BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-12 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1145686

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Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Zilla - 2008-01-09 1:04 PM
PeterAK - 2008-01-09 12:47 PM

Zilla, how did you hurt your neck? I messed mine up this weekend and got a beat-me-up type massage on Monday to help with it. The muscle from the base of my skull was a big knot all the way down my back. I've got the range of motion back but still some soreness. My massage therapist is awesome!

Um .... believe it or not I was in Target and I reached up to a top shelf to pull down some towels and I felt something "rip" from the my trap down my back.  I have a huge knot in my muscle now and my range of motion is limited.  It only hurts when I sit.  As long as I'm standing the pain is tolerable, I even ran a bit yesterday, I can't turn my head without pain.  Pulled a muscle lifting a towel.  Sad really.  LOL! 

At least you were lifting something.  I once blew my back out with a sneeze : )

My chiropractor gave me a portable TENS unit (you can run, bike, spar with this on) a few years ago--my insurance paid for it--and that thing has been a lifesaver so many times throughout the years.  I've used it on my neck, back, quads, and around my knees and it really helps with muscle pain and inflammation.  I think you can rent them from PTs or chiropractors also.

I hope you feel better soon.

2008-01-12 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

So how is everyone doing with workouts?  Feeling good?  Struggling?  Experimenting with nutrition?

My quads are TIRED from two great days of snowboarding.  Going to take advantage of that Rocky Mountain high when I get home from Colorado! 

2008-01-12 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1152413

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Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-01-12 6:32 PM

So how is everyone doing with workouts?  Feeling good?  Struggling?  Experimenting with nutrition?

My quads are TIRED from two great days of snowboarding.  Going to take advantage of that Rocky Mountain high when I get home from Colorado! 

Had a few days off this last week due to business travel (and some laziness on my part) and have been getting a bit more sleep too. The workouts just following the time off were GREAT. Felt re-energized, fresh, etc. Worked it pretty hard in December (missed one day) and was feeling slightly worn out. I need to try real hard to get more that 5 1/2 - 6 hours of sleep and take a rest day every once and awhile.  Starting week 10 of the 20 week 3x Oly program and it has been good so far.

Starting the Carmichael Training System nutrition plan this week. Truth is my wife has been buying much of what they recommend on the menu, but I have either chosen to eat something else, or have eaten too much of it. This business trip forced me to eat "regularly", i.e., breakfast/lunch/dinner and did NOT allow me to "graze" at night. As a result, I broke through the 209/210 plateau and have dropped to about 204/205. I have some renewed energy towards my long-term weight goal.

Just gotta keep 'er goin'


2008-01-12 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1152413

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
This had been a really crappy start of the year for me. December went pretty well as far as workouts. Just after Christmas I was diagnosed with a viral infection. It left me with very little energy. On January 3rd I sprained my back at work moving some filing cabinets around. Was out until this Tuesday from work and my back is still very tight. And now to top off the great few weeks, I was laid off from my job yesterday. I am not really hurting for money, thank goodness, but losing your job is never a good thing.

Well, I'll make the best of things. I am planning on getting my butt back out on the road tomorrow and testing out the back. If all goes well, I'll begin swimming Monday and I'll actually have time get that swimming lesson I have been wanting - needing.

In short, I am ready to start kicking some a$$. F the job. F the back and F the infection. I think pain will actually do me some good. I want it. I love it. I need it. Time to start LIVING again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-01-13 1:48 AM
in reply to: #1152562

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Force, congrats on the weight breakthrough!  Gotta be exciting.  Make sure you take rest days, it is really important.  At least one a week.

FentressJET, sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch!  Is your back getting better?  Back injuries are so debilitating.  Sorry to hear about the job, hope you land on your feet with an even better position. 

Are you back to full energy after the virus?  Keep us posted on the back recovery! 

2008-01-13 5:28 AM
in reply to: #1152739

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Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-01-13 1:48 AM

No kidding you're not a morning person...night owl fo' sho'....posting at 1:48a....



2008-01-13 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1152413

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-01-12 6:32 PM

So how is everyone doing with workouts?  Feeling good?  Struggling?  Experimenting with nutrition?

 Been staying on plan,  did longest run ever yesterday, feeling good. After ammonia smell discussion I've been eating oatmeal 60-90 minutes before running and seems to reduce the odor.  Enjoy the snowboarding.

2008-01-13 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1152413

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-01-12 7:32 PM

So how is everyone doing with workouts? Feeling good? Struggling? Experimenting with nutrition?

I'm having some challenges getting the new weight workouts into the cardio. My muscles are staying tired for 2-3 days afterwards, and stomping on my runs. I'm hoping this is just a first week thing. I mean, I've done it twice. That's hardly a sample size. If I'm still not adjusting after a couple weeks (is that a good amount of time?), I'll have something else. I'm not sure what yet.

Trainer has asked that I wait a month or so before paying for a nutrition consultation, and keep a food diary. The idea is, I'm eating a lot more than I think I am.
2008-01-14 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1152413

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-01-12 6:32 PM

So how is everyone doing with workouts?  Feeling good?  Struggling?  Experimenting with nutrition?

mine are going great pete...................oh, um.....sorry, wrong thread...........well, then just stopping in to say hi and eeeeeeeaaaaawwwwwww so.............

 hi and eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaawwwww


2008-01-14 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1152917

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
daveo1101 - 2008-01-13 10:22 AM
PeterAK - 2008-01-12 6:32 PM

So how is everyone doing with workouts?  Feeling good?  Struggling?  Experimenting with nutrition?

 Been staying on plan,  did longest run ever yesterday, feeling good. After ammonia smell discussion I've been eating oatmeal 60-90 minutes before running and seems to reduce the odor.  Enjoy the snowboarding.

Congrats on the run Dave!  How do you feel now a couuple days later?  Glad the oatmeal trick is helping.  Keep experimenting and let us know how it goes!

2008-01-14 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1153768

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Tautery - 2008-01-13 9:59 PM
PeterAK - 2008-01-12 7:32 PM

So how is everyone doing with workouts? Feeling good? Struggling? Experimenting with nutrition?

I'm having some challenges getting the new weight workouts into the cardio. My muscles are staying tired for 2-3 days afterwards, and stomping on my runs. I'm hoping this is just a first week thing. I mean, I've done it twice. That's hardly a sample size. If I'm still not adjusting after a couple weeks (is that a good amount of time?), I'll have something else. I'm not sure what yet. Trainer has asked that I wait a month or so before paying for a nutrition consultation, and keep a food diary. The idea is, I'm eating a lot more than I think I am.

Teresa, good stuff!  If you are really pushing yourself with a new exercise you will be sore for a few days.  In a few weeks it should be a different experience, you will still get fatigue, but your muscles will recover quite a bit faster.  Good idea with the eating log, I did that for a few weeks during IM training and it helped me recognize my good and bad habits and make the necessary changes.

2008-01-14 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1152413

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2008-01-14 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1154332

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-01-14 9:29 AM

Congrats on the run Dave!  How do you feel now a couuple days later?  Glad the oatmeal trick is helping.  Keep experimenting and let us know how it goes!

Legs a little heavy but not bad...  I am happy that my limiter here seems to be endurance and not ITB issues which I had last year. Between the orthotics and the Trigger point rolling that issue seems to be gone!

2008-01-15 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1155076

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2008-01-15 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1158032

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

hhpvbtri - 2008-01-15 3:33 PM

So what are the symptoms of ITB - I've been having some mild pain on the back outside of my leg just above my left knee - should I be worried?

I’m not a doctor though I’ve been known to play one on demand

I can't speak for anyone else and I did self diagnosis. This URL (be sure to check out the pictures)

is far more descriptive that I could be though my symptoms presented almost text book to what it says here. It would not bother me until I was a good ways into my run then it would be debilitating. As soon as I started walking the pain would stop.

I got in-shoe orthotics from my Chiropractor that have changed the mechanics of my gait as well as started using trigger point rollers to roll out the quads and ITB – a little pricey but if it means I run pain free then I am all for it.


In my case it was not mild pain. It hurt like hell.


2008-01-16 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1158191

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2008-01-17 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1160235

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
I don't seem to have ITB issues yet, *knocks on wood*. My extremely long limbed (but regular length muscles) daughter does. She's always doing stretches that only seem to help a little. Hard to treat, very painful, a pain in all sense of the term.

My issue seems to be my shoulders. They are very tight, and they sometimes "grind". Even as a swimmer, I couldn't do the butterfly very well. They were grinding like mad when I first started swimming again, but got better when I added shoulder stretches to my routine.

Now I've added rotator cuff exercises with small weights, and we're back to grinding. In fact, I can barely hold my arms out straight, let alone rotate my forearm perpendicular to the floor, then parallel (I think I described that right? I call it "Robot Arms".)

It sounds stupid but I can't really tell if I need glucosomine to treat the joint, or do I need to keep working on flexibility and strength. I figured I might try the supplements. it's the grinding sensation that gets me, and yes, they are very weak.

2008-01-17 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1161971

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Teresa, I'm a believer in glucosomine/chondroitin.  I take the Joint Health product from Emergen-C and really like it.  It's not a cure all, but I think it has helped me with my formerly troublesome knees.

Looks like a few of us are battling sickness or injuries or dealing with real life.  Hope everyone is keeping their spirits up!  We're in the doldrums of winter here in Wisconsin, but it is now a little bit light out after 5 p.m. so there is hope!!!

I have just over 22 weeks to High Cliff, and plan to jump onto the BT 20 week Half Ironman plan the first week of Feb.  I will make some adjustments for the Wildflower Oly in early may.

In other news, we have set a date for our wedding, 5/31/08!!!  Now the challenge will be pulling together all the details in just four and a half months!

2008-01-18 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

This thread fell to page two in a day!  We need more action gang!

I had a solid one hour base ride on the computrainer yesterday.  Nothing flashy but it was good.

Plan on a good 90+ minute ride tomorrow morning and going to go swim here shortly.

Any exciting plans for the weekend?  Looooong workouts?  Treating injuries?  etc?

I'm working a wedding show both days from 11-5.  Going to be really exciting!  Anyone want to help me out by challenging me to get off my butt and go running Sunday a.m.?

2008-01-18 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1094997

West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

hey, get off your butt and go running on sunday morning you donkey!!  (out of far???)


2008-01-18 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1163999

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-01-18 11:21 AM

I had a solid one hour base ride on the computrainer yesterday.  Nothing flashy but it was good.

Plan on a good 90+ minute ride tomorrow morning and going to go swim here shortly.

Any exciting plans for the weekend?  Looooong workouts?  Treating injuries?  etc?

I'm working a wedding show both days from 11-5.  Going to be really exciting!  Anyone want to help me out by challenging me to get off my butt and go running Sunday a.m.?

 a wedding show - gack! - [chirping birdsong] ah the price of love...  [/chirping birdsong]

a little run tonight, recovery swim little run tomorrow, something on sunday... Next week some speed work  thrown in as I have a race Sunday and want the muscles to remember what going "fast" is

2008-01-18 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1164063

Subject: ...
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2008-01-18 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1164827

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Zilla - 2008-01-18 5:06 PM

Peter said to come in here and post ... but I got nothin' to say .. well except this:

Peter is a dork.  Heh. 

But you said that I was a dork!  You don't wuv me anymore.   *sniff*

2008-01-19 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1094997

San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hey gang. I have not been around the past week. I actually was rushed to the ER on Monday night. I got an upset stomach, lightheaded, really sweaty and lost all strength. I nearly passout out just when I got to the ER. They ran numerous tests on me when I got there and they thought I was having or had a silent heart attack in the recent past. (Hey I'm only 38, what gives) I had an abnormal EKG although I told them I have always had abnormal EKG's.

So, I was admitted to the hospital for a nuclear stress test. Went through that and that was inconclusive. Finally I had an angiogram and they said all my arteries were clear as a bell and no damage was seen. I had a Carotid sonogram and they are also clear. I have still been feeling weak as I had been for 3 weeks. There are no signs of an infection and the Dr's are stumped. I was just released from the hospital yesterday and I am to follow up with my regular Dr. This whole thing is really freaking me out. I plan to see an internal medicine Dr this week and possibly a neurologist also. I guess my plans for my first TRI in March are out the window. It is really fustrating since my training in December went really well. At least I know that when I begin training again, I know I won't have a heart attack!!! I'll be checking in when I can.
2008-01-19 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1165665

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

FentressJET - 2008-01-19 2:05 PM Hey gang. I have not been around the past week. I actually was rushed to the ER on Monday night. I got an upset stomach, lightheaded, really sweaty and lost all strength. I nearly passout out just when I got to the ER. They ran numerous tests on me when I got there and they thought I was having or had a silent heart attack in the recent past. (Hey I'm only 38, what gives) I had an abnormal EKG although I told them I have always had abnormal EKG's. So, I was admitted to the hospital for a nuclear stress test. Went through that and that was inconclusive. Finally I had an angiogram and they said all my arteries were clear as a bell and no damage was seen. I had a Carotid sonogram and they are also clear. I have still been feeling weak as I had been for 3 weeks. There are no signs of an infection and the Dr's are stumped. I was just released from the hospital yesterday and I am to follow up with my regular Dr. This whole thing is really freaking me out. I plan to see an internal medicine Dr this week and possibly a neurologist also. I guess my plans for my first TRI in March are out the window. It is really fustrating since my training in December went really well. At least I know that when I begin training again, I know I won't have a heart attack!!! I'll be checking in when I can.

Wow, thanks for the update.  I saw your log said you'd be gone and I was wondering what happened.  I had a similar thing happen once--fortunately it turned out to be withdrawal from a pain med (percocet)--but it certainly freaked me out until it was finally figured out.  I hope you find something out soon and get your energy back!  Take care and keep us updated...we're still here rooting for you : )

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