BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-07-11 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2972230

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-07-10 7:01 AM

calimavs - 2010-07-09 11:56 PM I went to the doctor this afternoon to meet with a podiatrist (she actually ended up being an orthopedic surgeon) and get the results of my x-rays. The great news is that I don't have a stress fracture!!!! Smile She thinks that my shoes ended up irritating one of the nerves near my ankle which was causing the pain. I'm cleared to run at Vineman next week, she just said to take it easy and listen to my body and not push too hard. I'm so excited!

Great news!!  And good advice from the doctor!!

This really is great news. im glad things played out the way they did! I hope you have a great time at vineman...its supposed to be beautiful!

2010-07-11 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2973195

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-07-11 6:59 AM Hey any LP people want to discuss how crappy they feel 2 weeks out from the event?

YES! I thought i was the only one. mental and physical funk. Thats why i havent been on BT just sort of losing my edge and enthusiasm...and getting affraid i wont get it back. Despite recovery still feeling sore and weak... was a new day...and great workouts (trying to be positive)!

Hope kathleen is doing/did well!

2010-07-11 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2973478

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

phxphotog - 2010-07-11 1:12 PM I had a 40 mile ride this morning and the heat and humidity took a toll on me with about 7 miles to go. I need to get out on the road by 5:30a next weekend. I started using Heed on my ride today and I'll have to work on getting my calories and electrolite replacement. Just need to keep hammering on the longer rides (40+ miles) to get my neck and shoulders use to the distance.

Early starts are the way to go!

With HEED...Hammer also makes Endurolytes which are extra electolyte supplements. they come in capsul and powder form. i would highly recomend the combination of HEED and Endurolytes (thats what i it may be a biased recomendation   )

2010-07-11 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Well my race didn't go as planned, I will need to spend some time reflecting on it to sort out where I fell short.  I would have liked to have swam faster, but it was a physical swim today and it only cost me a couple of minutes.  While my swimming fitness could have been better, I am guessing that the swim through the channel and the smell and swallowing nasty water may have caused my some issues, but I am not sure.  The bike I was hoping for faster, but it was an improvement of ~ 15 minutes over last years time.  Long way to go, but heading in the right direction. Never felt good on the bike, had to force the nutrition,  a little lower back tightness that was new, but nothing that stands out.  I negative split the bike, mostly due to the course, but it wasn't a bad ride.

The run is where things went haywire! After the first mile just under 9 minutes I started to tighten up in the chest and stomach.  The harder I pushed, the tighter it got.  Couldn't take much in at aid stations other than ice and a little water.  I would walk and feel better, then run and it would return. 

My guess is I have some nutritional issues to figure out, some training issues to figure out, but first some rest and time to sort out my thoughts before worrying about it too much. 

Since today was day one of my 17 week IMFL plan, I guess I better not ponder too long.  And,  I did have fun! It was good to see you too Sara, and to spend some time volunteering at the BT aide station!!

BTW, marmadaddy finished a minute or 2 at the most behind me, if I knew he was that close or vice versa, we'd both still have IV bottles hanging off of us!!

Edited by kenj 2010-07-11 7:45 PM
2010-07-11 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2974023

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-07-11 5:42 PM

Well my race didn't go as planned, I will need to spend some time reflecting on it to sort out where I fell short.  I would have liked to have swam faster, but it was a physical swim today and it only cost me a couple of minutes.  While my swimming fitness could have been better, I am guessing that the swim through the channel and the smell and swallowing nasty water may have caused my some issues, but I am not sure.  The bike I was hoping for faster, but it was an improvement of ~ 15 minutes over last years time.  Long way to go, but heading in the right direction. Never felt good on the bike, had to force the nutrition,  a little lower back tightness that was new, but nothing that stands out.  I negative split the bike, mostly due to the course, but it wasn't a bad ride.

The run is where things went haywire! After the first mile just under 9 minutes I started to tighten up in the chest and stomach.  The harder I pushed, the tighter it got.  Couldn't take much in at aid stations other than ice and a little water.  I would walk and feel better, then run and it would return. 

My guess is I have some nutritional issues to figure out, some training issues to figure out, but first some rest and time to sort out my thoughts before worrying about it too much. 

Since today was day one of my 17 week IMFL plan, I guess I better not ponder too long.  And,  I did have fun! It was good to see you too Sara, and to spend some time volunteering at the BT aide station!!

BTW, marmadaddy finished a minute or 2 at the most behind me, if I knew he was that close or vice versa, we'd both still have IV bottles hanging off of us!!

Sorry to hear it did not go as planned, but I personally think having a bad race 17 weeks out will do more good than a good race 17 weeks out. 
2010-07-11 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Kathleen... how did you do in the 5430 Oly?

I filled out my race report:
This race was really a training race for me, I didn't have any high expectations with it besides trying some new things out and doing the best I could.

I tried a few new things today with T1 and T2, didn't work so well (detailed in the report).   Still did good overall with the transition times none-the-less, but knowing that I'm pleased to have learned some valuable lessons on things that don't work for me.

My swim was strong in terms of fitness (especially compared to the way the sprint tri went last month), but I learned another valuable lesson:  Be sure to know the layout of the buoys before you do a race!  Especially when you're swimming into the sun for the first half.

The bike was solid, I held myself back a good bit on some of the flatter sections instead of cranking it out.  Figured I'd try the strategy that 1mph slower on the bike can lead to a stronger run.  I think it helped.  I still posted a good bike time considering the 15% grade climb that was involved (20.5mph over 42km [~26miles]).  Because of that my run felt strong.  Started out with a ~7:50 for the first mile and was able to bring that down to a 7:31 average by the end of the 10k.

The good news is that I still feel I've successfully built myself for long endurance races because even at the end of the run I was feeling like I could continue that pace for a long time following because I was continuing to speed up throughout the entire run.  

It was my first olympic distance tri ever, so I didn't have a basis for knowing how to pace that specific distance.  In the end, I didn't hit my goal time, missed it by nearly 10 minutes, but I rack that up to my own fault with the swim that lost me a few minutes, underestimating how much of a hit my average speed would take with the climb on the bike and forcing myself to hold be (perhaps a little more than I should have) during the bike, then not knowing how much fuel I had left for the run and finishing with too much left in the tank.  Overall, I rack this race up to be a great experience and learning race considering it's only been a year and a half since I re-entered the sport after 7 year laziness era. 

2010-07-11 11:30 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I would be very pleased to finish a tri with a bike speed over 20 mph and an avg run speed of 7+ min/miles. I think your times are very respectable. Great job.
2010-07-12 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
So I'm officially in taper! Had my last big block of training this weekend and now this week it's time to rest up and get ready to race on Sunday. I'm starting to get a bit nervous but also very excited. My parents are coming up from San Diego for the race, they get here on Thursday evening and on Friday we'll head up to Sonoma for the weekend. I can't believe that my first HIM is already here!
2010-07-12 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2974315

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-07-12 12:30 AM I would be very pleased to finish a tri with a bike speed over 20 mph and an avg run speed of 7+ min/miles. I think your times are very respectable. Great job.

Agreed. great job! id take those any day
2010-07-12 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2975210

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2010-07-12 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2974281

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2010-07-12 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
any word on kathlene?
2010-07-12 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
2010-07-12 10:24 PM
in reply to: #2975210

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

calimavs - 2010-07-12 11:44 AM So I'm officially in taper! Had my last big block of training this weekend and now this week it's time to rest up and get ready to race on Sunday. I'm starting to get a bit nervous but also very excited. My parents are coming up from San Diego for the race, they get here on Thursday evening and on Friday we'll head up to Sonoma for the weekend. I can't believe that my first HIM is already here!


Margot,  your going to have a great time enjoy the whole experience.  Good luck this weekend, looks like were both racing on Sunday. 

2010-07-12 11:22 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Not sure why she hasn't stopped by but I looked up her results and here's the raw data.  She hasn't filled out a race report yet.

total time: 3:24

37 out of 58 in her AG.
406th out of all 550 females.
1107 out of all 1363 (includes males)

swim time: 35:56 
38th out of 58 in her AG.
overall 1013 out of 1363 for the swim (includes males)

bike time: 1:29:51 (17.4mph average)
26th out of 58 in her AG.
overall 867 out of 1363 for the bike (includes males)

run time: 1:14 (12:00/mile average)
51 out of 58 in her AG.
overall 1261 out of 1363 for the run (includes males)

It looks like her bike was strong, especially with this course.  She was worried about that climb, but it looks like she did really well on it.  I know she said she fell apart on her run during the last race, so I'm thinking she may have had a similar experience again. Undecided
2010-07-12 11:30 PM
in reply to: #2975210

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
calimavs - 2010-07-12 10:44 AM So I'm officially in taper! Had my last big block of training this weekend and now this week it's time to rest up and get ready to race on Sunday. I'm starting to get a bit nervous but also very excited. My parents are coming up from San Diego for the race, they get here on Thursday evening and on Friday we'll head up to Sonoma for the weekend. I can't believe that my first HIM is already here!

The hay is in the barn... you're going to do great.  Just don't drink too much in Sonoma before the race ;-)  But definitely pick up some bottles for after to celebrate with.  

2010-07-12 11:50 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Good luck this weekend with your races.

I did my bike ride tonight in 106 degree heat. It was hot but I made it. I'm getting use to the heat but you have to keep cranking on the water.
2010-07-13 4:30 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hello All,
Here I am Smile

I had hoped to stop by yesterday and fill you in on my race but life got in the way.
While I haven't written a race report yet, I will give you a brief glimpse into how my race went.
I started the race on two hours of sleep due to pain I am still dealing with from my dental debacle. I was really not feeling well before the race but decided to give it a shot anyway. At the start of the swim my goggles leaked immediately. I had to stop to adjust them at least three times before I said screw it and swam with water in them. Having water in my goggles threw off my stroke a bit as I had to close one eye often during the breathing as the water would run into my eye. Fortunately I can breath on both sides so I was able to break it up a bit.  Doing it this way forced my head out of the water more and I even swam quite a lot with my head up while breathing so that the water wouldn't irritate me. So, considering all of that, I am ok with my swim time.
While heading out of T1, I had to stop to readjust the velco on my bike shoe and then as soon as I got on the bike and started peddling I kept hearing a clicking sound. I had to stop, get off and adjust my cadence thingy that was rubbing against the magnet. ( I will defintely check that before the next race).  I had told myself that I wasn't going to push to hard on the bike as I didn't have the energy and was worried about what the result would be. Also, knowing that Old Stage Road (big climb) was ahead of me I made it a point to take it easier on the slow gradual climb to Old Stage Road.  I conquered Old Stage Road (very slowly) and did my best to get in front of anyone who I thought might stop as I knew if they stopped suddenly or fell over there was a chance that it would force me to do the same. It was like a mini Tour DE France on Old Stage Road. People in costume, people lined up along the road cheering and ringing their cow bells and messages with chalk on the road.  The rest of the ride was fine. I passed people, people passed me... you know how it goes Smile.  Could I have gone faster.. yes. A lot faster.. I don't know.  Would I have suffered for it on the run because of my lack of sleep (over weeks) and being under trained. Maybe.
I knew that I was going to have to walk a lot on the run. I told myself ahead of time to not get hung up with that. My goal for this race was to finish without getting sick or being miserable through the whole thing. I walked every hill and walked through every aid station. I was starting to feel nauseous on the way out (out and back course) and at one point wasn't sure I would be able to finish. At the turn around point or shortly before or after, they were handing out ice. I put ice in my hat and began pouring water over my head. It was really hot and I was overheating. I started to feel better and ran a lot more on the way back. At one point I started to feel a cool which I knew wasn't a good sign and knew that I needed to keep using the ice. First time using ice for me.  My run time was expected and therefore I wasn't disappointed. I did get to share the run course with the pros for a bit but was able to watch them cross the finish line as a spectator.
Under the circumstances, I did about as well as I could have. Like I said, I was just out there to finish this one. 

I wanted to add some pics but can't seem to resize them to fit here.  If you are interested in seeing the pics, just click on my blog link below.

Edited by Kath2163 2010-07-13 5:45 AM
2010-07-13 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

I have finished my race report here.  I think I have narrowed down the issues fairly well in the report, I am pretty sure that most of my issues was a poorly executed nutrition plan, followed by some other issues like bee stings and some questions on my training volume and lack of heat and humidity acclimation.

One thing I didn't mention in the report was my rest schedule.  Although there were some off days, shorter training days and some easy sessions.  It took me a couple of days to get back in the right time zone.  I was only going to be home for a week, so besides working a full week I had chores and projects that kept me busy most of the time I was home so very little relaxing time.  Plus Saturday morning I volunteered at the BT aid station.  I don't know what impact this had although I am sure there was some.

Feel free to look at my training logs and offer any advice you may have.  I value your opinions!!

2010-07-13 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2976952

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Kath2163 - 2010-07-13 5:30 AM Hello All,
Here I am Smile

I had hoped to stop by yesterday and fill you in on my race but life got in the way.
While I haven't written a race report yet, I will give you a brief glimpse into how my race went.
I started the race on two hours of sleep due to pain I am still dealing with from my dental debacle. I was really not feeling well before the race but decided to give it a shot anyway. At the start of the swim my goggles leaked immediately. I had to stop to adjust them at least three times before I said screw it and swam with water in them. Having water in my goggles threw off my stroke a bit as I had to close one eye often during the breathing as the water would run into my eye. Fortunately I can breath on both sides so I was able to break it up a bit.  Doing it this way forced my head out of the water more and I even swam quite a lot with my head up while breathing so that the water wouldn't irritate me. So, considering all of that, I am ok with my swim time.
While heading out of T1, I had to stop to readjust the velco on my bike shoe and then as soon as I got on the bike and started peddling I kept hearing a clicking sound. I had to stop, get off and adjust my cadence thingy that was rubbing against the magnet. ( I will defintely check that before the next race).  I had told myself that I wasn't going to push to hard on the bike as I didn't have the energy and was worried about what the result would be. Also, knowing that Old Stage Road (big climb) was ahead of me I made it a point to take it easier on the slow gradual climb to Old Stage Road.  I conquered Old Stage Road (very slowly) and did my best to get in front of anyone who I thought might stop as I knew if they stopped suddenly or fell over there was a chance that it would force me to do the same. It was like a mini Tour DE France on Old Stage Road. People in costume, people lined up along the road cheering and ringing their cow bells and messages with chalk on the road.  The rest of the ride was fine. I passed people, people passed me... you know how it goes Smile.  Could I have gone faster.. yes. A lot faster.. I don't know.  Would I have suffered for it on the run because of my lack of sleep (over weeks) and being under trained. Maybe.
I knew that I was going to have to walk a lot on the run. I told myself ahead of time to not get hung up with that. My goal for this race was to finish without getting sick or being miserable through the whole thing. I walked every hill and walked through every aid station. I was starting to feel nauseous on the way out (out and back course) and at one point wasn't sure I would be able to finish. At the turn around point or shortly before or after, they were handing out ice. I put ice in my hat and began pouring water over my head. It was really hot and I was overheating. I started to feel better and ran a lot more on the way back. At one point I started to feel a cool which I knew wasn't a good sign and knew that I needed to keep using the ice. First time using ice for me.  My run time was expected and therefore I wasn't disappointed. I did get to share the run course with the pros for a bit but was able to watch them cross the finish line as a spectator.
Under the circumstances, I did about as well as I could have. Like I said, I was just out there to finish this one. 

I wanted to add some pics but can't seem to resize them to fit here.  If you are interested in seeing the pics, just click on my blog link below.

Considering the issues you have had recently, you should be pleased with the out come!! Thanks for the update!

2010-07-13 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Kathleen, way to HTFU!! Nice work!

2010-07-13 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

IMLP bib #s are up!!!!!!!!

Sara = 2366!!
2010-07-13 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2978441

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-13 1:56 PM BTW...

IMLP bib #s are up!!!!!!!!

Sara = 2366!!

I'll be following all of you from balmy Phoenix, AZ. Not fit for man nor beast this time of year. Going to be 116 by Thursday. Only 109 today though. I have an hour ride tonight but it should be only about 107 by the time I start my ride. We don't have the level of humidity that most of you guys have though. I think the humidity today is about 15-20%.
2010-07-13 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2978441

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-13 3:56 PM BTW...

IMLP bib #s are up!!!!!!!!

Sara = 2366!!

Aren't you going to share?    What is you number?

That is the day that reality of the event being close hit me!!

2010-07-13 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2978441

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-13 12:56 PM BTW...

IMLP bib #s are up!!!!!!!!

Sara = 2366!!

Wohoo! Can't wait to follow everyone on race day. Smile
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