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2011-06-04 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3532118

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-06-04 8:13 AM

Alright, I'm coming clean . . . I'm feeling a level of panic set in.  The source of the panic is that I know that the race will not be wetsuit legal next Sunday.  I've struggled in non-wetsuit legal races in the past.  It's obviously not that I can't swim that distance, but when I started to learn to swim years ago, I had (and apparently still have) some fear of the water.  Well, on Thursday, I did an OWS in my full race kit and it sucked.  I can chalk it up to a couple of things (or at least use the following excuses): (1) swimming in a tri top sucks and I will not repeat that on race day; (2) I was up at 4:30, biked, put in 9 hrs of work and not in a good frame of mind; and (3) the 96 degree mid-day run I had done the day before was still having an effect.  Instead of doing a continuous swim, I had to break it up and do 1/4 mile repeats.  During the last lap, I packed it in with leg cramps.

I know that I have put in the training, blah, blah, blah, but right now I'm not feeling that strong. 

To further complicate matters, my training partner who crashed the other week dropped out of the race due to injury. Since we had planned on traveling with our families to the race and were going to make a long weekend out of it, I now have sole responsibility for keeping my brood entertained while I deal with my jitters.  Frown

I have an 80 minute easy pace run this morning in which I will try to work out my thoughts and center myself.  I have an opportunity to do another OWS next week, but am thinking against it as another bad experience could make things worse days before the race.  Plan on sticking with the pool for now.

It is one of those days when I ask myself - why the hell am I voluntarily subjecting myself to this?  Thanks for letting me vent.  Stay strong all!!!

A little nerves is a good thing! Race morning your adrenaline will give you the extra little umph you'll need for the swim.  Choose a conservative start position and then kick the swim in the butt!!!

Hope your run went well today! I have a 90 minute run scheduled for tomorrow to end my run focus week.

To answer your rhetorical question above, we do it because everytime we finish a workout we feel good. Even when we feel physically spent, deep down we feel good! No one can take it away from us; EVER! A week from now you'll have finished a 70.2 mile race! I just went for a 70.2 mile ride on my motorcycle and lemme tell you something ...... finishing a HIM is a BIG frekin accomplishment!


2011-06-04 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Love the pictures Kathy! So excited for you and your race.

2011-06-04 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3532275

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-06-04 9:44 AM ...

.... A week from now you'll have finished a 70.2 mile race! I just went for a 70.2 mile ride on my motorcycle and lemme tell you something ...... finishing a HIM is a BIG frekin accomplishment. 

I suggest running that last tenth, and making it a full 70.3.  That way you won't miss the crowds cheering for you at the finish line.  

2011-06-04 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3532532

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
morey000 - 2011-06-04 5:22 PM
DV 1 - 2011-06-04 9:44 AM ...

.... A week from now you'll have finished a 70.2 mile race! I just went for a 70.2 mile ride on my motorcycle and lemme tell you something ...... finishing a HIM is a BIG frekin accomplishment. 

I suggest running that last tenth, and making it a full 70.3.  That way you won't miss the crowds cheering for you at the finish line.  

I cut the corners real close to shorten the distance :-)

2011-06-04 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I'm on my way to the grocery today and say to my wife, "Steve's probably just starting his ride!"

She looked at me like WTF so I explained. Then she said, I didn't know Kona was this early in the year - LOL. I explained again!

Can't wait to hear how it went today pops!

2011-06-04 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Finished my first week on the plan. THis is the first week I have swam 3x & run 3x in a long, long time. I think this plan will be great for keeping me focused & on track.

2011-06-05 1:14 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Things went great today. I really wanted to beat my time from two years ago but was 12 minutes off that. I was still very happy given that a year and a half ago I started my training after major cancer surgery with walking to the door of my hospital room and back. It was ten feet. I had a tear in my eye as I finished because I was given such a great gift of a second chance. We are so lucky to do what we do.

The swim was nuts. They increased the field to 1800 and compressed the start line. People were hanging way back from the start line so I figured what the heck I do not want to take a minute just to get to the start so I took front row middle. I thought it was a gutsy call but it worked out pretty well. There were so many people in the water that it didn't do any good to sight. You had to just go with the flow. I know it cost me because I had a good, strong swim and was about 41:30 after very comfortable 38's in the pool. Very long transition area so had planned to be on the bike in 45, was there in 47. Was pretty pleased with that.

The bike is tough. A 5 mile climb to the turn around. Found a gear I liked and powered up very comfortably. The winds were blowing but could have been worse. Decided on the way back to preserve everything I could for the run since I have not been running well. Just coasted down all the rollers. Was off the bike in 4 hours which was pretty close to my goal.

The run here is the toughest you will find anywhere. It is like a cross country coarse with all the ups and downs as you run throughout and around a golf course and the resort area. Much of the course is going down the middle of undulating fairways and on golf cart paths. The sun just cooks you. There were parts were I felt like my shoulders were being microwaved. I had planned to walk for a minute after every mile but I threw that out as I stratagized my run in the latter stages of the bike. I knew the run would be tough so I left my Garmin in my T2 bag so that I would just listen to my body and not worry about how slow I was going to be. The run/walk was replaced immediately with the death shuffle. My run was so slow that I just switched to the steady shuffle. My pacing was very slow but my splits were very consistent and I didn't walk at all. I thought about you all often on the run and it was a great inspiration to me. I wish I could buy you all a beer. God bless.

Edited by popsracer 2011-06-05 1:16 AM
2011-06-05 2:41 AM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Nice post here. Using the 1/2 plan to prep for my first triathlon ever.

Next month 1st short X-terra, 1.2 km swim, 18 bike, 5 run just to practise and hopefully not come last. August X-Terra in the Czech Republic 1.2 swim, 35 bike, 12 run looking forward and feeling stronger every week. Lot's of things to learn since the last weeks, keeping intensity, eating, eating, eating using a log to keep track and I never thought but I wasn't eating nearly enough to keep up with the excercise!

Any tips on how to make the schedule a bit flexible? Balancing work, family and sports makes it a bit of a juggling act sometimes.

Good luck to all with the upcoming events!!


2011-06-05 5:49 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Great Job Steve! I checked in last night before I hit the pillow to see if you'd posted yet and it's the first thing I'm looking at this morning! Way to go buddy! You conquered the Queen K AGAIN!!! Running on golf courses is like running on sand. All the fairways around me are watered very well, and I imagine the same is true in Hawaii.

The death shuffle - LOL

That was a pretty brave swim start position. Was it an in water start or a beach start? 1800 people is a big group of friends to be swimming with.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation and congrats again on your success.

2011-06-05 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3532929

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2011-06-05 2:14 AM Things went great today. I really wanted to beat my time from two years ago but was 12 minutes off that. I was still very happy given that a year and a half ago I started my training after major cancer surgery with walking to the door of my hospital room and back. It was ten feet. I had a tear in my eye as I finished because I was given such a great gift of a second chance. We are so lucky to do what we do. The swim was nuts. They increased the field to 1800 and compressed the start line. People were hanging way back from the start line so I figured what the heck I do not want to take a minute just to get to the start so I took front row middle. I thought it was a gutsy call but it worked out pretty well. There were so many people in the water that it didn't do any good to sight. You had to just go with the flow. I know it cost me because I had a good, strong swim and was about 41:30 after very comfortable 38's in the pool. Very long transition area so had planned to be on the bike in 45, was there in 47. Was pretty pleased with that. The bike is tough. A 5 mile climb to the turn around. Found a gear I liked and powered up very comfortably. The winds were blowing but could have been worse. Decided on the way back to preserve everything I could for the run since I have not been running well. Just coasted down all the rollers. Was off the bike in 4 hours which was pretty close to my goal. The run here is the toughest you will find anywhere. It is like a cross country coarse with all the ups and downs as you run throughout and around a golf course and the resort area. Much of the course is going down the middle of undulating fairways and on golf cart paths. The sun just cooks you. There were parts were I felt like my shoulders were being microwaved. I had planned to walk for a minute after every mile but I threw that out as I stratagized my run in the latter stages of the bike. I knew the run would be tough so I left my Garmin in my T2 bag so that I would just listen to my body and not worry about how slow I was going to be. The run/walk was replaced immediately with the death shuffle. My run was so slow that I just switched to the steady shuffle. My pacing was very slow but my splits were very consistent and I didn't walk at all. I thought about you all often on the run and it was a great inspiration to me. I wish I could buy you all a beer. God bless.


Great job Pop's! So happy to hear it went well for you. Way to keep yourself moving on a tough run. Wish we could buy one for you!

2011-06-05 6:18 AM
in reply to: #3532972

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Couldn't be happier for you Pops - sounds like some very challenging conditions to overcome and perservere through.  You are an inspiration to us all. Way to go!

2011-06-05 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Just had a great run! I'm working on nutrition prior to longer run sessions to avoid stomach cramps and I think I figured it out - glass of water, half bagel with peanut butter, a banana, and 2 ibuprofen an hour and a half before run. Drank 1.5 bottles ice water during the run and had a gel at 45 minutes.

Mile splits were:

9:04, 8:49, 8:42, 8:25, 8:21, 8:13, 8:02, 7:58, 7:54, 7:46, 7:50.

By far my best long effort to date - 8:17 average and I had good energy at the end. I really am becoming a fan of running with compression socks. If you haven't tried it, DO IT. My calves feel virtually nothing in the way of discomfort or soreness during or after the run.

Got my wife out of bed and had her ride her bike alongside me. It was nice to have company and a place to store my fluids/nutrition (in her bike basket). My Garmin would beep every mile, she'd pull up and hand me the bottle, I'd stop running, take a few sips, give it back to her, and get back to business. It was like having an ice cream truck following me!

2011-06-05 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3532929

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Nice job Pops, Very inspiring!!!!

Nice splits DV, I need to have my wife do that for me

I did my first Tri ever yesterday. The main thing I learned is Triathletes are TOUGH!!! I ended up missing my goal by 2 minutes. I was third in my age group going into the run and couldn't get my legs going soon enough. I am officially starting the HIM training tomorrow with a rest week planned. Here is a link to my race report if anyone is interested.

2011-06-05 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gane mi categoria!  It seems I took 1st in my age group!  I'm absolutely shocked.  38C and my time was 6:22 I think.  I didn't stop my watch and didn't even start it on the swim - just at the bike - but unofficial results say #1 at 6:22ish.  Maybe I was the only one?    Actually, there were at least 6 as my bike rack was full.  prizing is at 8pm so I'll find out for sure then.  (sorry, can't rmemeber how we say that in English).

Now to hang wiht the kids as they've been ignored for the last 20 weeks.  Thanks everyone!

2011-06-05 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3533461

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kathy caribe - 2011-06-05 4:57 PM

gane mi categoria!  It seems I took 1st in my age group!  I'm absolutely shocked.  38C and my time was 6:22 I think.  I didn't stop my watch and didn't even start it on the swim - just at the bike - but unofficial results say #1 at 6:22ish.  Maybe I was the only one?    Actually, there were at least 6 as my bike rack was full.  prizing is at 8pm so I'll find out for sure then.  (sorry, can't rmemeber how we say that in English).

Now to hang wiht the kids as they've been ignored for the last 20 weeks.  Thanks everyone!

Kathy you rock!!! That's amazing.  Sure beats sitting on your duff and knitting, huh.Laughing 

2011-06-05 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3532929

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2011-06-05 1:14 AM Things went great today. I really wanted to beat my time from two years ago but was 12 minutes off that. I was still very happy given that a year and a half ago I started my training after major cancer surgery with walking to the door of my hospital room and back. It was ten feet. I had a tear in my eye as I finished because I was given such a great gift of a second chance. We are so lucky to do what we do. The swim was nuts. They increased the field to 1800 and compressed the start line. People were hanging way back from the start line so I figured what the heck I do not want to take a minute just to get to the start so I took front row middle. I thought it was a gutsy call but it worked out pretty well. There were so many people in the water that it didn't do any good to sight. You had to just go with the flow. I know it cost me because I had a good, strong swim and was about 41:30 after very comfortable 38's in the pool. Very long transition area so had planned to be on the bike in 45, was there in 47. Was pretty pleased with that. The bike is tough. A 5 mile climb to the turn around. Found a gear I liked and powered up very comfortably. The winds were blowing but could have been worse. Decided on the way back to preserve everything I could for the run since I have not been running well. Just coasted down all the rollers. Was off the bike in 4 hours which was pretty close to my goal. The run here is the toughest you will find anywhere. It is like a cross country coarse with all the ups and downs as you run throughout and around a golf course and the resort area. Much of the course is going down the middle of undulating fairways and on golf cart paths. The sun just cooks you. There were parts were I felt like my shoulders were being microwaved. I had planned to walk for a minute after every mile but I threw that out as I stratagized my run in the latter stages of the bike. I knew the run would be tough so I left my Garmin in my T2 bag so that I would just listen to my body and not worry about how slow I was going to be. The run/walk was replaced immediately with the death shuffle. My run was so slow that I just switched to the steady shuffle. My pacing was very slow but my splits were very consistent and I didn't walk at all. I thought about you all often on the run and it was a great inspiration to me. I wish I could buy you all a beer. God bless.

YAY!!!  SO HAPPY for you!  Our field was only 500 athletes but then again this is only the 2nd HIM in the entire country so not a bad turnout.  Actually there were more as we had revelos also.

We had coke on course but NOT defizzed!!!  Ack!    We also had people along the route, just private citizens handing out oranges, some INCREDIBLE concoction that I wish I knew what it was and freezing cold water.  it was incredible!   They had a fire truck at one end of the run that doused us with water and a water tunnel.  They had ICE COLD water at each and every run stop food station and towards the 2nd half of the run (it was a 2-loop course) the volunteers were DUMPING freezing cold water on us.  It Was Amazing!  I had such a great time but was doing 9 min run 45s-1min run and by the last 5 km or so it was dissolving quickly into a death shuffle - I know exactly what you were talking about.  I actually got taken to the med tent after as I couldn't stop shaking but after some Electrolit I was fine again.  The race organizers imported some salt tablets (you can't get them here) but I only took 1 on the bike and couldn't find the other 2 they handed out at entrega de paquetes so I'm guessing it was an electrolyte issue.

Congratulations!  I think we'll spend another night here to finally enjoy the area.    Hope you have a good flight home.  You doing an IM next?  All day today I'd be thinking "The IM is going to be 2x this...."  Sigh. 

2011-06-05 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3533524

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-06-05 4:41 PM
kathy caribe - 2011-06-05 4:57 PM

gane mi categoria!  It seems I took 1st in my age group!  I'm absolutely shocked.  38C and my time was 6:22 I think.  I didn't stop my watch and didn't even start it on the swim - just at the bike - but unofficial results say #1 at 6:22ish.  Maybe I was the only one?    Actually, there were at least 6 as my bike rack was full.  prizing is at 8pm so I'll find out for sure then.  (sorry, can't rmemeber how we say that in English).

Now to hang wiht the kids as they've been ignored for the last 20 weeks.  Thanks everyone!

Kathy you rock!!! That's amazing.  Sure beats sitting on your duff and knitting, huh.Laughing 

Thank you!    F*ck yeah! 

2011-06-05 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3532929

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2011-06-05 1:14 AM Things went great today. I really wanted to beat my time from two years ago but was 12 minutes off that. I was still very happy given that a year and a half ago I started my training after major cancer surgery with walking to the door of my hospital room and back. It was ten feet. I had a tear in my eye as I finished because I was given such a great gift of a second chance. We are so lucky to do what we do. The swim was nuts. They increased the field to 1800 and compressed the start line. People were hanging way back from the start line so I figured what the heck I do not want to take a minute just to get to the start so I took front row middle. I thought it was a gutsy call but it worked out pretty well. There were so many people in the water that it didn't do any good to sight. You had to just go with the flow. I know it cost me because I had a good, strong swim and was about 41:30 after very comfortable 38's in the pool. Very long transition area so had planned to be on the bike in 45, was there in 47. Was pretty pleased with that. The bike is tough. A 5 mile climb to the turn around. Found a gear I liked and powered up very comfortably. The winds were blowing but could have been worse. Decided on the way back to preserve everything I could for the run since I have not been running well. Just coasted down all the rollers. Was off the bike in 4 hours which was pretty close to my goal. The run here is the toughest you will find anywhere. It is like a cross country coarse with all the ups and downs as you run throughout and around a golf course and the resort area. Much of the course is going down the middle of undulating fairways and on golf cart paths. The sun just cooks you. There were parts were I felt like my shoulders were being microwaved. I had planned to walk for a minute after every mile but I threw that out as I stratagized my run in the latter stages of the bike. I knew the run would be tough so I left my Garmin in my T2 bag so that I would just listen to my body and not worry about how slow I was going to be. The run/walk was replaced immediately with the death shuffle. My run was so slow that I just switched to the steady shuffle. My pacing was very slow but my splits were very consistent and I didn't walk at all. I thought about you all often on the run and it was a great inspiration to me. I wish I could buy you all a beer. God bless.

Pops - I'm super stoked for you Dude!! Fantastic achievement. It is YOU who truly is the one that is an inspiration to ALL of us here, and a testament to how the body can recover and reach new heights!!

Fantastic Bro!!! I take my hat off to ya!! Enjoy the rest of the vacation and the rubbing shoulders with the stars - you definitely deserve it.


2011-06-05 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3533461

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kathy caribe - 2011-06-05 2:57 PM

gane mi categoria!  It seems I took 1st in my age group!  I'm absolutely shocked.  38C and my time was 6:22 I think.  I didn't stop my watch and didn't even start it on the swim - just at the bike - but unofficial results say #1 at 6:22ish.  Maybe I was the only one?    Actually, there were at least 6 as my bike rack was full.  prizing is at 8pm so I'll find out for sure then.  (sorry, can't rmemeber how we say that in English).

Now to hang wiht the kids as they've been ignored for the last 20 weeks.  Thanks everyone!

Nice Job Kathy great time, Enjoy the time with the kids!!

2011-06-05 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3052895

New user
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Edited by cutnsew 2011-06-05 10:09 PM
2011-06-05 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3533089

New user
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Can I ask you when you plan to put on your compression socks for your HIM? I was thinking of using them but don't know when I would take the time to get them on. As much as I sweat, think it will be tough to get them on when I am wet, and not sure if they are good to swim in.


2011-06-06 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

My 10 mile run Saturday allowed me to get my head on straight.  I'm back on the horse and focused for this coming up Sunday.  Can't freakin' wait!!!

As Sunday was a day of rest, I used it practice transitions (mounting & dismounting) and most importantly practicing tire changes.  I had never had to use compressed air cartridges before and it was a great learning experience.  Extremely glad not to try and learn this on the course since I had to go back and consult the instructions on the internet twice.

Has anyone had to rack their bikes the night before the race?  If so, what did you about inflating your tires the day of the race?  Did you lug your pump?

2011-06-06 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3534254

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-06-06 7:02 AM

My 10 mile run Saturday allowed me to get my head on straight.  I'm back on the horse and focused for this coming up Sunday.  Can't freakin' wait!!!

As Sunday was a day of rest, I used it practice transitions (mounting & dismounting) and most importantly practicing tire changes.  I had never had to use compressed air cartridges before and it was a great learning experience.  Extremely glad not to try and learn this on the course since I had to go back and consult the instructions on the internet twice.

Has anyone had to rack their bikes the night before the race?  If so, what did you about inflating your tires the day of the race?  Did you lug your pump?

We were required to rack ours the night before and my tires were fine (IMO) the next am but they did have mechanical service along the route and may have had standing pumps (and people did bring their own to transistion) so if that is important to you I'd bring a pump.  You just need to either bring someone with you who will lug it back to the car or get to transition early enough that you can lug it back to the car in time.

2011-06-06 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3533461

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kathy caribe - 2011-06-05 3:57 PM

gane mi categoria!  It seems I took 1st in my age group!  I'm absolutely shocked.  38C and my time was 6:22 I think.  I didn't stop my watch and didn't even start it on the swim - just at the bike - but unofficial results say #1 at 6:22ish.  Maybe I was the only one?    Actually, there were at least 6 as my bike rack was full.  prizing is at 8pm so I'll find out for sure then.  (sorry, can't rmemeber how we say that in English).

Now to hang wiht the kids as they've been ignored for the last 20 weeks.  Thanks everyone!

Woot Woot Kathy!!! Great performance and an awesome finish time (I'd love to get a time like that in my HIM in Calgary on Jul 31). All the training certainly paid dividends for ya and also prevented you from filling the house with "Knitted bootees."

Way to go lady!!!!


2011-06-06 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Kathy - Congrats on a successful race! You did it :-) Sounds like the on course aid was top notch - ice baths, cold water, etc.... That must have felt sent from the heavens! Awesome accomplishment!!!

Joe - Glad you got your head back :-) That was the last long effort before your race and it sounds like it put you in a good place! Is your race on Saturday or Sunday?

To MRI or not to MRI ($600)? The past week my knee has started to get sore on the lower lateral side. It actually feels totally normal when I'm working out, but as soon as I stop, it's painful. I'm thinking a solid week of good stretching/icing, and then maybe go see the doc? Anyone have similar experiences where the pain is only evident when you're NOT working out?

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