein + carbs. Now instead of thinking of what products to take, you want to think of what are your goals after exercise: you want to replenish muscle glycogen, replenish blood sugar, rehydrate and you want to promote muscle synthesis. So pretty simple: complete recovery = protein + carbs. Some will say to only have protein after a workout, that's ok. Yes you might build muscle but what happens is you don't maximize your muscle building, probably not replenish your muscle glycogen and you compromise your workout ability. For me depending the activity level, I personalize my H24 recovery shake. Like 40gr carbs/25gr protein for typical gym workout, and long bike ride 90gr carbs/30gr protein. The science and magic are then about what type of protein as they are not metabolized and digested at the same rate. 


2015-04-14 7:49 AM
in reply to: HK8

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Alright it’s been some time since I posted here. My training is going really well, I’m joining a master’s program for swimming next week (finally have to get up early). My biking is solid and getting stronger with each ride and now for the run. Several pages ago I talked about calf cramps or tight calves well I have worked through those with getting compression socks but now I’m having issues with my Achilles. Not sure how to go about it I can only seem to do 3-4 miles before I have to stop running completely. I guess I should blame genetics for not giving me more muscle on my legs HA!

2015-04-15 5:57 AM
in reply to: slides

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Originally posted by slides

Alright it’s been some time since I posted here. My training is going really well, I’m joining a master’s program for swimming next week (finally have to get up early). My biking is solid and getting stronger with each ride and now for the run. Several pages ago I talked about calf cramps or tight calves well I have worked through those with getting compression socks but now I’m having issues with my Achilles. Not sure how to go about it I can only seem to do 3-4 miles before I have to stop running completely. I guess I should blame genetics for not giving me more muscle on my legs HA!

Out of my experience most Achilles problems stem from tight calves. Keep loosening them. Might want to lay off running for a few days to give your calves a break to recover.
2015-04-15 10:43 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed

Have any of your used a rumble roller/foam roller? I started using it in my streching. Heard lots of good things about them. 

2015-04-15 1:37 PM
in reply to: HK8

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Use it all the time. Love it, swear by it, even considered taking one with me on vacation. I have two at home and one at the office.
2015-04-16 6:00 AM
in reply to: #5107431

Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
I use a foam roller on calves, quads,it band thighs after every work out, I hate doing it!! But my legs are so much better the next day for it.
2015-04-19 11:16 AM
in reply to: loops

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San Antonio, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
One week to my big event in Marble Falls. I've continued my workouts this week, but not pushing it as hard as normal. My muscle fatigue seems to take a couple of days to lessen. I still don't have the answer for it. I've been taking magnesium and have just bought some L-Arginine that is supposed to help deliver oxygen to the muscles. I'm hoping that will help. I'll spend the rest of the week doing lite work outs and preparing for the event.

Do you have any recommendations for food the day or two before the event? Before my last race last year I ate a protein power bar that morning for breakfast. It seemed to work for me.

Any other week before tips?

2015-04-21 1:23 PM
in reply to: adalt2

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Originally posted by adalt2

One week to my big event in Marble Falls. I've continued my workouts this week, but not pushing it as hard as normal. My muscle fatigue seems to take a couple of days to lessen. I still don't have the answer for it. I've been taking magnesium and have just bought some L-Arginine that is supposed to help deliver oxygen to the muscles. I'm hoping that will help. I'll spend the rest of the week doing lite work outs and preparing for the event.

Do you have any recommendations for food the day or two before the event? Before my last race last year I ate a protein power bar that morning for breakfast. It seemed to work for me.

Any other week before tips?

For food: Don't eat anything you haven't eaten before. Nothing new! Many people like to "carbo-load" (pasta and bread) heavy the day or two prior. Studies are conflicted on whether this actually provides any benefit or not though. I go for tried and true comfort food, as I'm nervous or stressed about the upcoming race so going with a known is a comforting thing.

Tip: Pack your gear today and do a transition walkthrough. Make sure you have and can see everything you need for T1 and T2. Do you have a towel, where are your sunglasses? Etc. After your walkthough, leave the stuff alone for a day, then do it again. Do your final pack the day before the race. Do NOT do it the night before (when you will discover you need to run to a store that is closed or something).

Good luck!
2015-04-21 4:22 PM
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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Ok I've signed up for two Tri's so far for this year. One on June 21st, which is a true beginner Tri: 300 m swim in a pool, 10 mile bike flat course and a 5k. Second one is later in the year on labor day.

As far as my training goes I'm slowly improving all my base lines:

Swimming: At a point where I can do 500 yards without stopping, Time isn't the greatest yet. About 2:20/100 yards. I'd like to get that down to at least 2:00/100 yards. Still need some improvement on the endurance and I think the times will improve after that.

Biking. Only been out and about 3 or 4 times so far. Last ride I did was 17 miles with an average of about 16.5 mph. Considering traffic lights and stop signs I don't think that's too bad, though I would like to get closer to the 20 mph average.

Running: My biggest struggle so far, and the one that shows how much my illness in 2013 had taken a toll. Building up endurance on the running has been painful to say the least, though I am at a point where I can run 40 minutes without stopping. Also my pace has improved from a 12:30 minute pace to right under 11:00 minutes. Not even close where I would like it to be, or what I used to be able to do, but I will keep at it though.

The good news is that I can do the distances for all three events, I just need to improve on my endurance and my speed.

Oh and I'm down 14 pounds over the last 4 weeks.

Edited by johnthecat 2015-04-21 4:26 PM
2015-04-22 8:29 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Originally posted by johnthecat

Ok I've signed up for two Tri's so far for this year. One on June 21st, which is a true beginner Tri: 300 m swim in a pool, 10 mile bike flat course and a 5k. Second one is later in the year on labor day.

As far as my training goes I'm slowly improving all my base lines:

Swimming: At a point where I can do 500 yards without stopping, Time isn't the greatest yet. About 2:20/100 yards. I'd like to get that down to at least 2:00/100 yards. Still need some improvement on the endurance and I think the times will improve after that.

Biking. Only been out and about 3 or 4 times so far. Last ride I did was 17 miles with an average of about 16.5 mph. Considering traffic lights and stop signs I don't think that's too bad, though I would like to get closer to the 20 mph average.

Running: My biggest struggle so far, and the one that shows how much my illness in 2013 had taken a toll. Building up endurance on the running has been painful to say the least, though I am at a point where I can run 40 minutes without stopping. Also my pace has improved from a 12:30 minute pace to right under 11:00 minutes. Not even close where I would like it to be, or what I used to be able to do, but I will keep at it though.

The good news is that I can do the distances for all three events, I just need to improve on my endurance and my speed.

Oh and I'm down 14 pounds over the last 4 weeks.

This all sounds perfect to me. Don't downplay the improvements you've made. By all means, keep the goals but consider yourself on a good path to achieving them. Don't be in a hurry to reach the goals, as you may push yourself to hard and risk injury. You are tracking along just fine.
2015-04-25 7:16 PM
in reply to: #5081610

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
So how'd the race go this weekend?
2015-04-26 12:42 PM
in reply to: mikerunkle

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New user
San Antonio, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
The family and I just got back from Marble Falls, TX. I still don't have the official results, but it took me under 2 hours to complete.

The swim was conducted in Lake Marble Falls that has the Colorado River running into it. The water was a nice 67 degrees. The course was a wave start that included all the men and women. I started off fine, but after a little grabbing and kicking my rhythm was off. From there on out, I had a hard problem putting my face back into the water. My breathing was off. I should have been exhaling underwater and ended up drinking quiet a bit of it.

Marble Falls is part of the Texas hill country and for good reason. The bike was a straight out ride down Highway 281 through the gently rolling hills. Coming out of the water, the course quickly takes on the first big hill. I felt really good on the bike and felt that I made up a lot of time. I felt strong on the bike and all the time on the trainer paid off. My only issue was on dismount. My butt bones (pubis bones?) really ached. I had a difficult time walking to my designated area and could not sit down to put on my shoes.

The run was fine as well. I'm not a speed demon but I got my pace under me and set off.

Overall, I thought I did well for the first of the season. I have a few lessons learned and I can try and fix them. First, I need to do some open water swimming. The feeling of putting my head down and stroking it out just was not there. I was great in the pool. I could swim a mile non-stop. Open water is just much different. Second, I may try the original seat that came with my bike and see if the pain is still there. I rode with the stock seat last year and do not remember that pain. I will give myself a couple of days of light workouts and then hit it up again.

2015-04-30 8:29 AM
in reply to: adalt2

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Originally posted by adalt2

The family and I just got back from Marble Falls, TX. I still don't have the official results, but it took me under 2 hours to complete.

The swim was conducted in Lake Marble Falls that has the Colorado River running into it. The water was a nice 67 degrees. The course was a wave start that included all the men and women. I started off fine, but after a little grabbing and kicking my rhythm was off. From there on out, I had a hard problem putting my face back into the water. My breathing was off. I should have been exhaling underwater and ended up drinking quiet a bit of it.

Marble Falls is part of the Texas hill country and for good reason. The bike was a straight out ride down Highway 281 through the gently rolling hills. Coming out of the water, the course quickly takes on the first big hill. I felt really good on the bike and felt that I made up a lot of time. I felt strong on the bike and all the time on the trainer paid off. My only issue was on dismount. My butt bones (pubis bones?) really ached. I had a difficult time walking to my designated area and could not sit down to put on my shoes.

The run was fine as well. I'm not a speed demon but I got my pace under me and set off.

Overall, I thought I did well for the first of the season. I have a few lessons learned and I can try and fix them. First, I need to do some open water swimming. The feeling of putting my head down and stroking it out just was not there. I was great in the pool. I could swim a mile non-stop. Open water is just much different. Second, I may try the original seat that came with my bike and see if the pain is still there. I rode with the stock seat last year and do not remember that pain. I will give myself a couple of days of light workouts and then hit it up again.

Great job John. 67 degrees, sounds too cold for me. Did you wear a wetsuit?
2015-04-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed

John you are inspiring! Very cool to read about your race. 

On my end, I am finish the month strong reaching 13K in swimming - amazing how just a while back just showing up at the pool was draining... Now I'm like a fish! Overall April didn't quite go like I wanted, I missed 9 days of training. Thanks Mike for mentioning a while back about how your plan is not the law but a guide. That helped me keep my head strait when I felt bad about not showing up and keeping my plan. Even if I didn't follow my plan 100%, I see huge improvements on my cardio. I completed a 5K race last weekend and beat my PR in 25:10. Now ready to tackle May's training plan. 

Here are my totals for the month:

SWIM 5h 36m 33s - 13124.92

BIKE 3h 40m 45s - 92.61 KM

RUN 3h 00m 56s - 29.25 KM


2015-04-30 2:08 PM
in reply to: HK8

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San Antonio, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Thanks. You seem to be getting after it yourself. Congratulations on betting your PR. It is great to have goals. I time and track every thing. It is the only way to see if I am getting better. It was only my third ever race and I am learning as I go.
2015-04-30 2:09 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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San Antonio, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Yes sir. The race was wet suit legal and I took advantage of it. I'm not going for podium placement, so taking an extra 30 seconds to remove my wet suit is well worth the time.
2015-05-01 8:29 AM
in reply to: adalt2

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
My April totals:

Swim: 2h 21m 58s - 5600 Yd

Bike: 1h 50m 35s - 29.31 Mi

Run: 3h 05m 41s - 16.6 Mi

Gymnastics: 8h 00m

Kayaking: 1h 00m

With one week of sick in April. Not quite according to plan but with work and sickness as good as it got for this month.

My last run of the month I pushed my HR to the max at the end to see what it is as I don't trust the 220 - age calculation. According to that formula my max heart rate would be 175, turns out it's actually 191, quite a difference. Given the fact that my resting heart rate is 39 this changes my target heart rates quite a bit.

How is everyone else doing? A lot of people went quiet.

2015-05-01 9:24 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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New user
San Antonio, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Way to push it. I took 3 day off after last Sunday's race. I really wasn't that sore. My calves hurt a little but other than that I was good. My next race will be in June so I got some time to work on my open water issues. Other than that I'm having fun.
2015-05-04 12:23 PM
in reply to: adalt2

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Dang seems like poeple are making some good progress, KEEP IT UP.

Well i have basically 1 month until boulder 70.3 and my running is horrible still. Biking and swimming are fine but I went running 4 miles last monday fine with no issues after, then on thursday after 1 mile in i had pain in my inner leg, stoped walked a little kept going but ended up walking home 1.5 miles ARRRRRG. Im running right on paved dirt tracks that have some give, they are right next to the rail road line....its how a lot of bike trails are in minnesota.

Anyhow I have gone to a PT(if you can him that) the guy i saw was kind of weird he didnt really tell me what is wrong and is having me come back to "show me how to streatch the front of my leg" i can learn all that online, anyhow i need to find a running specialist i think.

The area is tendor to the touch, on the inside of my leg right above the ankle so we have concluded its not shin splits and he basically gave me the run down of how to ice it. Im getting frustrained i just want to know what is causing the issue and how to fix it!!!!
2015-05-04 12:41 PM
in reply to: slides

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Here is a pic of the area but its on the left leg not the right.


Capture.PNG (761KB - 11 downloads)
2015-05-04 3:32 PM
in reply to: slides

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Why not "Tri"? - Closed
Originally posted by slides

Here is a pic of the area but its on the left leg not the right.

Foam roller or stick. I bet you it's just a soft tissue thing. Try someone that specializes in myofascial release.

With that being said, you might have a muscle imbalance you should fix. Hard to say where that is, but my guess would be strengthening your ankles wouldn't be a bad thing. Also maybe switch up your shoes, they could be the cause of it as well.

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