BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Saling4's Group - Closed for now. Rss Feed  
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2008-02-05 6:35 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Bad things happen if you press on with respiratory problems.  Maybe go for a walk?

2008-02-06 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Unfortunately, being a nurse, I don't make the best patient!
2008-02-06 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I understand that.  I am great at telling people what they should do and then I go ahead and do it myself,  go figure.
2008-02-07 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Well, my cold's only from the neck up so far So I've been taking advantage of the cold and snow by hitting the gym.

Hope everyone is doing well - you have all been quiet! and that you are avoiding whatever crud is going around here, anyway. Some people, like me, just get a cold. But some end up, like lufferly, with a phlegmy chest, then fevers, bed ridden, and worse! One guy ended up going to the hospital in an ambulance, another teacher has been out of commission 10 days! Geesh.

I taught myself to flip-turn today at the end of my long swim. I watched the video & read the article that was featured on this site the other day and just decided to do it. It did leave me out of breath a bit, and I missed the wall a couple of times, but never hit it with my head. Mostly I practice approach/flip/push but I did a couple of laps. It will be a change to do it every single lap but I can work up to it. I still sort of question the value w.r.t open water swimming but if better triathletes & swimmers than me say do it... who am I to not?

I didn't do masters yet - my hubby is in Canada and it's really hard to get a babysitter at 5:00 AM, but I'll look next week. I did notice that the workout on the board had changed, and it is MUCH more doable looking than the one that was on there last week, except you are supposed to do the IM (medley?) which assumes that you can swim more than one way, with some amount of actual knowledge about how to do those strokes. Ahem. I JUST learned this one! But I'll try.

I am going to go to a stroke analysis at the local college - only $10 and includes video taping - limited to 6 chics - the instructor sounds like fun and the only requirement is that you can swim 50 yds. Yay. That's in 2 weeks.

Good night! I MUST watch LOST now!
2008-02-07 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Great job on the flip turn.  Have not used one in a tri, but who knows.  The analysis should be awesome.
2008-02-08 5:34 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Hi everyone,

I am planning to run an olympic distance next june. I have plenty of time for preparation. Has anyone in the group done an olympic distance triathlon? Any advice? For the time being, I downloaded the program for Olympic Distance, 20 weeks, balanced, available at this site.



2008-02-08 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1200290

Eastside Seattle WA
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
HelenS - 2008-02-07 6:58 PM

Good night! I MUST watch LOST now!

I knew I liked you before...but now I think you are very smart too!!!

great job on the swimming. I would love to find a swim analysis. I took a class in college and learned some great things about strokes and remember the basics but that was a long time ago.

2008-02-08 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Well Trihf I haven't done an Oly yet, but I think the swim would be the hard part (for me).  I will say that your bike speed will be more important than the swim or the run, but run is second.
2008-02-09 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
What a week! Glad to have it behind me. I think I'm finally getting over my crud but I've still got this lingering cough. I took my daughter to the doctor on Monday after she came down with the same crud, just when she was going into tech rehearsal for the regional premiere of a musical that opened last night which she has to be able to sing (including a big solo number). Then my 9 year old had a stomach ache and had to stay home from school on Wednesday. My husband came home with some nasty stomach bug yesterday and was up all last night sitting and/or kneeling at the toilet. Which meant I opted for trying to sleep on the couch because that's the last thing I want. Oh, and my car decided to get "sick" as well and I just got it out of the shop at the tune of $1000 this morning. But looking on the brighter side, I'm sure it's going to be a better week next week.

Helen, hopefully you were able to contain yours to a head cold.

Helmuth, good for you having the ambition to do an Oly. I think I'm being ambitious just THINKING about doing any of this (especially after this week).

I'm with Helen, everyone seems a little quiet. Hope everyone's staying healthy.
2008-02-10 12:40 AM
in reply to: #1116595


Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

OMG Luff! Such a rough week! How can someone stay on the right course with such things? Well, let's hope to call it a week and next will be better and you have time to train.

This week I've been trying to literally force myself for training, and (aplause) I'VE COMPLETED IT!!! so happy about it! Beside the three night in a row packed with dinner dates (let's not mention how heavy I ate), an intermitent cough, a one day sick child and a hubby (again) going on a business trip... But I absolutely told myself that it didn't matter if I had to wake up earlier, stay up late or take my lunch time for training I must accomplish my week.

Thumbs up for everyone on the efforts!


2008-02-10 1:43 AM
in reply to: #1203306

Eastside Seattle WA
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I have had weeks like that and never want another one. I am so sorry for you. I hope you stay well or at least don't get more sick. I was just leaving for my run (that I didn't do) on Friday afternoon when I got a major head ache and chills and thought oh no I'm getting it too. My husband has been sick and going to work everyday all week and just yesterday morning he said you know it really bugs me how chipper you are when I dont' feel well.

I took some herbal vitamin c thingee and woke up with a bit of a congested head and that was it. I am fine!!! I am so grateful because I like being chipper and not a grumpy bug like him when he is sick. We are BOTH terrible patients and have no patience when we aren't feeling well.

Great workout today on the trainer a 45 minute spinerval uphill grind video. Pretty intense but fun. I rode at 18.7 mph!! I was on my mountain bike.

2008-02-10 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Seems like sick people all over the place, but this too shall pass.  I used to get colds all the time (dang kids), but I haven't had a thing in at least a year.  I attribute it to training, Vit C and Echineacia.  Those are my go to items when the kids start acting sick.  The wife and 5 yo had Bronchitis a couple weeks ago, then the 7 yo got a cold, then the 5 yo (finally got better) got the 7 yo's cold and I am thinking "Get sick, get over it".

Geez,  When I think of it my life has been sucky lately as well.  Every one has been sick,  I am in the process of rebuilding the engine on my main work truck (F!@# D!#@ Heck), my back up truck is acting flaky, people are sending me their taxes to be done and my wife is not happy that the house projects (retiling the kitchen, dining, laundry room, refinish the kitchen cabinets and finish the sheet rock on the new improved kitchen entry door) are on hold for truck.  I think I need to curl up with a box of chocolates.


2008-02-10 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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New user

Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Oh no!
It sounds like everyone is either sick or depressed or both!
Don't be sad Saling - in your own words - this too shall pass.

Another couple of good remedies against colds: zinc lozenges and oil of oregano (available at the health food store - it burns but feels like it burns all the germs out).

Somehow, up here the winter blahs seem to be receding. We are getting more sunny days (albeit cold) and the sun really brightens everything (literally AND figuratively)!

I went for a run on the treadmill yesterday, and I actually enjoyed it. I had my music and was in my own space, where I was winning the race against my previous times. I have a question about the treadmill. I ran way faster on that thing yesterday than I ever have. Do we always go a little faster on the treadmill than on real terrain?

On the food front, I'm still trying to plan an appropriate diet for myself. I'm on my naturapathic doctor's advice to consume less meat, but I need to increase my protein for my training goals. I don't want to abandon my lower-meat diet because this treatment has nearly eliminated some very significant chronic pain for me. Anyway, I'm trying to find time to get online and look up vegetarian training diets and trying to adopt some of their strategies at getting more protein from vegetable sources.

Has anyone got any experience with this?

Ok, off for my run now, with Mona, the Jack-Russel with cabin-fever.
2008-02-10 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I have always found that I run much faster and easier on the real world compared to a treadmill.  Maybe its the fresh air or that my pace changes freely throughout the run. As far as protein without meat goes it can be fairly easy with Whey Protein powder or if you want to go vegan then Soy protein powder.  Vegetarians have a hard time getting the protein that you would or should be consuming.  .7-1.0 grams per pound of body weight that you WANT to be.  So lets say you are 160 lbs and want to be 150 lbs,  you need 105-150 grams of protein a day.
2008-02-10 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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New user

Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Thanks - that sounds like an easy to remember rule.
I did my run outside - it's quite cold today (about 12 degrees F). I was really bundled up; half-way through I started sweating.
I'm not sure what the deal is with me and my running but I suspect it's that with the treadmill, if I try to slow down or stop, I will end up falling on my a@s, whereas with the outdoors, I can stop and walk without consequences. Also if it's quite pretty out I can enjoy the view for longer if I walk. I think I need to find running partners who keep a pace that is at a level that challenges me. I think my slow pace right now is psychological and not physical - I'm lazy!!!

For warmth, I borrowed my house-mate's balaclava ( Man, are those things ever warm! I attribute my sweating mostly to wearing this thing. I need to get one of my own...
2008-02-10 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Walking now and again can be a good thing,  Heck I still walk now and again and enjoy my runs a lot more.

Remember the protein thing is grams per the weight that you WANT to be, not what you are now. 

2008-02-10 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Cough, hack, gag, hack

Yup, that's me but I found it goes away while I'm working out. A COPD doc explained it thusly - asthma inhalers pretty much just give you a shot of adrenaline to calm your cough. So when you are working out hard, your body produces adrenaline, and your cough is calmed. You stop, shower, get a snack, and cough and spew your Wheaties all over the table because the adrenaline production has stopped. So goes my mild exercise induced asthma (hello) which only rears it's ugly head when I get a cold or it's very very cold outside or I've been swimming. Yeeha, a trifecta. hack hack hack.

So collectively we probably would all sound like a TB ward if we were working out together, and we'd be followed by an ambulance carrying oxygen tanks. Good thing we don't live near each other.

I walk when I run, too. It keeps the enjoyment level up for me. I've done it on every distance I've trained for. I also run slower on a treadmill than outdoors - but I've found over the last few weeks that the treadmill is getting easier. I don't know if it's a mental thing or just a different muscle focus that my body is getting used to. But outdoors is more fun fersure. I've perfected my finger aim for the 'slow down' button on the treadmill, however. As well as the two-arm-braced leap to put one foot on each side of the treadmill stand so that my feet can stop quickly.

Everyone stay well & motivated. We're what, only 7 weeks from the official beginning of spring? Yahoo!

PS- I was jonesing for LOST all summer & fall. My head spins after each episode - I love it!
2008-02-10 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I love the finger aim and the two arm tango...LMAO.
2008-02-10 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Thanks for all the encouraging words! On top of everything else, I've been spending five hours a day in the car everyday between work and getting my daughter back and forth to two different rehearsals (had to borrow mom's car) and one of our nurses quit last week so I was "lucky" enough to take on her entire work load. The next few weeks are going to be tough but it feels so much better to be able to get a work out in.

CCat, I just can't imagine living anywhere where it was that cold. It's 72 and sunny here today. Got the yard raked, the pool swept, the car washed. and my run in. My son actually went swimming at our neighbor's yesterday. The girls teased him into swimming by saying my neighbor had heated their pool. Yeah, right, the water was 63 degrees but the kids got in for a bit. I told them they could have swam in ours, it was warmer at 65 degrees!

Helen, I guess that explains why I was fine while I was exercising but once I stopped, I thought I was going to cough my lung up.

Hail, glad you were able to ward your cold off. We've got the echinachea, air borne, and zinc but just wasn't happening this time around.

Go, GO! I had such a good week a couple of weeks ago before I got sick that I think that's one reason why I got discouraged when I couldn't do anything. It feels so good to feel like you've accomplished something!

Saling, sorry to hear about your truck. My car has 94,000 and we've never done anything but change the oil, the front brakes once, and the tires. I told my husband a couple of months ago I thought he needed to look at my brakes but he told they should be just fine. Well, this week they weren't and we ended up having to change the rotors - ugh! so I just went ahead and had them to some other general maintenance like the rear brakes, timing belt, drive belt, oil change, etc.

Hope everyone has a great week this week and keep up the hard work!

2008-02-10 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Dang that real life interfering with training.  I have no doubt that if it wasn't for wife, kids, job, mortgage, eating, sleeping, weather, illness and all this other extraneous stuff we could all train much better.
2008-02-11 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1203976

Eastside Seattle WA
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
Saling you CRACK ME UP!!!Yes life is getting in the way of training here too!
Now I have a new signature for my messages!!!!

2008-02-11 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1116595


Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.
I'm so glad that I'm not the only way who is having a hard time training because LIFE is getting in the way. We also were passing the stomach flu around our house the past 2 weeks- yuck. And then my husband has been working 13 hour days for the last week and half. And the dang kids....ah actually they have been really good, especially since they have been sick too.
I am excited about the warmer weather that we have been getting has been in the 60's the last 2 days. I definitely feel more motivated now that there isn't ice on the sidewalks in the mornings.
But I am also getting nervous that my first tri is coming up so soon, but then I tell myself that it is a really short one....450 yd. swim, 10.6 mi. bike, and 5K run. I think I might survive as long as my husband keeps literally pushing me out of bed in the morning.
I hope everyone feels better and is able to make more time for training.
2008-02-11 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Thanks Hail and there are some that think I have no sense of humor.

Chem,  You have to love this weather, huh?  Makes a morning run so much more enjoyable. 

2008-02-12 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1116595

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

"I like running because it's a challenge. If you run hard, there's the pain - and you've got to work your way through the pain. You know, lately it seems all you hear is 'Don't overdo it' and 'Don't push yourself.' Well, I think that's a lot of bull. If you push the human body, it will respond."

Bob Clarke, Philadelphia Flyers general manager, NHL Hall of Famer
2008-02-13 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1116595


Subject: RE: Saling4's Group - Closed for now.

Saling, how come you don't have humor??? We all runners (soon to be tris) should have!!! Well, at least you should have like a dark humor! Which is better than anything...

Just to quote Elle Woods, yes Legally-Blond (why-am-I-quoting-her?) Ok, just for the amusement....

"People who exercise are happy people. You see, exercise release endorphins, and endorphins make people happy. That's why she didn't kill her husband"... 

Ok, so, I guess in some point we find a weird way just to laugh at bad moments (if not, you certainly couldn't end up a marathon).

No matter what methods we use to complete training (husband kicking out of bed, a treadmill that makes us feel good or even thinking that time is running out for our big event) we certainly just have to have a good humor... weird humor... dark humor...


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