BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome) Rss Feed  
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2016-02-26 9:32 PM
in reply to: mmishler

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

This group is like 7 Eleven . . . Always open! Welcome!


2016-02-27 12:00 PM
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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by mmishler

If this group is still open, I would like to join. I have done a handful of Sprints, but the last two seasons have been a bit rough. A mix of life changes and training friends moving out of state have made things difficult. This year though, I am motivated to get back to how I trained when I started the sport 5 years ago. Hoping a renewed sense of community can help keep me engaged in 2016.

Welcome. This kind of situation can re-invigorate! Do it!

60's here in NYC tomorrow. Time for an indoor trainer/outdoor run brick. First of 2016. Let's see what specific watt training feels like in a subsequent run. It'll be my first experience with it

Edited by TJHammer 2016-02-27 12:02 PM
2016-02-27 12:26 PM
in reply to: TJHammer

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New user
Richfield, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Thanks Ted and TJ. Good to be part of a larger group.

Got my first outdoor ride of year in as it got up in the 50s today. The roads were dry and it was nice to get off the indoor trainer and enjoy some fresh air.
Hopefully spring is on the way and I can do more training outside.
2016-02-29 8:16 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Registered for a sprint today. 4/23....same one I did last April. Oldest son registered as well. Sure hope the weather is better this year!!!
2016-03-02 3:46 PM
in reply to: #5158247

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Way to go Bill. That is exciting you are all registered. I tend to wait. I was thinking about it a lot. I need to just do it. My first one is April 10th a Sunday. My children compete the day before in the youth event. This is the same as last year.

In Monday, I got out and cycled my same route as I did for my sprint last year. I can feel my training, I was a lot more confident and was moving at a faster speed and felt like I put in a good effort but when I got done I looked at the clock and I had done the same route plus and extra 1 1/2 miles in an hour. I remember struggling up the hills on that route and this time it was still work but doable.
I also had some traffic.
This week like is getting a bit crazy, so I have to rework my schedule to see when I will do what.
I am also seeing how to rearrange my schedule so I can plan to ride outside.
2016-03-04 2:17 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Well just to let you all know I am still alive!! Life and work and life and everything has taken over for the last 6 weeks.
I just started to get back to some training after my bike crash and everything just went to s**t.......poorly child, busy work schedule, looking at new houses.....poorly on market and people getting in the way of my life by wanting to view the house (I know its the only way to sell it but still!!) Plus I have had 2 assignments for my masters to do over the last 6 weeks!!!

Anyway I got an email tonight that told me it was 100 days until my main race of the season (12th June) and that has shocked me into some action!!
I have set up a custom training program for the 2 main races I have signed up to do which will start on Sunday (More house viewings tomorrow)

So that's my updated status

In the format from Feb 11th - Sunday Training Plan -Short/Medium length bike( 28 mins) and short run(17 mins)

- Goal/Focus - mainly to survive but I am going to keep a steady bike cadence of 80-90 RPM and do my run at a slowish but steady pace of 8km/hr.

I cant remember if I said but after after the crash I was told not to lift and as my husband was away I left my bike in the car..........someone broke into my car and stole it overnight. So that really topped off that weekend!! Anyway the bike that was stolen was a mountain bike which I had been using for my triathlons but I was thinking off getting a road bike when we moved and I had the space to store it!!! So contacted the home insurance company who were great and I had a credit note by the end of the day and didn't have to replace like for like so the silver lining in the tragic tale was I am now the proud owner of a super light Giant Liv Avail which looks amazing..............haven't got on it yet but its gotta take time off my bike compared to a mountain bike (fingers crossed)

2016-03-04 6:04 PM
in reply to: AnnabelleLong

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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
My o my Annabelle, keep your chin up. Try to get what reading for your Masters you need done while riding on the stationary. Multi tasking seems like a necessity. Hang in there.
2016-03-05 10:51 AM
in reply to: AnnabelleLong

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Wow! You have a lot on your plate.....take it as you can!! Sorry about the bike being stolen but congrats on the new wheels you described....
2016-03-05 10:59 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

With a new bike it sounds like your luck is changing! I'm tentatively planning to get out on my bike this afternoon. May be a shorter ride, but it's supposed to be in the 70's here today. Tomorrow I'm doing the Manitou Incline ( with my wife. I'll probably make up for it by having a large brunch afterward!

Happy training to everyone this weekend!
2016-03-05 8:55 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Hi Ted and friends,
I've been lurking here for a while and would love to join your group.

I'm a first timer, really excited about my plan to do two races this year, at the beginning and end of the summer.

Me: 41, Seattle-ite, used to be a runner but sidelined by a knee injury 7 years ago so I learned to bike and swim. I've been working really hard to stabilize my knee in various ways so I can complete a 5K as part of a triathlon.

Why now: I just had my last baby 5 months ago and I want to celebrate the fact that my body belongs to me now!

Challenges I foresee: My first pregnancy completely remodeled my body, worsening once-mild scoliosis and causing a pelvic tilt that essentially makes one of my legs longer than the other, which is what caused my knee problem. The biggest unknown for me is whether I can hold my body together enough to train and complete the running. I LOVE running so if I can make this work I will be SO happy.

Also, I haven't really been serious about the bike for a few years since I moved to a more urban area and then got pregnant with my daughter. So I've got some work to do to recapture my form and strength. I'm very strong in swimming though, so at least I have that going for me .

Tri plan:
6/26 Black Hills Tri, Sprint (except the bike is 17 miles), Lacey WA
8/13 Lake Meridian Tri, Kent WA

Nice to meet all of you!
2016-03-05 10:06 PM
in reply to: lizzz

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Welcome to the group!


2016-03-06 4:03 AM
in reply to: #5170157

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Welcome Liz
As a fellow mother i can tell u that training and having some time away from the little monkey(s) is a good way to keep your sanity!!!
Ur very brave as at 5 months I was still struggling to manage life let alone any training!!!
I would say to devote some training to core work (if u dont already) as it will help with your pelvic tilt and then hopefully your knees....hope this helps

2016-03-07 9:30 AM
in reply to: lizzz

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Welcome Liz!!!! You sound very'll do well!!!
2016-03-07 1:43 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees


Middleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
I started one of the training programs on here. The sprint 16 week with a focus on swimming. I'm having a dilemma because the day that I should be swimming then running there is a class in the pool from 6-7 and I work (at the gym) until 6. Is it important to swim first? Or can I do the run then I'll have some cool down time while changing and waiting until 7 for the pool to clear out. I swim/bike on Mondays so I don't really want to switch it to Tuesday... thoughts?
2016-03-07 7:43 PM
in reply to: alm52386

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
I don't see a problem with running, then swimming, especially if you've got some time in between. I would do some stretching prior to starting and do a gentle warm-up. The nice thing about swim workouts is that you can still go at fairly decent intensity on the heels of more intense running/ biking efforts. At any rate, give it a shot, see how you feel, and report back!
2016-03-08 7:07 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Annabelle- It sounds like you have gone through a lot lately. I'm glad that there is a silver lining in there with a new bike.
Liz- Welcome aboard. I lived in Portland for 3 years and loved it. I met my husband while he was stationed at Ft Lewis. I applaud you on getting back at it.

I have 2 boys and you would think because they are 12 and 9 that life is easier. Hah, I wish. It is just a different kind of busy/crazy. I have had to rearrange and adapt my training so much. Once I think I have it not so much. Lol This Sunday I figured we still had time to fit in a swim. I checked the YMCA schedule and we were good to go. I forgot the pool closes 30 minutes before everything else. At least we got in 10 minutes. I got 300 yds in.
I had to move my bike to today because of a scouts project.

Anyways, I have a longer bike today. I am getting further along in my training program and starting to doubt what I am doing. I think it is just nerves. I am going to my tri camp on Saturday and I am so excited to get some good direction and push myself harder. I would like to get in personal training but my budget doesn't allow for that at this time. I will soak up as much knowledge as possible while I am there.

I just checked and I am 5 weeks away from my Tri!! Oh wow. I know that I can do it. I have been practicing my swim 300-400 yards uninterrupted. That may not sound like much to some but that was a mental block for me last year and thanks to doing those broken ladder drills. It has made a great difference.

I have a question for all you
Should I up my rides to 3 days a week from 2 and get my mileage up? My goal this year is a metric century or more (63). After this Sprint I am looking at doing a metric in June then another sprint in July. Or should I just keep on with my 3 days of swim, 2 days of run, 2 days of bike and wait to change until after my sprint?

I am still trying to decide if my heart is in the triathlons or in cycling. I enjoy the cycling more but as I continue to get better in the swim and run I enjoy it more. I love the races both Triathlons and sponsored rides.

Enjoy the weather. I hope you are all getting some warmth and sunshine like I'm getting in South Carolina.

2016-03-08 9:13 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Hey there everyone.

Annabelle glad to hear you got a new bike out of the whole ordeal hope your feeling lots better. Welcome all the new members I know I haven't been here for a bit and need to get back on track although did a kind of run this morning but the roads are still snowy but its even starting to melt up north yay. So I got the nasty cold last week where you cant breath and you feel like your going to run out of breath by the time you get out of bed. So not much training got done. So I need to get back into it. somebody kick me in the arse. One of my work colleagues told me about about this mini sprint that their doing June 26 in town that should be enough motivation, hopefully. Okay I gotta get moving, I'm thinking of using a new training plan since I screwed up the last one by now, I don't even where I'm at in month 3 somewhere, to get ready for June 26. Does that sound like a good plan.
2016-03-08 11:56 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

New user

Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Hi. I've just joined the site and was wondering if I could join your group. I am a total beginner with all three events and could use all the help I can get.


2016-03-09 7:47 AM
in reply to: #5170698

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Welcome aboard Chris. That is where I was last year. This is a fun sport and there are some great and skilled people on this message board.
2016-03-09 7:50 AM
in reply to: #5171242

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Anabelle, glad to hear you are feeling better. It is important to take time to heal. That Mini sprint sounds like fun. Set your goal and start the momentum going. For me this is the hardest part. Once you are going it is harder to stop. You will feel good once you are moving. Good luck. You got it.
2016-03-09 8:47 PM
in reply to: #5171243

New user

Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Thanks for the welcome! I need to get a bike and have found a used 2013 Specialized Allez Compact Sport bike that is like new for $500.00. Is this a good deal and a good bike to learn on. It is 52cm so I think it will fit me pretty well. I'm only 5'7. Any help is appreciated.

2016-03-10 12:25 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Thanks for the kind welcomes, all! I'm especially glad to know there are other moms on here kicking some butt. I hear you, Nicole, about trying to work everything into one stubborn schedule. I often do my swims after 9PM (I have a membership at a crappy 24 Hour Fitness for this reason) because that's the only time left after kids are in bed, etc.

Nicki, my first race is also on 6/26. You should go for that mini-sprint and then we can be tri buddies!

My big news this week is that I had a very productive appointment with my physical therapist. She was the one who helped me figure out how to compensate for my skeletal assymetries when they were first diagnosed, and I went back to see her to figure out if all the work I've been doing on my own has made me strong enough to run again. I was so proud to discover that my efforts to strengthen the muscles that stabilize my knee have been very successful and she said I should be able to complete a 5K with no problem as long as I ramp up slowly. Woohooo! Also she said the knee brace I'd been given by another provider was not necessary, which is good because it is clunky and annoying to wear. So my next step is to get some new running shoes (she prescribed Hokas) and then I can get outside and hit the pavement for the first time in many years. So excited!
2016-03-10 12:38 PM
in reply to: Gosschris

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by Gosschris

Thanks for the welcome! I need to get a bike and have found a used 2013 Specialized Allez Compact Sport bike that is like new for $500.00. Is this a good deal and a good bike to learn on. It is 52cm so I think it will fit me pretty well. I'm only 5'7. Any help is appreciated.

Hi Chris-- welcome! I would think the most important thing is that the bike fit you. Maybe if the seller would be okay with it, you could take a test ride and/or take it to a good shop that can do a bike fit on you. That bike certainly gets great reviews and if you are doing all your rides on roads and paved trails, it should be a good one.
2016-03-10 7:26 PM
in reply to: lizzz

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by lizzz

My big news this week is that I had a very productive appointment with my physical therapist. She was the one who helped me figure out how to compensate for my skeletal assymetries when they were first diagnosed, and I went back to see her to figure out if all the work I've been doing on my own has made me strong enough to run again. I was so proud to discover that my efforts to strengthen the muscles that stabilize my knee have been very successful and she said I should be able to complete a 5K with no problem as long as I ramp up slowly. Woohooo! Also she said the knee brace I'd been given by another provider was not necessary, which is good because it is clunky and annoying to wear. So my next step is to get some new running shoes (she prescribed Hokas) and then I can get outside and hit the pavement for the first time in many years. So excited!

Great News! Good for you
2016-03-10 7:33 PM
in reply to: Gosschris

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Welcome to the group!

I think a 52 cm Allez should fit you fine (52 or 54) looks pretty good. If the bike is really in good condition, then $500 is a great deal (seeing them on Bicycle Blue Book for much more than that!) It's definitely worth getting a professional fit done. Even a few minor adjustments can make a big difference on your ride comfort!
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