BT Development Mentor Program Archives » run4yrlif's group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2007-06-01 12:19 PM
in reply to: #825750

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2007-06-01 12:20 PM
in reply to: #825758

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2007-06-01 12:51 PM
in reply to: #825376

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
JBD - 2007-06-01 10:19 AM

Anyone got any fun workout plans for the weekend?

Anyone going to Macon for the RnR 1/2 (not me). 

I plan on a long bike ride, hopefully I can talk my friends into Silk Sheets, and probably a long run on Sunday.  

I recommend my workout yesterday for nice results...I was exhausted.  Basically, I ran a brisk 3 miles on the tread mill and immediately went into spin class (with a spin seargent, no slacking), followed by an immediate job to the treadmill for another brisk 2 miles.  It was a quick butt whopping and I was bushed last night.

I have another swim lesson this weekend!!!!!! I'm looking forward to it. Followed by a run Sunday I have a somewhat long bike ride.
2007-06-01 1:10 PM
in reply to: #802336

Extreme Veteran
Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

This weekend may be a bit on the light side - I'm going to the cottage to do the spring cleaning (cleaning up the mouse turds - yeuch).  If all goes well I will get the swimming dock in and do the first OWS of the season.  No chance of cycling and I'm still staying off my leg - might try another short run on Sunday if it is feeling good.  I have to get back at the running - I race two weeks from Saturday!

2007-06-01 2:48 PM
in reply to: #802336

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Hopefully it will stop raining so I can mow the lawn. Probably golf nine holes. Going to get some swim instruction at the YMCA tomorrow 7:00am. Bismarck Tri race director said she would help me out. That is one good thing about living in a small town.
Also trying to meet up with Joe from BT. he's a college kid that is a tri newbie too. I left him a message to come along to the swim. First person I've ever meet on line & he lives within site of my house.
2007-06-01 4:32 PM
in reply to: #802336

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
10k run on Saturday and about 40mile ride on Sunday (if it doesn't rain), I got drenched riding yesterday and had to clean the bike, oil the chain and cables etc, so don't want to do this again so soon. You guys have a great week-end!

2007-06-01 8:48 PM
in reply to: #802336

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

I'm hoping to get up to Lake Lanier on Sunday to ride the Iron Girl course. 

2007-06-02 10:17 AM
in reply to: #825365

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
JBD - 2007-06-01 10:15 AM


 I think if you come clean and tell everyone that you are riding your Huffy Thunder Road, people will understand. 

It's close...this is my bike (mine's orange):

It came with front and rear brakes, but I took the rear one off. And it actually hsa a flip-flop hub (meaning you can put a single speed freewheel on the other side of the hub, and flip the wheel so you can coast. But I don't use it. If I decide to ride it at Six Gap, though, I will.

2007-06-02 10:20 AM
in reply to: #826271

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
I'm in San Dieago for the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon--not running (officially), but I'll be out on the course supporting my TNT runners. I'm actually planning on running all of the half marathon with a couple of my runners, and then going back on the course with my marathoner. I'll probably end up doing at least 20 miles total.
2007-06-02 1:08 PM
in reply to: #826658

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
run4yrlif - 2007-06-02 10:20 AM

I'm in San Dieago for the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon--not running (officially), but I'll be out on the course supporting my TNT runners. I'm actually planning on running all of the half marathon with a couple of my runners, and then going back on the course with my marathoner. I'll probably end up doing at least 20 miles total.

That's a lot of miles to run!
I just came back from a 10k run- man it was hot and humid in Chicago today. On the way back I ran behind an older guy who had similar pace to mine, but A LOT shorter stride. He was wearing a Boston Marathon t-shirt and his running style looked like Chi Running- leaning a bit more forward and not extending his legs too much to the front. I tried to imitate his style, because I read about this Chi "thing" and the more I did that, the more tired I was judging by the HR monitor. And I could not reach his short stride - it seemed so unnatural...
What was I doing wrong?

Edited by markz 2007-06-02 4:28 PM
2007-06-02 4:50 PM
in reply to: #802336

Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Just wanted to share my new toys with everyone:

I bought new shimano pedals for the bike - I'm going to learn how to ride with clips if it kills me and it just might. I also picked up a "thinger" that tells speed and distance among other things to help with my cadence...

I'm looking forward to riding tomorrow morning with the new toys!

2007-06-02 7:56 PM
in reply to: #826837

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

houston-tri-mama - 2007-06-02 5:50 PM Just wanted to share my new toys with everyone: I bought new shimano pedals for the bike - I'm going to learn how to ride with clips if it kills me and it just might. I also picked up a "thinger" that tells speed and distance among other things to help with my cadence... I'm looking forward to riding tomorrow morning with the new toys!

Yay!!  You will love the bike computer (at least I do, but then again I'm a data geek)... and you'll get used to the pedals... so I hear ;).  I'm still trying to get used to mine.  If only I didn't need to stop...

Look what I just ordered:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Edited by milaminute 2007-06-02 8:01 PM
2007-06-02 8:00 PM
in reply to: #826655

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
It's close...this is my bike (mine's orange):

So are ya "spinning and grinning" Jim?? 

Cool bike and great color choice.

2007-06-02 8:49 PM
in reply to: #826931

Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Ooooh - Ahhhh pretty pink/orange color.

How in the heck do you start this computer thinger. The husband just attached it and we can't figure it out... the instructions online are worthless. it's the Trek Incite 6i model. Any clue?

I'll let you all know how I fair with the clip tomorrow morning. If you're of the praying kind, pray i don't injure myself.
2007-06-03 1:48 PM
in reply to: #826837

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2007-06-03 1:51 PM
in reply to: #826928

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2007-06-03 1:56 PM
in reply to: #827253

Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Bopper - 2007-06-03 1:48 PM

houston-tri-mama - 2007-06-02 5:50 PM Just wanted to share my new toys with everyone: I bought new shimano pedals for the bike - I'm going to learn how to ride with clips if it kills me and it just might. I also picked up a "thinger" that tells speed and distance among other things to help with my cadence... I'm looking forward to riding tomorrow morning with the new toys!

GREAT!!... way to go, you will be riding like the pros in no time. (BTW... the "thinger" is called a cycle computer)... and they do help... just don't get to carried away looking at the new thinger and forget to unclip your peddles... you don't want to join "The club". Been there... don that... got the scar to prove it.

Have fun riding today!!

The "thinger" aka cycle computer never worked - will return to bike shop for assistance in getting it to work. The shoes worked well - i remembered to unclip 1 side before dismounting... didn't join that club yet - although i fell on my run and twisted the ankle... if it's not 1 thing it's another.
2007-06-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: #826837

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

houston-tri-mama - 2007-06-02 4:50 PM Just wanted to share my new toys with everyone: I bought new shimano pedals for the bike - I'm going to learn how to ride with clips if it kills me and it just might. I also picked up a "thinger" that tells speed and distance among other things to help with my cadence... I'm looking forward to riding tomorrow morning with the new toys!

Great and necessary purchases.  Clips are the road bikes microwave, what did you do before them...  The bike computer is also great for calculating distance, speeds, etc and allows you to dynamically maintain a certain mph for a ride.



2007-06-04 8:57 AM
in reply to: #802336

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

So folks, I had a great training weekend to make up for last weekend.  On Saturday, I ran a very hilly 8 miles, it felt great and was nice and early so there weren't many cars to get in the way.  I decided (poorly) to run without socks to see if I could condition myself and save time in T2.  Bad idea.  The place where the insole meets the shoe on the inside of both feet started rubbing badly at mile 3.  By mile 8, I had no arch, just ripped open blisters.  Soooo, I think I will go back to socks.

on Sunday, I got in a nice 40 mile bike ride on the Silver Comet Trail.  It pretty flat and straight and outside of some ride time with friends (who ride slower), I had a pretty brisk ride.  The overall average was 17.64 mph but I would say that the first 15 was at around 14-15mph with my friends.

Off for a decent swim during lunch today. 

2007-06-04 9:09 AM
in reply to: #802336

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2007-06-04 10:45 AM
in reply to: #802336

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Wow, Bopper the new Avatar through me off!
I was trying to pay my cell phone bill and browse the forum at the same time. I had to go back & repunch in all the numbers in my phone again.

2007-06-04 11:12 AM
in reply to: #828514

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2007-06-04 11:42 AM
in reply to: #828259

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Bopper - 2007-06-04 9:09 AM

Well folks... it is done.

My first 2/3 of a triathlon is finished. For more info see my race report.

The swim went pretty well, but could have been better. My time was respectable for a first timer but I didn't feel that I gave it my all. T1 was a little slow... trouble getting wesuit off, plus I had to put on sandals to run across the parking lot... new tar and chip made running with barefeet NOT an option for me.

The bike was pretty strong... need to work on climbing, but all in all I was FAST. Averaged 34 km/h.... completed the 30 km bike in 53 minutes. The slog thru transition was probably the longest 100m I've ever done.... and hurt every step of the way... but my runner took off like a shot... and posted a 36 min run (7.5 km) 5th in the relay portion. We placed 9/14 for relay... but we were the only team to have one person doing two legs.

All-in-all... a very enjoyable experience. Looking forward to completing a full tri, by myself. But, as my stress fracture isn't healing... that's probably going to have to wait until next year.

 34 km/hr average? Man, that's BLOODY GREAT!

2007-06-04 1:40 PM
in reply to: #802336


Rapid City, SD
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
OK, I have a bit of a quandry.  I've signed up for a Sprint tri in Houston on Sunday.  Short distances, 600m/11mi/5k.  I just found out about a Free duathlon here on base the day before.  Ride 10/Run 5k.  I'm already signed up for the tri.  I've got the hotel and everything.  The question is, am I crazy for even considering doing the du the day before?  Is it possible?  And is it a good idea?  I'm kinda waffling on the whole thing because they're both relatively short.  And I think I might actually stand a chance at placing in the Du.  Well, let me know what you think.
2007-06-04 2:32 PM
in reply to: #828259

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Bopper - 2007-06-04 9:09 AM

Well folks... it is done.

My first 2/3 of a triathlon is finished. For more info see my race report.

The swim went pretty well, but could have been better. My time was respectable for a first timer but I didn't feel that I gave it my all. T1 was a little slow... trouble getting wesuit off, plus I had to put on sandals to run across the parking lot... new tar and chip made running with barefeet NOT an option for me.

The bike was pretty strong... need to work on climbing, but all in all I was FAST. Averaged 34 km/h.... completed the 30 km bike in 53 minutes. The slog thru transition was probably the longest 100m I've ever done.... and hurt every step of the way... but my runner took off like a shot... and posted a 36 min run (7.5 km) 5th in the relay portion. We placed 9/14 for relay... but we were the only team to have one person doing two legs.

All-in-all... a very enjoyable experience. Looking forward to completing a full tri, by myself. But, as my stress fracture isn't healing... that's probably going to have to wait until next year.


Fantastic ride Bopper, that is smokin'...even when converted into miles, HA.   When you are able to start running again next year, watch out Norminator.

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