Other Resources Challenge Me! » T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge Rss Feed  
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2010-03-03 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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2010-03-03 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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2010-03-03 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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2010-03-03 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2705142

Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-03 10:55 AM Do tomatoes have any calories?

If you want a low calorie extremely nutritious food try a Daikon.  It is a mild asian radish that has tons of vitamins and antioxidants.  It looks like a giant white carrot.  Ways of preparing it is only limited by your creativity in the kitchen.

I get it for 59cents a lb at my local asian market (versus $2 lb at the chain grocery store).
2010-03-03 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
so I just made a quick trip to the pharmacy only to discover that my insurance coverage has been dropped (again).  Don't you just love Unions?
2010-03-03 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
I think that it is time for me to find a new avatar.  Maybe I will go back to my 'popping through the roof' pic.  That or Little Miss Chatterbox.

2010-03-03 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
Bill, I must say that you have gotten chattier since my last challenge with you. 
2010-03-03 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2704911

far northern CA
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge

tri808 - 2010-03-03 9:53 AM Since nobody's posted a QOTD...I'll give one a shot...

Who introduced you to triathlons? 

I grew up in San Diego so I was aware of them forever.  I always wanted to do one so I bought a road bike about 6 years ago and it snowballed from there.

2010-03-03 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
Guy at work introduced my to Xterra.  Its all been downhill since then....  Now, I love anything endurance related.  The longer, more punishing the better.
2010-03-03 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2705169

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-03 9:03 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-03 10:55 AM Do tomatoes have any calories?

If you want a low calorie extremely nutritious food try a Daikon.  It is a mild asian radish that has tons of vitamins and antioxidants.  It looks like a giant white carrot.  Ways of preparing it is only limited by your creativity in the kitchen.

I get it for 59cents a lb at my local asian market (versus $2 lb at the chain grocery store).

Yup...daikon is good stuff.  Especially in asian style clear soups.  Yummm
2010-03-03 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2704911

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-03 11:53 AM Since nobody's posted a QOTD...I'll give one a shot...

Who introduced you to triathlons? 

Good question.  A coworker of mine mentioned it to me.  I had recently started running so I thought, hey, why not.  Best part was I beat him by 15 minutes my first race

2010-03-03 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2705144

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-03 12:55 PM I guess Neal is going to think I am bored again today with all these useless posts!

Useless?  All conversation is meaningful in here, even if it is by yourself.
2010-03-03 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2705142

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-03 12:55 PM Do tomatoes have any calories?

Very little.  Google says a whole medium sized tomato has 22 calories.  Now who's bored Tongue out
2010-03-03 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
Just finished a swim.  Time for dinner, a drainer ride, and some core work!
2010-03-03 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
ok i got lost around page 6, seriously, i go away for a couple of days off the thread and 10 pages sprout up !
went to the gym today,  and finally put my goals up!
2010-03-03 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2705883

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
disturbed275 - 2010-03-03 1:05 PM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-03 12:55 PM Do tomatoes have any calories?

Very little.  Google says a whole medium sized tomato has 22 calories.  Now who's bored Tongue out

Yup...there's no point in counting calories in vegetables...unless it's starchy like a potato.  Most are so water based that your body burns more calories to digest them than they actually have in them.  Basically why WW counts them as 0 points.

2010-03-03 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
Just finished some short speedwork on the treadmill at lunch...yes, it's lunch time here.

Masters class after work...in about 5 hours.
2010-03-03 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
how did I get into triathlon?

My best buddy is an old High School friend named Maneesh.  One of his college buddies, Dave, is a marathoner turned triathlete.  Dave invited Maneesh to do a sprint tri with him and the invitation was extended to me as well. 

My training consisted of a few jogs, a few swims (mostly spent coaching Maneesh), one bike ride, and numerous hours working on my bike to make it somewhat functional.

Despite my haphazard training I had a fabulous, albeit uncomfortable, first race - a good portion of it I spent laughing at my blunders. 

The three of us spent a couple of hours laying in the grass and then went to my parents place for dinner.  I promptly made the day even more memorable by managing to flash flame my face and arms while lighting the gas BBQ. 

Note to self...don't light BBQs when in a race induced stupor.

Dinner was a success regardless.

ahhh, good times. 

Edited by mchally 2010-03-03 5:41 PM
2010-03-03 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2704929

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-03 7:56 AM
tri808 - 2010-03-03 9:43 AM
mchally - 2010-03-02 8:26 PM So I went swimming today...is it weird that I really love pulling? 

I was going to do a 500 yard pull and as I neared the end I decided to make it a 750.  As I neared 750 yards I decided to make it an even Mile.  As I approached a mile I decided that 2000 yards would make a nice round number.  I was considering making it 2500 yards, but the pool was going to close soon and I wanted to have time to shower. 

Anyway, I put in a 4900 yard swim.  I think that is the longest swim workout I've ever done.

You didn't have another 2 minutes to make at an even 5000?  Sheesh  Tongue out

I would have if I had known...
The largest chunk of my swim was a continuous swim that turned out to be 42 minutes...I have a very consistent 100 yard pace (1:45-1:48).  I just noted that I swam 42 minutes and calculated the distance when I got home.

OK...since this is a "challenge me" thing...I'm going to try and top your 4900 with 5000 tonight.  I'll try to get in 1000 before masters class, then get the remaining after.  I suppose I need to do this anyway...because I'm going to miss my scheduled swim on Friday.  I'm more like a 2 minute 100 yard swimmer if I'm doing 500+ yard sets, so this may take me a while...LOL.
2010-03-03 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2705973

Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-03 3:50 PM
mchally - 2010-03-03 7:56 AM
tri808 - 2010-03-03 9:43 AM
mchally - 2010-03-02 8:26 PM So I went swimming today...is it weird that I really love pulling? 

I was going to do a 500 yard pull and as I neared the end I decided to make it a 750.  As I neared 750 yards I decided to make it an even Mile.  As I approached a mile I decided that 2000 yards would make a nice round number.  I was considering making it 2500 yards, but the pool was going to close soon and I wanted to have time to shower. 

Anyway, I put in a 4900 yard swim.  I think that is the longest swim workout I've ever done.

You didn't have another 2 minutes to make at an even 5000?  Sheesh  Tongue out

I would have if I had known...
The largest chunk of my swim was a continuous swim that turned out to be 42 minutes...I have a very consistent 100 yard pace (1:45-1:48).  I just noted that I swam 42 minutes and calculated the distance when I got home.

OK...since this is a "challenge me" thing...I'm going to try and top your 4900 with 5000 tonight.  I'll try to get in 1000 before masters class, then get the remaining after.  I suppose I need to do this anyway...because I'm going to miss my scheduled swim on Friday.  I'm more like a 2 minute 100 yard swimmer if I'm doing 500+ yard sets, so this may take me a while...LOL.

Damn it... That's it, I'm going to 2x day swims to keep up!

Edited by brick94513 2010-03-03 6:23 PM
2010-03-03 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge

I assume these "internal" challenges are not limited to swimming...

The East might beat us because the West is too busy getting injured trying to beat themselves...LOL

2010-03-03 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
5k yards? jeez louise, i dont do that in a week when i'm doing swim training (can't really do much til about maytime here!)
2010-03-03 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2704911

washington state
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-03 9:53 AM Since nobody's posted a QOTD...I'll give one a shot...

Who introduced you to triathlons? 

Last summer one of my clients was training for a marathon.  Listening to him describe how he felt while training and racing made me wish I could do something like that,  despite the fact that he was overtraining  and causing his body problems.  My wishing was only wishing since I didn't even jog.  Then another client came in right after her first triathlon.  She is my age and about my fitness.  Listening to her pleasure in her accomplishment sparked even more interest in me.

So here I am six months later with my first tri scheduled next month.  I have learned to jog (up to 8 miles) but am not very fast.  I started swimming again after  35 years since swim team days... I'm slow but I can do it.  I ride my step-daughter's 12 year old mountain bike.  I am saving for a road bike!

I love the training, wish I had realized this 30 years ago!
2010-03-03 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2706038

Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-03 4:29 PM

I assume these "internal" challenges are not limited to swimming...

The East might beat us because the West is too busy getting injured trying to beat themselves...LOL

wouldn't that be ironic...

I fully intend to reach my other goals as well. 

I'm planning on joining a spin class this evening.  I also have a 50 mile bike ride scheduled on the 14th.
2010-03-03 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2706062

Subject: RE: WEST - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-03 9:53 AM Since nobody's posted a QOTD...I'll give one a shot...

Who introduced you to triathlons? 

I sort of introduced myself through deciding that i needed to get somewhere near fit and to shift some lb's. Through various readings and thinkings about what i'm good at I decided i'm good at cycling and enjoy swimming so why not do a triathlon.

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