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2009-06-12 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
I've been messing with my nutrition lately and thinking about the concept of "clean" eating vs. all this "engineered" food that many of us eat around workouts.

For example, I start the day with a protein shake. Without this, there is no way I'd meet my protein goals for the day. But there is also no way it could be called "clean" eating even without the small bit of sucralose in the formula. For one thing, whey protein isolate does not occur in nature. Neither does "maltodextrin"

I also use gels (Accel Gel & Rocktane) and I drink sports drinks (a special mix of Recoverite,  GU2O and a fruity protein drink).

I also use protein bars and I usually end the day with a protein-fortified hot chocolate.

All of this stuff has an ingredient list as long as your arm and full of artificial/processsed ingredients.

I'm wondering if there are natural foods I could substitute for the gels and drinks, at a minimum, or if I should just not worry about it since this stuff is working for me.

2009-06-12 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Good question most of it is eating for convenience for me. Atleast for the bike and longer runs. Helps me from bonking.
2009-06-14 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2213327

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
MacMadame - 2009-06-12 12:01 PM I've been messing with my nutrition lately and thinking about the concept of "clean" eating vs. all this "engineered" food that many of us eat around workouts.

For example, I start the day with a protein shake. Without this, there is no way I'd meet my protein goals for the day. But there is also no way it could be called "clean" eating even without the small bit of sucralose in the formula. For one thing, whey protein isolate does not occur in nature. Neither does "maltodextrin"

I also use gels (Accel Gel & Rocktane) and I drink sports drinks (a special mix of Recoverite,  GU2O and a fruity protein drink).

I also use protein bars and I usually end the day with a protein-fortified hot chocolate.

All of this stuff has an ingredient list as long as your arm and full of artificial/processsed ingredients.

I'm wondering if there are natural foods I could substitute for the gels and drinks, at a minimum, or if I should just not worry about it since this stuff is working for me.

It's a great question for sure!  There was an article on BT about 2 months ago I think (I can't find the article now) on this subject, engineered vs. natural foods.  If I recall, my take away was that just before, during, and after (2 hrs before and about 1 hr after) your body is burning what is consumes and it isn't quite as critical as what is staying in your system longer.  I recall the article mostly talked about gels and bars and the things we eat while training and racing, not so much about every day food, but I think the concept applies. 

On a separate but somewhat related topic.  I tried (more like investigated) a diet that a large group of BT'er's were doing around the 1st of the year where you simply reduce the amount of sugars in your diet and the weight just comes off (or so it seemed from the results folks were getting).  The basic rule was that if sugar or any derivative (high fructose corn syrup, cane juice, brown sugar, raw sugar, etc) was in the first 3 ingredient's of something, it was off limits.  The exception was 1 hr before, during, and 1 hr after your workouts (these sugars are being burned before they have a chance to change to fat).  OMG, try to find something to eat in the grocery store!  Sugar is loaded into everything.  Walk down the cereal isle and the nastiest tasting cereal you've ever tasted still has sugar (corn syrup) as the #1 or #2 ingredient.  In the whole isle I found that only Raisin Bran had corn syrup as the #4 ingredient.  We are a society addicted to sugar for certain.

In general I think natural is the way to go and you just need to find a level of convenience which works for you.  Every year I try to make a small change which gets me closer to a completely healthy lifestyle.  For instance last years was to give up soda....15 months now with a can of soda, and I don't miss it one bit (bit it was super hard for awhile there). 
2009-06-14 10:41 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Congrats on the soda. I gave it up last year too and now I think it's gross. Isn't that weird how we get used to things?

I've been thinking some more about this and I'm starting to question the whole convenience factor. Is a gel really more convenient than trail mix or a mushed up a banana? I tried to eat a gel while actually riding my bike today and it was kind of rough. But our ride leader had trail mix. It was actually more convenient than the gel and I can mix it up myself and control the sugar and salt content.

But I think the sports drinks are still a must, mainly because I can't get in enough nutrition otherwise.
2009-06-15 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

Brent - not sure when you are leaving for IM Cda but just wanted to wish you the best of luck and hope you take that Kona spot back to GA with you - I will be rooting for you and following you via the web.  You have definitely put in the time - time to collect on the reward.  Good Luck this weekend!!



2009-06-15 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2219350

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
rymac - 2009-06-15 4:49 PM

Brent - not sure when you are leaving for IM Cda but just wanted to wish you the best of luck and hope you take that Kona spot back to GA with you - I will be rooting for you and following you via the web.  You have definitely put in the time - time to collect on the reward.  Good Luck this weekend!!



Thanks Ryan, leaving Thursday morning.  I hope the Ironman Gods are on my side on Sunday!!!

2009-06-15 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Definitely good luck your trng times show how ready you are. Hope you get it done like you know you can. I will try to watch via the internet. We will be rooting for you.
2009-06-16 12:29 AM
in reply to: #2219847

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
bschulte - 2009-06-15 6:00 PM 

Thanks Ryan, leaving Thursday morning.  

Good luck! 
2009-06-16 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

Thanks a bunch guys!

2009-06-17 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2174924

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
bschulte - 2009-05-27 8:28 AM
mburkhart - 2009-05-25 10:22 PM My problem is I haven't been able to get back to the pace I was at last season for my HIM (running). I was in the low 9's with intervals around 8:40 and this season after taking about 2 months off entirely I can't seem to break 10:00mm w/o my HR sky rocketing. does it really take this long to get beck in shape after a lapse of that long? I seem to be able to push during races but my HR is always way too high. My first 1/2 Mary is this weekend which should be a good test. Very frustrating!

Sounds frustrating for sure.  Just keep at it and your fitness will come back.  One thing to keep in mind is that your resting HR is probably not as low as it used to be so in fact all of your zones have moved up.  Not sure, but it can make a difference.  You may think you are in a higher zone than you actually are.

So I know we discussed this a while ago, but I just had to tell you that YOU WERE RIGHT! I tested my RHR (54) and did the training zone calculator and here are the results:


 DescriptionLowHigh% of MHR
Zone 1Restitution54146<65%
Zone 2Endurance14715666-72%
Zone 3Aerob Capacity15716773-80%
Zone 4Lactate Threshold (LT)17218184-90%
Zone 5MHR/Sprint18219591-100%

Calculation delivered by

So, when I was registering a 165-175 I was thinking I was in super high zone 3, when in fact I was hovering in zone 3-4 and when I was thinking I was appraoching zone 2 at 130 I wasn't even in zone 1. WOW! I have not been pushing myself as hard as  should have, which is very exciting, because that means I'm in better shape than I thought and I can push more than I have been!
2009-06-20 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Big day for brent tomorrow. I will have a beer for him.  Goodluck again.

2009-06-20 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Hey mentorees!!!
- Get on Brent's blog and send good wishes - he tweaked his ankle today and he sounds worried - let's post some support for him before tomorrow!
2009-06-21 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Where is the blog?
2009-06-22 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Port St. Lucie
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

Okay- I need a mindset adjustment.

Here's what I'd love to figure out... My goal is 90 minutes minimum  a day (prefer 120 min some of those days) of training in different formats... six days a week would be lovely. But dang it, my job is big hours- awake at 5:00 am , at work by 6:15 am, often working 9-11 hour days and have to come back 1-2 nights a week for a couple of hours... If I don't get to the gym by 5:30 pm, I totally run out of steam by about 7:15. I just don't have it in me to be cranking through a workout at 8 at night... How do you develop the mindset, the presence of mind, to dig out an evening-geared workout in the face of huge work days? What gets you there?

2009-06-22 11:38 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
When I was working big hours, though, I would go to the gym in the middle of the day. It refreshed me and gave me a fresh head to get through the second part of the day.
2009-06-23 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2235460

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

Nightstar2009 - 2009-06-22 7:52 PM

Okay- I need a mindset adjustment.

Here's what I'd love to figure out... My goal is 90 minutes minimum  a day (prefer 120 min some of those days) of training in different formats... six days a week would be lovely. But dang it, my job is big hours- awake at 5:00 am , at work by 6:15 am, often working 9-11 hour days and have to come back 1-2 nights a week for a couple of hours... If I don't get to the gym by 5:30 pm, I totally run out of steam by about 7:15. I just don't have it in me to be cranking through a workout at 8 at night... How do you develop the mindset, the presence of mind, to dig out an evening-geared workout in the face of huge work days? What gets you there?

For me - its having a race in mind and setting a goal (for me its usually a time goal) but it could be anything.  I know if I do not put in the effort that I will proably not achieve it. 

I think you also need to enjoy training and make the workouts fun.  Find a workout partner that is reliable and will keep you honest.  If you have somebody waiting on you to be at the gym, you better show up right. 


2009-06-23 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
I do my short workouts at work. Kind of lucky the job helps me want to stay in shape. (firefighter) The problem is I have to bounce my workouts around a lot due to my schedule 24 hr shifts. But I do have two days sometimes to get in the trng. As for Brent awesome race report. Cant wait for my HIM this Nov. Wish it was a full but dont want to hurt myself. Next year doing the full with my brother when he gets back from Afghanistan.
2009-06-24 1:01 AM
in reply to: #2078550

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Okay, if I want to do a Full Ironman next year, which one should I do? I want to do one within driving distance of NorCal, if at all possible, unless there is some reason some place farther away would be better...
2009-06-24 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2078550

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed

SO I took my first big fall on the bike yesterday and spent a couple hours in ER.  I hit a deep depression in the road that i did not see, and it sent my feet up towards the clouds and head over handlebars.  My helmet has 2 cracks in it but saved my arse.  THe road rash is nasty on my left side but could have been worse.  My bike is fine somehow.  The aerobars bent down a bit but thats an easy fix.  I am in my peak weeks for my HIM so thats a little discouraging but I will see how I feel tomorrow.

Always wear your helmet everybody!!

2009-06-24 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Glad to hear your ok. Make sure you take some time to heal and dont over do it after the fall. We all think we are made of steel but were not. Dont forget you are always sore more the next day.
2009-06-27 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2078550

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
Alright Brent lets hear it what to do and not to do before the big race. Sorry about your ankle. My big question is I am going to be off the bike for a full month how hard should I be pushing on the runs should I kick up the distance or just take it easy? Going on vacation next week without it but I will be able to run and swim if I dont get eaten by a shark. lol Staying in the Bahamas for a month.  

2009-06-28 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2239865

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
rymac - 2009-06-24 1:10 PM

SO I took my first big fall on the bike yesterday and spent a couple hours in ER.  I hit a deep depression in the road that i did not see, and it sent my feet up towards the clouds and head over handlebars.  My helmet has 2 cracks in it but saved my arse.  THe road rash is nasty on my left side but could have been worse.  My bike is fine somehow.  The aerobars bent down a bit but thats an easy fix.  I am in my peak weeks for my HIM so thats a little discouraging but I will see how I feel tomorrow.

Always wear your helmet everybody!!

Wow, glad to hear you are alright.  I agree, never even take a quick spin around the neighborhood withour your helmet!
2009-06-28 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2238703

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
MacMadame - 2009-06-24 2:01 AM Okay, if I want to do a Full Ironman next year, which one should I do? I want to do one within driving distance of NorCal, if at all possible, unless there is some reason some place farther away would be better...

I think IMAZ is your race, close to NorCal.
2009-06-28 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2246988

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
fireman70 - 2009-06-27 9:26 AM Alright Brent lets hear it what to do and not to do before the big race. Sorry about your ankle. My big question is I am going to be off the bike for a full month how hard should I be pushing on the runs should I kick up the distance or just take it easy? Going on vacation next week without it but I will be able to run and swim if I dont get eaten by a shark. lol Staying in the Bahamas for a month.  

You won't be able to completely replace your bike minutes with swim and run, but you certainly can have a couple weeks of swim-run focus and increase your milage/yardage.  I wouldn't over do it though (probably no more than a 25% increase of minutes in each.  So in other works, if you were running 250 mins in a week, you woudld increase about 60 mins.  Also, if you can get some time on a stationary bike in a fitness center, do it.  It's not perfect, but better than nothing.
2009-06-29 12:33 AM
in reply to: #2248553

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Northern CA
Subject: RE: bschulte mentor Group - Closed
bschulte - 2009-06-28 1:34 PMI think IMAZ is your race, close to NorCal.
And it's in Nov. So I can see how Big Kahuna does before I commit.
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