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2008-05-27 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1422925

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Moose22 - 2008-05-24 10:44 AM

I am getting married today and then I will be out of the country all of next week so I will report once I am back in town.  To everyone else, keep on ripping it up in training and if anyone has any good advice please feel free to throw in your two cents. Laughing


2008-05-27 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Well I did it!!

 I completed my first Tri this weekend with approx. 2500 contestants and I am now even more in awe of you people that do Olympic, HIM and IM distances than I was before.

   Some things did not go quite as well as I had hoped and at one point after getting my head swam over and swallowing half the lake I almost quit.  Instead I stuck it out and am now trying to figure the best way to get ready for another one in 4 weeks.

 The bike was a blast, the run was tough, but expected, since I haven't been able to "run" for the last 8 weeks and the swim started off great so i have confidence my next race will be even better.

There is a race report link on my log.

2008-05-27 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Yeah - you are a triathlete!!!

2008-05-27 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1426444

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-05-27 2:03 PM

Well I did it!!

 I completed my first Tri this weekend with approx. 2500 contestants and I am now even more in awe of you people that do Olympic, HIM and IM distances than I was before.


That is AWESOME!!!  Congratulations!!!

Don't worry too much about the swim... I find that to be more of an exception than the rule with swim starts...  It is rough for sure, but not as bad as it seems!


2008-05-27 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1426444

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-05-27 2:03 PM

Well I did it!!

 I completed my first Tri this weekend with approx. 2500 contestants and I am now even more in awe of you people that do Olympic, HIM and IM distances than I was before.

   Some things did not go quite as well as I had hoped and at one point after getting my head swam over and swallowing half the lake I almost quit.  Instead I stuck it out and am now trying to figure the best way to get ready for another one in 4 weeks.

 The bike was a blast, the run was tough, but expected, since I haven't been able to "run" for the last 8 weeks and the swim started off great so i have confidence my next race will be even better.

There is a race report link on my log.


CONGRATS TRIATHLETE!!!  Addictive isn't it!?!?!?

2008-05-27 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1426444

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-05-27 9:03 AM

Well I did it!!

 I completed my first Tri this weekend with approx. 2500 contestants and I am now even more in awe of you people that do Olympic, HIM and IM distances than I was before.


Awesome!  Nice speed on the bike by the way!  >17mph

2008-05-28 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1422692

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-05-23 10:39 PM

I have a last minute question before my raced sunday......

For you experienced folks, DO YOU WEAR SOCKS?

Sorry I have been away and not responding timely.  By now you have made your decision, however, this question comes up plenty.  I think the answer is that it depends.  I know several folks that run and ride without socks and have no problems.  I tried and got blisters.  I am more comfortable wearing socks even if it takes a few extra seconds to get them on.  I actually roll up my socks so that I can roll them on.  Saves a little time.  I find it hard to pull on socks when you have wet feet.  Bottom line, try it both ways several times before race day.  You do not want to try anything new on race day. 


2008-05-28 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1423346

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Bullskier - 2008-05-24 9:26 PM

Bike question????

Is anyone else using a mountain bike. Unfortunately I bought a new bike just before deciding to do a tri so I am stuck with it. I've swapped out the tires, and that was a big improvement, but its hard work to pace at 18 mph. Has anyone swapped out gears? Im not that concerned about my time for my first tri, but wondering what everyone else is doing.

I have seen plenty of people ride mountain bikes during shorter tris and I even saw a couple at longer races.  If you have swapped out the tires, just go and race with it.  No matter how much you tinker with it, you are not going to be able to make a mountain bike more like a road bike.  Have fun!!

2008-05-28 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1426444

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-05-27 2:03 PM

Well I did it!!

 I completed my first Tri this weekend with approx. 2500 contestants and I am now even more in awe of you people that do Olympic, HIM and IM distances than I was before.

   Some things did not go quite as well as I had hoped and at one point after getting my head swam over and swallowing half the lake I almost quit.  Instead I stuck it out and am now trying to figure the best way to get ready for another one in 4 weeks.

 The bike was a blast, the run was tough, but expected, since I haven't been able to "run" for the last 8 weeks and the swim started off great so i have confidence my next race will be even better.

There is a race report link on my log.

Congrats!!!  Yes, these races can be tough, but now you know how much fun they can be and how addictive they can be.  I like to think that I learn a little something from each race.  I am sure you learned a lot.  Well done!!

2008-05-28 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1428222

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Saying I learned a lot is an understatement.

Ran in my socks with shoes attached to pedals (with worked awesome with rubberbands) but should have changed socks before the run as they were covered in dirt and grime and I have the blisters to prove it now.

Lesson learned!

2008-05-29 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Well, I couldn't run last night, so I signed up for my 2nd tri.  It's this Sunday (also my 6 yr anniversary).  It's not the same distances as the first one I did, but I guess it's still called a sprint.  400yd swim, 9.8 mi bike and 2.5 mi run.  A little shorter than my first and it's being held where I usually do my riding and running.  Another advantage, there is surley a boogie man under the water where we are swimming, so my swim time should be only about 6.5 to  7 minutes.  He'll never catch me.  Right?!?!?  I haven't had much time to train having to work so late every night.  Also, they have an Athena division for which I am very thankful.  If no one else signs up, I'll get 2nd place...yaeh me!

2008-05-29 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1426444

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-05-27 2:03 PM

Well I did it!!

 I completed my first Tri this weekend with approx. 2500 contestants and I am now even more in awe of you people that do Olympic, HIM and IM distances than I was before.

   Some things did not go quite as well as I had hoped and at one point after getting my head swam over and swallowing half the lake I almost quit.  Instead I stuck it out and am now trying to figure the best way to get ready for another one in 4 weeks.

 The bike was a blast, the run was tough, but expected, since I haven't been able to "run" for the last 8 weeks and the swim started off great so i have confidence my next race will be even better.

There is a race report link on my log.

Congratulations! You did awesome in your race!
2008-05-29 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I have been out of town at a seminar for work. I will try to get in a few workouts Friday and Saturday. Today is my son's baseball game and it will be late when we get home. I hope to at least get in some strength training tonight.

By the way I think my bike and I have finally bonded. I enjoy riding a lot more and the seat is getting better.
2008-05-29 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

In the beginning I had moments where I felt bonded to/with my bike too, but I won't go into that.

Good luck squeezing training time in amongst the kids activities, I know it can be tough. We just finished two baseball leagues.

2008-05-29 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Hello all,

jana - ah yes... the challenge of fitting in family and fitness. Now hopefully the weather is cooperating with you too. I know my challenge is getting in outdoor rides when it is not freezing or raining.

I have been swimming with a Masters class this week and LOVE IT! that's what a real workout is and now I know how swimming 100's on a 1:50 time looks. I am going to try and go every T/TH AM.

My next tri is on the's a mini sprint - kind of like the one Carla is doing. It is 500 yards/10mile/2.5 run. I wanted to do a longer one, but my son had a bday party he really wants to goto and plus gas is so expensive we opted to stay closer to home.

Hope all is well...I really want to get back out on the bike. Hopefully Saturday AM.


2008-05-29 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm disappointed by how easily I get knocked off my game. Got the rejection letter for that job I should have gotten - ugh! Just lost the drive to get out there and train. Hubby got home late tonight so it just played into my lack of desire.
Just felt so sad - I've been home with kids and getting to that age where I wonder if I'll ever get a job.
I commit to making the most of the next three days of the week!

With missing workouts, sometimes I'm not up to the scheduled workout. Instead of falling behind schedule (thanks for the tip Gats) I drop down to the level 1 or 2 workout instead of my usually level 3 oly program. It feels good to, basically, be on schedule.

Edited by MuscleMomma 2008-05-29 7:19 PM

2008-05-30 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1432206

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

MuscleMomma - 2008-05-29 7:16 PM I'm disappointed by how easily I get knocked off my game. Got the rejection letter for that job I should have gotten - ugh! Just lost the drive to get out there and train. Hubby got home late tonight so it just played into my lack of desire. Just felt so sad - I've been home with kids and getting to that age where I wonder if I'll ever get a job. I commit to making the most of the next three days of the week! With missing workouts, sometimes I'm not up to the scheduled workout. Instead of falling behind schedule (thanks for the tip Gats) I drop down to the level 1 or 2 workout instead of my usually level 3 oly program. It feels good to, basically, be on schedule.

MM, we all are guilty of falling off the training wagon.  The longer you fall off, the harder it is to get back on track.  All that matters is that you do get back on track.  I like to think of it as "life gets in the way".  Now get out there and start training.

2008-05-30 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

There are those days where we wake up and just think... "god this bed feels good!!!", but getting out, as hard as it has been at times always makes me feel better!  

Today is a Pre-race day off for me, and I am going crazy!!!  I want to get on my bike, or in the pool or something (although, not running doesn't bother me much!)  Thinking of taking a new step in my training by working with a coach consistantly vs. sporadically like I am now...   I have read every book (Friel etc.), but sometimes feel as though I am simply spinning my wheels!!!

2008-05-30 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1432916

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
ball6135 - 2008-05-30 9:17 AM

There are those days where we wake up and just think... "god this bed feels good!!!", but getting out, as hard as it has been at times always makes me feel better!  

Today is a Pre-race day off for me, and I am going crazy!!!  I want to get on my bike, or in the pool or something (although, not running doesn't bother me much!)  Thinking of taking a new step in my training by working with a coach consistantly vs. sporadically like I am now...   I have read every book (Friel etc.), but sometimes feel as though I am simply spinning my wheels!!!

I just don't think I'll ever be enough of a morning person to get out of the bed for an a.m. workout. 

I'm looking to do a couple of easy miles running this afternoon (pushing a jogging stroller of course) and ride about 10 easy miles tomorrow just to keep the cobwebs out of the joints.  Have a tri on Sunday and can't WAIT!!!

 Good luck with your race tomorrow BALL6135!!

What does everyone else have on tap for the weekend?

Edited by carlacrews 2008-05-30 10:35 AM
2008-05-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Good luck to everyone with races tomorrow.

My weekend is

Friday: ride 1 hour
Saturday: run 2 miles swim 30 minutes
Sunday: run 6 miles
2008-05-30 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

My weekend is.....

saturday morning 15-20 mile ride, then Baseball with the daughter, honey-do list afternnon and core training at night

sunday is church, swim 1500M, coach son's basketball, mow the yard, collapse

no running this weekend as the blisters on my feet from my race last weekend are now bigger than a quarter and bleeding.  Gonna lay off the feet a few days and hope they heal.

Ditto on the GOOD MOJO to all of you with races this weekend!

2008-06-01 2:09 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

First HIM done!  I'll try to catch up w/ you guys later.  My race report is filed if anyone's interested.  I missed a Kona qualifying spot by one place (2 minutes).  They funny thing is that the 2 guys who got slots I beat to T2.  I need to work more on my run.

Edited by kinaiahi 2008-06-02 1:15 AM
2008-06-01 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Good race for me today!   Swim and Bike were very pleasing... I hate running

Buffalo Sprint 

I really need to focus my training plan back onto running and do my best to maintain in swimming and biking. 

2008-06-02 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1437264

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Great race for me, too!  Got 1st in the Athena category.  I only beat one other girl and only by 3 minutes, but a win is a win I guess.  I did ok on the swim.  It was a deep water, mass start.  Fun times.   I was kind of glad.  I knew then that the boogy man in that dirty water would surely go for one of the other swimmers.  T1 went well.  Kicked booty on the bike.  My husband put his American Classics on my bike and they rode great.  T2 went well.  Then, well, I hate to run.  Did the race in 1:25:45. 
2008-06-02 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Congrats to all those who raced this weekend!

I had a bad week last week and was not able to train but I plan on training hard and getting prepared for my race at the end of July.

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