BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-04-01 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4681781

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
bobddsmd - 2013-04-01 11:18 AM

Back from the farm and ready for race week!

I am still a little nervous about my run as my longest run in the past month has been 5 miles, but I feel good about my base since doing the 13.1 in December.

My plan is to have fun, relax during the swim, bike in high zone 1, low zone 2 and have negative splits on the run (unless the leg falls apart).

I am also kind of looking forwards to recovery after. I am aware of the depression that often sets in after something like this. I am strongly considering hitting Crossfit for at least 3-6 months to work on the weakness points that popped up during this training cycle (glutes/core). It may be cheaper than Chiro.

So exciting.  You must be pumped.  What is a negative split?  I hear it around but never knew what it was.  You will do awesome I am sure of that!

2013-04-01 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Got my swim in today.  800 yards total.  Here is the shocker: 1x50 warm-up with the pull buoy.  Get ready for this, are you sitting down...1x700 NON STOP!  Sure it wasn't all freestyle but that's fine.  I did a mix of freestyle/breast stroke/ back floating.  I really needed this to prove to myself I won't drown on the swim.  I could have done more but it's a recovery week and I want to stick to the plan.

The whole thing only took 21:22 = 2:40/100 and that included the rest after the pull buoy set.  Heck yea, I am super pumped right now and feel so much better about the May race.  Drowning would really have put a damper on my day

2013-04-01 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4681873

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-01 11:16 AM

Got my swim in today.  800 yards total.  Here is the shocker: 1x50 warm-up with the pull buoy.  Get ready for this, are you sitting down...1x700 NON STOP!  Sure it wasn't all freestyle but that's fine.  I did a mix of freestyle/breast stroke/ back floating.  I really needed this to prove to myself I won't drown on the swim.  I could have done more but it's a recovery week and I want to stick to the plan.

The whole thing only took 21:22 = 2:40/100 and that included the rest after the pull buoy set.  Heck yea, I am super pumped right now and feel so much better about the May race.  Drowning would really have put a damper on my day

Alex - you are truly an inspiration!  I am so impressed by your work ethic and attitude and the success that you have experienced is only the beginning.  I don't know what your ultimate goal is but I frankly believe you are capable of anything.  The more you do - the more you will believe in yourself - and the power that comes from self realization will only motivate you further!

You are the man!

2013-04-01 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4681781

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
bobddsmd - 2013-04-01 10:18 AM

Back from the farm and ready for race week!

I am still a little nervous about my run as my longest run in the past month has been 5 miles, but I feel good about my base since doing the 13.1 in December.

My plan is to have fun, relax during the swim, bike in high zone 1, low zone 2 and have negative splits on the run (unless the leg falls apart).

Don't be nervous my friend about the run... Taking it easy on the bike will give you plenty of energy to polish off.  Plus - you can always walk if you have to (I ran 5 and walked 5 when I completed my HIM).  I think you will be surprised by how good you will actually feel - and while you may have to battle with your mind during the last few miles... it will only make your achievement all the more sweet.  Enjoy that finish line beer - you have earned it!!!

I can not wait to read your race report!

2013-04-01 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Nerves are kicking right now.  Got my appointment with the ortho moved from the 11th to tomorrow at 11:30.  My May race rests on what he says.  My mind and body tell me it's fine but I need to hear it from him before I resume the runs.  Got my fingers crossed and I will be sure to let everyone know the result after lunch tomorrow.

P.S - how you like me new avatar  I call this photo "freezing in Florida"

Edited by Burd 2013-04-01 2:45 PM
2013-04-01 6:02 PM
in reply to: #4682217

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-01 2:44 PM

Nerves are kicking right now.  Got my appointment with the ortho moved from the 11th to tomorrow at 11:30.  My May race rests on what he says.  My mind and body tell me it's fine but I need to hear it from him before I resume the runs.  Got my fingers crossed and I will be sure to let everyone know the result after lunch tomorrow.

P.S - how you like me new avatar  I call this photo "freezing in Florida"

Prayers for a clean bill of health at the doc tomorrow.

As for the picture... there doesn't seem to be any snow so I think the term freezing is relativeWink

2013-04-01 9:23 PM
in reply to: #4682217

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-01 2:44 PM

Nerves are kicking right now.  Got my appointment with the ortho moved from the 11th to tomorrow at 11:30.  My May race rests on what he says.  My mind and body tell me it's fine but I need to hear it from him before I resume the runs.  Got my fingers crossed and I will be sure to let everyone know the result after lunch tomorrow.

P.S - how you like me new avatar  I call this photo "freezing in Florida"

As a doctor, I can clearly say that doctors do not know everything. Hopefully he is a sports minded ortho and will give you suggestions for modifications if needed. If he tells you to back down on running, I would do lower body strength stuff (like Power90 DVD).

Negative splits if when you get faster as you go along. I run really slowly. For my 13.1, my plan was to start at 13 min miles and then get down to 9-10 min miles towards the end. It is sort of easing into it but also forcing yourself to not go out too fast.

You really should be proud of what you have done this year! You have really put in a great deal of good work!

2013-04-02 6:23 AM
in reply to: #4681302

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
jlangene - 2013-03-31 11:28 PM
Burd - 2013-03-31 7:54 PM
SportzVision - 2013-03-31 9:50 PM
Qua17 - 2013-03-31 8:25 PM
Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 


 thor67 Thor  
 SportzVision Cynthia
  •  At least look at my plan daily
  • Train 3x (if tummy issues are not there..TRAIN)
  • Track meals 3 days out of the week
  • Watch what I eat to complete 5k trail run on Sat (go to race and volunteer even if I can't run)
  • Swim on Wednesday
  • Bike tonight on the trainer 45 mins. 
  • read the labels to find hidden trans fat 
 Wiff Kim  
  •  Mon - 2 mile jog
  • Tues - 12 mile bike
  • Wed - rest
  • Thurs - Brick
  • Fri - 15 mile bike
  • Sat - 4 mile jog
  • Sun - 20 mile bike 
  • try to get some strength in 
  • get back on nutrition plan
mirthfuldragon Charles  


Burd Alex 
  • Swim 4-5 times
  • Attend swim lessons
  • 2x P90X stretch
  • 3 bikes
  • Lose 2 pounds
  • Log EVERYTHING I eat
  • Be able to look myself in the mirror and know I gave it my all
Yakhead  Ian  
 bobddsmd  Bobby  
 Cassady Doug  
 lp3510 Lenny  
 justinfss Justin
  •  Run 2X
  • Swim 1X
  • Start Tracking Nutrition again
  • Get back to Supporting my BY teamates
 firefighter Taj  
 snarky Elizabeth  
DBrew99 Dan  
BigDH Darren/DH  
  Qua17 David or DQ
  • The bare minimum MUST happen
    • 3 20 minute workouts
    • Yoga 2x
    • 1 LB lost
    • Count calories for 3 days
    • Ice 2X
    • BT every day
  •  No rewards... Just Coors light if I fail
2013-04-02 6:32 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Sorry about the pro-longed absence here folks, my actual life just seems to be getting in the way of my internet life .


Feeling a lot better and trying to get back onto the running track. Friggin old man winter will not let loose his friggin grip on us here though, after our first day in double digits since Nov 2012, we are back into -13....-20 with the windchill.

Hit a few runs last week....short 20 minute job's with my favourite four legged furry running partner (who is also very excited to be out running again)


Anyways again, my apologies for my absence, lets get going BDAS!

Edited by justinfss 2013-04-02 9:47 AM
2013-04-02 6:58 AM
in reply to: #4682939

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-04-02 6:32 AM

Sorry about the pro-longed absence here folks, life just seems to be getting in the way of my internet life .

Feeling a lot better and trying to get back onto the running track. Friggin old man winter will not let loosen his friggin grip on us here though, after our first day in double digits since Nov 2012, we are back into -13....-20 with the windchill.

Hit a few runs last week....short 20 minute job's with my favourite four legged furry running partner (who is also very excited to be out running again)

Anyways again, my apologies for my absence, lets get going BDAS!

Man - I love logging on to the BT forum section and seeing one of our own at the top of the page.  Way to go Justin!

Glad to have you back... and you weren't gone that long anyway.  As long as you making it happen on your end, you have nothing to apologize for.  You've been a huge part of this group and have earned a couple days off.

Hope the warmer weather gets up to you soon! 

Glad to have you back and to be h

2013-04-02 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Oh yea - TOP OF THE day is now complete!

2013-04-02 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Managed to drag my butt out of bed this morning - it was a battle... I can't wait for a little bit of light in the sky when I head out for my run.  So, I'm about a mile into into my workout and it occurs to me: I;'m not in pain.  For the first time in almost 4 months, my back doesn't hurt.  I'm so happy the chiro is worth it.  At $55 bucks - it had better be.

I made it to the gym and also put in my 800... So I'm done for the day.  So that's also good.

However (and I can't remember if I posted this yesterday or now), I am seriously behind where I was last year at this time.  While my run is stronger, I was killing it on the bike and in the pool.  I hope that I'll be able to increase the milage now that my back (and plumbing) are feeling better.

Last night - I enjoyed a beer from Pretty Things (I think Lenny is the only one who can get his hands on this stuff) - it was called Lovely Saint Winefride a brown lager.  It was the perfect beer for my malt loving friend and I to split - a little sweetness for him and a crisp finish (thanks to the lagering) for me.


2013-04-02 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4682982

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Qua17 - 2013-04-02 7:07 AM

Managed to drag my butt out of bed this morning - it was a battle... I can't wait for a little bit of light in the sky when I head out for my run.  So, I'm about a mile into into my workout and it occurs to me: I;'m not in pain.  For the first time in almost 4 months, my back doesn't hurt.  I'm so happy the chiro is worth it.  At $55 bucks - it had better be.

I made it to the gym and also put in my 800... So I'm done for the day.  So that's also good.

However (and I can't remember if I posted this yesterday or now), I am seriously behind where I was last year at this time.  While my run is stronger, I was killing it on the bike and in the pool.  I hope that I'll be able to increase the milage now that my back (and plumbing) are feeling better.

Last night - I enjoyed a beer from Pretty Things (I think Lenny is the only one who can get his hands on this stuff) - it was called Lovely Saint Winefride a brown lager.  It was the perfect beer for my malt loving friend and I to split - a little sweetness for him and a crisp finish (thanks to the lagering) for me.


congrats on the back!!! that is a big deal and cause for celebration.

2013-04-02 7:21 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

As we head into race season, I'd like to start posting topics for us all to talk about each week.  It's gonna be helpful for everyone.  For those new to the sport, there are a lot of small things that you might not even have thought about.  And for us with a few races under our belt - it will be a chance to think through how we do things in preperation for upcoming races.  So in honor of Bobby's race this week (go Bobby!!!) here is the first topic.

Topic - Hydration.  What are you thoughts about keeping yourself hydrated before, during, and after a race?

2013-04-02 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4682982

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Qua17 - 2013-04-02 8:07 AM

Managed to drag my butt out of bed this morning - it was a battle... I can't wait for a little bit of light in the sky when I head out for my run.  So, I'm about a mile into into my workout and it occurs to me: I;'m not in pain.  For the first time in almost 4 months, my back doesn't hurt.  I'm so happy the chiro is worth it.  At $55 bucks - it had better be.

I made it to the gym and also put in my 800... So I'm done for the day.  So that's also good.

However (and I can't remember if I posted this yesterday or now), I am seriously behind where I was last year at this time.  While my run is stronger, I was killing it on the bike and in the pool.  I hope that I'll be able to increase the milage now that my back (and plumbing) are feeling better.

Last night - I enjoyed a beer from Pretty Things (I think Lenny is the only one who can get his hands on this stuff) - it was called Lovely Saint Winefride a brown lager.  It was the perfect beer for my malt loving friend and I to split - a little sweetness for him and a crisp finish (thanks to the lagering) for me.


Great news.  That is wicked (in my best Boston accent) that you had zero pain on the run.  The tide had turned for you.  It will all ramp back up now that your mobile again.

2013-04-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4683011

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-02 8:28 AM
Qua17 - 2013-04-02 8:07 AM

Managed to drag my butt out of bed this morning - it was a battle... I can't wait for a little bit of light in the sky when I head out for my run.  So, I'm about a mile into into my workout and it occurs to me: I;'m not in pain.  For the first time in almost 4 months, my back doesn't hurt.  I'm so happy the chiro is worth it.  At $55 bucks - it had better be.

I made it to the gym and also put in my 800... So I'm done for the day.  So that's also good.

However (and I can't remember if I posted this yesterday or now), I am seriously behind where I was last year at this time.  While my run is stronger, I was killing it on the bike and in the pool.  I hope that I'll be able to increase the milage now that my back (and plumbing) are feeling better.

Last night - I enjoyed a beer from Pretty Things (I think Lenny is the only one who can get his hands on this stuff) - it was called Lovely Saint Winefride a brown lager.  It was the perfect beer for my malt loving friend and I to split - a little sweetness for him and a crisp finish (thanks to the lagering) for me.


Great news.  That is wicked (in my best Boston accent) that you had zero pain on the run.  The tide had turned for you.  It will all ramp back up now that your mobile again.

Awesome news about the pain free run...I have a lot more respect for Chiropractors since they helped my wife with getting her body back in line after the birth of our little beauty!

Also Alex....Great picture.... but you arent fooling anyone... we all know you haven't seen a cold day in a long time!!!!

 -13 celcius here with 20 knot winds....... Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

2013-04-02 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4682998

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Qua17 - 2013-04-02 8:21 AM

Topic - Hydration.  What are you thoughts about keeping yourself hydrated before, during, and after a race?


For my sprint last year, I think I was so nervous that I didnt drink much before hand....I didnt even carry a bottle on my bike... They had some water at the turn around on the bike, and the turn around on the run... I think for me, in a sprint anyways... you dont really have to carry any water as long as they have stations on the course.

2013-04-02 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.
2013-04-02 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4683518

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Burd - 2013-04-02 11:57 AM Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.

I think the May race is a sprint, correct? Just walk the run and do it. I would replace walking in your TP for the run. Just a thought. The other option is just do the first two and then DNF at the run. You have put in solid work on the other stuff.

2013-04-02 1:22 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed


Great topic. I did a test last year during 95 plus degree weather on myself and calculated my sweat rate at 48oz per hour. Involved naked weight measurements before and after ride as well as water intake.

My rate during regular temperatures is less. I usually will do about 30-40oz per hour.

My challenge is the upcoming race will not be so hot, but likely humid. I plan to eat solid food on the bike during the first two hours with water and then switch to Ironman powerbar perform liquid (course drink). I plan to shoot for about 30-40 oz per hour. I am going slow enough and think the portapotty breaks will help my leg that I plan on keeping an eye on my urine output (volume/color). Gotta love it. Bad things happen from under/over hydration.

2013-04-02 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4683716

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
bobddsmd - 2013-04-02 2:17 PM

Burd - 2013-04-02 11:57 AM Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.

I think the May race is a sprint, correct? Just walk the run and do it. I would replace walking in your TP for the run. Just a thought. The other option is just do the first two and then DNF at the run. You have put in solid work on the other stuff.


Second this!

2013-04-02 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4684222

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-04-02 7:43 PM
bobddsmd - 2013-04-02 2:17 PM

Burd - 2013-04-02 11:57 AM Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.

I think the May race is a sprint, correct? Just walk the run and do it. I would replace walking in your TP for the run. Just a thought. The other option is just do the first two and then DNF at the run. You have put in solid work on the other stuff.


Second this!

I would but I can't justify a DNF or 5k walk for the entry fee.  If I did that I couldn't swing the next sprint in July (which I can go all out) and the Rev3 oly in November.  Would be too much strain on the wallet.  Considering I just had to shell out for a whole new rig and gear from scratch.  Now If I win the lotto this weekend I'll fly all you down here for that race Tongue out . I'm going to chalk this up and just be that much faster for July.  It will also give me some OWS time.

2013-04-02 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4684256

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-02 8:04 PM
justinfss - 2013-04-02 7:43 PM
bobddsmd - 2013-04-02 2:17 PM

Burd - 2013-04-02 11:57 AM Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.

I think the May race is a sprint, correct? Just walk the run and do it. I would replace walking in your TP for the run. Just a thought. The other option is just do the first two and then DNF at the run. You have put in solid work on the other stuff.


Second this!

I would but I can't justify a DNF or 5k walk for the entry fee.  If I did that I couldn't swing the next sprint in July (which I can go all out) and the Rev3 oly in November.  Would be too much strain on the wallet.  Considering I just had to shell out for a whole new rig and gear from scratch.  Now If I win the lotto this weekend I'll fly all you down here for that race Tongue out . I'm going to chalk this up and just be that much faster for July.  It will also give me some OWS time.


C'Mon LOTTO!!!!

2013-04-02 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4681781

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
bobddsmd - 2013-04-01 10:18 AM

Back from the farm and ready for race week!

That's funny, I live on a farm and would love to get off the farm for a day or two to stay at a nice spa!  Good luck this week!

2013-04-02 7:31 PM
in reply to: #4684276

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-04-02 7:26 PM
Burd - 2013-04-02 8:04 PM
justinfss - 2013-04-02 7:43 PM
bobddsmd - 2013-04-02 2:17 PM

Burd - 2013-04-02 11:57 AM Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.

I think the May race is a sprint, correct? Just walk the run and do it. I would replace walking in your TP for the run. Just a thought. The other option is just do the first two and then DNF at the run. You have put in solid work on the other stuff.


Second this!

I would but I can't justify a DNF or 5k walk for the entry fee.  If I did that I couldn't swing the next sprint in July (which I can go all out) and the Rev3 oly in November.  Would be too much strain on the wallet.  Considering I just had to shell out for a whole new rig and gear from scratch.  Now If I win the lotto this weekend I'll fly all you down here for that race Tongue out . I'm going to chalk this up and just be that much faster for July.  It will also give me some OWS time.


C'Mon LOTTO!!!!

Hey can I come too if the Lotto comes through?  
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