BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-03-10 7:17 PM
in reply to: #4654085

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
spie34 - 2013-03-10 7:53 PM

dangremond - 2013-03-10 7:46 AM Getting up early to run 14 miles on the day of day light savings time equals being very tired when you are done...


I agree with you there. My whole schedule is off big time today. Of course I totally forgot about it last night as well and went to bed late.

But today did a decent 1:39 run followed by 50 minutes on the drainer. I was gonna go out and ride but just didn't feel like switching out my rear tire. The trainer has taken its toll on the rear tire so I don't feel good enough about it on the road with a bunch of small rocks that haven't been swept off as of yet.

So I've been testing out what to eat on the bike/run. So far just been using powerbal gels, energy blasts, and performance bars. Trying to keep the carbs at about 60-70g per hour which might be on the high side for me as I'm only 145lbs. Fluid wise trying to take in 24-26oz water per hour. Things seem to fairly good without a lot of stomach problems. I have started using endurolytes yet as I haven't been cramping at all.  

Last year I used perpeteum with some success. One packet in a bottle was all I could tolerate or my stomach just didn't like me much after that. But I still think I would like to drink some of my nutrition for IMCDA. I know perform is on the course but even though I love my candy and sweets, I don't care for the taste of that at all.

Any suggestions to change this up to some other type of food that might be better? I have not been having stomach problems, I'm not feeling like I am bonking, but would like to have some other ideas, options in case what i am trying to use right now doesn't work out all that well for me.

I ended up getting a separate wheel (used beater from cycling shop), cheap cassette and trainer tire that I use specifically for the trainer. When I ride outside I just have to change out the rear wheels. I thought about jumping on the trainer when I was done, with my run but honestly the last two miles I felt pretty tired. Instead I let my wife sleep in and I took care of our 3 year old in the morning. On nutrition front, I like that you hydrate well. I take in about 40g of carbs per hour and always feel fine, never have done anything past a HM so nutrition has never been complex.

2013-03-10 7:20 PM
in reply to: #4654112

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
JoePetto - 2013-03-10 8:09 PM
spie34 - 2013-03-10 7:53 PM

dangremond - 2013-03-10 7:46 AM Getting up early to run 14 miles on the day of day light savings time equals being very tired when you are done...


I agree with you there. My whole schedule is off big time today. Of course I totally forgot about it last night as well and went to bed late.

But today did a decent 1:39 run followed by 50 minutes on the drainer. I was gonna go out and ride but just didn't feel like switching out my rear tire. The trainer has taken its toll on the rear tire so I don't feel good enough about it on the road with a bunch of small rocks that haven't been swept off as of yet.

So I've been testing out what to eat on the bike/run. So far just been using powerbal gels, energy blasts, and performance bars. Trying to keep the carbs at about 60-70g per hour which might be on the high side for me as I'm only 145lbs. Fluid wise trying to take in 24-26oz water per hour. Things seem to fairly good without a lot of stomach problems. I have started using endurolytes yet as I haven't been cramping at all.  

Last year I used perpeteum with some success. One packet in a bottle was all I could tolerate or my stomach just didn't like me much after that. But I still think I would like to drink some of my nutrition for IMCDA. I know perform is on the course but even though I love my candy and sweets, I don't care for the taste of that at all.

Any suggestions to change this up to some other type of food that might be better? I have not been having stomach problems, I'm not feeling like I am bonking, but would like to have some other ideas, options in case what i am trying to use right now doesn't work out all that well for me.

I have found that the key to Perpeteum is keeping it cold. I use 3 hour bottle for HIM distances and freeze it the night before.  I find the orange vanilla to be much easier to tolerate when really cold.  Also, like Bonk bars as it has more of the real food consistency and holds up well during longer workouts. The longer I go the more difficult I find to tolerate manufactured food.  In terms of fluid, I like Nuun tablets and water.  Adds electrolytes without the sugary flavor.

X2 on the electrolyte tablets, I use the GU ones and like the concept of separating the calories from the electrolytes. I think the importance of electrolytes is often understated.
2013-03-10 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Yesterday I did a brick, 1 hr on the bike 30 minutes on the dreadmill. Today 10.3 mile run.
2013-03-11 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4654281

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

JBacarella - 2013-03-10 10:48 PM Yesterday I did a brick, 1 hr on the bike 30 minutes on the dreadmill. Today 10.3 mile run.

That hour we lost caught up with me this morning.  Busy all day yesterday and sore this morning. I was unable to roll my self out of bed to workout this morning.  I hate when I miss a workout!

2013-03-11 9:19 AM
in reply to: #4654602

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
dangremond - 2013-03-11 6:26 AM

JBacarella - 2013-03-10 10:48 PM Yesterday I did a brick, 1 hr on the bike 30 minutes on the dreadmill. Today 10.3 mile run.

That hour we lost caught up with me this morning.  Busy all day yesterday and sore this morning. I was unable to roll my self out of bed to workout this morning.  I hate when I miss a workout!

I don't like to miss a workout either or cut them short.  But it is always best to listen to your body because I feel when I do miss a workout or cut one short it is for a good reason rather than just being lazy. 

That hour has messed with my system as well. I get to deal with it again this coming weekend as I am travelling to Boise from Spokane which has an hour difference in time.


Oh and thanks for the advice/thoughts on the nutrition side of things. I guess i am thinking appropriately for what I am doing for the most part. I'll just need to make sure that I am eating what I need specifically for me.

2013-03-11 9:13 PM
in reply to: #4654706

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
spie34 - 2013-03-11 9:19 AM
dangremond - 2013-03-11 6:26 AM

JBacarella - 2013-03-10 10:48 PM Yesterday I did a brick, 1 hr on the bike 30 minutes on the dreadmill. Today 10.3 mile run.

That hour we lost caught up with me this morning.  Busy all day yesterday and sore this morning. I was unable to roll my self out of bed to workout this morning.  I hate when I miss a workout!

I don't like to miss a workout either or cut them short.  But it is always best to listen to your body because I feel when I do miss a workout or cut one short it is for a good reason rather than just being lazy. 

That hour has messed with my system as well. I get to deal with it again this coming weekend as I am travelling to Boise from Spokane which has an hour difference in time.


Oh and thanks for the advice/thoughts on the nutrition side of things. I guess i am thinking appropriately for what I am doing for the most part. I'll just need to make sure that I am eating what I need specifically for me.

It worked in my favor. We slept too late for church, so I was able to get my long run in.

Today I had 47 minutes n the drainer, doing the Wretched, then tonight 33 minutes on the dreadmill.

Edited by JBacarella 2013-03-11 9:13 PM

2013-03-11 9:28 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Tonight, for the first time in a while, I am really tired from running. Not tired OF running, but tired FROM running.

Did 7.5 miles on Saturday outside. Very sloshy and slippery. Did 15 miles yesterday in an indoor sports dome (5.25 times around per mile). Dodged walkers and people going to and from soccer games in the middle.

Today ran 6 miles outside. Tomorrow 8 miles, to cap off a 50 mile week. (I rest on Wednesdays, so a week is Thursday to Tuesday.)

Starting to feel like a runner again.

How are you doing Jackie?
2013-03-11 9:34 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Hey Ernesto how is life in Puerto Rico and are your ready to rock your 70.3 tri?

I'm still suffering from having way too much fun on the weekend and forgetting I'm not in college anymore Wink  After getting an early morning long bike ride on Saturday plus a brick run, I went to a lunch party followed by an incredible concert with great groups, including the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Paul Van Dyk. To top the night off, I still made it to an after concert party which looking back now was not a great idea.  Two days off from workouts for me and a reminder that I'm not 21 anymore...

2013-03-12 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

I am acting as my city's liason to the local triathlon festival again this year. I am the go between the city, local businesses and the company that owns the event. The company that puts on the event has a 70.3, Duathlon, Oly, sprint, and this year an aquathon, which includes a kayak leg. Last year we made some cool changes like making the transition area ITU style. Fans, family, spectators could get up close and cheer you on (or in my case having my 79 year old Dad, who was attending his first tri, telling me stop talking and go faster "you're in a race D#mn it").

I am looking for your input. What make a local event cool. What would draw you to a race? The course, branding, swag. Also, what have you seen at races that you think is unique or fun. What makes the race better for your family and friendss who go out to watch?

2013-03-12 8:30 AM
in reply to: #4655977

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

chris2533 - 2013-03-11 10:28 PM Tonight, for the first time in a while, I am really tired from running. Not tired OF running, but tired FROM running. Did 7.5 miles on Saturday outside. Very sloshy and slippery. Did 15 miles yesterday in an indoor sports dome (5.25 times around per mile). Dodged walkers and people going to and from soccer games in the middle. Today ran 6 miles outside. Tomorrow 8 miles, to cap off a 50 mile week. (I rest on Wednesdays, so a week is Thursday to Tuesday.) Starting to feel like a runner again. How are you doing Jackie?

Chris - I know the feeling.  I have never run the volume I am running these days.  Sometimes I am just exhausted.  After my 14 miler on Sunday I felt off all day.  probably a combination of still getting healty from the cold and ramping back up after taking a few days off.  This week is supposed to be 51 miles but I will get to mid 40's.  Trying to find tha balance where my fitness can improve without injury, sickness or exhaustion.

2013-03-12 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4655985

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
sirgab - 2013-03-11 9:34 PM

Hey Ernesto how is life in Puerto Rico and are your ready to rock your 70.3 tri?

I'm still suffering from having way too much fun on the weekend and forgetting I'm not in college anymore Wink  After getting an early morning long bike ride on Saturday plus a brick run, I went to a lunch party followed by an incredible concert with great groups, including the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Paul Van Dyk. To top the night off, I still made it to an after concert party which looking back now was not a great idea.  Two days off from workouts for me and a reminder that I'm not 21 anymore...

The wife is in Puerto Rico already (she's a achoolteacher, on spring break) but I am still stuck in Dallas for two more days... Sucks! I feel good, I missed a few workouts but I don't think it will be that bad.

So, not 21 anymore? You looked very happy on facebook!, hehe...

2013-03-12 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4655977

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

chris2533 - 2013-03-11 9:28 PM Tonight, for the first time in a while, I am really tired from running. Not tired OF running, but tired FROM running. Did 7.5 miles on Saturday outside. Very sloshy and slippery. Did 15 miles yesterday in an indoor sports dome (5.25 times around per mile). Dodged walkers and people going to and from soccer games in the middle. Today ran 6 miles outside. Tomorrow 8 miles, to cap off a 50 mile week. (I rest on Wednesdays, so a week is Thursday to Tuesday.) Starting to feel like a runner again. How are you doing Jackie?

Are you doing a progression Chris? I really hope you're not ramping up steep, remember injury... Also, if you're a bit overweight it will require more adaptations to higher mileage.

2013-03-12 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4655956

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

It worked in my favor. We slept too late for church, so I was able to get my long run in.

Today I had 47 minutes n the drainer, doing the Wretched, then tonight 33 minutes on the dreadmill.

So how did you like "The Wretched"?
2013-03-12 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4656359

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
ernestov - 2013-03-12 8:59 AM

chris2533 - 2013-03-11 9:28 PM Tonight, for the first time in a while, I am really tired from running. Not tired OF running, but tired FROM running. Did 7.5 miles on Saturday outside. Very sloshy and slippery. Did 15 miles yesterday in an indoor sports dome (5.25 times around per mile). Dodged walkers and people going to and from soccer games in the middle. Today ran 6 miles outside. Tomorrow 8 miles, to cap off a 50 mile week. (I rest on Wednesdays, so a week is Thursday to Tuesday.) Starting to feel like a runner again. How are you doing Jackie?

Are you doing a progression Chris? I really hope you're not ramping up steep, remember injury... Also, if you're a bit overweight it will require more adaptations to higher mileage.

I did ramp up the mileage pretty quickly, but I am running slowly. Before taking time off for being sick, I was back up to 30 or so miles a week. Then I started around 40 and am now up around 50, where I will stay.

And I am not a bit overweight. My goal right now is to be a bit overweight by race time.

But my strategy so far for avoiding injury is to go high mileage but not high speed. Generally, the rule is you can ramp up mileage or ramp up speed any given week. Trying to do both at the same time invites injury.
2013-03-12 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Trevor, for nutrition I do Heed/Perpetuem mix (Cafe Latte) on the bike or between breakfast and race for marathon.  Later I do nuun and gels and water and whatever food is on the course for the run. I've only done a HIM.

Mitch, keep it up.  You're doing great!

Chris, E called you overweight Surprised  I actually think I have post-partum depression.  I birthed the marathon baby and I'm feeling a little down.  I'd love to find a plan for the bike and swim similar to the Hanson plan for the marathon.  I haven't set my next goal yet because I don't feel like it.  I'm just going on some easy social bike rides, went mountain biking once and actually got in the pool this past Sunday.  Unless anyone has suggestions, I'm going to wait a couple of weeks before I decide on the next goal.



2013-03-12 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4656364

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
ernestov - 2013-03-12 9:00 AM

It worked in my favor. We slept too late for church, so I was able to get my long run in.

Today I had 47 minutes n the drainer, doing the Wretched, then tonight 33 minutes on the dreadmill.

So how did you like "The Wretched"?

The Wretched is my current favorite. My quads are screaming by time it is over. I just don't know how they got video of me in my underwear for the beginning of the videoSmile. I am going to try Blender this weekend.

2013-03-12 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4656479

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
jackiep - 2013-03-12 9:50 AM

Chris, E called you overweight Surprised  I actually think I have post-partum depression.  I birthed the marathon baby and I'm feeling a little down.  I'd love to find a plan for the bike and swim similar to the Hanson plan for the marathon.  I haven't set my next goal yet because I don't feel like it.  I'm just going on some easy social bike rides, went mountain biking once and actually got in the pool this past Sunday.  Unless anyone has suggestions, I'm going to wait a couple of weeks before I decide on the next goal.



No, E called me a bit overweight, which isn't true. That's like when Bruce Willis's character in Die Hard accused Alan Rickman's character of being a "common criminal." Rickman's character was quite offended, but not at being called a criminal, but instead for being called a "common" criminal. I likewise object to being called "a bit" overweight.

As for the post-partum depression, well, I've never had a baby (that I know of). But it is true that there is a big let down after these big races. Probably one reason I let myself go. Not sure what advice to give, other than don't cut things to zero.

Edited by chris2533 2013-03-12 1:03 PM
2013-03-12 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4656706

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
chris2533 - 2013-03-12 11:51 AM
jackiep - 2013-03-12 9:50 AM

Trevor,Chris, E called you overweight Surprised  I actually think I have post-partum depression.  I birthed the marathon baby and I'm feeling a little down.  I'd love to find a plan for the bike and swim similar to the Hanson plan for the marathon.  I haven't set my next goal yet because I don't feel like it.  I'm just going on some easy social bike rides, went mountain biking once and actually got in the pool this past Sunday.  Unless anyone has suggestions, I'm going to wait a couple of weeks before I decide on the next goal.



No, E called me a bit overweight, which isn't true. That's like when Bruce Willis's character in Die Hard accused Alan Rickman's character of being a "common criminal." Rickman's character was quite offended, but not at being called a criminal, but instead for being called a "common" criminal. I likewise object to being called "a bit" overweight. As for the post-partum depression, well, I've never had a baby (that I know of). But it is true that there is a big let down after these big races. Probably one reason I let myself go. Not sure what advice to give, other than don't cut things to zero.
LOL! Laughing You're a bit overweight, I am REALLY overweight. I shook some weight off a couple of months ago, got complacent again and back to my 180 pounds...
2013-03-12 7:19 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
So this is probably a heretical statement, but I started using my wife's SwimP3 and it had doing wonders for keeping me engaged while swimming.  The drudgery of pool swimming kills me and I have found that the din of the SwimP3 gives me just enough extra motivation/distraction not to throw in the towel.  The product tends be unreliable in that we've replaced no less than 5 units over the last 3-4 years, but Finis has stood by the product and replaced it free of charge.  Unlike other products, the sound is conducted through the bone in your skull and not your eardrums. The latest generation device seems like it might be sturdier.  
2013-03-12 8:07 PM
in reply to: #4657371

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

JoePetto - 2013-03-12 7:19 PM So this is probably a heretical statement, but I started using my wife's SwimP3 and it had doing wonders for keeping me engaged while swimming.  The drudgery of pool swimming kills me and I have found that the din of the SwimP3 gives me just enough extra motivation/distraction not to throw in the towel.  The product tends be unreliable in that we've replaced no less than 5 units over the last 3-4 years, but Finis has stood by the product and replaced it free of charge.  Unlike other products, the sound is conducted through the bone in your skull and not your eardrums. The latest generation device seems like it might be sturdier.  

Joe, I'm with you in using music to make the swims more bearable, especially long swims.  I use a Waterfi iPod Shuffle and it works well for what I need.

2013-03-12 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4657408

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
sirgab - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM

JoePetto - 2013-03-12 7:19 PM So this is probably a heretical statement, but I started using my wife's SwimP3 and it had doing wonders for keeping me engaged while swimming.  The drudgery of pool swimming kills me and I have found that the din of the SwimP3 gives me just enough extra motivation/distraction not to throw in the towel.  The product tends be unreliable in that we've replaced no less than 5 units over the last 3-4 years, but Finis has stood by the product and replaced it free of charge.  Unlike other products, the sound is conducted through the bone in your skull and not your eardrums. The latest generation device seems like it might be sturdier.  

Joe, I'm with you in using music to make the swims more bearable, especially long swims.  I use a Waterfi iPod Shuffle and it works well for what I need.

Any issues with keeping earbuds in ear? I've thought of getting one, but wonder how well it works?

2013-03-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4657475

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
dangremond - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM
sirgab - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM

JoePetto - 2013-03-12 7:19 PM So this is probably a heretical statement, but I started using my wife's SwimP3 and it had doing wonders for keeping me engaged while swimming.  The drudgery of pool swimming kills me and I have found that the din of the SwimP3 gives me just enough extra motivation/distraction not to throw in the towel.  The product tends be unreliable in that we've replaced no less than 5 units over the last 3-4 years, but Finis has stood by the product and replaced it free of charge.  Unlike other products, the sound is conducted through the bone in your skull and not your eardrums. The latest generation device seems like it might be sturdier.  

Joe, I'm with you in using music to make the swims more bearable, especially long swims.  I use a Waterfi iPod Shuffle and it works well for what I need.

Any issues with keeping earbuds in ear? I've thought of getting one, but wonder how well it works?

Mitch, they are ok and you can put your swimming cap over your ears and it will keep them in.  Without a swim cap for a 1 hr swim, I usually have to put them back into my ear 2-3 times, but no biggie compared to the value of having music during the boring pool laps.  With the Waterfi the good thing is that its just a regular iPod shuffle, but waterproofed, so you can also use it for your runs or bike rides (yes I ride with music some times when going alone for long rides).  Meanwhile, the swimP3 is only good for the water (unless you want to look really "cool" during your runs, hey you could even match it with the Hoka Ones Wink)

2013-03-13 5:54 AM
in reply to: #4657502

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
sirgab - 2013-03-12 10:24 PM
dangremond - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM
sirgab - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM

JoePetto - 2013-03-12 7:19 PM So this is probably a heretical statement, but I started using my wife's SwimP3 and it had doing wonders for keeping me engaged while swimming.  The drudgery of pool swimming kills me and I have found that the din of the SwimP3 gives me just enough extra motivation/distraction not to throw in the towel.  The product tends be unreliable in that we've replaced no less than 5 units over the last 3-4 years, but Finis has stood by the product and replaced it free of charge.  Unlike other products, the sound is conducted through the bone in your skull and not your eardrums. The latest generation device seems like it might be sturdier.  

Joe, I'm with you in using music to make the swims more bearable, especially long swims.  I use a Waterfi iPod Shuffle and it works well for what I need.

Any issues with keeping earbuds in ear? I've thought of getting one, but wonder how well it works?

Mitch, they are ok and you can put your swimming cap over your ears and it will keep them in.  Without a swim cap for a 1 hr swim, I usually have to put them back into my ear 2-3 times, but no biggie compared to the value of having music during the boring pool laps.  With the Waterfi the good thing is that its just a regular iPod shuffle, but waterproofed, so you can also use it for your runs or bike rides (yes I ride with music some times when going alone for long rides).  Meanwhile, the swimP3 is only good for the water (unless you want to look really "cool" during your runs, hey you could even match it with the Hoka Ones Wink)

Believe me, my girls will really love me if I get some Hokas!
2013-03-13 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4657689

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
dangremond - 2013-03-13 5:54 AM
sirgab - 2013-03-12 10:24 PM
dangremond - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM
sirgab - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM

JoePetto - 2013-03-12 7:19 PM So this is probably a heretical statement, but I started using my wife's SwimP3 and it had doing wonders for keeping me engaged while swimming.  The drudgery of pool swimming kills me and I have found that the din of the SwimP3 gives me just enough extra motivation/distraction not to throw in the towel.  The product tends be unreliable in that we've replaced no less than 5 units over the last 3-4 years, but Finis has stood by the product and replaced it free of charge.  Unlike other products, the sound is conducted through the bone in your skull and not your eardrums. The latest generation device seems like it might be sturdier.  

Joe, I'm with you in using music to make the swims more bearable, especially long swims.  I use a Waterfi iPod Shuffle and it works well for what I need.

Any issues with keeping earbuds in ear? I've thought of getting one, but wonder how well it works?

Mitch, they are ok and you can put your swimming cap over your ears and it will keep them in.  Without a swim cap for a 1 hr swim, I usually have to put them back into my ear 2-3 times, but no biggie compared to the value of having music during the boring pool laps.  With the Waterfi the good thing is that its just a regular iPod shuffle, but waterproofed, so you can also use it for your runs or bike rides (yes I ride with music some times when going alone for long rides).  Meanwhile, the swimP3 is only good for the water (unless you want to look really "cool" during your runs, hey you could even match it with the Hoka Ones Wink)

Believe me, my girls will really love me if I get some Hokas!

The teenaged girl's dream Dad showing up in front of her friends wearing a swimP3, Hokas and spandex.

2013-03-13 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4657783

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
JBacarella - 2013-03-13 8:35 AM
dangremond - 2013-03-13 5:54 AM
sirgab - 2013-03-12 10:24 PM
dangremond - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM
sirgab - 2013-03-12 9:07 PM

JoePetto - 2013-03-12 7:19 PM So this is probably a heretical statement, but I started using my wife's SwimP3 and it had doing wonders for keeping me engaged while swimming.  The drudgery of pool swimming kills me and I have found that the din of the SwimP3 gives me just enough extra motivation/distraction not to throw in the towel.  The product tends be unreliable in that we've replaced no less than 5 units over the last 3-4 years, but Finis has stood by the product and replaced it free of charge.  Unlike other products, the sound is conducted through the bone in your skull and not your eardrums. The latest generation device seems like it might be sturdier.  

Joe, I'm with you in using music to make the swims more bearable, especially long swims.  I use a Waterfi iPod Shuffle and it works well for what I need.

Any issues with keeping earbuds in ear? I've thought of getting one, but wonder how well it works?

Mitch, they are ok and you can put your swimming cap over your ears and it will keep them in.  Without a swim cap for a 1 hr swim, I usually have to put them back into my ear 2-3 times, but no biggie compared to the value of having music during the boring pool laps.  With the Waterfi the good thing is that its just a regular iPod shuffle, but waterproofed, so you can also use it for your runs or bike rides (yes I ride with music some times when going alone for long rides).  Meanwhile, the swimP3 is only good for the water (unless you want to look really "cool" during your runs, hey you could even match it with the Hoka Ones Wink)

Believe me, my girls will really love me if I get some Hokas!

The teenaged girl's dream Dad showing up in front of her friends wearing a swimP3, Hokas and spandex.

As I stroll through the house in tri-shorts I get the, "can you put on some pants" comment quite a lot.

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