BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-04-02 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4684278

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
SportzVision - 2013-04-02 8:31 PM
justinfss - 2013-04-02 7:26 PM
Burd - 2013-04-02 8:04 PM
justinfss - 2013-04-02 7:43 PM
bobddsmd - 2013-04-02 2:17 PM

Burd - 2013-04-02 11:57 AM Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.

I think the May race is a sprint, correct? Just walk the run and do it. I would replace walking in your TP for the run. Just a thought. The other option is just do the first two and then DNF at the run. You have put in solid work on the other stuff.


Second this!

I would but I can't justify a DNF or 5k walk for the entry fee.  If I did that I couldn't swing the next sprint in July (which I can go all out) and the Rev3 oly in November.  Would be too much strain on the wallet.  Considering I just had to shell out for a whole new rig and gear from scratch.  Now If I win the lotto this weekend I'll fly all you down here for that race Tongue out . I'm going to chalk this up and just be that much faster for July.  It will also give me some OWS time.


C'Mon LOTTO!!!!

Hey can I come too if the Lotto comes through?  

Heck ya....the entire BDAS gets a ticket  With a win of millions I could spare a few bucks, lol

2013-04-02 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

So, life, as usual, goes on.  

Just got my new saddle - an ISM Adamo Prologue.  Happy with it so far; it's slightly uncomfortable, but in a good way, if that makes sense.  It also helps my positioning, since my bike is a little big, and the saddle puts me a little further forward, so I am finally comfortable in the hoods now.  We'll see how another ten hours or so in the saddle leaves me feeling.

House-shopping is going well; in fact, the market is so hot right now I can't get an inspection scheduled, since everyone is so busy.  

My wife and I started a challenge between us - 30 days in April, 30 workouts, zero days over our calories goals (mine is 1,800; so 1,801 = fail); the reward is a dinner at a restaurant that is operated by one of our local breweries and a night in a hotel that happens to have a whirlpool suite.  

2013-04-02 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4684277

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
SportzVision - 2013-04-02 7:28 PM
bobddsmd - 2013-04-01 10:18 AM

Back from the farm and ready for race week!

That's funny, I live on a farm and would love to get off the farm for a day or two to stay at a nice spa!  Good luck this week!

That is funny. Far away fields (pastures) always look greener!

2013-04-02 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4684256

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-02 7:04 PM
justinfss - 2013-04-02 7:43 PM
bobddsmd - 2013-04-02 2:17 PM

Burd - 2013-04-02 11:57 AM Just got home from the doc.  May race is out.  No running until the fluid is completely gone.  Looking like I'll be running mid to end of May at the latest.  Started feeling sorry for myself on the way home.  Life is a cruel b*tch.  So when I got home I decide I needed to slap her in the face and scream...not today...not today you won't.  I'll be in the July race which just means I will be that much faster on the swim and bike.  I could sit here, order a large pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and eat it all but that ain't gonna happen.  Onward with the training.  Finishing lunch and hitting the bike.

I think the May race is a sprint, correct? Just walk the run and do it. I would replace walking in your TP for the run. Just a thought. The other option is just do the first two and then DNF at the run. You have put in solid work on the other stuff.


Second this!

I would but I can't justify a DNF or 5k walk for the entry fee.  If I did that I couldn't swing the next sprint in July (which I can go all out) and the Rev3 oly in November.  Would be too much strain on the wallet.  Considering I just had to shell out for a whole new rig and gear from scratch.  Now If I win the lotto this weekend I'll fly all you down here for that race Tongue out . I'm going to chalk this up and just be that much faster for July.  It will also give me some OWS time.

I love and respect your resiliency and passion!  Bobby's idea is a good one- but if you can't make it happen - then do whatever you need to do to keep going.  I will however hope you win the lottery so we don't have to hear Justin complain about the weatherWink

2013-04-02 9:27 PM
in reply to: #4684301

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
mirthfuldragon - 2013-04-02 7:56 PM

So, life, as usual, goes on.  

Just got my new saddle - an ISM Adamo Prologue.  Happy with it so far; it's slightly uncomfortable, but in a good way, if that makes sense.  It also helps my positioning, since my bike is a little big, and the saddle puts me a little further forward, so I am finally comfortable in the hoods now.  We'll see how another ten hours or so in the saddle leaves me feeling.

House-shopping is going well; in fact, the market is so hot right now I can't get an inspection scheduled, since everyone is so busy.  

My wife and I started a challenge between us - 30 days in April, 30 workouts, zero days over our calories goals (mine is 1,800; so 1,801 = fail); the reward is a dinner at a restaurant that is operated by one of our local breweries and a night in a hotel that happens to have a whirlpool suite.  

Seems like you got the motivation figured out - I wish you god speed.

2013-04-02 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Holy crap - the Indians just beat the Blue Jays to earn their first win of the season.  Oh man - that made my day.

I'm not talking smack - the blue jays are gonna be awesome this year and to pitch that well against them gives me hope for a good season.

I'm loving this group.  Don't forget to weigh in on the hydration question.  I promise to do so tomorrow but I've gotta hit the sack.  Anyone for yoga at 4:45am?

2013-04-03 3:18 AM
in reply to: #4684387

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Qua17 - 2013-04-02 10:32 PM

Holy crap - the Indians just beat the Blue Jays to earn their first win of the season.  Oh man - that made my day.

I'm not talking smack - the blue jays are gonna be awesome this year and to pitch that well against them gives me hope for a good season.

I'm loving this group.  Don't forget to weigh in on the hydration question.  I promise to do so tomorrow but I've gotta hit the sack.  Anyone for yoga at 4:45am?

Hope you get in your 4:45 session.  At 3:30 I rolled out of the sack unable to go back to sleep and here I sit with a cup of tea reading the forums of all things....can anyone say OCD.  Would be drinking my coffee but it's to early to fire up my grinder.  Maybe I can squeeze in a stretch session. 

2013-04-03 3:52 AM
in reply to: #4682998

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Qua17 - 2013-04-02 6:21 AM

Topic - Hydration.  What are you thoughts about keeping yourself hydrated before, during, and after a race?

Although I really can't weigh in too much on during a race (I only have one race under my belt) I can definitely tell when I have not been drinking enough.  I try to keep a 24oz bottle of water on my desk at work and try to get at least two of those down a day.  I can tell when I am busy or not able to get in my water, as I tend to feel slow, tired, and don't feel like working out often getting headaches.  During the bataan, I kept really well hydrated, I went through three full 2L camel baks as well as gatorade at the aid stations.  Probably more than most would drink during a marathon, but I felt great throughout the event and didn't feel dehydrated.  

2013-04-03 4:29 AM
in reply to: #4684525

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-03 3:18 AM
Qua17 - 2013-04-02 10:32 PM

Holy crap - the Indians just beat the Blue Jays to earn their first win of the season.  Oh man - that made my day.

I'm not talking smack - the blue jays are gonna be awesome this year and to pitch that well against them gives me hope for a good season.

I'm loving this group.  Don't forget to weigh in on the hydration question.  I promise to do so tomorrow but I've gotta hit the sack.  Anyone for yoga at 4:45am?

Hope you get in your 4:45 session.  At 3:30 I rolled out of the sack unable to go back to sleep and here I sit with a cup of tea reading the forums of all things....can anyone say OCD.  Would be drinking my coffee but it's to early to fire up my grinder.  Maybe I can squeeze in a stretch session. 

Yep - got the yoga in this morning.  Sorry you couldn't sleep but kudos on getting in a stretch session.  It's gonna pay off when the doctors turn you loose in a few weeks!

2013-04-03 4:34 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Hydration... I have found that I need to keep pushing the fluids even during short racing because I tend to sweat a lot.  I figured this out when I calculated my sweat rate to see how much water I was losing.  I started by weighing myself to baseline number.  Then I ran for an hour without drinking anything and weighed myself at the end.  I was suprised to find that I had sweated out more than 16 oz of h2o.  So, to stay hydrated, I try to drink at least 16 oz per hour and more if its a hot and humid day.

Keep posting these thoughts on the forum as I know I have a lot to learn.

Have a great day!

2013-04-03 4:02 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Wow quiet day on here!  I have slacked off the last two days, but I am going to get going again today.  As soon as the wife gets home, I'm going to take the bike out for a 12-15 mile ride, maybe more!  Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so I think instead of doing a brick I will try to run in the morning and bike in the afternoon, then maybe I can get in a few more miles!  Hope everyone is doing well!

2013-04-03 5:48 PM
in reply to: #4685690

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

jlangene - 2013-04-03 5:02 PM Wow quiet day on here!  I have slacked off the last two days, but I am going to get going again today.  As soon as the wife gets home, I'm going to take the bike out for a 12-15 mile ride, maybe more!  Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so I think instead of doing a brick I will try to run in the morning and bike in the afternoon, then maybe I can get in a few more miles!  Hope everyone is doing well!

Enjoy the weather and the ride.

2013-04-03 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Who has something killer planned for the weekend....ohh wait I know...Bobby does!  How you feeling today?  

I decided instead of just wearing compression sleeves on the knees and hoping for the best I am starting 20-25 minute ice baths daily tomorrow.  That should speed up the process of getting rid of the fluid.  Does anyone have any other tips besides ice, compression and motrin?  I could be wrong but I figure the faster the fluid leaves the faster it will repair itself.  Is this true?  

2013-04-03 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
**Edit to earlier post.  Being impatient like I am I started my ice baths tonight.  Was only bad for the first 2 minutes then it was fine.  Found out it takes 20 minutes to get the benefit of ice therapy so my plan is 25 minutes 2x a day. 
2013-04-03 6:57 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

hydration...picked up a 6pk of IPA's from wine's and more...all different...will pay for this next week. shoulder/neck...still sucking. 6 more days of holidays then will be back at it!

PS: went from flamingo pink to a nice tan...thanks David! Laughing

cheers my fellow triathlete friends!

2013-04-03 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4685848

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Hey everyone, It will be two weeks tomorrow with no workouts. Knee has been hurting even without the exercise. Went to the ortho yesterday and had new xrays and a mri. Based off the old ones he thinks there could be some junk floating around from the original injury. The junk being some cartilage. Will know more once they see the new mri. Good news is it will be a one day quick survey if it happens. Will take about 3 months to get back to normal. With the baby due in 4 weeks I wouldn't have the surgery till end of May or June. Which would kill the summer for racing triathlons. I'm hoping it only means impact activities like running are out so I can still ride and swim. Either way I'm going to swim tomorrow and just focus that for now. Keep up the good work everyone

Edited by lp3510 2013-04-03 7:50 PM

2013-04-03 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4685800

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-04-03 5:53 PM

Who has something killer planned for the weekend....ohh wait I know...Bobby does!  How you feeling today?  

I decided instead of just wearing compression sleeves on the knees and hoping for the best I am starting 20-25 minute ice baths daily tomorrow.  That should speed up the process of getting rid of the fluid.  Does anyone have any other tips besides ice, compression and motrin?  I could be wrong but I figure the faster the fluid leaves the faster it will repair itself.  Is this true?  

Feeling okay today. 5 mile run per plan. Getting my bags packed. I wonder if I should get 6 IPA's to follow the Thor hydration plan for the race? To reduce inflammation further I would totally eliminate sugars, wheat and processed foods. All of those are pro inflammatory. Your swelling will go down or you will go bonkers and cut off your leg.
2013-04-03 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Good luck on your race Bobby!  Hope all goes well for you and most of all that you have fun and enjoy the experience! 

I got my ride in this afternoon and really enjoyed it, shoulda went further, but stopped after 13 miles.  Went at a pretty good pace though averaged 15mph which is a good improvement from my 10-11mph with my other bike!  Hoping to get up near 20 for an average, but that will take time!  

Hope everyone's injuries heal quickly and you can get back to training!  

2013-04-03 11:40 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Glad to see the action picking up on the forum... Here's wishing you well Bobby as you gear up to represent the BDAS in our first race of the spring season.  Also hoping that everyone heals and gets back on track as soon as possible.

For those of you who believe in the power of prayer - I just sent in an application to a third school.  After working on it for a week, I dove into it in typical triathlon fashion and spent the last six hours tightening up the writing and getting the essay to really represent the kind of teaching I do day in and day out.  No more BS - I just want to be happy.

Night all!

PS - Hope you slept better Alex than you did last night.  No more midnight stretching!

2013-04-04 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4685848

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
thor67 - 2013-04-03 7:57 PM

hydration...picked up a 6pk of IPA's from wine's and more...all different...will pay for this next week. shoulder/neck...still sucking. 6 more days of holidays then will be back at it!

PS: went from flamingo pink to a nice tan...thanks David! Laughing

cheers my fellow triathlete friends!


Glad your having a good vacation.  A body and mind needs a recharging and it sounds like your getting it.  Enjoy the time with the family and the sunshine.

Edited by Burd 2013-04-04 7:36 AM
2013-04-05 5:59 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Good morning all,

Well, in honor of Alex and David I did yoga/p90x stretch this am. Bike is mounted on the car and bags are packed. Before my races I have my kids mark my chest with a sharpy. It is for words of encouragement. They get a kick out of it and so do I. My wife also gets in the spirit. It looks pretty crazy. I also plan to write BDAS on my hand. If I am having a tough time I am going to look at that and know what you guys have gone through this year and I know that will help me to press on. Therefore you guys will be with me on this race.

Bye for now.

2013-04-05 6:32 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Hey Bobby - Good luck to you!

Fight the fight... Finish the race... keep the faith!  Godspeed to you brother!Laughing

2013-04-05 6:45 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Hi BDASers:

First the good news...  there is nothing wrong with my plumbing.  My prostate is cancer free and everything is in working order.  

Now the bad news - I know this because yesterday I had the joy of having a probe shoved where you would least want it... Yes thereEmbarassed.  While I was thrilled that nothing was wrong and while the pictures were absolutely fascinating - it was something I never want to go through again...  

Due to lingering soreness - I'm off the bike for a day or two more and then I've got to figure it all out.  The problems must be caused by the time I'm spending on the bike... So, I'm gonna have to continue to tweak my approach to avoid the reoccurring prostatitis.  I've already bought a new seat and I'm taking ibuprophin..., I'm going in to have a fitting... but there has got to be something else for me to try.  Any ideas?

Finally - my doctor said "if the problems don't go away, you might have to give up the biking..." Really not thrilled by this statement... but if I have to give it up (and I have zero intentions or desire to do so = I LOVE my bike),

I PROMISE TO COMPLETE MY IRONMAN first.  Then I will quit.



2013-04-05 7:14 AM
in reply to: #4687654

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
bobddsmd - 2013-04-05 4:59 AM

Good morning all,

Well, in honor of Alex and David I did yoga/p90x stretch this am. Bike is mounted on the car and bags are packed. Before my races I have my kids mark my chest with a sharpy. It is for words of encouragement. They get a kick out of it and so do I. My wife also gets in the spirit. It looks pretty crazy. I also plan to write BDAS on my hand. If I am having a tough time I am going to look at that and know what you guys have gone through this year and I know that will help me to press on. Therefore you guys will be with me on this race.

Bye for now.

Cool!  I'll be doing a HIM, does that mean I can get the cool 70.3 bumper sticker for my truck?  Tongue out  Seriously though we wish you all the best and will be rooting for you!  Hope you have fun and do well.  Can't wait to see your race report. Good luck!

2013-04-05 7:20 AM
in reply to: #4687675

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Glad to hear the good news Dave.  I'm happy to hear you don't have cancer and everything is in working order! Hope you get things worked out and figure out what is causing the pain, sorry I don't have any other suggestions for you.  Other than maybe find another doctor and get a second opinion.  Good luck!  
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