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2011-01-29 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
19.3 mph in my 30 minute time trial today!  Not quite what I was expecting because I felt REALLY good going into it, and I had my timing down on my nutrition, but it was so gosh darn hot in there that I just couldn't handle it.  HR was 180+, and it is never that high.  Tried to bribe the guy next to me to go slower so that I would look better, but apparently he didn't think that was as funny as I did! 

Really cool to meet Dave today, too!  Thanks for setting it all up!

2011-01-29 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3328564

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gotta run - 2011-01-29 3:12 PM
GrapeJuice - 2011-01-29 7:49 AM Great videos posted! Very motivating. Just to give everyone a sense of how far I have to go with my swimming here is the video from my 1st and only Tri in July. Its the last lap of the swim(did all 800m with the technique in the vid lol) and my transition to the bike. Enjoy the comedy!

Awesome attitude! Thanks for sharing this. It'll be fun to see your progress this season! 

Ha!  Great commentary during your transition.  Looks like you had a blast.
2011-01-29 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Hey gang!  Back from Morocco and trying to decide if I am jet lagged or not.  Quick trip...long way to go for such a short time.  Was full of work so I didn't really get much sight seeing time.  Also got no training done...

Skiing tomorrow and then back at it on Monday!

Have a good rest of the weeked and I hope our racers do great!
2011-01-29 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3328192

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-01-29 6:49 AM Great videos posted! Very motivating. Just to give everyone a sense of how far I have to go with my swimming here is the video from my 1st and only Tri in July. Its the last lap of the swim(did all 800m with the technique in the vid lol) and my transition to the bike. Enjoy the comedy!

Thanks for sharing this....I did that exact stroke for my first super sprint (200y) the year I started .  What's the scoop with the woman in high heels at the end of the pool?  was she your timer? or your personal cheering section?
2011-01-29 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3328963

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SoccerGK - 2011-01-29 9:14 PM 19.3 mph in my 30 minute time trial today!  Not quite what I was expecting because I felt REALLY good going into it, and I had my timing down on my nutrition, but it was so gosh darn hot in there that I just couldn't handle it.  HR was 180+, and it is never that high.  Tried to bribe the guy next to me to go slower so that I would look better, but apparently he didn't think that was as funny as I did! 

Really cool to meet Dave today, too!  Thanks for setting it all up!

Gee, that sounds pretty good to me.  What were you expecting?  I can tell you I have never seen my HR that high on the bike and rarely do I see it on the run.  YIKES.
2011-01-29 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3328974

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdale - 2011-01-29 10:30 PM Hey gang!  Back from Morocco and trying to decide if I am jet lagged or not.  Quick trip...long way to go for such a short time.  Was full of work so I didn't really get much sight seeing time.  Also got no training done...

Skiing tomorrow and then back at it on Monday!

Have a good rest of the weeked and I hope our racers do great!

Welcome back, George! 

2011-01-30 5:24 AM
in reply to: #3328192

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-01-29 9:49 AM Great videos posted! Very motivating. Just to give everyone a sense of how far I have to go with my swimming here is the video from my 1st and only Tri in July. Its the last lap of the swim(did all 800m with the technique in the vid lol) and my transition to the bike. Enjoy the comedy!

Many thanks for sharing.   That was priceless and I'm sure are going to look back on that later this year and truly appreciate how much you have improved.   For what its worth, I spent some time in that position during my first ever Oly in 2009 and again in my first Oly in 2010.  It got better after that, but I still have soooooo much room for improvement on the swim.   It's nice to know you can only get faster.
2011-01-30 5:30 AM
in reply to: #3328962

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mighty mom - 2011-01-30 12:13 AM

Mind if I jump on the sharing-swim-videos bandwagon?  Got the hubs to get a few laps of me this morning.  Please excuse his banter and the hoards of people lapping me.  I'vebeen talking with a local swim coach but I'd love to hear thoughts or comments from the MG.

Thanks for sharing.  Definitely book some time with that swim coach.  I know better than to try and offer any critique.
2011-01-30 5:39 AM
in reply to: #3328974

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdale - 2011-01-30 12:30 AM Hey gang!  Back from Morocco and trying to decide if I am jet lagged or not.  Quick trip...long way to go for such a short time.  Was full of work so I didn't really get much sight seeing time.  Also got no training done...

Skiing tomorrow and then back at it on Monday!

Have a good rest of the weeked and I hope our racers do great!

Did you take the Marrakesh Express while you were there?

Enjoy your skiing.

2011-01-30 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3326539

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Probably would be even if I was better on what to do when I come up on people or really settled into a draft.

Hey Tony I thought we covered that in one of our previous seasons here. When coming up on a person you firmly grab their ankle, pull them under the water and swim right over top of them

Edited by Redknight 2011-01-30 8:29 AM
2011-01-30 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3327465

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

tahrens - 2011-01-28 4:05 PM Speaking of swimming here is my problem.   For the past 2 weeks the pool has been very busy in the evenings and I've had to share lanes.  The problem is, the people I'm sharing with want to swim circle.  That has really messed up my workouts.  It is very hard to do timed drills and rest breaks when someone else is swimming up on you or too close in front.  I'm curious what other people do in these situations?

I empathize with you Sugar. I find it annoying when you have to wait for someone when you are halfway up a length. Also it is hard to get into a good rhythm when trying to do a distance swim. I just make the best of it and if I can't do a good distance swim I'll switch and do some drills or something else so that I do not get so frustrated. I am actually fairly lucky with having a flexible schedule that I can go during the day and it is not quite as busy.

Also remember SUGAR. You won't melt. get in there and swim baby swim.

Edited by Redknight 2011-01-30 8:57 AM

2011-01-30 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3327626

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

TrevorC - 2011-01-28 5:25 PM
tahrens - 2011-01-28 1:53 PM Those are all great swim videos.  Next week I'll be hitting the pool with the hubby and a video camera. 

All last year my ow swim times SUCKED!!!!!   It was very frustrating since I couldn't pinpoint what I was doing wrong.  I think I just fell into too lazy of a groove in open water and didn't push myself hard enough.  That is something I am hoping to improve this year.  If I'm not out of the water in 1:15 at Canada I'll kill myself!!!  (Actually, I don't care about the time. I just want to beat Trevor Kiss)

My plan going in, is to give you a kiss on the beach for good luck, and then kick your goggles off 100 m in. Just so I can get a bit of a head start.

This is making the assumption you will be ahead of Sugar 100M in ??????

2011-01-30 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3327582

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

DougRob - 2011-01-28 4:59 PM OK more swim talk.

After yesterday's 2525 yds of dwimming I had 2200 on tap today. The set was WU: 4 x 100, 4 x 50 catch up drills, 4 x 50 kick, MS: 6 x 100 with 2 sets of 3 decending, 12 x50 (with 25 hard and 25 easy), THEN 100 for time and 100 CD.

 Needless to say after 4525 yds in the past 30 hours that 100 for time was NOT a record. It was somewhere btwn 1:30 and 1:35. It HURT! I could not get my googles off quick and focus so i am not sure of the exact time.

All my swims for january are done. 1 run, about 65 miles of biking and one strength session to go. I might try to get an hour of yoga in too.

Hey Doug what is the 2 set of 3 descending. Not sure just what you mean. Sounds like it would be a good workout though.

2011-01-30 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3327664

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Havin'Fun - 2011-01-28 5:38 PM All my ows are much slower than my pool swims.  I have never touched my pool splits in any race.   I think it's basically that when I'm in the pool training I give it everything I've got - love to push myself.  In the ows in races I am thinking about the bike and run coming up and I think I hold back. 

One of these days I'm going to let it all loose and see what happens   

I once heard someone say when you are in the OWS portion of a race only think about the swim or you will mess it up. Don't start thinking about the bike until you are out of the water. Same applies to being on the bike and thinking about the run. Don't think about it until you are near the end of the bike.

2011-01-30 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3328192

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

GrapeJuice - 2011-01-29 7:49 AM Great videos posted! Very motivating. Just to give everyone a sense of how far I have to go with my swimming here is the video from my 1st and only Tri in July. Its the last lap of the swim(did all 800m with the technique in the vid lol) and my transition to the bike. Enjoy the comedy!

Hey Andre. I thought at first you were doing a race all by yourself. Didn't see anyone else around the pool Really though impressed with your determination to get it done and hang in there. You are to be congratulated you triathlete you.

2011-01-30 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

OK I've padded my posts enough now and used up all my opinions for the day so I had better get some house cleaning done before I catch heck for being on here with my friends. Have a great Sunday everyone.

Could someone else please post something now. I'm tired of carrying this MG. 

Edited by Redknight 2011-01-30 8:58 AM

2011-01-30 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3328963

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SoccerGK - 2011-01-29 9:14 PM 19.3 mph in my 30 minute time trial today!  Not quite what I was expecting because I felt REALLY good going into it, and I had my timing down on my nutrition, but it was so gosh darn hot in there that I just couldn't handle it.  HR was 180+, and it is never that high.  Tried to bribe the guy next to me to go slower so that I would look better, but apparently he didn't think that was as funny as I did! 

Really cool to meet Dave today, too!  Thanks for setting it all up!

Erica rocked the TTT.  The team did great, we finished 12th out of 16 teams.  The pools of sweat under the bikes and the bags of ice inside peoples attire backs Erica's point about it being really hot even with the fans. 

The really cool part was that Mike Reilly from Ironman announcing fame mc'ed the last 30 minute segment of the TTT with his ipod play list.  Probably a 100+ people cheering on 16 people on computrainers.....and the team that won came from a mile behind in the last segment and thier rider averaged 24.5 mph for then entire 30 minutes (Tony, I think he averaged 335 watts on a hilly course).  God he was an animal.  (He ran a 2:40 marathon last weekend at the indoor marathon up here....I mean really....get a job!!!)

I also got to spend about a 1/2 hour with Patrick from EN and got my entire schedule for 2011 set for training.  Fun to get excited about the season already....even though we are expecting 18 inches of snow in the next 48 hours.  Suzy, you left just in time! 

Hope everybody has a great weekend.
2011-01-30 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3329219

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Redknight - 2011-01-30 9:43 AM

DougRob - 2011-01-28 4:59 PM OK more swim talk.

After yesterday's 2525 yds of dwimming I had 2200 on tap today. The set was WU: 4 x 100, 4 x 50 catch up drills, 4 x 50 kick, MS: 6 x 100 with 2 sets of 3 decending, 12 x50 (with 25 hard and 25 easy), THEN 100 for time and 100 CD.

 Needless to say after 4525 yds in the past 30 hours that 100 for time was NOT a record. It was somewhere btwn 1:30 and 1:35. It HURT! I could not get my googles off quick and focus so i am not sure of the exact time.

All my swims for january are done. 1 run, about 65 miles of biking and one strength session to go. I might try to get an hour of yoga in too.

Hey Doug what is the 2 set of 3 descending. Not sure just what you mean. Sounds like it would be a good workout though.

2 sets of 3 decending means: each "set" is a 3 x 100. You do that twice with no break between 100's. The descending means that each 100 in the set is done faster than the last, e.g., easy, moderate then hard.

I am off line for then next few hours as I am about to do 2.5 hours on the computrainer riding through Calgary!
2011-01-30 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3329212

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Redknight - 2011-01-30 8:37 AM

tahrens - 2011-01-28 4:05 PM Speaking of swimming here is my problem.   For the past 2 weeks the pool has been very busy in the evenings and I've had to share lanes.  The problem is, the people I'm sharing with want to swim circle.  That has really messed up my workouts.  It is very hard to do timed drills and rest breaks when someone else is swimming up on you or too close in front.  I'm curious what other people do in these situations?

I empathize with you Sugar. I find it annoying when you have to wait for someone when you are halfway up a length. Also it is hard to get into a good rhythm when trying to do a distance swim. I just make the best of it and if I can't do a good distance swim I'll switch and do some drills or something else so that I do not get so frustrated. I am actually fairly lucky with having a flexible schedule that I can go during the day and it is not quite as busy.

Also remember SUGAR. You won't melt. get in there and swim baby swim.

How many people are in the lane? were you there first?  When there are two of us, I just tell the person I want to split the lane or they will be frustrated with how slow I swim.  In Master's, I just have to suck it up and do the best I can with two other people.  Like Rob, I try to go to the pool when everyone else is working.  99% of the time, I'm solo.  Now that you're job free (or aren't u?), could you try that?
2011-01-30 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3329235

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
badgerintx - 2011-01-30 8:59 AM
SoccerGK - 2011-01-29 9:14 PM 19.3 mph in my 30 minute time trial today!  Not quite what I was expecting because I felt REALLY good going into it, and I had my timing down on my nutrition, but it was so gosh darn hot in there that I just couldn't handle it.  HR was 180+, and it is never that high.  Tried to bribe the guy next to me to go slower so that I would look better, but apparently he didn't think that was as funny as I did! 

Really cool to meet Dave today, too!  Thanks for setting it all up!

Erica rocked the TTT.  The team did great, we finished 12th out of 16 teams.  The pools of sweat under the bikes and the bags of ice inside peoples attire backs Erica's point about it being really hot even with the fans. 

The really cool part was that Mike Reilly from Ironman announcing fame mc'ed the last 30 minute segment of the TTT with his ipod play list.  Probably a 100+ people cheering on 16 people on computrainers.....and the team that won came from a mile behind in the last segment and thier rider averaged 24.5 mph for then entire 30 minutes (Tony, I think he averaged 335 watts on a hilly course).  God he was an animal.  (He ran a 2:40 marathon last weekend at the indoor marathon up here....I mean really....get a job!!!)

I also got to spend about a 1/2 hour with Patrick from EN and got my entire schedule for 2011 set for training.  Fun to get excited about the season already....even though we are expecting 18 inches of snow in the next 48 hours.  Suzy, you left just in time! 

Hope everybody has a great weekend.

Hey Dineen--looks like you had a ton of fun!! Was the cyclist Davey?  Is Patrick the tall/skinny guy?  I watched part of their Four Points talk at IM WI and I liked them....insightful and practical.  So now that Mike has gotten you all jazzed up, will you be signing up for IM WI when you volunteer this year????  ME HOPES SO!    18 inches of snow, huh?  Maybe I should stay another week!
2011-01-30 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3329235

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
badgerintx - 2011-01-30 8:59 AM
SoccerGK - 2011-01-29 9:14 PM 19.3 mph in my 30 minute time trial today!  Not quite what I was expecting because I felt REALLY good going into it, and I had my timing down on my nutrition, but it was so gosh darn hot in there that I just couldn't handle it.  HR was 180+, and it is never that high.  Tried to bribe the guy next to me to go slower so that I would look better, but apparently he didn't think that was as funny as I did! 

Really cool to meet Dave today, too!  Thanks for setting it all up!

Erica rocked the TTT.  The team did great, we finished 12th out of 16 teams.  The pools of sweat under the bikes and the bags of ice inside peoples attire backs Erica's point about it being really hot even with the fans. 

The really cool part was that Mike Reilly from Ironman announcing fame mc'ed the last 30 minute segment of the TTT with his ipod play list.  Probably a 100+ people cheering on 16 people on computrainers.....and the team that won came from a mile behind in the last segment and thier rider averaged 24.5 mph for then entire 30 minutes (Tony, I think he averaged 335 watts on a hilly course).  God he was an animal.  (He ran a 2:40 marathon last weekend at the indoor marathon up here....I mean really....get a job!!!)

I also got to spend about a 1/2 hour with Patrick from EN and got my entire schedule for 2011 set for training.  Fun to get excited about the season already....even though we are expecting 18 inches of snow in the next 48 hours.  Suzy, you left just in time! 

Hope everybody has a great weekend.

Haha, Thanks Dave!  Yes, Mike Reilly was awesome to listen to!  I was also really glad I got to hear Dr. Kattouf.  I really bought into everything he had to say.  I'm going to buy his book today, too. 

Unbelievable the wattage some of those guys were putting out.  I didn't even watch mine because I've never used watts before, so that number meant nothing to me, other than to point out how many fewer I was pushing than those teams in particular!  Ryan was pumped that he was in the 230-240 range.  I don't have any data from my Garmin because it went berserk.  It didn't beep for a mile until 5 minutes in, and it kept reading my mph as 0.  So I turned it off and just watched my heart rate.

2011-01-30 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3329269

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2011-01-30 7:26 AM
Redknight - 2011-01-30 9:43 AM

DougRob - 2011-01-28 4:59 PM OK more swim talk.

After yesterday's 2525 yds of dwimming I had 2200 on tap today. The set was WU: 4 x 100, 4 x 50 catch up drills, 4 x 50 kick, MS: 6 x 100 with 2 sets of 3 decending, 12 x50 (with 25 hard and 25 easy), THEN 100 for time and 100 CD.

 Needless to say after 4525 yds in the past 30 hours that 100 for time was NOT a record. It was somewhere btwn 1:30 and 1:35. It HURT! I could not get my googles off quick and focus so i am not sure of the exact time.

All my swims for january are done. 1 run, about 65 miles of biking and one strength session to go. I might try to get an hour of yoga in too.

Hey Doug what is the 2 set of 3 descending. Not sure just what you mean. Sounds like it would be a good workout though.

2 sets of 3 decending means: each "set" is a 3 x 100. You do that twice with no break between 100's. The descending means that each 100 in the set is done faster than the last, e.g., easy, moderate then hard.

I am off line for then next few hours as I am about to do 2.5 hours on the computrainer riding through Calgary!
thanks, doug, i now realize i can't take a break between those 100's!Say hi to Trevor, he's back from the Magic Kingdom!
2011-01-30 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3329315

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SoccerGK - 2011-01-30 7:50 AM
badgerintx - 2011-01-30 8:59 AM
SoccerGK - 2011-01-29 9:14 PM 19.3 mph in my 30 minute time trial today!  Not quite what I was expecting because I felt REALLY good going into it, and I had my timing down on my nutrition, but it was so gosh darn hot in there that I just couldn't handle it.  HR was 180+, and it is never that high.  Tried to bribe the guy next to me to go slower so that I would look better, but apparently he didn't think that was as funny as I did! 

Really cool to meet Dave today, too!  Thanks for setting it all up!

Erica rocked the TTT.  The team did great, we finished 12th out of 16 teams.  The pools of sweat under the bikes and the bags of ice inside peoples attire backs Erica's point about it being really hot even with the fans. 

The really cool part was that Mike Reilly from Ironman announcing fame mc'ed the last 30 minute segment of the TTT with his ipod play list.  Probably a 100+ people cheering on 16 people on computrainers.....and the team that won came from a mile behind in the last segment and thier rider averaged 24.5 mph for then entire 30 minutes (Tony, I think he averaged 335 watts on a hilly course).  God he was an animal.  (He ran a 2:40 marathon last weekend at the indoor marathon up here....I mean really....get a job!!!)

I also got to spend about a 1/2 hour with Patrick from EN and got my entire schedule for 2011 set for training.  Fun to get excited about the season already....even though we are expecting 18 inches of snow in the next 48 hours.  Suzy, you left just in time! 

Hope everybody has a great weekend.

Haha, Thanks Dave!  Yes, Mike Reilly was awesome to listen to!  I was also really glad I got to hear Dr. Kattouf.  I really bought into everything he had to say.  I'm going to buy his book today, too. 

Unbelievable the wattage some of those guys were putting out.  I didn't even watch mine because I've never used watts before, so that number meant nothing to me, other than to point out how many fewer I was pushing than those teams in particular!  Ryan was pumped that he was in the 230-240 range.  I don't have any data from my Garmin because it went berserk.  It didn't beep for a mile until 5 minutes in, and it kept reading my mph as 0.  So I turned it off and just watched my heart rate.
Great job on the TTT, Erica! It's cool that Rick Kattouf was involved. I have heard him on the Tri Topics podcast and he seems really knowledgable and has very positive energy. I think you did great!
2011-01-30 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3328962

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mighty mom - 2011-01-29 10:13 PM

Mind if I jump on the sharing-swim-videos bandwagon?  Got the hubs to get a few laps of me this morning.  Please excuse his banter and the hoards of people lapping me.  I'vebeen talking with a local swim coach but I'd love to hear thoughts or comments from the MG.

From what I could see your form looks pretty good. Occasionally you lift one arm less than the other arm. It would be good to see your form from the ned of the lane, going away and coming back. Also would be good to see under water (but without the special equipment is hard). Over all you seem to be doing things right.
2011-01-30 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3328192

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-01-29 7:49 AM Great videos posted! Very motivating. Just to give everyone a sense of how far I have to go with my swimming here is the video from my 1st and only Tri in July. Its the last lap of the swim(did all 800m with the technique in the vid lol) and my transition to the bike. Enjoy the comedy!

That really was great. Awesome attitude! Please have your first one this year filmed. It will be great to compare.
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