BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-03-19 4:09 PM
in reply to: #4666189

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
charlotte hobbs - 2013-03-19 1:31 PM

For what it is worth, i have tried the Paleo diet.  It is similar to Atkins and South Beach Diet with focus on meat protein, vegetables (not corn or potatoes), some fruit.  I do Cross Fit regularly where Paleo is emphasized in most Cross Fit Gymns.  Paleo does not allow any grains so it can be quite expensive.  There are several websites that are quite helpful and have lots of good recipes

The left column in the table below presents food items included in the Paleo diet and the right column presents those foods to avoid on the Paleo Diet.  I did not mind giving up some grains - but pure Paleo will not allow even Eziekel (sprouted) bread - so i modified and will eat Eziekel bread for some breakfasts.  I gave up processed foods and sugar for the most part and have not returned to them or really missed them, even if i make a fudge brownie for family.  I also have enjoyed cooking muffins with other flours such as almond flour, or quinoa flour - and i can eat one without having any cravings.  I limit dairy but do not exclude all together.   I also was not prepared to never have another glass of wine - but i have never had trouble with minimizing alcohol.

Also, i think the basic premise of the Paleo diet is "soft science." Who really knows what humans who were living 2000 years ago ate, and do really want to emulate them if we did know what they ate.  The poor scientific rationale was what made me decide to give up strict Paleo.  It was a good way to jump start giving up refined/processed foods and white/brown sugar and flour. 

Okay To EatAvoid
Lean MeatsProcessed Food & Sugars
Nuts & SeedsStarches
Healthy FatsAlcohol

 Good luck.  I am interested in hearing what others think.


This is really insightful thanks, Charlotte!

So did these changes impact your energy levels and did you lose much weight?

2013-03-19 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4666268

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Happy Birthday Mitch!  Have a great day!
2013-03-19 4:38 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Happy Birthday Mitch and great way to add another year with a trifecta!  I'm positive you are really going to enjoy your waterproof shuffle but let us know what you think once you try it out.
2013-03-19 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4666693

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
sirgab - 2013-03-19 5:38 PMHappy Birthday Mitch and great way to add another year with a trifecta!  I'm positive you are really going to enjoy your waterproof shuffle but let us know what you think once you try it out.
Plan to swim again tomorrow just to try it out...anyone have any good anti-fog tricks for your goggles, my spit doesn't seem to do much.

Edited by dangremond 2013-03-19 5:08 PM
2013-03-19 6:21 PM
in reply to: #4666717

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

dangremond - 2013-03-19 5:08 PM
sirgab - 2013-03-19 5:38 PMHappy Birthday Mitch and great way to add another year with a trifecta!  I'm positive you are really going to enjoy your waterproof shuffle but let us know what you think once you try it out.
Plan to swim again tomorrow just to try it out...anyone have any good anti-fog tricks for your goggles, my spit doesn't seem to do much.

Baby shampoo does the trick, don't forget to rinse though, it will make your tears come down if not. LOL!

Happy Birthday Mitch!

Edited by ernestov 2013-03-19 6:23 PM
2013-03-19 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4666816

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Dish-washing detergent as another option.

2013-03-19 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Baby shampoo. Happy birthday Mitch.
2013-03-20 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Still in week one of official training plan but after another trainer ride and short run this morning I am loving the motivation and feeling right now! All through the ride kept reminding myself about form/relax/breath/smile which helped me get through the harder parts, as did the pumping euro dance beats :-)

I just finished a spinach and apple smoothie which was surprisingly tastey too!

I hope everyone else is having fun and feeling great!!

2013-03-20 2:48 PM
in reply to: #4666644

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Yes, the changes did impact my energy levels.  I feel much better without the processed foods, especially sugar and flour. i have to read labels alot.  if any item has any kind of sugar (other than nonprocessed fruit) listed within first 4 ingredients i do not eat it. I am discovering new healthier foods and am not hungry between meals.

I have not yet noticed a dramatic change in weight - 4 to 5 pounds - about 0.5 pounds per week.  I do not think of it as a diet but rather a lifestyle change so i am happy that i am no longer on yo-yo dieting circuit. I think if i am consistent the weight will come off just not very fast. The most compelling and desired impact is the decreased cravings for white sugar, baked goods, candies, etc.  I just say no.  Instead of being stuck in the rut of 1 is too many and 10 is not enough of cookies, etc, it is just off easier to say no.  i miss frozen yogurt and need to figure out a way to make some frozen treats, but i love quinoa and many of the Paleo recipes.  

The Cross Fit professionals at our gymn are adamant that the benefit of 1 hour of crossfit, triathlon training, etc. will be markedly diminished if paired with typical western diet.  I think they are probably right.  although, i know some fellow triathletes who would strongly disagree; they are the kind of people who seem to be able to eat anything they want and never binge or crave. 

2013-03-20 2:49 PM
in reply to: #4543349

Extreme Veteran
Israel / NJ
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
OK its back to training for me. This weather in NJ sucks but Whatever.  I got my first half marathon may 5th and cant wait. 
2013-03-20 6:34 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Happy Birthday Mitch, enjoy the shuffle, I love mine. As for the goggles, I use a anti fog paste that I use on my Hockey visor. Seems to work and it just replies water, it doesn't run ino you eyes. You have to rub it in, and it can be a little hard to get into the corners.

2013-03-21 4:49 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
It's been a rough few weeks. First I started out with the IT band problems in my right knee. I was able to get into the physio pretty quick and got the problem under control. Within 3-4 weeks I was back up to my regular mileage and feelin great. Then i noticed my hamstrings and gluteus getting tighter. Ive always had problems wih this and everything Ive tried doesnt seem to help. I has gotten to the point where it was painful to sit in a car fr more than a half hour or so. I did a lot of searching over the past week or so and found someone that recommended the piegon pose from yoga. Wow, within a few days all the pain was gone and I feel great. Then on Tuesday I was at work and I was stretch out my calves on a bottom stair. I think I went a bit to hard as that night I noticed a pain starting on the bottom outside of m left foot and going up into the side of the ankle. I think it's a sprain from the stretch as running doesn't make it hurt any worse. I'm just getting tired of he one injury after another. I'd give for a few weeks where it's just my muscles that hurt. I've got my first HM coming up on May 19th, and while I'm not worried about completing, it would be nice to give it the best effort I could. Sorry, just needed to vent........and the run on paragraph, posting from an IPad.
2013-03-21 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4669540

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
BigDaddyD79 - 2013-03-21 5:49 PMIt's been a rough few weeks. First I started out with the IT band problems in my right knee. I was able to get into the physio pretty quick and got the problem under control. Within 3-4 weeks I was back up to my regular mileage and feelin great. Then i noticed my hamstrings and gluteus getting tighter. Ive always had problems wih this and everything Ive tried doesnt seem to help. I has gotten to the point where it was painful to sit in a car fr more than a half hour or so. I did a lot of searching over the past week or so and found someone that recommended the piegon pose from yoga. Wow, within a few days all the pain was gone and I feel great. Then on Tuesday I was at work and I was stretch out my calves on a bottom stair. I think I went a bit to hard as that night I noticed a pain starting on the bottom outside of m left foot and going up into the side of the ankle. I think it's a sprain from the stretch as running doesn't make it hurt any worse. I'm just getting tired of he one injury after another. I'd give for a few weeks where it's just my muscles that hurt. I've got my first HM coming up on May 19th, and while I'm not worried about completing, it would be nice to give it the best effort I could. Sorry, just needed to vent........and the run on paragraph, posting from an IPad.
Pain while driving + relief from pigeon pose = piriformis strain. Suffered with it for months, went to PT, did the exercises and now stretch religiously. The PF is nasty and nagging. I strained mine the week before a marathon and started suffering at mile 3. Finished with a PR, but paid a huge price. Would really recommend getting back to the PT.
2013-03-21 9:10 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Progress today - Just back from a swim and managed to do 100m splits in 1:50. I have been sitting on around 2min splits but today completed 4 lots of 100 in 1:50 and then back off slightly to complete the rest of the workout in 2:00 min lots.
2013-03-22 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4669681

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

JoePetto - 2013-03-21 8:38 PM
BigDaddyD79 - 2013-03-21 5:49 PMIt's been a rough few weeks. First I started out with the IT band problems in my right knee. I was able to get into the physio pretty quick and got the problem under control. Within 3-4 weeks I was back up to my regular mileage and feelin great. Then i noticed my hamstrings and gluteus getting tighter. Ive always had problems wih this and everything Ive tried doesnt seem to help. I has gotten to the point where it was painful to sit in a car fr more than a half hour or so. I did a lot of searching over the past week or so and found someone that recommended the piegon pose from yoga. Wow, within a few days all the pain was gone and I feel great. Then on Tuesday I was at work and I was stretch out my calves on a bottom stair. I think I went a bit to hard as that night I noticed a pain starting on the bottom outside of m left foot and going up into the side of the ankle. I think it's a sprain from the stretch as running doesn't make it hurt any worse. I'm just getting tired of he one injury after another. I'd give for a few weeks where it's just my muscles that hurt. I've got my first HM coming up on May 19th, and while I'm not worried about completing, it would be nice to give it the best effort I could. Sorry, just needed to vent........and the run on paragraph, posting from an IPad.
Pain while driving + relief from pigeon pose = piriformis strain. Suffered with it for months, went to PT, did the exercises and now stretch religiously. The PF is nasty and nagging. I strained mine the week before a marathon and started suffering at mile 3. Finished with a PR, but paid a huge price. Would really recommend getting back to the PT.

Been dealing with mile Plantar Fascitis in my right foot.  Mainly the arch that is sore, but heel sore when waking up in morning.  I stretch calves of stairs and ice after longer workouts (frozen water bottle that I roll back and forth).  Also massage arch, etc. with a tennis ball.  Seems to be helping as it feels a bit better and definitely not worse. 

2013-03-22 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4669681

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

JoePetto - 2013-03-21 7:38 PM
BigDaddyD79 - 2013-03-21 5:49 PMIt's been a rough few weeks. First I started out with the IT band problems in my right knee. I was able to get into the physio pretty quick and got the problem under control. Within 3-4 weeks I was back up to my regular mileage and feelin great. Then i noticed my hamstrings and gluteus getting tighter. Ive always had problems wih this and everything Ive tried doesnt seem to help. I has gotten to the point where it was painful to sit in a car fr more than a half hour or so. I did a lot of searching over the past week or so and found someone that recommended the piegon pose from yoga. Wow, within a few days all the pain was gone and I feel great. Then on Tuesday I was at work and I was stretch out my calves on a bottom stair. I think I went a bit to hard as that night I noticed a pain starting on the bottom outside of m left foot and going up into the side of the ankle. I think it's a sprain from the stretch as running doesn't make it hurt any worse. I'm just getting tired of he one injury after another. I'd give for a few weeks where it's just my muscles that hurt. I've got my first HM coming up on May 19th, and while I'm not worried about completing, it would be nice to give it the best effort I could. Sorry, just needed to vent........and the run on paragraph, posting from an IPad.
Pain while driving + relief from pigeon pose = piriformis strain. Suffered with it for months, went to PT, did the exercises and now stretch religiously. The PF is nasty and nagging. I strained mine the week before a marathon and started suffering at mile 3. Finished with a PR, but paid a huge price. Would really recommend getting back to the PT.

I have had piriformis issues and had ART (active release therapy) from a sports chiro last year.  I now foam roll often (2 or 3 times per day) and really do the butt, hams and calves.  It has helped immensely and now I can drive long distances without an issue.  I also do yoga a minimum of once a week.  Pigeon pose is a great one.  The key is to do these things even when it doesn't bother you so that it doesn't come back.

2013-03-22 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4667878

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
charlotte hobbs - 2013-03-20 3:48 PM

Yes, the changes did impact my energy levels.  I feel much better without the processed foods, especially sugar and flour. i have to read labels alot.  if any item has any kind of sugar (other than nonprocessed fruit) listed within first 4 ingredients i do not eat it. I am discovering new healthier foods and am not hungry between meals.

I have not yet noticed a dramatic change in weight - 4 to 5 pounds - about 0.5 pounds per week.  I do not think of it as a diet but rather a lifestyle change so i am happy that i am no longer on yo-yo dieting circuit. I think if i am consistent the weight will come off just not very fast. The most compelling and desired impact is the decreased cravings for white sugar, baked goods, candies, etc.  I just say no.  Instead of being stuck in the rut of 1 is too many and 10 is not enough of cookies, etc, it is just off easier to say no.  i miss frozen yogurt and need to figure out a way to make some frozen treats, but i love quinoa and many of the Paleo recipes.  

The Cross Fit professionals at our gymn are adamant that the benefit of 1 hour of crossfit, triathlon training, etc. will be markedly diminished if paired with typical western diet.  I think they are probably right.  although, i know some fellow triathletes who would strongly disagree; they are the kind of people who seem to be able to eat anything they want and never binge or crave. 

Now thats a testimony! I am excited about my new 'lifestyle' - we just emptied the fridge/freezer/pantry of all processed food and bought fresh - already loving coconut, spinach and apple smoothies!!

Have you tried coconut milk/products? I saw a recipe on one of the sites your suggested for coconut milk yoghurt - if I can find it again, worht a tri!

2013-03-22 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

@Mark H - The only diet that works is one that is practical, sustainable and consistent with your lifestyle.  If you can support a paleo regime - awesome.  For me, it wasn't sustainable because my wife can't tolerate it.  So, we eat a very Mediterranean diet - lots of nuts, legumes, olive oil, fish, veggies and, of course, wine.  

@Jackie - So agree about stretching that which doesn't hurt or ache.  Preventative stretching and increased flexibility help reduce overuse injuries.

@Chris - how's that marathon training going?

@Matthews - Glad to hear about the progress in the pool.  Been experiencing some improved performance of my own.  Funny how small improvements in swimming performance make you feel good, but over the course of a HIM or shorter they don't translate into appreciable time savings.

All: Big ramp in training for me this week.  Work has been nuts and the 4 am wake up bell has been hard to meet, but I got in all of the planned workouts.  Last night's 7:30 pm swim followed by an early morning trainer/dreadmill brick was painful.  Long drainer ride tomorrow and then a recovery week.  Keep on training.

2013-03-22 9:55 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Stupid question time:


So exactly how do you use baby shampoo or dish detergent on your swim goggles?

2013-03-22 10:08 PM
in reply to: #4671166

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Stupid question time:


So exactly how do you use baby shampoo or dish detergent on your swim goggles?

Jackie, it's here. Although I don't know why they would put it on the outside of the lens as well.


As luck would have it, the weather got nice here, but I didn't feel good enough to run or ride this beautiful Saturday morning. Headache kept me awake at night and decided to stay home. Will ride and run tomorrow with the club and sign up for our local Gold Coast Marathon to keep me motivated. Have a great weekend everyone!

Edited by markz 2013-03-22 10:17 PM
2013-03-23 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4666717

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

dangremond - 2013-03-19 3:08 PM
sirgab - 2013-03-19 5:38 PMHappy Birthday Mitch and great way to add another year with a trifecta!  I'm positive you are really going to enjoy your waterproof shuffle but let us know what you think once you try it out.
Plan to swim again tomorrow just to try it out...anyone have any good anti-fog tricks for your goggles, my spit doesn't seem to do much.

if you use a true antifog product make sure to follow the directions appropriately. I used some and thought well I'll quick dry them instead of rinsing them with water after putting the anti-fog in. Needless to say, chemical burn to both eyes and $300 later plus no swimming for about a week.

2013-03-23 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4671752

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
spie34 - 2013-03-23 7:56 PM

dangremond - 2013-03-19 3:08 PM
sirgab - 2013-03-19 5:38 PMHappy Birthday Mitch and great way to add another year with a trifecta!  I'm positive you are really going to enjoy your waterproof shuffle but let us know what you think once you try it out.
Plan to swim again tomorrow just to try it out...anyone have any good anti-fog tricks for your goggles, my spit doesn't seem to do much.

if you use a true antifog product make sure to follow the directions appropriately. I used some and thought well I'll quick dry them instead of rinsing them with water after putting the anti-fog in. Needless to say, chemical burn to both eyes and $300 later plus no swimming for about a week.

...that's why we use baby schampoo.
2013-03-24 1:15 PM
in reply to: #4671175

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
markz - 2013-03-22 11:08 PM

Stupid question time:


So exactly how do you use baby shampoo or dish detergent on your swim goggles?

Jackie, it's here. Although I don't know why they would put it on the outside of the lens as well.


to kill two birds with one stone - to wash your hair while you swim!

2013-03-24 3:29 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

15 mile run this morning.  Went better than I thought it would.  Felt strong at the end. Was lucky enough to have time to squeeze in an easy spin to loosed up legs.  

Jim - check your total on the spreadsheet.  I mistakenly started entering my data on your line and think I got the right numbers put back in but am not quite sure.

2013-03-24 4:39 PM
in reply to: #4672267

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
markhodges1973 - 2013-03-24 1:15 PM
markz - 2013-03-22 11:08 PM

Stupid question time:


So exactly how do you use baby shampoo or dish detergent on your swim goggles?

Jackie, it's here. Although I don't know why they would put it on the outside of the lens as well.


to kill two birds with one stone - to wash your hair while you swim!

Just don't forget about the conditioner!

Edited by markz 2013-03-24 4:40 PM
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