BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2011-07-20 12:32 AM
in reply to: #3601706

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!



  Here are the new team Uniforms,  I can't wait to get them in.  Everyone have a good time training and racing. 

(tri top.jpg)

tri top.jpg (81KB - 7 downloads)

2011-07-20 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Those look great!!!

What is everyone's favorite thing to race in?

2011-07-20 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I got a cool race coming up tonight.  The Harrisburg Mile.  I am in the corporate challenge.  Teams of 5 man/women.  Winner is team with fastest overall time.  We got about 5 teams from my company entered.  I am on team number 3.  Our top team should average around 5minute mile per man and should hae a good chance of winning the challenge(they came in third last year I think) .  Our team should be around 7:30minute mile.  Should be fun, except the temperature should be in the 90's at the start of our race. 

2011-07-20 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3605439

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
kjbuck2 - 2011-07-20 7:59 AM

I got a cool race coming up tonight.  The Harrisburg Mile.  I am in the corporate challenge.  Teams of 5 man/women.  Winner is team with fastest overall time.  We got about 5 teams from my company entered.  I am on team number 3.  Our top team should average around 5minute mile per man and should hae a good chance of winning the challenge(they came in third last year I think) .  Our team should be around 7:30minute mile.  Should be fun, except the temperature should be in the 90's at the start of our race. 

That sounds like a blast!! I've never done a mile race. Let us know how it goes!

Make sure you stay hydrated all day today to be ready for that heat

Edited by ratherbeswimming 2011-07-20 7:33 AM
2011-07-21 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3605497

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

That sounds like a fun race.  I would like to do a mile race some time just to see how I could do. 


2011-07-22 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Hey guys, race was fun.  It was tough trying to figure out  pace to run one mile and then quit.  So used to using my first mile as warmup and to keep on going.  Ended up running a 7:46.  Man it was a hot day.  About 3/4 of the mile I started to have a tough time breathing.  Not sure if it was heat related or too fast of a start. 

But I was glad I did the race.  Now I will jump back into my normal training and hope that the weather breaks soon.

2011-07-24 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3609509

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I am thinking of becoming a race director.  I went to a local race this morning to watch some friends race and ended up being a corner judge and warning bike riders that there was water on the corner.  two guys wiped out and no one ever started telling others about the danger.  Even the race director came over and I heard her say "well it is part of the course"   I stood there for over an hour shouting at all the riders to be carefull.  The volunteers never helped.  I did have three racers say thanks after they finished.   


2011-07-25 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Ken - congrats on the mile! That is a time that you can definitely be proud of! Glad you had fun!

Dave - I'm sure well over three athletes were extremely thankful for what you did  The RD's response to the situation definitely should have been different. I think it is things like that that seperate the great RD's from the others. I did a race last year, and someone threw thumb tacks on the bike course! When the RD got word, he wrangled up every extra person he could find, loaded their vehicles with tubes, patches and pumps, and had lots of extra SAG vehicles on the course to help the athletes that rode over tacks. There are lots of threads here about being a race director - you should browse them!

This weekend was Ragnar Relay Northwest Passage. Although I'll be taking a week off from running to please the IT band gods, I had a BLAST and I was happy with my performance! I also learned that long strides make my IT band happy - which is a bit counterintuitive, but everyone's body is different, right? I'm also taking this as a lesson - more bridge runs!

2011-07-25 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3613007

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Great job this weekend everyone.  It is great to see some good results posted and that goals are being met. 

Elaine my school background is Recreation and Leisure,  and I was a special event coordinator for about 4 years.  Thinking about give a few events a go. 

Everyone be safe and have some fun. 

2011-07-29 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3613007

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
did our OWS at the lake for the next tri and drove the bike course.  It was very daunting.  Massive hills one after another.  there were some big hills. 
2011-07-29 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3621518

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
handyhammer - 2011-07-29 11:11 PMdid our OWS at the lake for the next tri and drove the bike course.  It was very daunting.  Massive hills one after another.  there were some big hills. 
Good job scouting it out early - smart move! You'll have a great advantage on race day. You've got plenty of time to prepare for that specific course, and you'll be even stronger for your HIM. Good luck!!What is everyone up to this weekend? I've got an overnight adventure race starting at 10pm tomorrow - I'm very excited!

2011-08-01 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

The adventure race was TOUGH but a lot of fun!

A few of you raced this weekend - how did it go?

Now that JULY is over, how was your progress in July?

July's totals:
Bike:11h 34m 11s  - 161.59 Mi
Run:8h 26m  - 48.64 Mi
Swim:3h 17m 41s  - 10464 Yd
Adventure Racing:8h 15m

I should have biked more. Running was solid given my IT band. Swimming was good. Overall, this month had the highest swim/bike/run volume of the year (actually, since Sept '10). I can't complain!

Next month, I'm looking forward to a little more of everything!

2011-08-01 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
July's totals:
Bike:4h 23m 12s  - 63.67 Mi
Run:9h 55m 43s  - 56.14 Mi
Swim:2h 16m  - 4000 Yd

Need to get back on the bike more often.  I got three weeks until triathlon.  


2011-08-01 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3623549

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I had a big month for me.  The next two should be big too. 

July's totals:

Bike:14h 20m 41s  - 274.73 Mi
Run:9h 34m 45s  - 65.87 Mi
Swim:7h 12m 27s  - 18675 Yd
2011-08-02 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3623466

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Raced my first Xterra race this past weekend, and I was very upset with myself for my (lack of) performance.  My biggest issue was I had only been out on my MTB 2 times this year and my trail obstacle confidence was not where it should have been.  Partner this with being extremely nervous and one has a bad race and a DFL.  It's all in my race report:

But there is a sick part of me that wants to sign up and do it again next year, better prepared, and make up for the disaster from this year...sick, very sick...

Here's a pic of me showing off my wounds (can't see the elbow very well) and my default AG prize.  Not pictured: my 'real' (read: genuinely earned) prize that I won for best wounds, a year subscription to Trail Runner's magazine!

Edited by melbo55 2011-08-02 4:10 PM


sm_dg.jpg (41KB - 7 downloads)
2011-08-03 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Melanie -  I would not feel to bad if I were you for your first time in a xterra race.  I am sure you will get more comfortable in these types of races.   

2011-08-03 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Great job, Melanie!

You knew you were undertrained on the mountain bike, but you still showed up for the race. You made it a priority to give other riders the right of way on the trail. You crashed and kept going. Those are all AWESOME things!

You know what you need to do to improve performance if you do one of these again. Your race report talked about confidence, which is HUGE in mountain biking, and only comes from riding. Don't be too discouraged to try it again!

Congrats on the podium finish. I know you were 2nd out of 2 in your age group, but you didn't give up, and that's something to really be proud of!

2011-08-03 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3623549

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
kjbuck2 - 2011-08-01 11:11 AM
July's totals:
Bike:4h 23m 12s  - 63.67 Mi
Run:9h 55m 43s  - 56.14 Mi
Swim:2h 16m  - 4000 Yd

Need to get back on the bike more often.  I got three weeks until triathlon.  

Three weeks is a good time to peak before a race. Run distances look good! Luckily, you can step up the bike with a lot less chance on injury than the run. Be careful, be strong, and preview your course if you can!

2011-08-03 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3624482

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
handyhammer - 2011-08-01 6:39 PM

I had a big month for me.  The next two should be big too. 

July's totals:

Bike:14h 20m 41s  - 274.73 Mi
Run:9h 34m 45s  - 65.87 Mi
Swim:7h 12m 27s  - 18675 Yd

Just checked out your volume graph for the last two years. This was a REALLY big month! Congrats on the solid build so far - I'm really looking forward to see how you do in your Half Ironman. You're on track to smash your Oly PR, too, even if you race it as a B race.

2011-08-03 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3626769

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!


I smashed it earlier this summer.  I ran a 2:38:16.  it wasa 42 minutes faster.  They next oly is on a really difficult course with lots of hills.  It will be a bit slower. 

I just entered a spinit in 3 weeks.  They are going to run the same course I ran in may so I should get a good idea of my improvements this year.  

Keep it up everyone I love looking at the training logs and seeing everyone add up the miles.  Be careful in the heat. 

Goal this month is any Age group win.  if Chuck Sloan does not make this event.  He is a sponsored Pro here. 

2011-08-04 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3628156

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
handyhammer - 2011-08-03 10:49 PM


I smashed it earlier this summer.  I ran a 2:38:16.  it wasa 42 minutes faster.  They next oly is on a really difficult course with lots of hills.  It will be a bit slower. 

I just entered a spinit in 3 weeks.  They are going to run the same course I ran in may so I should get a good idea of my improvements this year.  

Keep it up everyone I love looking at the training logs and seeing everyone add up the miles.  Be careful in the heat. 

Goal this month is any Age group win.  if Chuck Sloan does not make this event.  He is a sponsored Pro here. 

You need to update the text at the top of your logs! It still has your Oly record listed as 3:26:41  

Good luck with the age group win!

2011-08-08 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

How was everyone's weekend?

What is your focus for the rest of August? What is keeping you motivated?

2011-08-08 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3633714

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
great weekend in K.c. great wolf Lodge.  Lots of fun with the kids.  going to do a sprint in aug and working on adding miles for my HIM in Sept.   
2011-08-09 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Weekend was great.  Had a nice 10.5 mile run in the morning .  And had a great time at my nephew's third birthday party.  

I am actually relocating to Winston-Salem, NC for work, so I am getting all my stuff together for the move.  Its a 10 month project and its starts in Sept.  Its going to be a fun time.  But also a bit stressful.  I got one tri (Sept), one half marathon (Oct), and one full marathon (Nov) back in PA, so I will need to drive back for them.  

My Sprint Triathlon is next weekend Aug 20th.  So I am planning on hitting a couple of small brick workouts (bike/run) this week.  I had found a list of items to take to a sprint triathlon, so I need to figure out where I put that list.  If you think of anything, let me know.  

later guys.  

2011-08-10 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3635616

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Ken, here's a great reference for what you need:

It has EVERYTHING, but it is a good place to start and cut it down to your needs.

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