BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-02-08 6:59 AM
in reply to: #1950848

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

shinsplint - 2009-02-07 8:41 PM Congratulations on the new bike. New bikes are a great way to inspire workouts! Although I was psyched to race with my new bike I was suprised how nice my normal rides were. This bike (Specialized-splurged for a carbon frame) is light and climbs like a dream. The right bike makes you and the bike feels as one. I have a funny body shape- long legs- short torso-so a pefect fit never happens- but the current one is close. I have question for the group. I am someone who is prone to overuse injury. It's always something new each season. It usually goes away after a few months. I am not a workout gunner so I'm not sure why I am so prone. Never the less, I now have a new plantar fasciitis. Its been there for almost 3 weeks. I have done the RICE thing and cutback on workouts. I am now feeling myself become even more deconditioned. This is frustrating with race season close. I will probably enter race season 1 month later than I had intended. My question for the group is would most of you push through the discomfort as long as it is mild? I will keep up the usual PF treatments. I have orthotics, I will stretch ect ect ect. Any other thoughts? I'm trying not to be such a wimp. Val

Sorry to hear about the over-use injuries. These mostly sound running related - correct me if i am wrong. (And your bike sounds awesome!)  I've only had one major over-use injury which was ITBS and it pretty well sidelined me for three months.  After about two i was able to start very slowly again. But I got a really great physical therapist. She's a pt and a registered massage therapist and she really really helped. Especially in identifying the underlying cause - my low back and weak hip flexors as opposed to my knees. I know you're already a professional but perhaps someone specializing in sports therapy would be good.  A person like this on your team could keep you tuned up!

Also shoes also helped alot. I found out that when I wear my shoes the size larger to give my toes space I need to get them in a narrow width. I have been using the same kind since and no pain!

You've probably tried most of these things so feel free to ignore.  When my ITBS flared up another thing I did that was totally personal was that I backed of my running group and used treadmills much more often. That way I could set a slow pace and just hop off if pain surfaced. I stayed away from my running group when they were running because I knew I would push myself more than I should ...

But then you should be able to keep a good level of fitness with biking! does that feel good?

Best of luck!

2009-02-08 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Hi team

 I'm sorry I haven't checked in for a while! I've been feeling unwell - really run down and all I am doing is sleeping! I haven't done any exercise for a week because I can't make myself get out of bed at 5am anymore. I am off to see my doc this afternoon to try to find out whats wrong.

I'll be back to inspiring as soon as I can! Take care.


2009-02-08 10:26 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

PS - welcome to page 9!


2009-02-08 10:28 PM
in reply to: #1947750

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
krystyna47 - 2009-02-06 6:30 AM

In other news, I got myself fitted at my local bike shop. I've got my eye on a Trek 1.2 WSD, 47cm frame. It is last year's model, 830$CAD tax included. The nice guy at the bike shop fitted the bike to me, I got to feel it out. It rides smoothly, and feels just right! Online reviews have been extremely positive as well. 

Oh, and I'm testing out, and possibly joining, a running group! Does anyone here run with a group? Any experiences/thoughts you'd like to share? How is it different from running on your own?


New bike sounds awesome! Why don't you post a photo?

I ran with a running group for a while and really enjoyed it - the only reason I've stopped is because I am now doing my long ride at the same time with my tri group so I have switched the days I do my long run. The main benefits I found was just being able to chat with people when I ran which took my mind off how far I was running. Plus, as always, the obligatory coffee shop visit afterwards is the highlight LOL


2009-02-08 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1950848

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

shinsplint - 2009-02-08 10:41 AM

I now have a new plantar fasciitis. Its been there for almost 3 weeks. I have done the RICE thing and cutback on workouts. I am now feeling myself become even more deconditioned. This is frustrating with race season close. I will probably enter race season 1 month later than I had intended. My question for the group is would most of you push through the discomfort as long as it is mild? I will keep up the usual PF treatments. I have orthotics, I will stretch ect ect ect. Any other thoughts? I'm trying not to be such a wimp. Val

 Hi Val

Please don't call yourself a wimp! You've got an injury and you've got to give it time to heal. I have never had PF but one of the girls at work has - she continued training with her injury and needed to have her foot put in a cast in the end!!! It took her 2 years to get back into running after this. Take a rest and take care of yourself. Maybe see a sports medicine doctor or a podiatrist??? Let us know how it goes.


2009-02-10 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1951904


Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
Sorry you did not feel good- hope your Doc can help. All of at work have been dealing with the same. Not sure what is is but you feel like crud. Rest is the best idea.

The PF is a funny thing. I have cut the runs to twice weekly- slow easy-under 5 mi. The runs clearly cause a flare. For some reason- a spin the day after a run seems to help. I think the ankle flex on the bike helps. Of course, I'm not hammering. Although I am not a great fan of swimming I am suprised how a hard swim workout seems to chase away aches and pains ( mild arthritis). Again- different sports- different movements- they complement one another. Tri really is an interesting sport.

In the mean time, my dog is working agility well- so I can concentrate on that instead of racing for awhile. He's kindof funny looking- will try to get a pic this week to post

I also want to see pics of the new bike out other members have!

2009-02-10 9:12 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Hi everyone! How is the training going?

I've got a quiet moment at work so I am going to use the time to check all your blogs and "inspire" you!

My doc says I have a low grade fever so I probably have some sort of infection somewhere. I have had some tests and we'll see what the results say. In the meantime I am taking it easy and I'm hoping to get back into it this weekend with some gentle cycling & maybe some running.


2009-02-10 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

There have been some terrible bushfires in Australia this week, the worst in our history. Whole towns have been levelled to the ground. The current death toll is about 180 but they're expecting more. What makes it worse is they suspect arsonists may be to blame for some of the fires.


2009-02-10 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1951899

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
Magda do you want us to give you a wake up call??
2009-02-12 1:53 AM
in reply to: #1955921

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

jrcody - 2009-02-11 12:42 PM Magda do you want us to give you a wake up call??


Oh yes, at 5am please! My number is ..... LOL

No, seriously - I am feeling better today and I just got word that my test results are all clear. The doc thinks I just had a virus of some sort. So tomorrow I am going to get out there and do a short, gentle cycle and see how I feel after that.


2009-02-12 1:54 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

So, how is everyone going? I "inspired" you all yesterday.

I am amazed how quickly we fall to the bottom of the Mentor pages!


2009-02-12 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

So glad to hear you're feeling better! Sounds like a few days of rest were very necessary!

 I did see about the fires there in Australia and they looked heartbreaking. I know you're not close to them and safe but it is shocking how quickly they came. My heart goes out to everyone who lost so much - communities, homes, loved ones. :S


2009-02-12 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

So. How is everyone feeling??

I know i am starting to get anxious for race season.  I have been so diligent and focused but all the races still seem far away. My 30k running race is at the end of March which will come quickly, I know but is still a month and a half away.

Then there's a part of me that's freaked out because if races come sooner that means its sooner until i do my first tri and the swim really freaks me out!!  The rest is exciting.

Anyway, anyone anxious too?

2009-02-13 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

shinsplint - I hope you get better, and take the time off that you need. The only recommendations that I can make are:

- to go see an osteopath or a physiotherapist (or both) for a few sessions. They will be able to provide you with exercises which should keep your problem areas supple. 

- do an easy yoga class once a week, making absolutely sure that the triathlete competitiveness does not enter the yoga studio. A lot of people begin yoga classes and overstretch because they are trying to be better than their neighbour, ending up in horrid muscle aches. Just take it super easy and have it as your time per week of ultimate relaxation and 'slowness'.

I hope those help... I'm not too sure what PF really is. 

2009-02-13 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

OH! And today I bought the bike I mentioned previously: the Trek 1.2 WSD, 47cm frame.

Here is a picture of it in my room, on the trainer (also purchased today... I'm now super poor). The two cats are complimentary.

new bike!

Sorry if the picture is a bit big. I'm not too sure how to resize it.

So, I suppose the next step is proper pedals (clipless? what are these?) and proper biking shoes. Anyone willing to share some info? Is it possible to put an odometer to find out how much I bike on the trainer? Is this the same thing as the odometer that can be used outdoors? 

And Jen, what kind of Garmin do you have?

2009-02-15 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

NICE bike Krystyna!

Yes clipless pedals will definitely help you go faster! They just require a bit of practice at first. They're called "clipless" pedals but in reality they're the ones you "clip" in. Maybe start with a basic model and then you can upgrade in future if you want? I am still using the same shoes I got with my bike 3 years ago and they're still fine. I've needed to replace the cleats (the clips down the bottom) a few times as they wear out but this is not difficult or expensive.

Regarding the "odometer" - just buy a bike computer. Get one that does cadence as well. I find that my computer gives me misleading information about my speed when I am using my wind trainer - I may be working REALLY hard but only going slowly. Also come computers won't work when placed on a trainer, because they require the front wheel to be in motion to work.

Have fun!!!


2009-02-15 7:08 AM
in reply to: #1958377

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2009-02-12 11:03 PM

So. How is everyone feeling??

I know i am starting to get anxious for race season.  I have been so diligent and focused but all the races still seem far away. My 30k running race is at the end of March which will come quickly, I know but is still a month and a half away.

Then there's a part of me that's freaked out because if races come sooner that means its sooner until i do my first tri and the swim really freaks me out!!  The rest is exciting.

Anyway, anyone anxious too?


Yes, I am a little anxious about my half ironman


2009-02-15 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

So team, how is everyone going? I had a total disaster of a ride on Saturday - my bike chain broke in half about 25k from home. Luckily it happened right next to a train station so I was able to get home. I need to get my rear derailleur replaced and also possibly my cassette and chain. Hopefully it won't take more than a week

I've also had a really busy weekend work-wise, I've been on call and taking care of some really sick puppies at work. I need to visit them at midnight three nights in a row as well as during the day when we're closed on a Sunday. This doesn't leave much time for sleeping or training. I am hoping to make 5am swim squad tomorrow morning!!!


2009-02-15 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday.

We have a new holiday tomorrow that was just put into place last year so it's a nice treat to have the day off tomorrow. :D

Krystyna - your bike is beautiful!! How does it feel? Aren't you anxious for the end of winter now that you have it??

You asked about the Garmin. I have the Garmin 305 and I've had it for a while. I LOVE it it. I don't use the HRM very often. I've programmed all kinds of speed workouts, set it to remind me to take walk breaks when I use them. See km splits.  But it can do so much. If you're a bronze member of this site I think you can download the information to your logs. But I use sporttracks which a free program it's really cool!! Apparently the 405 is nice too but doesn't do multisport all that well. I won't be giving up my older version until it's done. Some people on this site have gotten the cadence sensor for the bike but i have a bike computer DBF gave me.

The on to bike computers - DBF has one that tells speed and distance because he's got the sensor on the back wheel. Mine just shows cadence when I am on the trainer because the other sensor is on the front wheel like Magda said.  For me cadence is enough right now because i just need to be used to being on my bike.

2009-02-15 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1962901

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
eurydice79 - 2009-02-15 8:11 AM

So team, how is everyone going? I had a total disaster of a ride on Saturday - my bike chain broke in half about 25k from home. Luckily it happened right next to a train station so I was able to get home. I need to get my rear derailleur replaced and also possibly my cassette and chain. Hopefully it won't take more than a week

I've also had a really busy weekend work-wise, I've been on call and taking care of some really sick puppies at work. I need to visit them at midnight three nights in a row as well as during the day when we're closed on a Sunday. This doesn't leave much time for sleeping or training. I am hoping to make 5am swim squad tomorrow morning!!!


 Magda - sorry to hear about the chain breaking! So is your bike out of commission for a week? I guess it's swim and run focus for the next week?

For me i've been very diligent with my workouts and yesterday I didn't get to biking. That's the first workout in while that i bagged so i didn't feel bad about that at all. I am training for a 30k running race at the end of march and we just did 29k today in under 3 hours. so i am feeling good about being really ready for this race :D It's after that that worries me. Over to some real tri training and getting better at the swim. It needs to happen soon.... :S

2009-02-15 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1963183

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2009-02-16 5:02 AM

 Magda - sorry to hear about the chain breaking! So is your bike out of commission for a week? I guess it's swim and run focus for the next week?

 Hopefully not more than a week. The derailleur won't be done until Thurs, and then I guess it depends on whether I need a new cassette/chain and how long it takes to get those parts in. Yes, there will be lots of running & swimming this week!

For me i've been very diligent with my workouts and yesterday I didn't get to biking. That's the first workout in while that i bagged so i didn't feel bad about that at all. I am training for a 30k running race at the end of march and we just did 29k today in under 3 hours. so i am feeling good about being really ready for this race :D It's after that that worries me. Over to some real tri training and getting better at the swim. It needs to happen soon.... :S

You've been doing some amazing training and some fantastic long runs! I'm sure the swimming will come along just fine


2009-02-17 12:36 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Good afternoon team! Hows it going? Just bumping our thread back up to the top again

I went to running group this morning and worked hard, we had intervals.


2009-02-19 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

I am so excited!! Registration just opened for a local tri series!! I am going to register for my first Du and Tri tonight :D :D :D

I am just going to do a super sprint because the open water swim really scares me and it's a good short intro to what it's like!

2009-02-19 11:18 PM
in reply to: #1970467

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2009-02-20 1:32 AM

I am so excited!! Registration just opened for a local tri series!! I am going to register for my first Du and Tri tonight :D :D :D

I am just going to do a super sprint because the open water swim really scares me and it's a good short intro to what it's like!


YAY! Congratulations! When is the first race?


2009-02-19 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Hi team! Happy Friday? Whats on the plan for the weekend?

My bike is still in the bike shop, turns out I now need new gear shifters as well as the new derailleur. The good news is that the chain & cassette are fine. So for me, there will be lots of running and swimming on the cards until I can get my pretty bike back!!!


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