Other Resources Challenge Me! » The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-12-03 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2541794

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 3:39 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-03 2:55 PM
kcarroll - 2009-12-03 2:45 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-03 2:36 PM
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 2:21 PM

But I do Iron my socks and underwear weekly before putting them away.

You're kidding, right?

I want to wait to see what other responses I receive before confirming or denying Cool

I was laughing so hard typing that wondering what you guys would say!

Please tell me you wash them first.

Only after the 3rd wearing unless I have an accident!

I'm confused here. Do we want to hope for you to have lots of accidents so you have to wash them or not? 

x2.  It's bad luck to wear the pair labeled Monday on Tuesday, Weds on Thurs and so forth.   And seriously bad underwear Karma to wear the pair labeled Saturday on ANY other day.   Days of the week undies! Great x-mas gift idea for Mrs G to put in Mr G's stocking.

2009-12-03 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Undie *toppage*
2009-12-03 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2541823

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-03 3:55 PM
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 3:39 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-03 2:55 PM
kcarroll - 2009-12-03 2:45 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-03 2:36 PM
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 2:21 PM

But I do Iron my socks and underwear weekly before putting them away.

You're kidding, right?

I want to wait to see what other responses I receive before confirming or denying Cool

I was laughing so hard typing that wondering what you guys would say!

Please tell me you wash them first.

Only after the 3rd wearing unless I have an accident!

I'm confused here. Do we want to hope for you to have lots of accidents so you have to wash them or not? 

x2.  It's bad luck to wear the pair labeled Monday on Tuesday, Weds on Thurs and so forth.   And seriously bad underwear Karma to wear the pair labeled Saturday on ANY other day.   Days of the week undies! Great x-mas gift idea for Mrs G to put in Mr G's stocking.

snort~ hee hee
2009-12-03 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2541614

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
skrtrnr - 2009-12-03 2:04 PM
kcarroll - 2009-12-03 12:43 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-03 1:36 PM


let me start out by saying...

i do NOT possess the patience to iron clothing.

there.  i said it.  its true.

i get not even 1/2 done ironing my sons clothes for his concert this evening and i just wanted to throw the blasted iron out the window.

what  a frigging WASTE OF TIME!

but they were wrinkled as all get out and im a good mom and i dont want him to look hideous on his 'BIG NIGHT'

so.  i iron.


got my 1 hr of spin, 20 mins of a run and 40 mins of ST in today.

only to find out that the Fitness Center at the Y is gonna be CLOSED completely from 12/14-18.

at least the pool will be open, the spin classes will still be going on and the indoor track will be open, but now i need to figure out what im gonna do to get my ST in.

and just when i was starting to get in the groove.

this is just SH&T ASTIC.

im gonna be the QUEEN OF IMPROVISATION this December.  yes, indeedy i am!

i think the whole topsy turvy-ness is just HYSTERICAL.  its just what i need to learn how to be flexible and adjust.

as far as the ST goes (im thinking out loud here) i can a portion of what i was doing and then add in some different exercises that dont require machines....then i can just do it here at home.  its not my first choice, but it will be better than doing nothing and losing momentum.....

i'll i need to do is score me a pair of 5 to 10 lb handweights, which im fairly certain my brother and sister in law have a pair that they dont use on a regular basis.

then i need to blow up my stability ball and i should be all set.

see.  im already a GHOULIE w a going forward PLAN.


Stacie, I do not own an iron.  Donate yours to Goodwill and free yourself. If clothes come out of the dryer wrinkled, it is how the designer intended for them to be worn.  Since I'm usually in suits (which have to go to dry cleaners) or sweats, it has worked out.

Now for ST at home.  I don't have time to write it up now, but I'll put together a synopsis of what I do and post later tonight (it will help pass the time while I have to listen to my training web-x.)  I rarely lift at the gym.  My focus is isometric strengthening and core work.  While I hate them, push-ups are a great exercise.  You can do it all at home without alot of stuff.

Gotta run.  Catch up on all the fun later.

KIM> id love to read what you do (im always looking for new ideas/alternatives et al)

when you get a chance.....

as for the iron. 

i just may have to do that.

the ironboard.  definately!


Stacy, I do ALL my ST at home. It is too far for me to go to the gym. I would never ever ever do ST. A series of lunges/ squats/ ab work/ pushups is the usual. I have a medine ball routine that I like but need to get back to. Anything you can do at the gym you can do better at home. That goes for lots of things other than ST, too!

2009-12-03 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Oh ya, irons. We have one and the DH uses it on his shirts sometimes. I think I know where it is... maybe..
2009-12-03 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Got a little ride in today. I feel a lot less like an over boiled noodle. So much so that after the afternoon doctors appointment, I bought some killer purple shoes to wear tonight.
I'll talk at you all in the am before I hit the road tomorrow. After that it will be Sunday or Monday before I check in again.
Have fun Christmas Ghoulies.

2009-12-03 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2541615

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-03 1:04 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-03 1:41 PM
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 12:39 PM

I just noticed Stacie's sig line. The DORKFACE is a nice touch!

i wondered how long it would take for people to start noticing......


I noticed it first thing this morning and acknowledged it as well - I thought it was pretty funny even though you are being mean to me Cry


whatever DORKFACE.


2009-12-03 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2541891

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ceilidh - 2009-12-03 3:22 PM Got a little ride in today. I feel a lot less like an over boiled noodle. So much so that after the afternoon doctors appointment, I bought some killer purple shoes to wear tonight.
I'll talk at you all in the am before I hit the road tomorrow. After that it will be Sunday or Monday before I check in again.
Have fun Christmas Ghoulies.

purple kicks...i betcha they ARE killer! 

glad to hear youre on the mend.

safe travels my dear.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-03 4:11 PM
2009-12-03 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2541882

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ceilidh - 2009-12-03 3:19 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-03 2:04 PM
kcarroll - 2009-12-03 12:43 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-03 1:36 PM


let me start out by saying...

i do NOT possess the patience to iron clothing.

there.  i said it.  its true.

i get not even 1/2 done ironing my sons clothes for his concert this evening and i just wanted to throw the blasted iron out the window.

what  a frigging WASTE OF TIME!

but they were wrinkled as all get out and im a good mom and i dont want him to look hideous on his 'BIG NIGHT'

so.  i iron.


got my 1 hr of spin, 20 mins of a run and 40 mins of ST in today.

only to find out that the Fitness Center at the Y is gonna be CLOSED completely from 12/14-18.

at least the pool will be open, the spin classes will still be going on and the indoor track will be open, but now i need to figure out what im gonna do to get my ST in.

and just when i was starting to get in the groove.

this is just SH&T ASTIC.

im gonna be the QUEEN OF IMPROVISATION this December.  yes, indeedy i am!

i think the whole topsy turvy-ness is just HYSTERICAL.  its just what i need to learn how to be flexible and adjust.

as far as the ST goes (im thinking out loud here) i can a portion of what i was doing and then add in some different exercises that dont require machines....then i can just do it here at home.  its not my first choice, but it will be better than doing nothing and losing momentum.....

i'll i need to do is score me a pair of 5 to 10 lb handweights, which im fairly certain my brother and sister in law have a pair that they dont use on a regular basis.

then i need to blow up my stability ball and i should be all set.

see.  im already a GHOULIE w a going forward PLAN.


Stacie, I do not own an iron.  Donate yours to Goodwill and free yourself. If clothes come out of the dryer wrinkled, it is how the designer intended for them to be worn.  Since I'm usually in suits (which have to go to dry cleaners) or sweats, it has worked out.

Now for ST at home.  I don't have time to write it up now, but I'll put together a synopsis of what I do and post later tonight (it will help pass the time while I have to listen to my training web-x.)  I rarely lift at the gym.  My focus is isometric strengthening and core work.  While I hate them, push-ups are a great exercise.  You can do it all at home without alot of stuff.

Gotta run.  Catch up on all the fun later.

KIM> id love to read what you do (im always looking for new ideas/alternatives et al)

when you get a chance.....

as for the iron. 

i just may have to do that.

the ironboard.  definately!


Stacy, I do ALL my ST at home. It is too far for me to go to the gym. I would never ever ever do ST. A series of lunges/ squats/ ab work/ pushups is the usual. I have a medine ball routine that I like but need to get back to. Anything you can do at the gym you can do better at home. That goes for lots of things other than ST, too!

that's for the reminder ROBIN.

sometimes i lock myself into doing things one way...

its definatley not my preference to do any training at home, but......when it comes to a week like the one at the Y, im gonna have to be flexible, go w the flow and improvise.

last year they did something similiar and it annoyed the CRAP outta me.  i seriously wasted WAY too much energy being peeved that they messed up my trng schedule (as if they did it TO me.  yay.  right.  as if......)

this year, im just 'goin w it' and actually im looking forward to the change up....i think its coming at a really opportune time.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-03 4:17 PM
2009-12-03 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2541667

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-03 1:36 PM
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 2:21 PM

But I do Iron my socks and underwear weekly before putting them away.

You're kidding, right?

I want to wait to see what other responses I receive before confirming or denying Cool

I was laughing so hard typing that wondering what you guys would say!

my first thought was....


my second thought was....

yea.  right.

like DORKFACE would iron his socks and underwear.


2009-12-03 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge

im off to my middle sons CHORUS/BAND CONCERT.

he's in both, so we have to sit through both.


it sounded like a good idea at the beginning of the year when we signed him up.




Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-03 4:22 PM

2009-12-03 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2541882

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ceilidh - 2009-12-03 3:19 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-03 2:04 PM
kcarroll - 2009-12-03 12:43 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-12-03 1:36 PM


let me start out by saying...

i do NOT possess the patience to iron clothing.

there.  i said it.  its true.

i get not even 1/2 done ironing my sons clothes for his concert this evening and i just wanted to throw the blasted iron out the window.

what  a frigging WASTE OF TIME!

but they were wrinkled as all get out and im a good mom and i dont want him to look hideous on his 'BIG NIGHT'

so.  i iron.


got my 1 hr of spin, 20 mins of a run and 40 mins of ST in today.

only to find out that the Fitness Center at the Y is gonna be CLOSED completely from 12/14-18.

at least the pool will be open, the spin classes will still be going on and the indoor track will be open, but now i need to figure out what im gonna do to get my ST in.

and just when i was starting to get in the groove.

this is just SH&T ASTIC.

im gonna be the QUEEN OF IMPROVISATION this December.  yes, indeedy i am!

i think the whole topsy turvy-ness is just HYSTERICAL.  its just what i need to learn how to be flexible and adjust.

as far as the ST goes (im thinking out loud here) i can a portion of what i was doing and then add in some different exercises that dont require machines....then i can just do it here at home.  its not my first choice, but it will be better than doing nothing and losing momentum.....

i'll i need to do is score me a pair of 5 to 10 lb handweights, which im fairly certain my brother and sister in law have a pair that they dont use on a regular basis.

then i need to blow up my stability ball and i should be all set.

see.  im already a GHOULIE w a going forward PLAN.


Stacie, I do not own an iron.  Donate yours to Goodwill and free yourself. If clothes come out of the dryer wrinkled, it is how the designer intended for them to be worn.  Since I'm usually in suits (which have to go to dry cleaners) or sweats, it has worked out.

Now for ST at home.  I don't have time to write it up now, but I'll put together a synopsis of what I do and post later tonight (it will help pass the time while I have to listen to my training web-x.)  I rarely lift at the gym.  My focus is isometric strengthening and core work.  While I hate them, push-ups are a great exercise.  You can do it all at home without alot of stuff.

Gotta run.  Catch up on all the fun later.

KIM> id love to read what you do (im always looking for new ideas/alternatives et al)

when you get a chance.....

as for the iron. 

i just may have to do that.

the ironboard.  definately!


Stacy, I do ALL my ST at home. It is too far for me to go to the gym. I would never ever ever do ST. A series of lunges/ squats/ ab work/ pushups is the usual. I have a medine ball routine that I like but need to get back to. Anything you can do at the gym you can do better at home. That goes for lots of things other than ST, too!

I'll echo that sentiment.  I do all my ST at home as well, mainly because I don't like crowded gyms and waiting for equipment.  I have a pull up bar, a set of 25 and 10 pound dumbells, a stability ball, and a few of those stretchy rubber band thingies.  The possibilities are endless as far as what exercises I can do in an ST session.
2009-12-03 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2541891

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ceilidh - 2009-12-03 3:22 PM Got a little ride in today. I feel a lot less like an over boiled noodle. So much so that after the afternoon doctors appointment, I bought some killer purple shoes to wear tonight.
I'll talk at you all in the am before I hit the road tomorrow. After that it will be Sunday or Monday before I check in again.
Have fun Christmas Ghoulies.

Glad you're feeling better!
2009-12-03 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
I finally made it to the pool today.  I couldn't go yesterday since I had a patch on my hip releasing anti-inflammatories for 4 hours yesterday.

I was hoping chopping nearly 4 months of hair off my head would counteract the increased drag of board shorts.  Not so much.  I felt really sluggish.
2009-12-03 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Good evening Ghoulies!I hope everyone had a good day!
2009-12-03 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Swim question for you allWhen you are exhaling in the water, are you doing so through your nose or your mouth?

2009-12-03 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Stacie, as promised...a few thoughts on ST while your gym is closed.  You've probably done most of these in one class or another.  I used to do an early morning bootcamp, where we met at a local park and never needed anything other than a 5 lb weight. I just think we can do alot with our own body weight vs machines.

Planks, super planks, side planks, kick overs, etc.
Russian twists - sit up with feet off floor (V) and twist side to side with weight in hand
Push ups, reverse push ups (I particularly detest these)
Tricep Dips
Wall squats (stability ball is good here)
Lunges:  side, walking, curtsey, etc
Single leg balance - stand on one leg with other at 90 degrees.  Hold for 60 secs. Contract hammies.  Ouch.
Hip raises - ball good here too

If you have some hand weights  and a ball you can take it even further and do just about anything that the gym offers.  Hope this gives you a few new ideas.  No rocket science here.  I just find that with my travel schedule there are other good ways to stay toned rather than relying on machines. 
2009-12-03 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
I am stalking 700 posts tonight.
2009-12-03 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Consider it done.
2009-12-03 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2542166

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 7:28 PM Swim question for you allWhen you are exhaling in the water, are you doing so through your nose or your mouth?

I usually exhale through the mouth, but was told I should do so through the nose.  Mostly, I work to remember to exhale under water vs trying to exhale and inhale when I'm breathing.
2009-12-03 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Exhale *toppage*

2009-12-03 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Ok, my work training session is done and I've had a couple pretzels with hummus to tide me over.  I need food. Thankfully, there are leftovers from last night.  French Thai. Yummm.
2009-12-03 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2541573

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washington state
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-03 10:43 AM

Now for ST at home.  I don't have time to write it up now, but I'll put together a synopsis of what I do and post later tonight (it will help pass the time while I have to listen to my training web-x.)  I rarely lift at the gym.  My focus is isometric strengthening and core work.  While I hate them, push-ups are a great exercise.  You can do it all at home without alot of stuff.

Gotta run.  Catch up on all the fun later.

x2.  Love doing my ST at home.  I am currently just doing macro work -- major muscle groups... so pushups (which are tough for me to do the regular kind)   different kinds of crunches and lunges, etc.

Looking forward to reading your routine.  I'm always looking for a change up! 

Edited by deehtz 2009-12-03 7:09 PM
2009-12-03 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2542166

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
aspeelma - 2009-12-03 4:28 PM Swim question for you allWhen you are exhaling in the water, are you doing so through your nose or your mouth?

Both here, same for running. I know I'm supposed to breathe through my nose, but it never feels like I get enough air flow. Does anyone else have that problem?
2009-12-03 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Time for dinner. Chicken and pasta with steamed broccoli tonight. Yum!
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