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2010-02-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: #2667569

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I hope u r flying into FLL vs. MIA. 
MIA is a zoo.

If you arrive a day early go run at Ocean Drive (FtLaud beach), wouldnt sugg OWS this time of the yr as we get a lot of visitors (aka sharks) closer to shallow waters.  If you have a lil more time and want to venture or want an OWS, go to Key Biscayne near Downtown MIA.  Since its bay, there are no shaks there. 

All cruises have gyms, you might end up with a nice one.

Otherwise, enjoy the trip and take it easy on the alcohol if its gonna mess up with your plans. 

2010-02-11 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2666566

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
jellyfish - 2010-02-10 5:14 PM I also have not broken 2 hours on a HIM run...but I know I can FWIW my PB 10K is 46 min. Try using a pace calculator to figure out some good goals. I've used it seems like a good predictor.

Great tool - thanks!

According to it I should be shooting for 6:13:26
S: 46:57 (2:00 @ 100 yd) / B: 2:44:42 (20 mph) / R: 2:38:35 (12 min pace)
It calculates my flatout Half Mary pace at 10:07 which is very close to real.

This looks very reasonable and doable.  I'm saving the tool in my favs. and updating my goals every so often using it.  THX!
2010-02-15 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day and enjoying President's Day.

On Valentine's Day I was able to go for a run with a friend of mine who lives up the road...she is a triathlete who is a little bit faster than me on the run. I really like running with her because it pushes me to go just a little harder than if I were running on my own.
If you are currently training on your own, try partnering up with someone who is a similar speed or just a touch faster than you - you'll be surprised how much faster you'll get with a little friendly motivation and competition
After the long run yesterday, I was ready for a yummy Valentine's Day dinner with my hubby!

I'm lucky enough to have today off from work - so I'm going to go for a long easy swim, but first a massage!
Massage is great for triathletes as it aids in muscle recovery, fends off injury and just feels good

If you have the day off today, what are you doing?

2010-02-15 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2664902

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
razorxp - 2010-02-09 11:43 PM
TrkHilo2k - 2010-02-09 7:20 PM
jellyfish - 2010-02-09 9:10 AM  Awesome job! That is great! 9:00 per mile pace for half iron would be excellent...however will require excellent pacing and nutrition in order to get there. Make sure to do at least one 2-3 mile runs at 9 min pace after your rides every other week to get used to running immediately after biking.

Been doing bricks at least every other week.  I have to go back and chk my pace then, but I'm certain its been near that.  Still, thx for everyone's support.  I will make sure I pace all of my HIM training specific runs near that.

Just alittle advice if your goal is 9mm for a HIM then your training should be around 8:15 or 8:30. If you were doing a full IM you would need to train atleast a 8mm or faster.  On tired legs your pace is very hard to keep.  My best HIM is right at 2hr,  where I can run a low 1:40 high 1:30 1/2mary.  My goal this year at IM is a 4hr so all my training has to be below 8mm.   You will do just fine if you train properly.

I found this discussion very interesting.  I did my first HIM in Nov.  My best 1/2mary is 1:55 which is an 8:47 or so pace, so I had been aiming for a 9:00 pace in the HIM.  My time was 2:07, so I figured maybe my run training had fallen short.  It sounds like 2:07 was actually pretty reasonable based on how things translate.

On the training front - still struggling a bit for motivation, but I got into a little better groove last week, and had some great trainer rides and two great master's swims.  I'm still a bit reluctant to get too ambitious with my running until this sciatic nerve thing calms down.  Have any of you ever dealt with sciatic nerve pain from running?

Edited by carteroak 2010-02-15 7:57 AM
2010-02-16 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone, Been underway for the last 4.5 days. This schedule was crazy and I got zero training in underway. Did a swim/run brick before I left on Thursday and got a 5K in today. Hope everyone had a great weekend. My Valentines day was a little bit of a let down to say the least, but my wife and I had a very nice belated V day last night when I got home.  Wink I'm looking Fwd to a hard training week. I have a lot of catching up to do!

Edited by TAlanP2 2010-02-16 2:08 PM
2010-02-20 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2675824

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Crazy week for me too, and next one will be even worst - I will not meet my Feb CHallenge goals, main reason is my first HalfMary is this coming Sunday (Feb 28), so i will be resting as much as I can, also watching my diet - which isnt EZ on biz travels.  I managed 2 x 5.5 milers  and a nice OLY brick (sans swim) today. 

Gotta play with the cards that I get dealt and make the best of it.  Good luck to everyone else out there!  Still haven't seen too much on the "support" front or much activity or that matter.  Maybe everyone's just as busy as I and we're all PROs. 

If you have a Q - Just throw it out there. 

2010-02-20 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2673142

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
jellyfish - 2010-02-15 8:06 AM Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day and enjoying President's Day. On Valentine's Day I was able to go for a run with a friend of mine who lives up the road...she is a triathlete who is a little bit faster than me on the run. I really like running with her because it pushes me to go just a little harder than if I were running on my own. If you are currently training on your own, try partnering up with someone who is a similar speed or just a touch faster than you - you'll be surprised how much faster you'll get with a little friendly motivation and competition After the long run yesterday, I was ready for a yummy Valentine's Day dinner with my hubby! I'm lucky enough to have today off from work - so I'm going to go for a long easy swim, but first a massage! Massage is great for triathletes as it aids in muscle recovery, fends off injury and just feels good If you have the day off today, what are you doing?

Jelly - I've noticed I start all my runs real strong and close to 8 mi pace, then it degreades almost by the minute.  I understnad what I need to do is keep pace at pre-determined number, but I can't seem to have the concentration to do that.  Can anyone offer some tips or pointers on making this habit easier to adapt to?
2010-02-21 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2684159

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Jelly - I've noticed I start all my runs real strong and close to 8 mi pace, then it degreades almost by the minute.  I understand what I need to do is keep pace at pre-determined number, but I can't seem to have the concentration to do that.  Can anyone offer some tips or pointers on making this habit easier to adapt to?

Hi Everyone Back from my cruise and a couple lbs too heavy.  My workouts sucked to say the least but oh well as I charged my batteries and am ready to go.  This group has been quite so lets start motivating lol.

TRKHILO2k  a little advice may be start your runs alittle slower and build up your pace. A run at 8:30 for 10miles is better than one at 8 for 1 mile and 9 @ 9.   Without knowing your abilities you could start doing speedwork ie run a telephone pole hard, jog one, walk one, and repeat.  The better you get the longer the intervals will go.  Same thing for biking by seasons end I work upto around 8 min inter w/3 mins rest! (do 5 sets of this and most will puke, good starting is 1min hard 1min rest and work your way up)

Keep up the hard work!
2010-02-22 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2684159

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
TrkHilo2k - 2010-02-20 10:50 PM

Jelly - I've noticed I start all my runs real strong and close to 8 mi pace, then it degreades almost by the minute.  I understnad what I need to do is keep pace at pre-determined number, but I can't seem to have the concentration to do that.  Can anyone offer some tips or pointers on making this habit easier to adapt to?

As Razorxp already stated, it sounds like you are running to quickly at the start of your runs.

Try easing into your runs. For example, if you are on a treadmill start at a recovery pace (e.g. 6.0 mph) then increase .1 mph every minute until you are going at a pace you feel you can hold for a long time -perhaps 6.7 mph.
If your outside, start with a 5 min brisk walk to warm up, then try holding a pace that you can easily carry on a conversation with, without gasping for air. Try holding that pace for a few miles (e.g. 3) and see what your average time is - that is likely a good pace for your longer runs.
Also, if you wear a HR monitor, let that help guide you. Depending on what your zones are, you should be well below you max. For example, for me, my max is 204, all of my long runs are usually done at 150-160 bpm (this is high for most people). So you might want to try keeping your HR below 150 or even 140 depending on what your max is. If you start getting even remotely close to your max HR you know you are going too fast.

Edited by jellyfish 2010-02-22 8:08 AM
2010-02-22 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2685453

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Thx both Jelly and Razorxp.  Since I have my half mary this weekend, I will set it for 9:45 pace and stick to it.
Part of my problem is feeling well at the start (obviously) and end up blowing the engine later on.

I'll let you all know how it goes and if I have the ability to self-control that. 
2010-02-23 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2687377

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
TrkHilo2k - 2010-02-22 10:45 PM Thx both Jelly and Razorxp.  Since I have my half mary this weekend, I will set it for 9:45 pace and stick to it.
Part of my problem is feeling well at the start (obviously) and end up blowing the engine later on.

I'll let you all know how it goes and if I have the ability to self-control that. 

If you have a race this weekend and your "goal" time is 9:45 I would start out alittle slower and try to negative split the run.  If you go out too fast you will never make up time, but if you go out alittle slower and feel good after mile 6/8 then pick up the pace.   Just remember to have fun!!!!!!!  Good luck
I wish I had a race coming up (atleast for the competition, in terrible shape right now)

2010-02-23 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2687377

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New York
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
TrkHilo2k - 2010-02-23 11:45 AM Thx both Jelly and Razorxp.  Since I have my half mary this weekend, I will set it for 9:45 pace and stick to it.
Part of my problem is feeling well at the start (obviously) and end up blowing the engine later on.

I'll let you all know how it goes and if I have the ability to self-control that. 

Good luck on the run and have fun!!! 

I have an Aquathlon this weekend... just a "fun" race to get the season started. 

2010-02-26 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
How is everyone's training going??? we are not very active on this board so we are either too busy working or working out!  Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! We get more snow yeaaaa! lol

2010-02-26 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to Tuffli and Olman who are competing this weekend! Anyone else racing?

I'm heading down to FLA tomorrow - hopefully the snowy/rainy weather will not follow me.

Was able to do a VO2 Max test yesterday at the gym - interestingly my coaches tested the TIMEX Tri team last weekend and were interested in how our Elite team would stack up. It was actually really interesting.

This is what they had me do (while wearing something that resembled a gas mask which was hooked up to a computer and a HR monitor): start on the treadmill at 0% grade and 6.8 mph, every min increase the grade by 1/2 % and the speed by .3 mph. I made it to 4% and 9.2 mph before bailing. Actually, I looked down at the treadmill saw the mph, then the grade and thought I don't ever run this fast...I better hop off before it spits me off the back!
Results: my threshold pace should be about 6:52 per mile so in training long (over 12 mile) runs should be done at around 8:30 -9:30 pace, my tempo runs at 7:15-7:35 (5-10 miles) pace and 1 mile repeats at 6:52. VO2 Max was 65. So, sounds like my long runs should be a little slower and my tempo runs a little faster.
2010-03-02 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Warren, MI
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hello all,

I have been MIA for the past few weeks due to personal issues at home and work.  Things are really stressful right now, and I am not training as often as I should.  Plus I have not logged any of my training in a while for the simple fact of time and stress.  Unfortunately it is not getting better, but I have to re-focus and get back on track.  I did a bike and a run last night, and am planning to do a longer run tonight.  Once things smooth out, I will try to be more active on the board, and with my training!!!!  Just wanted to drop you all a line and let you know I am still here.  Hopefully everyone is reaching their goals!

2010-03-02 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
TrkHilo2k how did your 1/2 go?

2010-03-02 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
O.K. February was a horrible training month as you can see below! Tongue out March, however, is a new month and a new attitude. Yell I have a 15K road race next weekend then a couple of months before my first tri. I really plan to shift my training focus after next weekend to a more Tri balanced week (2-3 days of each discipline/bricks). I would also like to start hitting the gym twice a week. Does anyone know, (or where I could find) a good full body routine or two day split that I could incorporate in to my training week. I'm looking for something light that can be done in conjunction with one of my other work out days (probably will be done in the morning before an afternoon ride or swim). How did everyone do, who had races last weekend?

Goal: Swim 8600 yds 71% / Bike 7:15 17% /Run 50 mi 58%
Actual: Swim 6100 yds / Bike 1:20 /Run 29.1mi

2010-03-03 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2703455

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Like Alan, Feb was a bomb for me....
however, I finished the month on a high note, my first official half marathon on 2:06:54  (avg pace 9:41)

March will bring more stability to my schedule (hopefully), so I am shooting for a meet or exceed goals.
I will post my goals this weekend. 

I will say that pacing on the marathon, as easy as it felt in the early miles, was key for my strong finish.  Lesson learned.  I will take this part more seriously and will give it more consideration for my HIM target, even if it means I need to revise.  I rather exceed a conservative goal than not meet one that is too high.
2010-03-07 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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New York
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Great work Olman!

Feb was a pretty good month for me.  Becky and I are finding our balance to manage a busy schedule, care for Emma, and spend as much time together as possible.  I end up training in the AMs & Lunchtime and Beck trains in the PMs & Lunchtime.  It's usually a blitz at Lunch... I work out, Becky hands off Emma to me, and she works out while I have lunch with Emma.  works like a charm .

My totals:

Goal: S: 4:45 / B: 9:30 / R: 9:25
Actual: S: 7:53 (20000M) / B: 10:09 (326KM) / R: 10:49 (118KM)

How'd everyone else fair up?

2010-03-08 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2713342

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Wow!, almost 25HRs,  Great job man!   And great job adjusting to fatherhood/parenthood (for both of you).

In FEB, I out in 15 hrs of training but less than one was swimming.  Next weekend (3/13) I;ll be attending a swim clinic in Lakeland,FL that might get me motivated again, but since ours is an outdoors pool and the weather has been so cold (for FL), I have not been very motivated to get in the water. 

March/April could be rainy months, it's already been very windy.  But my running and my riding should not suffer.

Keep it up!  Base building is almost over for me (one more week).
2010-03-09 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Sorry I have been MIA - was in Florida last week and decided to leave my computer at home.

Sounds like people have just started or are gearing up for their race seasons!

I had my first scheduled tri last Sunday, however it got turned into a duathlon because the water was too cold (Isn't that what wetsuits are for?). Anyway, this is about the worst thing that can happen to swimmers turned triathletes but I tried to make the most of it. On the positive side it took a lot of pressure off for me (I don't expect to do well in duathlons) and I approached the race as a bike TT with a 5 mile run tacked onto the end. I wanted to break 48 min on the bike (18 miles) and 40 min on the run (5 miles) and I was able to do both which I was pleased about.
You can read more about it in my race report.

Happy training!

2010-03-11 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Congrats Olman and Megan on great races!  The weather is getting nice and I'm itching to get out there!  My motivation is back and I have had some great workouts lately.  I have also picked up another part time job, so my training is catch-as-catch-can, but I'm feeling good, and getting enough in.  I just feel right now that structured plan would would add more stress, so I am doing as much as I can where ever it fits in.  I hope that I will be able to find myself to some races in decent shape.  I'm sure I'll be fine to go have fun and finish, anyway. 

I finally had some major improvement in my sciatic issue - acupuncture seemed to really change things!  I never would have guessed.  I'm still running on the treadmill only, but have gotten in some good runs with either no pain or very little.  I am going to scratch my HM in April that is very hilly, but I think I'll be fine for the Oly tri.  I am aiming for a HM in May and I need to find some other things to add to my calendar.  Since my schedule will be pretty intense until the end of the school year, I'm just going to try to stay fit and do some fun events.  I've lost more than 10 pounds lately, so that in itself should give me some performance improvement.  I'll keep working to loose some more for sure.

Keep up the good work everyone! 
2010-03-12 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

the last 3 weeks have been nearly zero workouts for me - im afraid i'll start losing my base

this week on Mon I got really sick and have been trying to get back to normal (and rehydrated) all week, tomorrow SAT i will be attendoing a swim clinic w/ video, etc - the works!  I still can  not get the motivation to swim as freequesntly as I need, maybe cuz I know I can swim the distance.  My 1st OLY is coming up in 5 weeks.  Gotta get get...  ready for that

2010-03-12 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2722716

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I'm starting to get nervous about the St. Anthony's tri...

Maybe you guys can help with a running plan for it...

I'm cool with the swim and the bike... but the farthest I've ever ran has been a 5k and I didn't run all of that. I need to concentrate on the running for these last weeks but I don't want to overdo it...

Any ideas?

just do it? 
2010-03-12 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Gate River Run 15 K tomorrow, due to the crud I've been carrying around for the last 2 weeks I'm not sure that I'm going to meet my goal, but I'm defiantly going to have fun. 9.3 miles of live bands, food, great people, maybe a cold beer around the 8 mile mark before the long bridge, and a few at the end! Have a great weekend everyone!Laughing
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