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2011-05-19 11:58 PM
in reply to: #3509097

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
used2Bfat - 2011-05-19 6:55 PM

I know you guys probably will laugh but I'm so grateful that you're posting about your disappointments and race difficulties rather than saying everything is going smoothly. I've never been athletic so doing this is such a stretch for me. I'm making it a lifestyle and it's working, slowly but surely.

I know people do Tris in all kinds of weather but hearing about it first hand makes me realize that I'll have to maybe train in some foul weather too so I can maybe just get used to it? Does anyone really do that?

I had my first swim lesson and it wasn't really swimming. I floated alot though! LOL It was the Total Immersion program so it was all about balance in the water. I was kind of  hoping for some lap training but I can see it will be quite a while before I get to that. I tried swimming across the pool just one lap and because I was never taught how to swim the crawl properly I was gasping and struggling about halfway across. I just could not get my breath. So lots to learn. I feel so slow. Blah.

My bike is ready too but I can't bring it home yet because it's not all paid for. I found out I'll be losing a client over the summer so my income will go down for a bit. Usually I do make it up with vacation people wanting a pet sitter but it's never as reliable as my weekly clients.

I'm trying to remember that any time I make progress, any time I fight through adversity, it's a winning situation. The race will just be the icing on the cake.

I really appreciate your prespective. Everything doesn't go smoothly all the time and we hate to admit it. Its good to hear your honesty. Stick with your workouts. Someday you will look back and feel proud about how far you have come with your abilities.

2011-05-20 12:00 AM
in reply to: #3502916

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-05-16 6:59 PM

holt1997 - 2011-05-16 8:04 PM Tough race. You should be proud of yourself for getting out there. Nice job. You said you want to train harder for the next race. What do you want to improve on?

Just three things really, swim, bike and run.  Laughing  General endurance and skill in all three.

1) Swim - endurance and pacing.  I also lost my form during the race.  That tells me I need to do longer intervals a lot more often so I build fitness and good form becomes more ingrained.  I need to feel what my "race pace" is.  When I started training I had only one speed.  Now I have fast and slow (although the fast is slow).  I need a bit more precision than that.

2) Bike - didn't do it for this race, but it would have been really hard to finish that run if I'd had the bike beforehand.  Tonight I did 12.5 miles on the indoor bike at the gym and tried to make it "race pace" with a few intervals.  It was hard.  Plus my bike handling skills still need work.

3) A 5K run is doable now but running is still just hard.  I'd like it to feel easier, not like I have to force myself the entire time.  Since I'll need to do it after two other events, it has to come more naturally.  I have chronic hip pain that I attribute to running and believe it's a fitness issue.  Hope so anyway.

I hated the race.  Weather notwithstanding, my brain was balking at how hard I was working.  I'm in "good shape," but want to develop much more tri fitness.  Then I can focus on speed and form improvements instead of just surviving whatever leg of the race I'm on and dreading the next one.

I really think this is a great sport.  I just want to be able to enjoy it more.  Thanks for making me think it through.

Here is a task for everyone that we can use to help with our running skills. Next time you go for arun count how many times in a minute your left foot hits the ground. Double that and post it here. Once we have some people posting I will show you how to use this much like an interval drill. My number is 78.
2011-05-20 12:02 AM
in reply to: #3503770

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-05-17 8:08 AM

I've started with a swim coach a few weeks ago and she has worked with me on sighting.  Swam with her this morning and everything felt great.  It was almost like a switch was turned on in the pool this morning.  My form felt really good and my legs weren't dragging nearly as much.  As far as the wetsuit, I bought a new one from go tri sports last week.  The one I had was for surfing.  Ryan from go tri sports in Hilton Head was great.  He spent lots of time with me making sure I got the proper fit and was very informative.  Hpoefully everything will come together and I will have a good race Saturday and Sunday.

You will be great. Have fun and I am anxious to read your race report.
2011-05-20 12:03 AM
in reply to: #3505959

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
agrant3 - 2011-05-18 8:46 AM

Hey everyone,

I've been a little MIA lately due to work being absolutely nuts as of late.  My first Tri is this Sunday!! I'm beyond excited for it.  I of course wish I was in better shape, but I am comfortable enough to know that I can finish the race in some shape or form.

I'm in my taper week so my workouts this week are very short and low in distance.  I have a very light bike ride on the trainer tonight and a light swim tomorrow and then nothing until Race day!!

I'll make sure I update this on Monday with my results!!!


Good luck Andrew and have fun. Let us know how you do.
2011-05-20 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey guys!  I'm thinking that I'm probably going to be taking another week off from runningFrown.  The calf is better but I still feel it so I'd rather be safe than sorry.  It's a strange feeling - almost like it's in a constant state of cramping or getting ready to cramp.  Not sure what that's about.  Good news is I went to the gym for a ride on the stationary bike last night and also went for a swim this morning and neither one seemed to irritate it so I'll at least be able to do those for the next week.  I'm thinking about reworking my schedule for when I do start running again.  Right now I schedule 1 off day a week.  I'm going to start scheduling 2 off days a week and maybe cut the running back down to 3 days instead of 4.  If I feel like I need to do something on the off days, I'll do some yoga (which I'd like to get back into doing anyway) or something like that - Both of the tri's that I'm doing are sprints and I know I can complete the distances, so maybe cutting back on the training for a while would be good for me. 
2011-05-20 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Good luck Andrew and anyone else who's racing this weekend!

2011-05-20 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3509097

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
used2Bfat - 2011-05-19 8:55 PM

I know you guys probably will laugh but I'm so grateful that you're posting about your disappointments and race difficulties rather than saying everything is going smoothly. I've never been athletic so doing this is such a stretch for me. I'm making it a lifestyle and it's working, slowly but surely.

I know people do Tris in all kinds of weather but hearing about it first hand makes me realize that I'll have to maybe train in some foul weather too so I can maybe just get used to it? Does anyone really do that?

I had my first swim lesson and it wasn't really swimming. I floated alot though! LOL It was the Total Immersion program so it was all about balance in the water. I was kind of  hoping for some lap training but I can see it will be quite a while before I get to that. I tried swimming across the pool just one lap and because I was never taught how to swim the crawl properly I was gasping and struggling about halfway across. I just could not get my breath. So lots to learn. I feel so slow. Blah.

My bike is ready too but I can't bring it home yet because it's not all paid for. I found out I'll be losing a client over the summer so my income will go down for a bit. Usually I do make it up with vacation people wanting a pet sitter but it's never as reliable as my weekly clients.

I'm trying to remember that any time I make progress, any time I fight through adversity, it's a winning situation. The race will just be the icing on the cake.

Personally I'm finding that training is as much about mental toughness as physical.  The physical is hard but progresses quickly on its own.  The harder part for me is getting my whining brain to shut up and let me finish a workout.  I had my longest run yet last night - 45' - and had to constantly remind myself what a beautiful day it was, pretty path, flowers out, birdsong, etc.  I look forward to the day that I don't need all that just to keep going.  My legs were tired but they weren't what was trying to give up.

As far as weather, my bad-weather experience last weekend told me I need to train more regardless what Mother Nature throws at me.  But actually doing it is another matter.  Experienced endurance athletes seem to go out no matter what, but again, my brain keeps stopping me even if it's just windy.  One woman said there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes - but I'm not convinced yet.  Wink

I am a good but slow swimmer, but had the same experience as you only in running.  It comes, don't worry.

Your last statement is what I think it's all about.  Well put and I'll keep reminding myself of it.  Thanks for that!

2011-05-20 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3509685

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED


Hey guys!  I'm thinking that I'm probably going to be taking another week off from runningFrown.  The calf is better but I still feel it so I'd rather be safe than sorry

Absolutely right - looking after yourself is the number 1 priority even if it means the training is done at a slower rate. I doubt if there's many people on BT that haven't learnt that in some way over the years.

It's a strange feeling - almost like it's in a constant state of cramping or getting ready to cramp.  Not sure what that's about. 

I don't think i've seen any mention of stretching so far in this thread - are you guys stretching after workouts? The stretching/cool down period is nearly as important as the exercising period insofar as it can aid recovery and reduce the likelihood of injury. If you're not stretching out after a session you should be. 

However, stretching after a cramp (or that feeling) is not pleasant so in that case i would advise rolling-out. There is a roller called "The Stick" which i would recommend, otherwise you can make you own (instructions here but i would recommend making a smaller one so its more portable). Alternatively you could try a foam roller or even a good old tennis ball...

Good news is I went to the gym for a ride on the stationary bike last night and also went for a swim this morning and neither one seemed to irritate it so I'll at least be able to do those for the next week

Good stuff - keep at it, consistency is the key. Unless you are already a runner, running is the hardest of the 3 to stay injury free from - the constant impacts affect many regions and can be easily caused by running style or worn shoes etc. For a beginner runner i would say 3 days a week is sufficient - as you progress you can increase the number of sessions or the duration slowly to build up. For some people increasing the number of sessions works best and for others increasing the duration - unfortunately you'll have to learn which works for you.


2011-05-20 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3509938

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED


Personally I'm finding that training is as much about mental toughness as physical.  The physical is hard but progresses quickly on its own.  The harder part for me is getting my whining brain to shut up and let me finish a workout.  I had my longest run yet last night - 45' - and had to constantly remind myself what a beautiful day it was, pretty path, flowers out, birdsong, etc.  I look forward to the day that I don't need all that just to keep going.  My legs were tired but they weren't what was trying to give up.

Well done on finishing your workout. You will get more used to it and reach a comfortable point when you finish a workout and realise that you enjoyed it - it will come. But if you are having trouble with the mental battle try running a there and back route - then you know you have to keep going to get back home. Obviously if you need to, build in a get-out option (like carrying a mobile) - it's all about pushing yourself, but doing so safely.

As far as weather, my bad-weather experience last weekend told me I need to train more regardless what Mother Nature throws at me.  But actually doing it is another matter.  Experienced endurance athletes seem to go out no matter what, but again, my brain keeps stopping me even if it's just windy. 

No one likes training in horrible weather. Personally i go indoors on the trainer too often due to the wind here in Wellington - i convince myself it's a safety issue! Laughing Like many i speak to, i'm fine if i'm already out and the weather turns, but if it's horrible to start off with i will either find an alternative or do something else. I've been tri-ing for a couple of years now but i'm still working on it.

However, as we have seen here, having the experience of being out and training in bad weather can be a big positive boost for you if the weather on the day of your event packs in.


2011-05-21 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
My first race report.  Swim-sucked, Bike-OK, Run-really sucked!  But on a much brighter note, I finished my first tri.  I was hoping for 1:30 and ended up with 1:34.  It really wasn't all that bad.  I put up a better race report when they get all the numbers posted later tonight but I'm happy to have gotten the first one under my belt.  Probably could have pushed a lot harder on the run.  Now on to my next one; tomorrow morning.  What was I thinking?
2011-05-21 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3511362

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2011-05-21 1:36 PM My first race report.  Swim-sucked, Bike-OK, Run-really sucked!  But on a much brighter note, I finished my first tri.  I was hoping for 1:30 and ended up with 1:34.  It really wasn't all that bad.  I put up a better race report when they get all the numbers posted later tonight but I'm happy to have gotten the first one under my belt.  Probably could have pushed a lot harder on the run.  Now on to my next one; tomorrow morning.  What was I thinking?

OMG - your first two tris are two days in a row?  What were you thinking??? Laughing  But then, you're a triathlete now!  Congrats!

2011-05-22 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Triathlon #2 : Day #2.

Bike and swim felt much better today.  Run was still a struggle but I cut about 3 inutes off my time from yesterday.  Still waiting on numbers to post before I put up a race report.  Yesterday was 1:34 and today was around the 1:30 or 1:31 mark.  I pretty proud of myself seeing as I was at least 50 lbs overweight and could barely run from the couch to the refrigerator just 6 months ago.  So if there is anyone out there tha thinks you can't do it; Think AGAIN.  Now I've got some starting numbers, I can set some new goals and work towards them.  My first goal was to be able to finish.  Now I will sit down tonight and come up with some new time goals for the rest of the summer.

2011-05-22 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley, that is awesome!!!  Congrats!  I'm awed...
2011-05-22 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3509256

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Here is a task for everyone that we can use to help with our running skills. Next time you go for arun count how many times in a minute your left foot hits the ground. Double that and post it here. Once we have some people posting I will show you how to use this much like an interval drill. My number is 78.

82, so double that is 164.  I counted it twice at different times of the run - both times were the same!

2011-05-23 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3512295

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-05-22 2:04 PM

Triathlon #2 : Day #2.

Bike and swim felt much better today.  Run was still a struggle but I cut about 3 inutes off my time from yesterday.  Still waiting on numbers to post before I put up a race report.  Yesterday was 1:34 and today was around the 1:30 or 1:31 mark.  I pretty proud of myself seeing as I was at least 50 lbs overweight and could barely run from the couch to the refrigerator just 6 months ago.  So if there is anyone out there tha thinks you can't do it; Think AGAIN.  Now I've got some starting numbers, I can set some new goals and work towards them.  My first goal was to be able to finish.  Now I will sit down tonight and come up with some new time goals for the rest of the summer.


Wesley congrats You are a triathlete!  Wow two Tri's in one weekend ... AND those were your first tri's?? Good for you and congrats again!

2011-05-23 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

OK well where to start ....

So thank you everyone for the nice words of encouragement before my first Tri!  I finished it yesterday and finished around the time that I wanted to, so I was happy... BUT boy it was an experience.

I said to myself prior to race that I should expect things to go wrong, and that I would just have to keep on moving and finish the race.  I was more right than I could have guessed because the race did have it's challenges.  I will be more detailed in my race report tonight when I post it, but at a high level here were some of the "obstacles" or "focus-challenges" that occurred.  I forgot my cycling jersey, but just wore an underarmour tech shirt so it was no big deal. My swim cap ripped in half and flew 10 feet from me as I was waiting in line to get in the pool.  My bike computer sensor go loose on my bike fork and was rattling around the whole ride and rendered the computer useless.  I got caught in a crevis in the road and went slightly off road during the bike but was able to recover with out stopping, but when I went to clip back in my calve charlie horsed like I couldn't believe.  I tried to dismount the bike with bike shoes on and run with my bike on very wet pavement, which of course resulted in me doing a slapstick fall on my keister really hard in front of the transition area. And about 30 minutes after the race I realized that I had ripped my sock below my ankle during this fall and was STILL bleeding from my ankle!

Now with all of that above complaining being said, I got the times I was expecting (except for a slow bike bc I hadn't anticipated one of the hill sections), and I finished my first triathlon strong and with a big smile on my face!  I'm extremely happy about the race and can't wait for my recovery week to be over so I can start training hard for my next race.

I'm a little sore today (mostly my butt and ankle!) but am in a stellar mood.  Also my post race pizza and beer put me in a great mood too.  Thanks again guys for the posts and tips, I really enjoy this forum!!


2011-05-23 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Congrats to both Wesley and Andrew.  You guys did great this weekend!  Looking forward to the race reports.
2011-05-23 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

My calf/ankle is feeling better today - took it pretty easy over the weekend.  I'm going to give it a couple more days before I try to do any running on it though, just to be safe.  I've got a tri coming up in 4 weeks and I want to be able to at least complete it.  Today starts a new training program for me to help me prepare for a tri in August.  It's one I did 2 years ago and the bike and run are nothing but hills.  So I'm going to start preparing now.  I'll ease back into running just 3 days a week instead of my normal 4 and for now I'm going to take 2 off days during the week, scheduled for Mondays and Fridays.  That makes today an off dayLaughing.  I may do some yoga tonight, it depends on how the evening goes.  It's my DD's 17th birthday so we'll see what happens after dinner. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

2011-05-23 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3509685

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2011-05-20 6:58 AM

Hey guys!  I'm thinking that I'm probably going to be taking another week off from runningFrown.  The calf is better but I still feel it so I'd rather be safe than sorry.  It's a strange feeling - almost like it's in a constant state of cramping or getting ready to cramp.  Not sure what that's about.  Good news is I went to the gym for a ride on the stationary bike last night and also went for a swim this morning and neither one seemed to irritate it so I'll at least be able to do those for the next week.  I'm thinking about reworking my schedule for when I do start running again.  Right now I schedule 1 off day a week.  I'm going to start scheduling 2 off days a week and maybe cut the running back down to 3 days instead of 4.  If I feel like I need to do something on the off days, I'll do some yoga (which I'd like to get back into doing anyway) or something like that - Both of the tri's that I'm doing are sprints and I know I can complete the distances, so maybe cutting back on the training for a while would be good for me. 

Once you get rolling, its tough to take time off. Good for you for listening to your body. It will pay dividends in the long run.
2011-05-23 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3511362

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-05-21 11:36 AM

My first race report.  Swim-sucked, Bike-OK, Run-really sucked!  But on a much brighter note, I finished my first tri.  I was hoping for 1:30 and ended up with 1:34.  It really wasn't all that bad.  I put up a better race report when they get all the numbers posted later tonight but I'm happy to have gotten the first one under my belt.  Probably could have pushed a lot harder on the run.  Now on to my next one; tomorrow morning.  What was I thinking?

You are amazing. Two in one weekend is tough. Did the first day hinder day two at all? How did the two races differ?
2011-05-23 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3512899

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-05-22 7:13 PM

Here is a task for everyone that we can use to help with our running skills. Next time you go for arun count how many times in a minute your left foot hits the ground. Double that and post it here. Once we have some people posting I will show you how to use this much like an interval drill. My number is 78.

82, so double that is 164.  I counted it twice at different times of the run - both times were the same!

We will get a few more in and then I will show you what to do with this little tid bit.

2011-05-23 10:14 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I have been at the Corrections Officer Academy all month and tomorrow is my final testing for self defense and also a bunch of mock scenes. I am anxious to get home and get back to training. Send your good thoughts my way.
2011-05-23 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3515059

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
holt1997 - 2011-05-23 10:07 PM
sdejan - 2011-05-22 7:13 PM

Here is a task for everyone that we can use to help with our running skills. Next time you go for arun count how many times in a minute your left foot hits the ground. Double that and post it here. Once we have some people posting I will show you how to use this much like an interval drill. My number is 78.

82, so double that is 164.  I counted it twice at different times of the run - both times were the same!

We will get a few more in and then I will show you what to do with this little tid bit.


I will have mine posted tomorrow eve.....

2011-05-24 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I actually felt better on the second race with the exception of the run.  With the exception of my left foot being sore, I've felt no ill effects from racing 2 days in a row.  As you can tell from my swim and run times, my endurance is still low but I'm working on that.  The second race was slightly longer (extra 50 yds on the swim and 0.37 mile longer on bike) but I was able to cut almost 2 minutes off the first race time.  I get need to get out and put in the miles and swim time to get my endurance up.  My original goal was to try in do day 1 in 1:30 and day 2 in 1:45.  Turned up a little short on day 1, 1:34:39 and 1:32:52 on day 2.  I have 4 more races in the Charleston series throughout the summer.  There is one about every 3 weeks.  My goal is to train hard and get it down to around 1:20 by the last race of the series on Aug 14.  I left 2 or 3 minutes out there in transition alone. 

Although I am pretty proud of myself for just being able to finish.  Coming from 6 months ago where I was 50 lbs heavier, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, just to name a few, to being able to complete 2 triathlons in one weekend is a huge accomplishment for myself.  Not trying to toot my on horn but just trying to encourage everyone that you can do it.  I've learned tons from BT.  Thanks everyone here for all the encouragement and advice.


2011-05-24 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Darn right it's a big accomplishment!  You should toot your horn!
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