BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now Rss Feed  
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2009-03-22 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
bubbs is happy you are enjoying the stories. he's a funny one..that's for sure. AND...happy to report...meems (my mom) is catching the "get fit" bug.  she took a walk this afternoon, with no coercing from me, and went grocery shopping for healthy food. was very proud of her. will update on them frequently!! 

2009-03-22 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2033375

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Wesley Chapel, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Clover ... I am SO excited that Meems is getting in on the action too!  She went for a walk with my mom and Moriah, but my mom has a "social" problem in the neighborhood, so they were gone 9 minutes and only walked .2 miles!    Hopefully her walk tonight was more productive!  Love what you are doing to (and for) our family!
2009-03-22 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1872726


Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
can you all pass the hogan bug over to my family.....
2009-03-22 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
ppuuuhhhhlllleeeeeaaassse! your family all ran the turkey trot together, no? and didn't a bunch of you do a 5k a couple weeks ago? your fam is way ahead of the game!!
2009-03-23 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Sara Jo, I thought about something earlier. If you are riding with Bubbs he must be in your area? The meek and mighty is over in your area and super small, might be a nice place to start?

2009-03-23 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2035926

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Wesley Chapel, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

nursenadine - 2009-03-23 9:28 PM

Sara Jo, I thought about something earlier. If you are riding with Bubbs he must be in your area? The meek and mighty is over in your area and super small, might be a nice place to start?


Nope.  Bubbs resides in TX and was just in town for a visit!  He lives about 5 minutes away from Clover in one direction and 5 minutes away from Jenny in the other direction!  He's on their watch now!! 

Edited by pastorswife 2009-03-23 9:34 PM

2009-03-23 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2035926

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Wesley Chapel, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
BTW, Nadine ... Meek and Mighty is coming up here soon!  You'll have more races in this year before I even get to my first one!    Did you convince your sister to do it with you??

Edited by pastorswife 2009-03-23 9:35 PM
2009-03-23 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1872726


Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
jen--yes, we all did the turkey trot (5k), and yes, lauren and i did a 5k last month, BUT  for the rest of the family.....does one walk a year count for them?????  no way!!!!!!  i did tell my mom after bubba training for the tri---super impressed she said of him.
2009-03-25 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2035985

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Hey girls.... just a thought... if you pick up a good tip on any of the three sports, can you post it here?  I don't know if everyone checks everyone else's inspires, but Sara Jo had a great tip on climbing hills on the bike that I am totally gonna try next time I'm out on the road. 

 Correct me if I'm wrong SJ, but this is what I got from your bike tip.  Pedal easy up the hill at a good cadence, but 50-100 yds from the top, put it 2 gears HARDER and then stand and pedal to get to the top.  SJ, did they say this is a "drill", or is this something to do all the time?

 I am seeing great swim improvements in everyone!!  In fact, right now, most of you are kicking my butt in the pool!  I hope to be back to my speedy self by sometime next week. 

2009-03-25 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Sorry to be deceptive. I haven’t signed up for any of the races on my “planned races.” I just had them there to remind me they were there. I will write them down and delete them until/unless I actually sign up for them. I haven’t convinced my sister or anyone to go/do meek and mighty with me yet. I will try to get someone to commit to it today.

2009-03-25 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
I had a question about taking the bike and staying in a hotel. I plan on getting a hotel in the St. Pete area for the tri in April. I would like to take my bike into the hotel with me. Hubby has concerns about bringing bike into hotel especially if it is the kind that you have to go through a lobby to get to your room. I have concerns about leaving it in my car. Any thoughts? How have others delt with bike in out of town hotels?

2009-03-25 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2040134

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

nursenadine - 2009-03-25 5:04 PM I had a question about taking the bike and staying in a hotel. I plan on getting a hotel in the St. Pete area for the tri in April. I would like to take my bike into the hotel with me. Hubby has concerns about bringing bike into hotel especially if it is the kind that you have to go through a lobby to get to your room. I have concerns about leaving it in my car. Any thoughts? How have others delt with bike in out of town hotels?

i don't think it's a big deal at all. i've been to out of town tri's where bikes do not get racked the day before, you have to bring them with you the morning of, and it's never been an issues. of course, host hotel knows and expects this, but i REALLY don't think it's a prob to keep bike in room with you even if it's not a host hotel.

if he's really that worried about it, you can call the hotel ahead of time and ask if it'd be ok...also a thought.


2009-03-25 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2040134

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Wesley Chapel, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Yep, Jen's right, Nadine!  The hotels in the area of triathlons are very used to people bringing their bikes in (especially at the St. Anthony's)!  I've taken my bike into two different hotels with no problem.  Granted, I've gone through "back entrances," but I know I wasn't alone because I saw others doing it! 
2009-03-25 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2039368

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Wesley Chapel, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
hildekq - 2009-03-25 12:34 PM

Hey girls.... just a thought... if you pick up a good tip on any of the three sports, can you post it here?  I don't know if everyone checks everyone else's inspires, but Sara Jo had a great tip on climbing hills on the bike that I am totally gonna try next time I'm out on the road. 

 Correct me if I'm wrong SJ, but this is what I got from your bike tip.  Pedal easy up the hill at a good cadence, but 50-100 yds from the top, put it 2 gears HARDER and then stand and pedal to get to the top.  SJ, did they say this is a "drill", or is this something to do all the time?

 I am seeing great swim improvements in everyone!!  In fact, right now, most of you are kicking my butt in the pool!  I hope to be back to my speedy self by sometime next week. 

So funny you suggested this because I kept thinking maybe I should post the tip on the mentor group!    You've got it right!  He did call it an "interval" drill, but he made me do it on every hill!  And the reality is, I needed to use it on EVERY hill because it would carry me to the top!  On the last hill, he could tell I was getting stronger and he said as we started up the hill, "This time, 2 gears down NOW ... WHOLE HILL ... GO!!!"  So I think the 50-100 yd is intended to get you started and to make you faster up hills in general, but the technique can be used on every hill (if that makes sense). 

One word of caution:  I'm not sure how you guys are standing and getting out of the saddle, but for me, it was very tricky to STEER while standing!  I'm still a little "twitchy!".  So just be careful and if you notice you're having a hard time, sit down, down shift twice (or more if necessary) to an easier gear and finish the hill!


Edited by pastorswife 2009-03-25 7:29 PM
2009-03-26 4:38 AM
in reply to: #2040396

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

I was wondering about the steering!  I don't do any stand up routines on my bike (ha ha!), but I kinda figured that even standing up I'd probably be kinda hunched over to be able to hold onto the handlebars.  I hope to give this a try this afternoon.  I have one little hill loop I do near the house, but it's not a very big hill, but enough to practice on I think.  I have yet to put my bike on the hitch on my car and actually DRIVE it anywheres, but there's some bigger hills nearby that I can drive to.  Kinda turns my stomach to think I WANT to go out and ride up hills!

2009-03-30 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Running: treadmill vrs road.

I ran on the treadmill today for the first time. I liked it in that I could set my pace and that made it easier for me to have control. It, like running by my house is very easy to quit when I got tired. Are there any benifits/drawbacks to running on the treadmill. I know when I ride the exercise bike it is easier but I don't feel it is as good of a workout. Does it count running on the treadmill?

2009-03-30 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2049205

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

YES - it counts!  The treadmill is a lot more like running outside than a stationary bike and riding outdoors.  If you are comfortable on the treadmill and it fits in your schedule, go for it.  Many people do lots of training on the treadmill and even prefer it for speed work because you can control the pace.  Just remember that you also want to simulate race day too, so I would recommend ALL treadmill workouts.

I am so glad to see so many posts lately! Way to go girls!  I am sorry I have been on BT as much lately.  


2009-03-31 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

i'm with j here...go for the treadmill. only reason i don't do more of it is because i loathe it. it's boring, for me. i watch the time like it's going to make it go by faster! when i run outside, i'm not married to the time as much...more about the miles for mental game.

so GOOD JOB and go for it!!

2009-04-03 12:03 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Looking foward to the tri April 24th. I already have the time off work, have paid for it, and have a hotel booked in the area for fri night. I love St. Petersburg. No one is doing it with me. My husband has a meeting out of town Friday during the day but will meet me over there Friday night. Everyone who finishes gets a medal. It sounds like a lot of fun even though VERY short distances.
2009-04-03 4:39 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Good luck to all our group that has races this weekend, do us proud, I know you will!!!!!!!
2009-04-03 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
To use a slightly altered quote from Hilde when she was cheering me on for my tri, You are "Tri-Z Red HOT Mama!!(s)"

Go girl, go girl, go girl!!!

I just thought this was so cool when she wrote it to me I wanted to pass it on. Good luck, may the wind be to your back, you be in a great mental place, and no injuries for all"

2009-04-06 4:33 AM
in reply to: #2060208

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Congrats to both our weekend racers!!!  They did us proud...
2009-04-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Hi Everybody!  It looks like our group has gone to the archive section!  We can keep the thread going for group questions or comments.  I know that many of us check each others logs and stay in tough through the inspires as well.

I wanted to congratulate all of you who have stuck with their goals this year and have continued to exercise for mind and body!  That is a huge accomplishment!  It is so hard to fit in the daily struggles of life with exercise!!!

Nursenadine - you have had many time constraints with work and you still have continued to train!   You have really improved since the beginning of the year!  You even drove almost 2 hours and met up with Sara Jo for a ride where you picked up some great tips! Big accomplishment  - way to go!  Hilde- you have inspired all of us with that great swim stroke of yours!   Your swim continues to improve and you have shared much information with others.  Your run is coming along and lately you have made some serious accomplishments with your endurance and pace!   Sara Jo - you have taken the whole tri thing to a new level by working with a swim and bike coach, decreasing your swim times by over 10 seconds and your bike is getting strong!  Overnight - you have become a speed demon! 

Congratulations to our 2 racers last weekend!  Lindsay (our pilates, spin, weight and flexibility teacher) completed duathlon, this is the longest she has ever exercised!  She completed the 2 mile run, 11 mile bike, 2 mile run and 11 mile bike in 2:06!  Awesome job Lindsay and she came in 5th in her AG!  Jen completed her first half iron man - 1.2 mile swim (80 laps), 56 mile bike, 13.1 bike, this weekend and not only had a great time - 6:08, she had a smile on her face the entire time!    She raced her race and stuck to her strategy!  Way to go!




2009-04-09 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2071454

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Newbie question!!!

 So how do you get the info from your races (tri specifically) and how do you enter it into your race log?  I have a draft race log, but I can't figure out how to enter any info, or is it locked until the date of the race or something? 

2009-04-09 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2074783

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Ok- this is how I did it ( i just deleted some races).  Go to planned races and at the bottom is race list, click on that and then to the far right should be an edit button. click on that and it should show up for you to enter info. 
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