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2011-12-28 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3957549

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2011-12-28 11:30 AM

21 mile is sold out.  Relay is for a 5 person team and I can't justify that expense for a ~5-6 mile run.  The marathon reg was $135 but with travel it will cost ~$1000.  I have to know that I can finish and get a medal if I am investing that much money in my own selfish endeavor.  That is why I hired a coach. 

This injury and these past 6 weeks of not running have me freaked out.  My run went very well on Monday, but very slow and I felt I was working at least at marathon RACE pace, not long distance training pace.   My heart rate was in Zone 3 the entire run.  Literally 32 minutes out of 35 minutes for a 3 mile "easy" run.  I tried a 14 min/mile pace the other night and still I was in low zone 3.  All the cross training while I was "injured" did not translate well.  I know I've just restarted running but I feel like I am behind now and catching up.  Marathon training should be entered in with a strong base, not couch to marathon.   

I don't mean to be a party pooper....

Surprised 1K? Holy flipping moly. I think if it were me, I would get out a magnifying glass and track down my motivation, or switch my race goals.


2011-12-28 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3955160

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2011-12-27 11:15 AM

cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-27 11:43 PM I thought about using a run/ walk program for my Mary. I just have the hardest time convincing my brain that walking will be beneficial in the long run. I feel so slow anyway, that I worry I won't make my times if I walk. You think it really IS helpful to walk though? Were you able to keep a steady pace throughout doing it that way?

Run/walk is an intensity management strategy, can be a mental trick to keep you running, but is also a viable strategy in training for making you run more (total) than you would if you ran straight through.

By the way, which training program were you thinking of for the mary?

Lake Placid has a 6-hour time limit. That's a 13:47/mile pace. You can walk a 13:47 mile. So if you add any running in at all, you will at least make the time limit for the marathon. As for making YOUR paces, you run between a 10-12 minute mile (depending), correct? I would do some experimentation. Try some of your runs as run/walk (if you've already been a straight runner, say, 3:1 or 2:1. Don't amble the walks: good brisk walk). See if it makes the running easier; see if the walk breaks allow you to go a bit faster on the run; see if you feel more refreshed at the end of a run.

It may. It may not.

Here's a good resource to read on why try run/walk:

Thanks for the link. It does make sense and I actually tried it with yesterdays run. I think it worked well and I will indeed try and include it in future runs. I think if it can help me not slow down at the end, it will be my saving grace. I know in my HM the last few miles were much slower.

LOL - LP is 6 hrs, but in my head I have visions of being the last one crossing the line, everybody having packed up and left etc.

I was planning on using HH 18wk marathon novice 2.  - good idea? bad idea? any other suggestions welcome.

2011-12-28 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3957549

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2011-12-29 12:30 AM

21 mile is sold out.  Relay is for a 5 person team and I can't justify that expense for a ~5-6 mile run.  The marathon reg was $135 but with travel it will cost ~$1000.  I have to know that I can finish and get a medal if I am investing that much money in my own selfish endeavor.  That is why I hired a coach. 

This injury and these past 6 weeks of not running have me freaked out.  My run went very well on Monday, but very slow and I felt I was working at least at marathon RACE pace, not long distance training pace.   My heart rate was in Zone 3 the entire run.  Literally 32 minutes out of 35 minutes for a 3 mile "easy" run.  I tried a 14 min/mile pace the other night and still I was in low zone 3.  All the cross training while I was "injured" did not translate well.  I know I've just restarted running but I feel like I am behind now and catching up.  Marathon training should be entered in with a strong base, not couch to marathon.   

This is all very true.

You have a tough choice, but Lynn is right. You don't actually have to make it right now. But remain conservative ... as you say, you feel like you're "catching up" and you just can't do that with running. Well, you can, but not for long!

If you wish, take it easy (as you should) and do the running. But no need to push or hurry it. You still do have time to make a decision ... lots of time ... and if you're not enjoying it, and/or it looks like a successful Big Sur is out of reach ... you certainly haven't lost anything. In fact, you'll have gained some excellent run training.

2011-12-28 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3957290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2011-12-28 9:08 AM

Okay, I need a serious talking to.   Bring it Mother Manatees!!

I think a marathon is TOO much of a stretch goal for me for April.  I think I could do it but I just am not motivated and am dreading the 20 mile training runs.  My heart is not in it. That being said, my heart is not into anything right now.  I am very unfocused and unmotivated.  I am happy with just working out when I feel like it and maybe trying to figure out what "lifestyle" changes I can make to lose weight (that is the politically correct way to say diet) after the New Year.  Right now, I want to be a slug and just play. 

I have this coach for another 2 months.  I'd like to utilize his knowledge but truly, coming off an "injury", I am just happy to run and don't want to worry about goals. 

I have toyed with a few sprint tri options and they seem appealing.  I think I am leading toward, sprints for my tri's and half marathons.  Doing anything that requires more than 2 hours of training on any one day or more than 2.5 hours to complete just sounds excessive.  This may be the year I work at losing weight and getting faster. 

Any thoughts? 

Do I keep moving forward with the Big Sur Marathon because I am registered or just concentrate on the half's I am registered for?   What do

you think about sprints?  

I am very event ADD.  I really get bored about 2 hours in and just want to be done.  Is it awful that I just don't have any "high" aspirations to do longer right now?  

I hear you about the lack of motivation.  I've been struggling with that for the last couple of months too.  I did a HIM (my first) in November and had some thought of doing a January marathon, but after the HIM, I just could not face the long runs i'd need to do to be prepared for the marathon.  I've kept up my running, but my swim and bike have been close to non-existent - especially the bike.  I'm slowly getting the itch again and am thinking of aFebruary HM.

Good luck with your decision.


Now keeping with the dog theme - here is mine (assuming I can figure out how to upload)



2011-12-28 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3957942

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-29 2:44 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-27 11:15 AM

cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-27 11:43 PM I thought about using a run/ walk program for my Mary. I just have the hardest time convincing my brain that walking will be beneficial in the long run. I feel so slow anyway, that I worry I won't make my times if I walk. You think it really IS helpful to walk though? Were you able to keep a steady pace throughout doing it that way?

Run/walk is an intensity management strategy, can be a mental trick to keep you running, but is also a viable strategy in training for making you run more (total) than you would if you ran straight through.

By the way, which training program were you thinking of for the mary?

Lake Placid has a 6-hour time limit. That's a 13:47/mile pace. You can walk a 13:47 mile. So if you add any running in at all, you will at least make the time limit for the marathon. As for making YOUR paces, you run between a 10-12 minute mile (depending), correct? I would do some experimentation. Try some of your runs as run/walk (if you've already been a straight runner, say, 3:1 or 2:1. Don't amble the walks: good brisk walk). See if it makes the running easier; see if the walk breaks allow you to go a bit faster on the run; see if you feel more refreshed at the end of a run.

It may. It may not.

Here's a good resource to read on why try run/walk:

Thanks for the link. It does make sense and I actually tried it with yesterdays run. I think it worked well and I will indeed try and include it in future runs. I think if it can help me not slow down at the end, it will be my saving grace. I know in my HM the last few miles were much slower.

LOL - LP is 6 hrs, but in my head I have visions of being the last one crossing the line, everybody having packed up and left etc.

I was planning on using HH 18wk marathon novice 2.  - good idea? bad idea? any other suggestions welcome.

Higdon's plans are great and you have the background to do Novice 2. You'll have to work a little harder than 1, but on the other hand, if it's proving too much, you can always dial back to 1.

2011-12-28 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3957290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2011-12-28 9:08 AM

Okay, I need a serious talking to.   Bring it Mother Manatees!!

I think a marathon is TOO much of a stretch goal for me for April.  I think I could do it but I just am not motivated and am dreading the 20 mile training runs.  My heart is not in it. That being said, my heart is not into anything right now.  I am very unfocused and unmotivated.  I am happy with just working out when I feel like it and maybe trying to figure out what "lifestyle" changes I can make to lose weight (that is the politically correct way to say diet) after the New Year.  Right now, I want to be a slug and just play. 

I have this coach for another 2 months.  I'd like to utilize his knowledge but truly, coming off an "injury", I am just happy to run and don't want to worry about goals. 

I have toyed with a few sprint tri options and they seem appealing.  I think I am leading toward, sprints for my tri's and half marathons.  Doing anything that requires more than 2 hours of training on any one day or more than 2.5 hours to complete just sounds excessive.  This may be the year I work at losing weight and getting faster. 

Any thoughts? 

Do I keep moving forward with the Big Sur Marathon because I am registered or just concentrate on the half's I am registered for?   What do

you think about sprints?  

I am very event ADD.  I really get bored about 2 hours in and just want to be done.  Is it awful that I just don't have any "high" aspirations to do longer right now?  

I hear you about the lack of motivation.  I've been struggling with that for the last couple of months too.  I did a HIM (my first) in November and had some thought of doing a January marathon, but after the HIM, I just could not face the long runs i'd need to do to be prepared for the marathon.  I've kept up my running, but my swim and bike have been close to non-existent - especially the bike.  I'm slowly getting the itch again and am thinking of aFebruary HM.

Good luck with your decision.


Now keeping with the dog theme - here is mine (assuming I can figure out how to upload)



oops, second try was better.  Here's my guy doing what he loves best - loving life and a bit more dignified look!


Well, that didn't work either.

Edited by amd723 2011-12-28 1:42 PM

2011-12-28 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3956395

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group is OPEN
wagonnatri - 2011-12-27 5:47 PM
stampinann - 2011-12-25 2:23 PM

Welcome to BT - wagonnatri - you must be another PACNW gal based on your race too!  I am in North Bend and love to ride the bike!  EXCITING times are ahead. 

Tripopo - hopefully in this manatee time when you learn how to "get better at getting up at 0430 to go S/B/R" you can help me learn!! I don't do that well at ALL.  My rule after my first IM is that I wouldn't get up before 5AM to go train!!  I just signed up for a 'dry land' class that starts at 6AM and is 40 min from my house (on the way to work at least) which is skirting on breaking that rule.  I have been going to the swim that starts at they are just tacking on the dry land....Lucky for me?!?!



Thanks Ann. Yes I am a PACNW gal too.  I live in Bremerton, WA which is ferry boat ride across the Puget Sound from Seattle.  Hopefully your love of bike riding will rub off on me.  Riding Tink on the road = Surprised...

Hey, I am from Port Orchard Smile I live in Seattle now but some of my fam still lives on the penisula.

2011-12-28 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3955179

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Plaquemine, Louisiana
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2011-12-27 10:25 AM

cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-27 7:43 AM I thought about using a run/ walk program for my Mary. I just have the hardest time convincing my brain that walking will be beneficial in the long run. I feel so slow anyway, that I worry I won't make my times if I walk. You think it really IS helpful to walk though? Were you able to keep a steady pace throughout doing it that way?

I just did an experiment on run/walk in my last marathon earlier this month. It may not earn you a PR, but it will help you finish and I believe helps with a quicker recovery. It takes some discipline if you're used to running, but I think it's a great way to go. Galloway is a huge proponent of the run/walk. HEre's a link to the website:




Thanks so much for posting that website, extremely helpful!

2011-12-28 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Just got back from a 15 miler...well, it was supposed to be a 13 but my training buddy and I haven't seen eachother much through the holidays and we were catching up. The Seattle weather held out for us until the very end and then it started pouring. Gotta love the pacific northwest! Good thing I am headed to Florida next week!


2011-12-28 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3958087

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2011-12-29 3:36 AM

Just got back from a 15 miler...well, it was supposed to be a 13 but my training buddy and I haven't seen eachother much through the holidays and we were catching up. The Seattle weather held out for us until the very end and then it started pouring. Gotta love the pacific northwest! Good thing I am headed to Florida next week!


That's so funny, like "gee it was supposed to be a marathon but we got so caught up in the scenery ... wait ... was it left or right at that 25-mile marker?" I remember long runs with training partners, yapping away ... miss that.

Flar-dah? Whatcha be doin' in Flar-dah? Lot of great BTers there.

2011-12-28 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3958087

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2011-12-28 1:36 PM

Just got back from a 15 miler...well, it was supposed to be a 13 but my training buddy and I haven't seen eachother much through the holidays and we were catching up. The Seattle weather held out for us until the very end and then it started pouring. Gotta love the pacific northwest! Good thing I am headed to Florida next week!



I did a similar thing a couple of weeks ago - good times.  Where in Florida are you heading?  We're having a "cold" front right now, upper 60*s for the high and mid 40*s for the low.  Of course, by Friday we'll be 10* warmer and who knows what next week will hold; may be back in the 80s.


2011-12-28 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
LOL!  My training partner and I have totally done that.  We'd be chit chatting away and miss a turn on our long rides.  We would be a couple of miles down the road before we even noticed.  That makes for a great ride though.  Great convo and a few extra miles
2011-12-28 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3958151

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
amd723 - 2011-12-28 2:00 PM
Asalzwed - 2011-12-28 1:36 PM

Just got back from a 15 miler...well, it was supposed to be a 13 but my training buddy and I haven't seen eachother much through the holidays and we were catching up. The Seattle weather held out for us until the very end and then it started pouring. Gotta love the pacific northwest! Good thing I am headed to Florida next week!



I did a similar thing a couple of weeks ago - good times.  Where in Florida are you heading?  We're having a "cold" front right now, upper 60*s for the high and mid 40*s for the low.  Of course, by Friday we'll be 10* warmer and who knows what next week will hold; may be back in the 80s.


Ahhh, we lived in Orlando (St. Cloud) for 5 years and loved every second of it.  I worked at a theme park and DH worked for the feds.  We had a blast.  I miss miss miss the weather (with the exception of Charlie, Francis and Gene).  That was a rough couple of weeks and we had a newborn.

2011-12-28 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3958185

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
crews - 2011-12-28 2:12 PM
amd723 - 2011-12-28 2:00 PM
Asalzwed - 2011-12-28 1:36 PM

Just got back from a 15 miler...well, it was supposed to be a 13 but my training buddy and I haven't seen eachother much through the holidays and we were catching up. The Seattle weather held out for us until the very end and then it started pouring. Gotta love the pacific northwest! Good thing I am headed to Florida next week!



I did a similar thing a couple of weeks ago - good times.  Where in Florida are you heading?  We're having a "cold" front right now, upper 60*s for the high and mid 40*s for the low.  Of course, by Friday we'll be 10* warmer and who knows what next week will hold; may be back in the 80s.


Ahhh, we lived in Orlando (St. Cloud) for 5 years and loved every second of it.  I worked at a theme park and DH worked for the feds.  We had a blast.  I miss miss miss the weather (with the exception of Charlie, Francis and Gene).  That was a rough couple of weeks and we had a newborn.

2004 was a rough year - no electricity and a newborn, that doesn't sound like a good combination!  Thankfully we've been hurricane free since then (hope i didn't just jinx us )


2011-12-28 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3958134

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2011-12-28 1:54 PM
Asalzwed - 2011-12-29 3:36 AM

Just got back from a 15 miler...well, it was supposed to be a 13 but my training buddy and I haven't seen eachother much through the holidays and we were catching up. The Seattle weather held out for us until the very end and then it started pouring. Gotta love the pacific northwest! Good thing I am headed to Florida next week!


That's so funny, like "gee it was supposed to be a marathon but we got so caught up in the scenery ... wait ... was it left or right at that 25-mile marker?" I remember long runs with training partners, yapping away ... miss that.

Flar-dah? Whatcha be doin' in Flar-dah? Lot of great BTers there.

I got roped into doing the Ragnar relay. 200 miles from Miami to Key West. I say roped but I am actually incredibly excited. 

2011-12-28 2:29 PM
in reply to: #3956775

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jtaddei - 2011-12-27 10:00 PM

well I officially worked up a sweat tonight on the trainer in what feels like the first time i've worked out in years... it actually just might be accurate.

I'm still pretty out of breath and I feel really good mostly because I busted my and decided instead of watching the Chopped Champions finale (rerun?) i'd pop on the trainer for 30 minutes... well plus 30 minutes of bike maintenance... the 'ol horse needed some new tubes and I just happened to have a few handy.  It was especially cool to get some grease on the hands again - thank goodness for this house having a good private room in the basement to set up the trainer.

this is a repost from my blog feel free to follow it - warning: i'm a huge nerd.

which reminds me of two things:

1. do any of you use spotify, and those of you who do, do you mind sharing your workout playlists?

2. any other software developers in this group?

edit: felt compelled to share

1. I do, I do! I am not sure how to "friend" people through spotify but just let me know

2. I wish

3. What a cute kiddo! 

2011-12-28 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3957942

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-28 12:44 PM
TriAya - 2011-12-27 11:15 AM

cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-27 11:43 PM I thought about using a run/ walk program for my Mary. I just have the hardest time convincing my brain that walking will be beneficial in the long run. I feel so slow anyway, that I worry I won't make my times if I walk. You think it really IS helpful to walk though? Were you able to keep a steady pace throughout doing it that way?

Run/walk is an intensity management strategy, can be a mental trick to keep you running, but is also a viable strategy in training for making you run more (total) than you would if you ran straight through.

By the way, which training program were you thinking of for the mary?

Lake Placid has a 6-hour time limit. That's a 13:47/mile pace. You can walk a 13:47 mile. So if you add any running in at all, you will at least make the time limit for the marathon. As for making YOUR paces, you run between a 10-12 minute mile (depending), correct? I would do some experimentation. Try some of your runs as run/walk (if you've already been a straight runner, say, 3:1 or 2:1. Don't amble the walks: good brisk walk). See if it makes the running easier; see if the walk breaks allow you to go a bit faster on the run; see if you feel more refreshed at the end of a run.

It may. It may not.

Here's a good resource to read on why try run/walk:

Thanks for the link. It does make sense and I actually tried it with yesterdays run. I think it worked well and I will indeed try and include it in future runs. I think if it can help me not slow down at the end, it will be my saving grace. I know in my HM the last few miles were much slower.

LOL - LP is 6 hrs, but in my head I have visions of being the last one crossing the line, everybody having packed up and left etc.

I was planning on using HH 18wk marathon novice 2.  - good idea? bad idea? any other suggestions welcome.

I used the HH 18wk novice 1 for my first marathon. I felt it was a solid program to get you across the line (as long as you stick with it

2011-12-28 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3957973

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
amd723 - 2011-12-28 6:56 PM
jogo - 2011-12-28 9:08 AM

Okay, I need a serious talking to.   Bring it Mother Manatees!!

I think a marathon is TOO much of a stretch goal for me for April.  I think I could do it but I just am not motivated and am dreading the 20 mile training runs.  My heart is not in it. That being said, my heart is not into anything right now.  I am very unfocused and unmotivated.  I am happy with just working out when I feel like it and maybe trying to figure out what "lifestyle" changes I can make to lose weight (that is the politically correct way to say diet) after the New Year.  Right now, I want to be a slug and just play. 

I have this coach for another 2 months.  I'd like to utilize his knowledge but truly, coming off an "injury", I am just happy to run and don't want to worry about goals. 

I have toyed with a few sprint tri options and they seem appealing.  I think I am leading toward, sprints for my tri's and half marathons.  Doing anything that requires more than 2 hours of training on any one day or more than 2.5 hours to complete just sounds excessive.  This may be the year I work at losing weight and getting faster. 

Any thoughts? 

Do I keep moving forward with the Big Sur Marathon because I am registered or just concentrate on the half's I am registered for?   What do

you think about sprints?  

I am very event ADD.  I really get bored about 2 hours in and just want to be done.  Is it awful that I just don't have any "high" aspirations to do longer right now?  

Evening AMD, forgive my sticking my nose in as i have no experience whatsoever but i felt compelled to say something/anything that picks you up as you seem really down about how things are going.

My target is just to finish my first sprint. Nothing more, just finish it, and i am so excited about entering and taking part that i cant wait for each training day and the idea of race day gives my tummy a wobble. I would love to have your experience and race history and it is such a shame that you have lost a little of your mojo right now. Training for a sprint could be just the thing to pick you up and as has been said already, if you start to feel better, you still have your registration for the marathon. Put a smile on your face girl and look forward to your next session. Its bound to be tough sometimes or or we wouldn't do it!?!

Allen (ukweeble)

2011-12-28 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3957942

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-28 1:44 PM
TriAya - 2011-12-27 11:15 AM

cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-12-27 11:43 PM I thought about using a run/ walk program for my Mary. I just have the hardest time convincing my brain that walking will be beneficial in the long run. I feel so slow anyway, that I worry I won't make my times if I walk. You think it really IS helpful to walk though? Were you able to keep a steady pace throughout doing it that way?

Run/walk is an intensity management strategy, can be a mental trick to keep you running, but is also a viable strategy in training for making you run more (total) than you would if you ran straight through.

By the way, which training program were you thinking of for the mary?

Lake Placid has a 6-hour time limit. That's a 13:47/mile pace. You can walk a 13:47 mile. So if you add any running in at all, you will at least make the time limit for the marathon. As for making YOUR paces, you run between a 10-12 minute mile (depending), correct? I would do some experimentation. Try some of your runs as run/walk (if you've already been a straight runner, say, 3:1 or 2:1. Don't amble the walks: good brisk walk). See if it makes the running easier; see if the walk breaks allow you to go a bit faster on the run; see if you feel more refreshed at the end of a run.

It may. It may not.

Here's a good resource to read on why try run/walk:

Thanks for the link. It does make sense and I actually tried it with yesterdays run. I think it worked well and I will indeed try and include it in future runs. I think if it can help me not slow down at the end, it will be my saving grace. I know in my HM the last few miles were much slower.

LOL - LP is 6 hrs, but in my head I have visions of being the last one crossing the line, everybody having packed up and left etc.

I was planning on using HH 18wk marathon novice 2.  - good idea? bad idea? any other suggestions welcome.

A couple of things about Galloway and Higdon. I've done both.  Settle back, I am long winded.

Galloway:  Not meant to be interval training.  I see lots of people go all out for the runs and then walk.  It is not 26.2 miles of speedwork.  Don't try to speed up your runs and your walk should be comfortable but not sluggish.  Galloway has specific marathon plans that take you to 26-29 miles for your long runs in training.  He totally believes in going farther than your race. If you use a galloway plan, plan on extra hours in your week to have to train your long runs.  He pretty much does 2 recovery runs during the week and Loooooooooong runs on the weekend, and that is it.  I am a straight through runner.  I like to lose myself, get in a rhythm, and just let the cadence carry me.  You can't do that with Galloway.  Just as you start to feel good about the run and let go into it, it is time to walk.  It is not for everyone but some people enjoy the stop start.  I would get angry when I had to walk and jealous of the people running around me together.  People also get pissed when you walk.  Always stay to the side.  It doesn't give you much room when you start running.  You are always dodging in and out and leapfrogging other runners. 

Higdon: Tried and true.  His plans are good but they truly are not meant for gallowalking.  Novice 1 and Novice 2 are very similar in mpw.  Look at the mid-week mileage.  Pick the one that you can do.  I don't have much time during the week and would rather do Novice 2 because Novice 1 has you doing long mid-week runs. 

Ultra trick:  My good friend and training buddy had me do something for MCM that I had only done on one 20 mile run prior to MCM.  I sort of liked it.  I think it is from one of the ultra books, Relentess Forward Progress.  Don't quote me on the source.  It is run 25 min, walk 5 full minutes.  It really breaks it up nicely if you need that recovery.  You feel fresh and you WANT to run again after 5 minutes of walking.  Its like breaking the marathon into sections, which I do anyways.  This just broke it down into 30 min segments.

Good luck!

2011-12-28 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Evening everyone.

Just felt the need to post a quick update as i have finished my training for the day. I got my run in first and had to then do my bike work as my puncture yesterday meant that i missed my programmed bike slot. My repair obviously was not up to scratch as i sat on my bike only to see the front tyre deflate again. After a quick trip to my local cycle store for a new tube i finally got underway for my first ride which left me breathless. This afternoon i managed my programmed swim and i now sit here with aching shoulders, triceps and quads, thankful that my program gives me tommorrow as a rest day. All that being said i feel great and am already looking forward to friday training. Hope you have all had a good day.

Will post again tommorrow looking for some info on pre training nutrition because i have not really got anything right yet in this department.

2011-12-28 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3958324

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
ukweeble - 2011-12-28 4:08 PM

Evening everyone.

Just felt the need to post a quick update as i have finished my training for the day. I got my run in first and had to then do my bike work as my puncture yesterday meant that i missed my programmed bike slot. My repair obviously was not up to scratch as i sat on my bike only to see the front tyre deflate again. After a quick trip to my local cycle store for a new tube i finally got underway for my first ride which left me breathless. This afternoon i managed my programmed swim and i now sit here with aching shoulders, triceps and quads, thankful that my program gives me tommorrow as a rest day. All that being said i feel great and am already looking forward to friday training. Hope you have all had a good day.

Will post again tommorrow looking for some info on pre training nutrition because i have not really got anything right yet in this department.

Wow!! You did a triathlon today!  Maybe not the same distances but you got in all 3 disciplines!!  Way to go!   Enjoy the rest tomorrow!  Respect the rest day!  

2011-12-28 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Hey all! I am planning to do a small run tonight--just two miles or so...My running base is somewhat pathetic. I have 'done' a 10k --but there was a lot of walking involved--my time for that ended up being 1hr 15 min. Don't get me wrong, I was actually quite happy with that time! In any case, my average pace is 11-12 min/mile...I would like to get to a 9-10 min/mile. So should I just RUN more, or sprint occasionally, aim for mileage, or aim for speed, or just increase time on the run? I will be getting coached starting in January, but I like to hear all types of ideas to better formulate my chosen plans.

Also, I just recently acquired new aerobars/handlebars (through BT, no less!)--I need to get gear switches for the bars, but apart from that, they are ready to go--question is, I have a lower level road bike (Trek 1.1, 2010)---is it even worth attaching the bars to it? I already know that I will need to upgrade  the crankset/gears (??? sorry my bike lingo kinda sucks)--as I can only get the bike to go so fast--I can get it to 15mph regularly, but even on the heaviest gear, I am spinning so much that I am 'bouncing' so I don't get much more speed than that! So, fellow manatees, should I work on upgrading what I have or just start saving towards an all around better bike?


2011-12-28 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Sorry that I have been MIA from this

thread this week.  The university that I work for is closed for the break and I am not sitting in front of the computer much at home.  I'll be in and out some until the second when I return to my regularly scheduled programming.  

In the meantime, I've been getting out on my cross bike instead of heading to spin class.  So fun!

Tripopo/Kirk - I was looking at TryCharleston for 2012 but put it off for another year.  I have heard great things about it!

NEdaynow - I love my Garmin!  I had a Forerunner 305 and I loved it but changed to the 310 for the IM.  I use it on the bike and run both.  I wish that the 910 had been out when I needed one (my 305 was dying and the IM was coming up, hence the 310)

jtaddei - Spotify.  Yes, I use it, same handle as here.  I haven't done much with training playlists there though.  Here's one that they play in spin class. ( It took me days to find it! 

Asalzwed - Ragnar relay -- I saw the ad for that in Runner's World but don't know anything about it.  Details please!

So happy to see that we are using the training blogs in this group!  That will be super helpful!

I'd also like to introduce Emma.


Edited by jmkizer 2011-12-28 6:32 PM
2011-12-28 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3942879


Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

About me:

I have no workout plan.  I have no workout goals.  I generally abhor both (not really, but abhor is kind of a cool word).  I have a list of things that I might like to try one day and I usually, spontaneously, decide to do them.  Obviously, there's a benefit to both goals and planning but I find that it takes much of the enjoyment away and becomes another stressor (instead of stress reliever).

I'm single, 32, mother.  My son is 5 and he has a son, Chief, our dalmatian rescue, who is 2.  I guess that also makes me a grandmother.  Chief is my awesome running partner and cuddle buddy.  

I'm also an attorney/lawyer, whichever you prefer.  I defend criminals.  Poor ones.  There can be quite a bit of stress involved.  Exercise helps me unwind when I get all wound up about it.

I've been running for fun since high school, but have never really given much thought to getting faster - moreso just enjoying the fresh air and for weight loss.  In recent times though, there's a semi-competitive thing going on because I've realized that going fast is fun!!  When I say fast, I'm talking 8 min mile. Not true fast.  But this is compared to the typical 10 min mile I usually run.  I got there a couple months back (8 min) and then my hamstring went kaput.  I'm working my way back now.

I have run a marathon, which I didnt really enjoy.  At this point, 10 miles is my ideal distance.  I can do it with pretty much no training and still respect myself in the morning.  Running is my strong sport (comparatively) and I suck at bike and swim, although I can manage through both.

This will be my second tri season.  Last year, I did one sprint tri.  Yay me!!! And then life kind of screwed up the other 2 I had planned.  This year, I'm hoping to do several sprints (more competitively than last year) and at least one oly.  For some reason, I'm focused on a sub-24 min 5k.  And I dont even like 5k's.  Go figure.

I'm signed up for a 50k, not because I actually want to run 30 miles, but mostly because I ain't no punk.  It's all the co-workers' doing.  I'm finding that the body is holding up much better with the minimalist shoes, so I'm hopeful that I'll actually be able to put in the mileage necessary to train for it.  Generally, I have bad, bad biomechanics which will not last for 26 miles without some serious regret.

That's pretty much all I can think of at this point.

Edited by NEdaynow 2011-12-28 7:14 PM
2011-12-28 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
I got my wee little run on today--2.6 miles in 30 minutes. I was tempted to go 45 minutes originally, but my legs are not terribly happy with me. Still, according to the training log here, I had an 11-something minute pace--I'm okay with that! Laughing
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