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2011-04-23 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3462665

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Artist - 2011-04-23 6:21 PM

I was up by 4am and drove 2 1/2 hrs and survived the Du. 36.4 on the first run 1:22 on the bike and then a slow 43.37 on the second 5K. COLD snow hanging close,, but stayed away until we finished.  My friend quit after bike because she could even toe her shoes because her hands were frozen. My feet were frozen on the bike and it made for an interesting first ile on the run. Also had a hammie so tight I was thinking of quitting, but stopped and stretched and finished. Took first in my AG so it pays to be old once in a while. Actually I was the ony one who finished in my AG because of the cold. Snow and rain all the way hone after doing several laps around IKEA on the way home.

Congrats to Steve and Jenifer on your races today


Well done! 

2011-04-23 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Congrats to Jennifer, Steve, and Artist!


Jennifer - We seem to run pretty similar times and even go home and vomit the same! I have had that happen after a couple long runs - I think it is dehydration. I have tried to force myself to drink more on the long runs and it hasn't happened after. Hope you feel better!!!

I've been away at the inlaws for the last week on spring break. Going home tomorrow. Got a couple runs in, but mostly hiking with the family. I also have never done a tri - first one is July but soooo excited! My first HM was a bust because of flooding, so my running partner and I have planned an 'unofficial' HM and invited some others to join in - doing that Monday. Our 'coach/friend' in Washington State surprised us by sending us out bibs, race metals, goodie bags, and tech shirts!!! I think that makes it 'official' now!!

2011-04-24 5:28 AM
in reply to: #3462665

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Artist - 2011-04-23 8:21 PM

I was up by 4am and drove 2 1/2 hrs and survived the Du. 36.4 on the first run 1:22 on the bike and then a slow 43.37 on the second 5K. COLD snow hanging close,, but stayed away until we finished.  My friend quit after bike because she could even toe her shoes because her hands were frozen. My feet were frozen on the bike and it made for an interesting first ile on the run. Also had a hammie so tight I was thinking of quitting, but stopped and stretched and finished. Took first in my AG so it pays to be old once in a while. Actually I was the ony one who finished in my AG because of the cold. Snow and rain all the way hone after doing several laps around IKEA on the way home.

Congrats to Steve and Jenifer on your races today

Congrats on taking 1st!

I hate frozen feet so tough to run off the bike when you can't feel your feet.  It doesn't matter if you were the only person who finished in your AG, you were the only one tough enough to actually be out there and finish!

2011-04-24 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

so a question to you all please:

The next two Sundays, I've got a 5 mile walk/run on the 1st (breast cancer walk, I'm leading about 15 of my employees on and plan to run probably 4 miles of it, if not all 5) and then the following Sunday, the 8th, I've got my next sprint tri.

What should my "training" look like the next couple of weeks?

I'm planning on resting today (and I'm sore, I need it!). But am thinking likely 1 swim this week, 1-2 bike rides and 1 run leading up to the breast cancer run. Then the following week something similar. Sound about right? And just fairly easy efforts on all, nothing difficult like intervals.

2011-04-24 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Got the DU behind me now my first tri of the season is less than a month. SNowing here today good thing its much warmer down in St george
2011-04-24 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3463168

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Artist - 2011-04-24 12:29 PM Got the DU behind me now my first tri of the season is less than a month. SNowing here today good thing its much warmer down in St george

Great job at your du! 

2011-04-24 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3462790

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
DDVMM - 2011-04-23 9:56 PM

Congrats to Jennifer, Steve, and Artist!


Jennifer - We seem to run pretty similar times and even go home and vomit the same! I have had that happen after a couple long runs - I think it is dehydration. I have tried to force myself to drink more on the long runs and it hasn't happened after. Hope you feel better!!!

I've been away at the inlaws for the last week on spring break. Going home tomorrow. Got a couple runs in, but mostly hiking with the family. I also have never done a tri - first one is July but soooo excited! My first HM was a bust because of flooding, so my running partner and I have planned an 'unofficial' HM and invited some others to join in - doing that Monday. Our 'coach/friend' in Washington State surprised us by sending us out bibs, race metals, goodie bags, and tech shirts!!! I think that makes it 'official' now!!

We do run similar times; don't we?    I think it was definitely dehydration.  I didn't take a water bottle with me....just used aid stations.  I'll be carrying a bottle for the HM. 

Good luck at your unofficial HM.  That's cool that you found some friends to run it with you. 

2011-04-24 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Anyone know what pace I ought to be running my brick runs & transition runs?  I've been running them slowly, so I avoid injury, but I don't want to run them too slowly.  I'm doing 1 brick a week for now.  All of my other bikes are followed by 1 mile transition runs.  My legs feel great coming off the bike, and the more I practice, the better they'll feel on race day. 

I also readjusted my running pace calculator, and it has me running my tempo runs a little faster than before.  I've been running 2 miles tempo (sandwiched in between easy miles).  When is it OK to start increasing the distance of the tempo runs? 

I'm buying a wetsuit here in the next few weeks.  I want to start practicing OWS in May.  I'm definitely buying long sleeves.  Anyone have a wetsuit that they absolutely love?  I was thinking of getting the TYR Hurricane Cat 3.  TYR products fit me really well because I am tall with a long torso.  Suggestions? 

2011-04-24 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3463047

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-24 9:19 AM

so a question to you all please:

The next two Sundays, I've got a 5 mile walk/run on the 1st (breast cancer walk, I'm leading about 15 of my employees on and plan to run probably 4 miles of it, if not all 5) and then the following Sunday, the 8th, I've got my next sprint tri.

What should my "training" look like the next couple of weeks?

I'm planning on resting today (and I'm sore, I need it!). But am thinking likely 1 swim this week, 1-2 bike rides and 1 run leading up to the breast cancer run. Then the following week something similar. Sound about right? And just fairly easy efforts on all, nothing difficult like intervals.

I would do 2 swims, 3 bikes, and 2 runs this week.  I would do 2 swims, 2 bikes, and 2 runs next week.  But that's just me

2011-04-24 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
When I count swimming strokes is it both arms or just the count of say the times the right arm strokes?
2011-04-24 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3463282

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Artist - 2011-04-24 12:51 PM When I count swimming strokes is it both arms or just the count of say the times the right arm strokes?


I count both arms, but I have no idea if that's "correct" or not.

2011-04-24 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3463282

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Artist - 2011-04-24 2:51 PM When I count swimming strokes is it both arms or just the count of say the times the right arm strokes?

Count both arms.

2011-04-24 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3463189

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-04-24 12:50 PM

Anyone know what pace I ought to be running my brick runs & transition runs?  I've been running them slowly, so I avoid injury, but I don't want to run them too slowly.  I'm doing 1 brick a week for now.  All of my other bikes are followed by 1 mile transition runs.  My legs feel great coming off the bike, and the more I practice, the better they'll feel on race day. 

I also readjusted my running pace calculator, and it has me running my tempo runs a little faster than before.  I've been running 2 miles tempo (sandwiched in between easy miles).  When is it OK to start increasing the distance of the tempo runs? 

I'm buying a wetsuit here in the next few weeks.  I want to start practicing OWS in May.  I'm definitely buying long sleeves.  Anyone have a wetsuit that they absolutely love?  I was thinking of getting the TYR Hurricane Cat 3.  TYR products fit me really well because I am tall with a long torso.  Suggestions? 

When you first start doing bricks they should be at your aerobic endurance pace (Z2 on the BT zones).  As you get closer to race day you should start doing the first mile a little faster (Z3 on the BT zones) and then settling down into Z2 after the first mile -- that way you know what it feel like to go out "fast" but you don't injure yourself by going too far too fast. 

Increase the distance of your tempo runs SLOWLY -- increasing speed or distance too quickly is a recipe for injury.  Personally I like doing over/unders -- 1 mile at aerobic endurance pace followed by one mile at tempo pace -- that way you have a recovery after each tempo mile but still get the cumulative benefit of running multiple miles at tempo pace.

With regard to wetsuit, I LOVE blue seventy.  I think they make fantastic wetsuits.  That being said, TYR is a good brand and if it fits, go for it.  Just remember when you try it on it dry it should feel uncomfortably tight (it will loosen up once you are horizontal in the water). 

2011-04-24 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3463047

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-24 9:19 AM

so a question to you all please:

The next two Sundays, I've got a 5 mile walk/run on the 1st (breast cancer walk, I'm leading about 15 of my employees on and plan to run probably 4 miles of it, if not all 5) and then the following Sunday, the 8th, I've got my next sprint tri.

What should my "training" look like the next couple of weeks?

I'm planning on resting today (and I'm sore, I need it!). But am thinking likely 1 swim this week, 1-2 bike rides and 1 run leading up to the breast cancer run. Then the following week something similar. Sound about right? And just fairly easy efforts on all, nothing difficult like intervals.

After taking a day or two off to rest, I think you should go back to as "normal" of a schedule as possible from Tuesday of this week until Friday May 6th.  You won't need more than a day or two to recover from the sprint and because the breast cancer walk isn't an important race you should essentially "train through it" -- thus keeping a normal schedule until right before your next race.  I would take Friday May 6th off completely and then do three short easy workouts (one in each discipline) on Saturday before the race to make sure you're sharp. 

2011-04-24 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Thanks Kelly. That's kind of my plan with the breast cancer walk and I was just going to treat that day like a training day with it being my long run.

I'll probably not be able to hit all three the day prior to the next sprint due to work, but should be able to get in a short run and/or bike that evening. Maybe just go for a nice mile or mile and a half jog. 

After the 8th, I need to start mixing in some bricks for sure and see where I stand as far as thinking I'm ready to move to an Olympic distance tri or not. I sure didn't feel like I was yesterday. I probably could have slogged through it, but it wouldn't have been pretty by any means.

2011-04-24 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3463290

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-24 1:04 PM
Personally I like doing over/unders -- 1 mile at aerobic endurance pace followed by one mile at tempo pace -- that way you have a recovery after each tempo mile but still get the cumulative benefit of running multiple miles at tempo pace.

That's to much recovery and makes the run more of an interval effort. A tempo run should be a run at a target pace/effort where you run a sufficient warm up and then do the tempo portion for a fixed amount of time or distance, and then a cool down. You also can run a long run where the last few miles are done at tempo. When doing intervals, the rest in between should be a 1/4 of tthe time/distance of the interval. Too much recovery begins to defeat the purpose.

2011-04-24 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3463324

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-24 3:36 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-24 1:04 PM Personally I like doing over/unders -- 1 mile at aerobic endurance pace followed by one mile at tempo pace -- that way you have a recovery after each tempo mile but still get the cumulative benefit of running multiple miles at tempo pace.
That's to much recovery and makes the run more of an interval effort. A tempo run should be a run at a target pace/effort where you run a sufficient warm up and then do the tempo portion for a fixed amount of time or distance, and then a cool down. You also can run a long run where the last few miles are done at tempo. When doing intervals, the rest in between should be a 1/4 of tthe time/distance of the interval. Too much recovery begins to defeat the purpose.

What your favorite run for tempo work?

2011-04-24 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

So with questions about dehydration this weekend, I thought I'd share my race fueling plan with everyone.  The plan was written by my coach and Cait Snow based on a sweat test I did.  During the one hour test I lost 50.4 oz of water so all of the fluid intake in the plan is based on this number not going into more than a 48oz liquid deficit.  Right now, for me, it seems like a lot of calories and a lot of fluid, but its worked well the first few times I've practiced it. 

Here's the plan for an olympic distance race:

Pre Race

2.5 hours before wave start - 2 cups of unsweetened apple sauce, banana, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 24 oz. bottle sports drink

.5 hours before start - 50 mg caffeine (cup of coffee)

.25 hours before start - Caffeinated Power Gel w/ 8 oz water


:40 (about 15 minutes into the bike) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

1:20 (end of bike) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

Throughout bike - 1 bottle of sports drink (drink at least every 10 minutes)

2:00 (mile 3 or 4 of the run) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

Throughout run - 4 oz. of sports drink at each aid station


My plan uses Power Gels because they contain 200 mg of sodium (compared to 50 mg for GU because I'm a salty sweater).  I also use thermotabs for longer events.  For a half or full iron, I essentially end up drinking 1.5 bottles of sports drink every hour and eating every 30 minutes (alternating half a Power Bar and Power Gels) on the bike.  On run I eat a Clif shot block every 2 miles, take in 4 oz. of sports drink at each aid station and have a gel at miles 8 and 16. 

With this much liquid and this many calories, its super important that I practice my race nutrition plan every time I train so that I can (hopefully) avoid GI distress when I race.  I'll be really interested in seeing how things turn out at IMLP.

2011-04-24 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3462665

Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Artist - 2011-04-23 8:21 PM

I was up by 4am and drove 2 1/2 hrs and survived the Du. 36.4 on the first run 1:22 on the bike and then a slow 43.37 on the second 5K. COLD snow hanging close,, but stayed away until we finished.  My friend quit after bike because she could even toe her shoes because her hands were frozen. My feet were frozen on the bike and it made for an interesting first ile on the run. Also had a hammie so tight I was thinking of quitting, but stopped and stretched and finished. Took first in my AG so it pays to be old once in a while. Actually I was the ony one who finished in my AG because of the cold. Snow and rain all the way hone after doing several laps around IKEA on the way home.

Congrats to Steve and Jenifer on your races today

way to go!

Edited by pbrown70 2011-04-24 4:54 PM
2011-04-24 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3463393

Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-24 5:10 PM

So with questions about dehydration this weekend, I thought I'd share my race fueling plan with everyone.  The plan was written by my coach and Cait Snow based on a sweat test I did.  During the one hour test I lost 50.4 oz of water so all of the fluid intake in the plan is based on this number not going into more than a 48oz liquid deficit.  Right now, for me, it seems like a lot of calories and a lot of fluid, but its worked well the first few times I've practiced it. 

Here's the plan for an olympic distance race:

Pre Race

2.5 hours before wave start - 2 cups of unsweetened apple sauce, banana, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 24 oz. bottle sports drink

.5 hours before start - 50 mg caffeine (cup of coffee)

.25 hours before start - Caffeinated Power Gel w/ 8 oz water


:40 (about 15 minutes into the bike) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

1:20 (end of bike) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

Throughout bike - 1 bottle of sports drink (drink at least every 10 minutes)

2:00 (mile 3 or 4 of the run) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

Throughout run - 4 oz. of sports drink at each aid station


My plan uses Power Gels because they contain 200 mg of sodium (compared to 50 mg for GU because I'm a salty sweater).  I also use thermotabs for longer events.  For a half or full iron, I essentially end up drinking 1.5 bottles of sports drink every hour and eating every 30 minutes (alternating half a Power Bar and Power Gels) on the bike.  On run I eat a Clif shot block every 2 miles, take in 4 oz. of sports drink at each aid station and have a gel at miles 8 and 16. 

With this much liquid and this many calories, its super important that I practice my race nutrition plan every time I train so that I can (hopefully) avoid GI distress when I race.  I'll be really interested in seeing how things turn out at IMLP.

Is that your hydration schedule for St. Anthony's? Anyway I'm going to the race maybe I'll hook up with you guys after the race.
2011-04-24 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3463436

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
pbrown70 - 2011-04-24 6:02 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-24 5:10 PM

So with questions about dehydration this weekend, I thought I'd share my race fueling plan with everyone.  The plan was written by my coach and Cait Snow based on a sweat test I did.  During the one hour test I lost 50.4 oz of water so all of the fluid intake in the plan is based on this number not going into more than a 48oz liquid deficit.  Right now, for me, it seems like a lot of calories and a lot of fluid, but its worked well the first few times I've practiced it. 

Here's the plan for an olympic distance race:

Pre Race

2.5 hours before wave start - 2 cups of unsweetened apple sauce, banana, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 24 oz. bottle sports drink

.5 hours before start - 50 mg caffeine (cup of coffee)

.25 hours before start - Caffeinated Power Gel w/ 8 oz water


:40 (about 15 minutes into the bike) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

1:20 (end of bike) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

Throughout bike - 1 bottle of sports drink (drink at least every 10 minutes)

2:00 (mile 3 or 4 of the run) - Power Gel (Caffeinated)

Throughout run - 4 oz. of sports drink at each aid station


My plan uses Power Gels because they contain 200 mg of sodium (compared to 50 mg for GU because I'm a salty sweater).  I also use thermotabs for longer events.  For a half or full iron, I essentially end up drinking 1.5 bottles of sports drink every hour and eating every 30 minutes (alternating half a Power Bar and Power Gels) on the bike.  On run I eat a Clif shot block every 2 miles, take in 4 oz. of sports drink at each aid station and have a gel at miles 8 and 16. 

With this much liquid and this many calories, its super important that I practice my race nutrition plan every time I train so that I can (hopefully) avoid GI distress when I race.  I'll be really interested in seeing how things turn out at IMLP.

Is that your hydration schedule for St. Anthony's? Anyway I'm going to the race maybe I'll hook up with you guys after the race.


Let me know if you'll be there.  Shaun and I will be in FL from Fri-Mon.

2011-04-24 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Kelly, is regular water not factored in to those kind of plans? I assume you also get regular water to drink as well, right?
2011-04-25 5:03 AM
in reply to: #3463526

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

abqtj - 2011-04-24 7:51 PM Kelly, is regular water not factored in to those kind of plans? I assume you also get regular water to drink as well, right?

No regular water. 

I never drink plain water in training or a race.  The reason for this is that two fold: (1) water does not contain any electrolytes and your body looses lots of electrolytes when training and racing.  Taking in water without electrolytes slows absorbsion of the liquid, causes bloating/sloshing and doesn't allow for electrolyte replacement (which can lead to hyponatremia) ; and (2) In racing, particularly in longer distance your body needs lots of calories, so everything you take in should help replace calories.  Taking water alone does nothing from a calorie perspective. Essentially if you're going to put something in your mouth make sure it brings some benefit.

I know people doing long course racing who did not use sports drink at all and just increased the number of gel/bar calories, however, they used Nuun in their water to address the electrolyte issue.

2011-04-25 5:24 AM
in reply to: #3463796

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-25 6:03 AM

abqtj - 2011-04-24 7:51 PM Kelly, is regular water not factored in to those kind of plans? I assume you also get regular water to drink as well, right?

No regular water. 

I never drink plain water in training or a race.  The reason for this is that two fold: (1) water does not contain any electrolytes and your body looses lots of electrolytes when training and racing.  Taking in water without electrolytes slows absorbsion of the liquid, causes bloating/sloshing and doesn't allow for electrolyte replacement (which can lead to hyponatremia) ; and (2) In racing, particularly in longer distance your body needs lots of calories, so everything you take in should help replace calories.  Taking water alone does nothing from a calorie perspective. Essentially if you're going to put something in your mouth make sure it brings some benefit.

I know people doing long course racing who did not use sports drink at all and just increased the number of gel/bar calories, however, they used Nuun in their water to address the electrolyte issue.

Kel stole this from my reprimand by Cait Snow at the FL training camp.

Historically, I would double and triple up the concentration in my bottles and alternate between a swig of water and drink of my formula.  I was discussing it with the team before our first ride and Cait dropped what she doing and yelled at me.  I told her that drinking nothing but flavored beverage makes my mouth dry over the course of a race and, sometimes, I just want a drink of water.

She told me that the reason my mouth gets dry is that the concentration of my drink was not accurate based on my sweat rate and electrolyte requirements.  She said if I wanted to rinse out my mouth, taking a mouthful of water, swishing it around, and spitting it out was fine as long as I kept to my regular intake program.

That was where she dropped the 'if you're going to put something in your mouth, make sure it benefits you' comment.  (granted, I didn't think about it at the time but now I can't say it without laughing)

2011-04-25 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3463389

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-24 2:59 PM
What your favorite run for tempo work?

Depends on where I am in my training and what event I am preparing for. In general, I think a great tempo run is a 15min warm up followed by 30min at Half Marathon race pace follwed by a 15min cool down. You can also split that 30 min into 2x15min at 10K pace with a 2:00 recovery in between. Then there is the long run of say 13 miles with the last 3 miles at threshold, that's very challenging but very effective.
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