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2011-01-21 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
@mdevries - I can completely relate to your entire post.  Right now is my slower time but I know in about four weeks I may be writing the same thing.  I hope by then I'll be hooked enough to WANT to make time for me.

@dodgersmom - I have always said that short weeks make the week longer.  It disrupts all of my "balance"

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  i actually get a weekend off (which hasn't happened since early last year).  I'll take it

2011-01-21 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3313987


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
, I will get on the trainer for at least 15 minutes -- longer than any session I've done so far. Just 5 minutes still feels like forever, so it might take several attempts to make it to 15.

well then it will take several attempts--but you willllll do it and then you will be feelin sooo proud--and that is what it takes---keep pushin - Sometimes I tell myself i am going to kick myself in the butt and just do it no matter how much I loathe it that day---I have mini wars inside my head---ok am i sounding crazy??---- LOL
2011-01-21 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

Well...I did it!  1:40 run INSIDE!!

It really was not all that bad.  I did an hour upstairs on the track and then 40 minutes (well 38:49) on the treadmill.  I was actually surprised at how not sucky it was.

I have been my own worst enemy lately.  I have not been eating or drinking enough.  Today, I had a piece of coffeecake at Starbucks and a Luna bar.  That was all.  I need to start taking better care of myself.

2011-01-21 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3314449


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
I was actually surprised at how not sucky it was.

That is hilarious!!! and isn't it great when it goes like that...great job gettn it done
2011-01-21 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Ouch... my knee hurts - WAAHHH!  Its not swollen, not black and blue.. just hurts.  Is it possible it hurts from spin? owweee. 

Just found a pool that isn't 45 minutes away.  Its smaller than a 25 meter pool and they don't know how long it is (hmmmmmm). BUT, get this.. its open 24 hours and it is only 15 miles away. No more excuses.
2011-01-22 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3314662

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
mquevedo - 2011-01-21 9:49 PM Ouch... my knee hurts - WAAHHH!  Its not swollen, not black and blue.. just hurts.  Is it possible it hurts from spin? owweee. 

Just found a pool that isn't 45 minutes away.  Its smaller than a 25 meter pool and they don't know how long it is (hmmmmmm). BUT, get this.. its open 24 hours and it is only 15 miles away. No more excuses.

I swam in a 15m pool for the entire training for my 1st HIM.  It will be okay!!! It was the same situation - open 24hrs and close to me.  (Although my only other option in town was a 20y so it wasn't that much smaller!!!) *giggling*

Yes it is possible - especially if there isn't much "float" in the pedals.  Were you using bike shoes or your runners with the "cages" that go over your shoes?  Either way - if it was forcing your knee to move in a way that wasn't your "natural" pattern then yes it can hurt.

2011-01-22 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
What a terrible week. I go from work sucking all week to the worst day ever yesterday. I was on "emergency" phone calls all night until like 10 PM. My wife and I even had friends over and they went home because I was basically not able to hang out. TERRIBLE.
Then to add to that all, this morning I am out running and get the phone call that my GMA died. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! like I wasnt already freaking out enough, now I had to stop and make travel arrangements to get to Ohio today through next Wednesday. I cut my run short and hope to get my run in tomorrow. Now  I know some of you will say that I need to focus on this time and relax a bit, take time off from working out, but if I do that the stress that will build up from work and now family will take over my life. Working out to me is like self medicating....I MUST DO IT.
I might be off here for a few days so everyone keep at it, ill check in when I can. 
2011-01-22 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

Man Adam,  So sorry to heat about your Grandma.  I totally understand that working out is a huge stress reliever.  Just be with your family and if you can, sneak off for a little run when you can.


2011-01-22 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Madison-ish, WI
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Oh Adam, I am so sorry for your loss.  I agree that if your working out is your "outlet", just try and sneak little bits and pieces in while with your family to keep your sanity.  I lost my older brother a year and a half ago and I wish I would've been into working out/living healthier at that time.  Instead, I drank and smoked excessively and didn't sleep for an entire week...basically I just made things way worse.  Be with your family, but also be a little selfish and do what you need to for you.

2011-01-23 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Adam - I'm so sorry for your loss. *hugs*
2011-01-23 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

Happy Sunday everyone!

Started the day with a 1:45 run.  9.05 miles.  I was pretty happy with the effort.  I train by heart rate and my goals for these long runs is to keep my HR in zone 2.  I have been able to maintain a mid-11 minute mile in this pace while running longer distances.  I am quite happy with that.

My HR has been in the high z1 low z2 so I know I can still push harder and still keep in z2.

But still happy with the effort.  Only issue is that I have developed a rash on both sides of my neck.  Felt like it started yesterday when I got out of the pool but it is really bad today.  Can't figure out if it was the chlorine from yesterday or something else.  I have not changed anything like detergents or face products so just not sure.  It stings and burns though.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

2011-01-23 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Madison-ish, WI
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
I am tired.  I had my whole family at the house this weekend for a late Christmas celebration/birthday for my younger bro and as much as I love them...I am glad they are all pretty much gone. 

I ended up using yesterday as my rest day, and did my bike ride today that I was supposed to do yesterday so I think it all works out.

Even after riding I feel like a big put it mildly I didn't watch what I ate or drank this weekend, and have been avoiding the scale like the plague.  I will hop on tomorrow at the gym and hopefully not cry. Cry 

Tomorrow will start with a 35ish minute bike ride on the trainer (we are getting the Garmin 305's soon, along with bike cadence sensor/ soon I will be able to work on some drills and concentrate more on my RPM's and such), then after work its the dreaded swim. 

I just started reading the total immersion swimming book and my hubby gave me some pointers after seeing me swim when we went to the Y together on Friday, so I will continue to work on form and not total laps.

Ok, time to lay on the couch and watch some football!!  Happy Sunday!
2011-01-23 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3315199


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
my prayers are with you and your family---hang in there
2011-01-23 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3316514

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Emwilltri - 2011-01-23 2:43 PM put it mildly I didn't watch what I ate or drank this weekend, and have been avoiding the scale like the plague.  I will hop on tomorrow at the gym and hopefully not cry. Cry 

^^This. *sigh*

I did my workouts yesterday (sort of) which didn't really even make a dent in the Starbucks white chocolate mocha and chocolate banana bread.... then today - I went for a spin and came home and ate everything in the house. *sigh*  Went for the group run - we only had 2 people come out - but it's like 17F here so not really surprising.

Good news! We have a space to run our run clinics out of.  Now nailing down races, insurance, etc.  Hopefully to get them started in March.  So far we have about 25 people interested.... so it's going to be a busy spring!!!
2011-01-24 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

Good Monday morning all.

The start of another week!!  Looking back at my workouts last week, I am rally happy with how my training has been going.  I am hitting all of my weekly goals and feeling like i am recovering well. 

This week will be my highest volume yet capping off with a 3 hour ride on Saturday. 

But the best thing is that in 2.5 weeks hubby and I will be boarding the Oasis of the Seas for 7 fabulous days in the Caribbean.  The insane thing is that I really am a bit freaked out about getting workouts in.  But I know I will be running every morning and taking every spin class they offer.  Other than that, I plan to enjoy and eat!

Have a great Monday everyone!

2011-01-24 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
I hate January.  There.  That's where I'm at today.

The asthma flare up that I thought was happening yesterday has morphed into a full-blown chest cold.  So I'm suffering with lots of Dimetapp and Advil through my day today.  Tonight will be off with lots of soup and fluids.  *grrrrr*

2011-01-24 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3318443

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Madison-ish, WI
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Silver_wlf - 2011-01-24 1:00 PM I hate January.  There.  That's where I'm at today.

The asthma flare up that I thought was happening yesterday has morphed into a full-blown chest cold.  So I'm suffering with lots of Dimetapp and Advil through my day today.  Tonight will be off with lots of soup and fluids.  *grrrrr*

This is so strange, I have been dealing with similar issues...throughout the weekend I felt like I couldn't take a deep breath. I used my inhaler wayy more than I ever have before (normally I just take 2 puffs before exercising and sporadically in the middle of the night and that keeps everything at bay..) and it just wouldn't get better.  I figured it was because my inhaler was close to being out and just not doing the trick.  I woke up several times last night and have felt like poo all day.  Now I am starting to think it might be a touch of a chest cold, because some coughing has started to accompany the breathing issues.  Its hard for me to know exactly what is going on as my "asthma" is relatively new (within the past 6 months) and its never actually been diagnosed as asthma..

I still made it swimming after work, but my heart wasn't in it and after showering I starting feeling more icky. 
Now I am home, with my trusty TV remote in hand and I am going to hit the sack early and try to get up in the morning and do my missed bike trainer ride from tonight in the morning instead.

At least Monday is over. Undecided
2011-01-24 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Had the first PT session on Friday. The major muscles in both my legs were so tight. My range of motion is very limited, thus causing the achilles and some performance issues.

The main therapy right now is alot of stretching on the TrueStretch. Almost 40 minutes a day every day. Managed to get two days in since Friday and I can already tell a difference.

Mostly swimming and stretching this week and a 3h ride with Marcy on Saturday.

I'm going stir crazy with not working out so much. I need to join Marcy on more of her long w/o's!

Keep it trucking.


Edited by smeador 2011-01-24 7:57 PM
2011-01-24 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3319327

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

smeador - 2011-01-24 7:55 PM

I'm going stir crazy with not working out so much. I need to join Marcy on more of her long w/o's!

Keep it trucking.


I would like that!!

2011-01-25 7:29 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Hey all,

so sorry I missed you all for over a week. My laptop got a severe virus and just got it back last night. Glad I didn't lose all my work stuff.

I've been catching up reading all the posts and seems like we are all struggling with the winter blues somewhat.

Silver: You can fly down to Albany, NY and enjoy the warm weather while we do a Polar Bear swim!

Em: you enjoy making own beer and really do live in Wisconsin!! My wife says...GO PACK!!

SMeador: Sorry about the injury, I'm sure frustrating and not much fun.

Dodgersmom: STOP do not go on the cruise, you have an Ironman coming up. For your own good I will suck it up and take your place on the seas. Seriously, enjoy sounds great right now. I did a cruise a few years ago and did most spin classes and ran on treadmill while entering Venice (breathtaking) also ran about 1 million loops around the outdoor mini track, well atleast it seemed that way.

Adam: So sorry to hear about your Grandmother, loss is never easy and I hope you are able to remember good times shared with her throughout your life.

On a good note peeps... I am down 5 pounds since I joined the group.
2011-01-25 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

Welcome back Tom!!

Happy Tuesday everyone.  Got my trainer ride done this morning.  Kicked it up a notch by adding 1 minute really hard pick-ups every 5 minutes.  I can a big nasty puddle of sweat at the end but felt good.

Now to get through the work day and then it's 3$ martini night for me and some neighbors.  We try to do a ladies night once a week and who can pass up 3$ martinis??

2011-01-25 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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New user
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Happy Tuesday everyone!  Feeling very sore today.  Did a "Get Ripped" class yesterday and finally got my head in a pool.  Woke up this morning with very sore legs from class and sore shoulders from swimming and my back is sore from three weeks of being tortured.  I have spin tonight.  I'm just wondering if I'll ever do a workout and not be sore??  Those of you are more seasoned vets than beginners, are you always aching somewhere?

My knee that was hurting after spin felt better the next day.  I did go buy cycling shoes so I can clip in both in class and on my bike.  I've left my toe cages on for far too long.  Time to learn to clip in.

Should be comical tonight.

2011-01-25 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3263166


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
I have been sick since sunday night. this sucks!! even stayed home from work today (tues) chest congestion coughing achy body- cold chills -sweats etc What a blast! No working out since saturday- my body needs to just get over this crap!! Sure hope it hurries up-- I can't stand bein sick! On a brighter note --Marcy --I am so jealous of your cruise---enjoy every minute!! going to go back to the couch--have a good day all!!! uugggghhhh........

Edited by diamond 2011-01-25 4:06 PM
2011-01-25 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3320818


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
marie-- have the spin instructor check the height and seat positioning you set your bike up for... my instructor says if you are set up wrong it can hurt your knees or if you have too much tension it can start to bother your knees--just fyi
2011-01-25 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Madison-ish, WI
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Welcome back Tom!

Oh, and Ann sounds like we might be in the same boat!!  I went to bed last night around 8pm, and slept thru my alarm clock (and somehow turned it off) and woke up at 7am (when I am supposed to be at work), and decided my body must be telling me something.  So, I called in to work and went back to bed.  When I finally got up and moving (and only did this because the pooch had to pee) I hacked up a big goo ball and started feeling better.  The remainder of the day has been spent napping or trying my best to stay awake.

We just got our Garmin 305 forerunners, bike cadence sensors and mounts so the hubby set those up and I think I will try and get in an easy bike ride this evening.  I know my body needs rest, but I feel so guilty not getting in all my workouts.

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