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2009-12-22 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2573287

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
erlifeguard - 2009-12-22 12:30 PM Mornin Group!! Okay afternoon for you guys. Planning on finishing up the Christmas shopping today. Than a run and then it's Christmas Dinner time!!!! I'm working the rst of the week so we're having Christmas dinner early. Luckily I'll still be here Christmas morning to open presents with the girls. Dinner tonight will be awesome. 5lbs of King crab legs!!! Can't wait. Have a great day all!!

You had it right the first IS morning!

Good morning all. I had a nasty night at work. And now have post nightshift "hangover". Come on your magic!!!!!

2009-12-22 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2572729

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-22 9:50 AM

Bopper - 2009-12-22 4:27 AM

aquagirl - 2009-12-22 2:12 AM Hey Suzie !
Glad I am not the only one awake!
What manuscripts?

I'm up now... but you're just about to head to bed. I hope you get some good sleep with the boys at home.

Hey Suzie... manuscript? Are you an editor? Or writer? My wife is a writer... so I think you're either an editor or proofreader... because no WAY you're writing 2-3 manuscripts in a couple weeks. LOL

Oh no.  Nothing as grand as an editor or a writer.  I am working on manuscripts for research I have done.  I just need to get them finished, in to the journals, and pray for acceptance. 

Oooh ooh! I play that game too! I'm supposed to be working on my article over break, but haven't finished my grading yet...MUST FINISH GRADING! Then I can have a nice Christmas and spend early January writing. Good luck with the submissions - I hate the waiting part.
2009-12-22 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I have bike envy.

I'm on my first bike - a WSD Specialized (Baby)...we bought it ~4 years ago when we moved out of the city and I finally had somewhere to ride. (We live 1 mile from horse country now - great riding.)

I'd love to get another one some day, but first must convince hubby that the bike would be a good "mistress"...what is it when women have a 2nd lover? A mister? That doesn't sound right.

Baby is purple though. I love purple.

2009-12-22 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Bike spinervals for me today (Aero Base Building I) - on day 3 of following the training plan, day 2 of no diet Pepsi. Bad thing is that I'm surrounded by cookies and seriously lacking willpower.
2009-12-22 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2573501

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
aquagirl - 2009-12-22 12:48 PM
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-22 9:49 AM

aquagirl - 2009-12-22 12:12 AM Hey Suzie !
Glad I am not the only one awake!
What manuscripts?

Oh...nothing too exciting or earth shattering.  I am working on submissions dealing with hammer throw technique. 

Meaning? Now I am intrigued. Hence the avatar??

 Seriously,, spill it.. that sounds so cool... I"d love to go to Home Depot, pick up a bunch of Hammers and just start throwing them at stuff, like all those cool light displays,  or even randomly walk around throwing a hammer or two then claiming I'm Thor
2009-12-22 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2573991

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Gaarryy - 2009-12-22 4:46 PM

Seriously,, spill it.. that sounds so cool... I"d love to go to Home Depot, pick up a bunch of Hammers and just start throwing them at stuff, like all those cool light displays,  or even randomly walk around throwing a hammer or two then claiming I'm Thor

Best. Mental. Picture. Ever.

Thanks for making my day!

2009-12-22 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
y'all are killing me with the sexy bike talk. I craved a cigarette at one point and I don't smoke.

I actually got to the gym during lunch today, and really hit the weights after the elliptical. I plan to get on the treadmill this evening if I can keep my eyes open - weight training makes me sleepy and sleep HARD, I dunno what it is.
2009-12-22 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I need rest. I'm taking it easy today and will do an easy bike workout later. Tomorrow I have pilates, crossfit, aqua aerobics and a run.
2009-12-22 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2573938

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I just ordered 3 more spinervals this morning.
How's it going san diet pepsi? I'm a diet coke addict myself.

enders_shadow - 2009-12-22 4:18 PM

Bike spinervals for me today (Aero Base Building I) - on day 3 of following the training plan, day 2 of no diet Pepsi. Bad thing is that I'm surrounded by cookies and seriously lacking willpower.
2009-12-22 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2574121

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
losta - 2009-12-22 4:45 PM How's it going san diet pepsi? I'm a diet coke addict myself.

Oh good - I am among friends.  My name is Lisa and I am a Diet Coke Addict!
2009-12-22 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2572371

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Do you know of any drills besides a wrist flick for following through to the thigh?  I know I have this problem, not sure how to correct it. 



2009-12-22 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
My last post was supposed to be connected to Garryy's reply to Mojo11's swim stuff.  I may need some Tech help Bopper.

Hope eveyone had a great Tuesday.  Went snowboarding today for a couple of hours.  It was great to be outside. 
2009-12-22 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2573991

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Gaarryy - 2009-12-22 2:46 PM
aquagirl - 2009-12-22 12:48 PM
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-22 9:49 AM

aquagirl - 2009-12-22 12:12 AM Hey Suzie !
Glad I am not the only one awake!
What manuscripts?

Oh...nothing too exciting or earth shattering.  I am working on submissions dealing with hammer throw technique. 

Meaning? Now I am intrigued. Hence the avatar??

 Seriously,, spill it.. that sounds so cool... I"d love to go to Home Depot, pick up a bunch of Hammers and just start throwing them at stuff, like all those cool light displays,  or even randomly walk around throwing a hammer or two then claiming I'm Thor

Gary, unless you are willing to toss a seldge hammer around Home Depot, it wouldn't be worth it.  Hammer throw is a field event where they basically throw a shot put attached to a cable with a hanlde that is the weight of a bowling ballroughly 65-75m (220-250 feet).  The first pic is my friend Adriene throwing the long handled hammer.  Adriene threw shot competitively.

The next pictures are of my friends Loree and Amber.  They both have thrown the hammer competiviely for 10 years plus. I fell in to this while I was in grad school.  It's a lot of fun.  It's a lot of hard work but I don't mind.  So, it's nothing really earth shattering but it's a break from the other stuff I do.


And the last is my buddy AG.  He's an awesome guy.

Edited by Dr Hammer 2009-12-22 7:37 PM
2009-12-22 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2573921

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Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

enders_shadow - 2009-12-22 2:11 PM
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-22 9:50 AM  Oooh ooh! I play that game too! I'm supposed to be working on my article over break, but haven't finished my grading yet...MUST FINISH GRADING! Then I can have a nice Christmas and spend early January writing. Good luck with the submissions - I hate the waiting part.

Neither one is fun.  But, I hate grading more than I hate writing.  I can't put it off...or it won't get done.

2009-12-22 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Hi kids! Well....I have had zero sleep from my nightshift but managed to brave the stores and finish up the Xmas stuff. I am heading to bed but shall be around in the morning to torment you all OK?? 

2009-12-22 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Boy - this thread moves fast. Only thing I've done lately that was noteworthy was a 5 mile run yesterdayDUANE

2009-12-22 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2574259

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2009-12-22 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2574360

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2009-12-22 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2574479

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Thanks for the techy help! I needed to know how to do that as well!

Another day of missed workouts between working and getting ready for holidays. we are hosting and still have so much to do. Will be happy when it is over and can get back to routine. been on the go for almost 15 hours today

Bopper - 2009-12-22 7:33 PM

gojogo - 2009-12-22 7:29 PM My last post was supposed to be connected to Garryy's reply to Mojo11's swim stuff.  I may need some Tech help Bopper.

Hope eveyone had a great Tuesday.  Went snowboarding today for a couple of hours.  It was great to be outside. 

Hey Kelly... here's my techy help. I think you pressed the "reply" button at the top of the post you wanted to respond to. If you want the original message to be in your message you must click on the "quote" button.

You will then have the original message in your reply with a couple meta tags at either end (the word QUOTE in square brackets at the beginning, and /QUOTE in square brackets at the end. Either put your response before or after those tags. You can also add more tags in the message to respond to various parts... but that's a little more complex. If you want a lesson on that I'll give it another time.

Hope that helped?!

2009-12-23 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2559403

Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
HO HO HO!!! I was up at 5 after getting home at midnight from work! Made the grocery store before any lines and was out by 7 am !!!! Stocking stuffers at Walmnart to follow. I think this counts as a  workout...dont you???

With the holidays  it so hard to get any training in but I try to take a minimum of 30 minutes of "me " time to get in a short run. Yesterday I was able to run 8 + miles before work ( took  well over an hour...I am a slow runner). Today I will be lucky to get in 3. I'll take what I can. Dont need the added stress of trying to accomplish too much.

Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season Once they are over we can all get back to the important tri training. Anyone doing a polar swim to start the New Year????
2009-12-23 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2574253

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
gojogo - 2009-12-22 7:22 PM

Do you know of any drills besides a wrist flick for following through to the thigh?  I know I have this problem, not sure how to correct it. 



When I swim I just make SURE that the tip of my thumb brushes my thigh with every stroke. Its not a drill per se......just a habit that i have formed to make sure to complete the stroke. It is really  important during interval work because i find that when I become tired my form starts to deteriorate and this is one of the areas that I have to really concentrated on. 
Hope this helps!

2009-12-23 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2573933

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
enders_shadow - 2009-12-22 4:16 PM I have bike envy. I'm on my first bike - a WSD Specialized (Baby)...we bought it ~4 years ago when we moved out of the city and I finally had somewhere to ride. (We live 1 mile from horse country now - great riding.) I'd love to get another one some day, but first must convince hubby that the bike would be a good "mistress"...what is it when women have a 2nd lover? A mister? That doesn't sound right. Baby is purple though. I love purple.

I fondly refer to my P2 as sexy girl........cause she is...........we are having a torrid affair........... 
2009-12-23 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2559403

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED

Morning everyone!

Well, I couldn't sleep much last night, so I was up at around 4:45 am to wrap presents.  That's another thing off my list of things to do today.

Going to hit the stores early this morning to finish grocery shopping and then I have a message session (for my sore shoulder) scheduled for this afternoon.

Marianne...I am thinking about doing a polar bear swim.  They have a huge one down at English Bay every year.

Lisa...What Spinervals tapes did you buy?  Let me know how you like them.  I need to get a few new ones.

Well, I should get ready to hit the stores.  Have a great day everyone and I will try to check-in later.


2009-12-23 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2574328

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-22 8:33 PM

Gaarryy - 2009-12-22 2:46 PM
aquagirl - 2009-12-22 12:48 PM
Dr Hammer - 2009-12-22 9:49 AM

aquagirl - 2009-12-22 12:12 AM Hey Suzie !
Glad I am not the only one awake!
What manuscripts?

Oh...nothing too exciting or earth shattering.  I am working on submissions dealing with hammer throw technique. 

Meaning? Now I am intrigued. Hence the avatar??

 Seriously,, spill it.. that sounds so cool... I"d love to go to Home Depot, pick up a bunch of Hammers and just start throwing them at stuff, like all those cool light displays,  or even randomly walk around throwing a hammer or two then claiming I'm Thor

Gary, unless you are willing to toss a seldge hammer around Home Depot, it wouldn't be worth it.  Hammer throw is a field event where they basically throw a shot put attached to a cable with a hanlde that is the weight of a bowling ballroughly 65-75m (220-250 feet).  The first pic is my friend Adriene throwing the long handled hammer.  Adriene threw shot competitively.

The next pictures are of my friends Loree and Amber.  They both have thrown the hammer competiviely for 10 years plus. I fell in to this while I was in grad school.  It's a lot of fun.  It's a lot of hard work but I don't mind.  So, it's nothing really earth shattering but it's a break from the other stuff I do.


And the last is my buddy AG.  He's an awesome guy.

So. Cool. 
2009-12-23 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Christmas wrapping is done. In-laws just hit town. Short run this morning (per plan), but way too many cookies at lunchtime.

We're heading out sledding this afternoon and then I need to get some more grading done...over half-way there.

Happy Christmas Eve Eve.

Ooooh. Speaking of Christmas Eve - part of the present for my in-laws is Brazilian steakhouse...mmmm, all you can eat meat.... yeah - my diet starts after tomorrow night.
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