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2011-04-25 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3465086

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
jackson61802 - 2011-04-25 4:24 PM

You guys are making me feel like a freak for not really caring at all about the hills.

I am trying to not worry about them much either. However, I live in an area where I could either do pancake flat or relentless rollers if I choose, so training for hills is pretty easy to accomplish.

All I can say is 1) its not too early to start training hills and 2)train how you are comfortable. If you are fine using a standard crank, then keep it up. Or, if you feel like you are not hitting your goals in training with your standard setup, you might want to rethink crank/cassette sizes.

2011-04-25 3:38 PM
in reply to: #3465086

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
jackson61802 - 2011-04-25 1:24 PM You guys are making me feel like a freak for not really caring at all about the hills.

I am not worried, I pushed a Single Speed (56x19) over the last 36 miles of the bike course including the hills after my RD broke into a million pieces. Having gears this go around is going to be a real luxury :D

Seriously, I train hills on most days since my commute includes the Torrey Pines Grade.

My perception is somewhat skewed by my experiences at Lake Placid so please don't necessarily take my attitude as a reason not to respect the hills on the course.  
2011-04-25 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3464825

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-04-25 11:37 AM
mango6383 - 2011-04-25 2:26 PM

Ok, nerd alert.  I just realized yesterday that I have been riding a standard crank, and not a compact like I had assumed.

This results in two feelings: embarrassment that I am a walking stereotype (dumb blonde), and pride that I have been pushing a lot of hills with a greater degree of difficulty than I had been thinking.

Lucky for me my husband just bought a nice compact crank for his bike, so I'm planning on borrowing for the race.  Is there anything I should know about transitioning from one to the other?  I heard it can throw you off trying to find the proper gearing if you're used to the 53/39.

As you know I'm a big proponent of a compact crank for almost anyone on this course.  It will help you pace the bike correctly and be able to have a tighter cassette so you can be in the perfect gear more often.

I would not recommend swapping bikes on race day.  If it's the bike you'll ride in the race, you should spend a bunch of time on it in training.  As for getting used to the shifting... it works the same way so not much of a difference.  When it's too easy shift to a harder gear, when it's too hard shift to an easier gear.  Avoid cross chaining if you can... but I suspect you'll find your sweet spot gears for most of the ride are aligned better on the compact crank.

Oh I just meant switching out the crank on my bike. His would be too big for me. I should probably switch the crank ASAP though to practice with it. lf I end up not liking it for some reason, at least I'd have time to switch back.
2011-04-25 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3465125

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2011-04-25 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
So freaked out when I saw my training plan for the week. I thought my "big day" was next's really this weekend! Oh my goodness. 1 hour swim 5 hour bike and a 2 hour run.....I can do this
2011-04-25 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Big day? Oh carp! I just realized that Shanks sent me a 20 mile run tomorrow and a 100 mi plus bike Wednesday. Time to dig deep and DMJ (do my job).

2011-04-25 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I really enjoy seeing what everyone is doing.  I'm on my third yellow card as of today.  Ugh!      
2011-04-25 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3465508

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

phatknot - 2011-04-25 6:52 PM Big day? Oh carp! I just realized that Shanks sent me a 20 mile run tomorrow and a 100 mi plus bike Wednesday. Time to dig deep and DMJ (do my job).


I want your job.  A 100 plus mile on a Wed? 

2011-04-25 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3465615

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
haha no you dont but it does have some perks. and i nearly got the red card last week so i had to downshift a bit.
2011-04-25 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3465627

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
To make things work better at home, starting this Friday, I will be taking every other Friday off until the first week of June.  My plan is to use those days to do the 6-7-8 hour rides and subsequent tag-on runs.  I simply can't do 7-8-9-10 hour workouts on the weekends.  I get the yellow once I hit 4-5 hours.      
2011-04-25 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3465656

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
a very wise man makes that move....hence i did the same thing last year! That was added to the half day Wednesdays. She agreed that QOL was more impt than the extra $.

2011-04-25 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I definitely feel grateful that my wife s behind me 100% for this event. She sees what a healthy pursuit it is, but even with all my previous hobbies/obsessions, I've always considered it second to my family. She may be singing a different tune late summer when I have to start ramping back up for AZ. I'm also really, really lucky that I'm a stay at home dad and am able to do a good chunk of my training when everyone else is at work/school. It's just the baby that gets dragged around with me.
2011-04-25 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3464825

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

"As you know I'm a big proponent of a compact crank for almost anyone on this course.  It will help you pace the bike correctly and be able to have a tighter cassette so you can be in the perfect gear more often."

We have a ride in Georgia called 3 gap.  It has 3 elevation climbs of various lengths and around 1500ft.  Some of the climbs are significant.  i ride 3gap and sometimes add a gap or 2 when I can make the 4 hour car ride one way.  I went with a local friend a few weekends ago.  He is sooo much stronger than I am it is crazy.  However, in the hills me having a compact on my road bike  and him being set up with the standard 54/39 I was soo much better off.  I needed less recovery time and felt fresher by a long shot at the end of the day.  In any other venue I would have not seen him all day due to his speed advantage.  Just a little story on the compact.

I had a 4 hour reduction to my week last week - big recovery.

monday    off

tuesday    1 hr big chainring ride pm,     1 hr swim lunch

wed          7m run lunch,  45 min strength pm

thursday   4hr ride

fri              3000m swim lunch,  6m run pm

sat            3hr ride

sun           12m run

All went great.  Long run very stiff at mile 9-12.  This has been an issue the last 2 weeks.  However, I am very consistent about changing shoes @320 miles.  I have found many more miles and I develop issues.  My shoes are 400+.  I am not sold that is the only issue but I hope it is the big one!!! 

2011-04-25 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I would appreciate your opinions on this, please. As I mentioned here back in January, I did a nasty number on my ankle ligaments that ended my CDA hopes for this year. I'm still in the situation where I can't run or walk far (and won't be able to for a while) so I still can't complete it, but my rehab is resulting in pretty decent swimming and biking condition.  Neither hurts the ankle so I can do as much as I want, which I'm taking advantage of. I still haven't canceled my entry to get my minimal refund (I have until May 22) so the idea is creeping into my mind of doing the swim and the bike and then dropping out before the run.  Even walking the marathon is out of the question because my ankle just won't be ready for that and I don't want to risk longer term problems so I would know going in that I would stop after the run.  My thought would be to not even put my running shoes in the transition bag so I can't let the moment get the best of me and try to go anyway.

My wife originally suggested this idea shortly after the injury, but I shot it down thinking I wouldn't handle it very well going into an event knowing that I wouldn't finish.  I've never had a DNF, but the more I think about it, the less the idea bothers me.  I'm actually thinking the other way - that I've paid the money and I could still get in two of the three events and get some experience with the whole ironman atmosphere since I haven't done one before.

So what do you think?  Could you start it knowing you wouldn't finish it?  Any thoughts on pros or cons?


2011-04-25 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3465721

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-04-25 8:26 PM

I would appreciate your opinions on this, please. As I mentioned here back in January, I did a nasty number on my ankle ligaments that ended my CDA hopes for this year. I'm still in the situation where I can't run or walk far (and won't be able to for a while) so I still can't complete it, but my rehab is resulting in pretty decent swimming and biking condition.  Neither hurts the ankle so I can do as much as I want, which I'm taking advantage of. I still haven't canceled my entry to get my minimal refund (I have until May 22) so the idea is creeping into my mind of doing the swim and the bike and then dropping out before the run.  Even walking the marathon is out of the question because my ankle just won't be ready for that and I don't want to risk longer term problems so I would know going in that I would stop after the run.  My thought would be to not even put my running shoes in the transition bag so I can't let the moment get the best of me and try to go anyway.

My wife originally suggested this idea shortly after the injury, but I shot it down thinking I wouldn't handle it very well going into an event knowing that I wouldn't finish.  I've never had a DNF, but the more I think about it, the less the idea bothers me.  I'm actually thinking the other way - that I've paid the money and I could still get in two of the three events and get some experience with the whole ironman atmosphere since I haven't done one before.

So what do you think?  Could you start it knowing you wouldn't finish it?  Any thoughts on pros or cons?


It looks like you live close so money is not much of a factor.  Me?  I don't see the point.  Enter a race you know you won't finish?  You could swim for an hour at a local lake and ride for 6 hours and get the same feeling.  Now, if you could walk the marathon, maybe.  Otherwise, nah.  YMMV.   

If you are still having issues with your ankle I would chalk this year up as a recovery year.  Coming from someone who played 20 years of b-ball and did a number of nasty things to my ankles, don't do anything that you will pay for later.  Get well and kick the living out of the course next year.  Think of this year as a base year.    

2011-04-25 10:57 PM
in reply to: #3465744

Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
3Aims - 2011-04-25 6:40 PM 

It looks like you live close so money is not much of a factor.  Me?  I don't see the point.  Enter a race you know you won't finish?  You could swim for an hour at a local lake and ride for 6 hours and get the same feeling.  Now, if you could walk the marathon, maybe.  Otherwise, nah.  YMMV.   

I should have clarified that we're planning to be in CDA for the race anyway (as spectators for my cousin) so the only money difference is the $150 I would otherwise get back as an entry refund. I'm also very cautious about the ankle thing and I am definitely monitoring my training along with my PT to make sure I'm not doing too much. I have no problem parking myself if need be.  I can actually run a little at this point (2 miles), but I have no interest in testing the limits of my ability to travel on my feet for 26 miles yet.

That being said, if things keep going the way they are now, I'll be riding more than a 100 miles in training by then so if I'm going to go for a long ride, I figure why not do it there.  Yeah, I know it's kind of an odd thing to consider and I certainly wouldn't do it if I could get my full entry fee refunded or if I'd save a ton of money by not traveling there at all.  Since we're already "all in" with our travel plans, I'm having trouble seeing the downside of giving it a go for the swim and bike as long as I'm actually in good enough shape to do it and don't risk my recovery. Other than the weirdness of entering an event I know I won't finish, that is.

2011-04-26 2:48 AM
in reply to: #3465883

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I see no problem handing your chip in after the bike if you can't do the Mary or even casually walking some of it and packing it in if your damaging it. Perhaps you can take your time and walk it in without injuring yourself? You can call it off at any point but say you did walk it and finish in <17, what an accomplishment!!! Plus it's fitting and honorable to try it out if you can.
2011-04-26 5:23 AM
in reply to: #3465721

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-04-25 8:26 PM

I would appreciate your opinions on this, please. As I mentioned here back in January, I did a nasty number on my ankle ligaments that ended my CDA hopes for this year. I'm still in the situation where I can't run or walk far (and won't be able to for a while) so I still can't complete it, but my rehab is resulting in pretty decent swimming and biking condition.  Neither hurts the ankle so I can do as much as I want, which I'm taking advantage of. I still haven't canceled my entry to get my minimal refund (I have until May 22) so the idea is creeping into my mind of doing the swim and the bike and then dropping out before the run.  Even walking the marathon is out of the question because my ankle just won't be ready for that and I don't want to risk longer term problems so I would know going in that I would stop after the run.  My thought would be to not even put my running shoes in the transition bag so I can't let the moment get the best of me and try to go anyway.

My wife originally suggested this idea shortly after the injury, but I shot it down thinking I wouldn't handle it very well going into an event knowing that I wouldn't finish.  I've never had a DNF, but the more I think about it, the less the idea bothers me.  I'm actually thinking the other way - that I've paid the money and I could still get in two of the three events and get some experience with the whole ironman atmosphere since I haven't done one before.

So what do you think?  Could you start it knowing you wouldn't finish it?  Any thoughts on pros or cons?


I think if you are going to be there, and you want to have a great supported swim and ride, why not. Maybe by then you will be well enough to walk the 26.2, and if not then you turn in your chip. You can make it your own Aquathon
2011-04-26 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3465721

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-04-25 8:26 PM

I would appreciate your opinions on this, please. As I mentioned here back in January, I did a nasty number on my ankle ligaments that ended my CDA hopes for this year. I'm still in the situation where I can't run or walk far (and won't be able to for a while) so I still can't complete it, but my rehab is resulting in pretty decent swimming and biking condition.  Neither hurts the ankle so I can do as much as I want, which I'm taking advantage of. I still haven't canceled my entry to get my minimal refund (I have until May 22) so the idea is creeping into my mind of doing the swim and the bike and then dropping out before the run.  Even walking the marathon is out of the question because my ankle just won't be ready for that and I don't want to risk longer term problems so I would know going in that I would stop after the run.  My thought would be to not even put my running shoes in the transition bag so I can't let the moment get the best of me and try to go anyway.

My wife originally suggested this idea shortly after the injury, but I shot it down thinking I wouldn't handle it very well going into an event knowing that I wouldn't finish.  I've never had a DNF, but the more I think about it, the less the idea bothers me.  I'm actually thinking the other way - that I've paid the money and I could still get in two of the three events and get some experience with the whole ironman atmosphere since I haven't done one before.

So what do you think?  Could you start it knowing you wouldn't finish it?  Any thoughts on pros or cons?


I would do it, in fact, I was going to do the same thing, aquabike, maybe I still will!!  I wasn't sure I would be able to recover from my hernia and ramp up training, I started behind in terms of base, but I've been keeping up enough that I think I will be in for the whole race.  Also, I wanted to do it for the same reason, you can't mimic a mass start swim in practice otherwise and whole race atmosphere, good practice for you next full IM.

Looking forward to seeing you at the swim start!!

2011-04-26 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3465883

Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-04-25 9:57 PM

3Aims - 2011-04-25 6:40 PM 

It looks like you live close so money is not much of a factor.  Me?  I don't see the point.  Enter a race you know you won't finish?  You could swim for an hour at a local lake and ride for 6 hours and get the same feeling.  Now, if you could walk the marathon, maybe.  Otherwise, nah.  YMMV.   

I should have clarified that we're planning to be in CDA for the race anyway (as spectators for my cousin) so the only money difference is the $150 I would otherwise get back as an entry refund. I'm also very cautious about the ankle thing and I am definitely monitoring my training along with my PT to make sure I'm not doing too much. I have no problem parking myself if need be.  I can actually run a little at this point (2 miles), but I have no interest in testing the limits of my ability to travel on my feet for 26 miles yet.

That being said, if things keep going the way they are now, I'll be riding more than a 100 miles in training by then so if I'm going to go for a long ride, I figure why not do it there.  Yeah, I know it's kind of an odd thing to consider and I certainly wouldn't do it if I could get my full entry fee refunded or if I'd save a ton of money by not traveling there at all.  Since we're already "all in" with our travel plans, I'm having trouble seeing the downside of giving it a go for the swim and bike as long as I'm actually in good enough shape to do it and don't risk my recovery. Other than the weirdness of entering an event I know I won't finish, that is.

I think it's completely a personal choice, but if I was in your situation I would do it, especially if you're going for it again next year. Having the experience of the swim and bike under your belt will be a big help when you're able to do the whole thing. And I bet it would still be a really fun day, especially since you'll have so much support there.
2011-04-26 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3465883

Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-04-25 11:57 PM

3Aims - 2011-04-25 6:40 PM 

It looks like you live close so money is not much of a factor.  Me?  I don't see the point.  Enter a race you know you won't finish?  You could swim for an hour at a local lake and ride for 6 hours and get the same feeling.  Now, if you could walk the marathon, maybe.  Otherwise, nah.  YMMV.   

I should have clarified that we're planning to be in CDA for the race anyway (as spectators for my cousin) so the only money difference is the $150 I would otherwise get back as an entry refund. I'm also very cautious about the ankle thing and I am definitely monitoring my training along with my PT to make sure I'm not doing too much. I have no problem parking myself if need be.  I can actually run a little at this point (2 miles), but I have no interest in testing the limits of my ability to travel on my feet for 26 miles yet.

That being said, if things keep going the way they are now, I'll be riding more than a 100 miles in training by then so if I'm going to go for a long ride, I figure why not do it there.  Yeah, I know it's kind of an odd thing to consider and I certainly wouldn't do it if I could get my full entry fee refunded or if I'd save a ton of money by not traveling there at all.  Since we're already "all in" with our travel plans, I'm having trouble seeing the downside of giving it a go for the swim and bike as long as I'm actually in good enough shape to do it and don't risk my recovery. Other than the weirdness of entering an event I know I won't finish, that is.

So long as doing an aquabike is not going to exacerbate the problem with your ankle, I see no issues with it. Go have fun! However, if racing the swim and bike that day will increase your risk of furthering injury, its not worth it. There will always be other races.

2011-04-26 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3006331

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Is your swim/bike fitness enough that you could finish the mary on crutches?  THAT would be epic (body glide those armpits to death though).

If I was in your situation I'd pay $150 to do the aquabike.  I think you're smart not to even entertain the idea of the run and for knowing yourself well enough to not put your shoes in your T2 bag.

2011-04-26 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3465721

Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-04-25 6:26 PM

I would appreciate your opinions on this, please.

I would do the Aquabike and like has already been said, don't pack your running shoes. I think it is not worth the risk to even try to do the run. Just hand in your chip when you get to the dismount line. (Your Finish Line)

One of my training partners did this very thing for Ironman California earlier this month and was very happy to have done the swim/bike portion of the race. (As opposed to a DNS and a seat in the club EasyUp and a Beer)
2011-04-26 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3465429

Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-25 4:08 PM

Hey btw awesome to hear you are doing this race again!

I'll definitely track you, best of luck!

Hey thanks Fred. I am eager for another bite of the apple with some solid training and my new bike.

See you around the BT Campus.  
2011-04-26 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3460605

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Note sure if they (Alamo) still have but was able to get this flying into Seattle. Was much more everywhere else.

Vehicle Type: 8-Passenger Minivan - 5-Door/Automatic/Air - Toyota Sienna Or Similar
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Date & Time: Sunday, July 03, 2011
Base Rate - 8-Passenger Minivan (USD)
Estimated Total......................................$718.11

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