BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-12-24 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Finished my 2 hour trainer ride in the pain cave this morning!  Nice to have that out of the way before the festivities start this afternoon! Smile

I beleive we have 2 more joining us, abake and a friend of Kathleens, then we will absolutely be done!  It will be a big group, but with the mix of experience in both triathlons and participating in mentor groups, we can handle it! 

Merry Christmas Eve to everyone!  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend and safe travels if your plans call for that!

2011-12-24 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3946499

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
kenj - 2011-12-20 4:07 PM

We are a long ways from filling up, but I wanted to mention a couple of things that make the group function a little better in my experience. 

First, use the training logs here.  Even if you have a coach and only post basic summaries, it helps the others comment on your training if we can see what you have been doing (or not doing Wink).

The other thing is to make sure we can get to your logs.  You can do it one of 2 ways, the first if you prefer to keep your logs private, you can set it so that friends only can see them and then you can add us all as friends.  The other way is to just have them open.  If you aren't sure how to do this, let me know and I can assist.

Finally, use the inspire feature.  I will start to inspire you guys from time to time to either congratulate you for good work or give you a nudge if you are getting behind.  But it is also nice to get an inspire from time to time from the other folks in the group.

Once the group is complete,  I will build a little chart that has links to everyone else that you can put on your logs for a quick way to get to each others workout logs.

And, we don't have to wait till the group is full to start the discussions, so if there is something particular that you want to talk about, let it fly!

Since we have added quite a few folks since I posted this on page 2, I wanted to repeat it since it helps the group work together using the tools that BT has given us!

2011-12-24 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3950489

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
MarlaS - 2011-12-22 4:59 PM
scott1223 - 2011-12-20 8:51 PM

NAME: scott1223/Scott 
STORY: I am 48 years old and live outside of Annapolis Maryland.   On Christmas eve 2009 a friend and I were having a "few" drinks and he suggested we do a Triathlon Sprint.  I agreed and that was it...We did the Columbia Celebration and then signed up for a fall race "Osprey".  Since then we have recruited 3-4 more friends to join us in our races.  We have also met a number of others who love to train and race.   I love to bike and have actually come to enjoy swimming.  Running is my down fall.  I need to lose 5-10lbs and maybe after the holidays 20lbs...haha.

I did my first tri sprint in June of 2010 ( Columbia Celebration), another in October (Osprey).  I would like to sign up for the Columbia Oly, but am not sure if I will be able to put in the training.

 FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a great wife for 15 yrs.  We have a 13 yr old boy who loves lacrosse and a 10 yr old girl who love gymnastics.  Both of my kids love to bike with me and my son actually did a 50mi ride with us on the eastern shore this summer.

CURRENT TRAINING:  This winter will work on biking and swimming.  I also need to increase my distance on my runs but on a dreadmill it is difficult. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  For 2012, Sprint- Columbia, Osprey and maybe Columbia oly??  I would also like plan on a half mary to increase my running distance. 



yes, come do columbia oly with me...! i figure that if i could make it through last year on a gimpy hip & running no more than 2 slooooow miles consecutively, anyone can.



Ooh, me three. I'm also wanting to go for the Columbia oly, but am intimidated by the Oly distance.
2011-12-24 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3952433

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
Viyoung - 2011-12-24 11:19 AM
MarlaS - 2011-12-22 4:59 PM
scott1223 - 2011-12-20 8:51 PM

NAME: scott1223/Scott 
STORY: I am 48 years old and live outside of Annapolis Maryland.   On Christmas eve 2009 a friend and I were having a "few" drinks and he suggested we do a Triathlon Sprint.  I agreed and that was it...We did the Columbia Celebration and then signed up for a fall race "Osprey".  Since then we have recruited 3-4 more friends to join us in our races.  We have also met a number of others who love to train and race.   I love to bike and have actually come to enjoy swimming.  Running is my down fall.  I need to lose 5-10lbs and maybe after the holidays 20lbs...haha.

I did my first tri sprint in June of 2010 ( Columbia Celebration), another in October (Osprey).  I would like to sign up for the Columbia Oly, but am not sure if I will be able to put in the training.

 FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a great wife for 15 yrs.  We have a 13 yr old boy who loves lacrosse and a 10 yr old girl who love gymnastics.  Both of my kids love to bike with me and my son actually did a 50mi ride with us on the eastern shore this summer.

CURRENT TRAINING:  This winter will work on biking and swimming.  I also need to increase my distance on my runs but on a dreadmill it is difficult. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  For 2012, Sprint- Columbia, Osprey and maybe Columbia oly??  I would also like plan on a half mary to increase my running distance. 



yes, come do columbia oly with me...! i figure that if i could make it through last year on a gimpy hip & running no more than 2 slooooow miles consecutively, anyone can.



Ooh, me three. I'm also wanting to go for the Columbia oly, but am intimidated by the Oly distance.

Don't be! I figure that if I could make it thru last year's, anyone can. Seriously, I'd had a bad ankle sprain last January, had run 3 times in March when I tore my hip muscle, and was ramping up to a painful 2-3 miles of running by the time Columbia rolled around. I was particularly nervous about making it thru the bike (not to mention I'd had SIPE the last time I'd swum in Centennial Lake & left in an ambulance), but did a brick the weekend before with another Team Fighter who nursed me thru the bike .. took it nice & slow, lots of breaks, and I knew that as long as I left the swim walking, I could finish the bike & walk the run and finish before the cut-off (and had my PT's blessing). I don't know if I've ever felt more victorious after any race - even one with a podium win - than that one. It was also my only official Team Fight race of last year, so for me it was all about "fighting" in the face of adversity, and focusing on the cause vs. my body or preconceived ideas about speed.

So, if you're up for it, I'd be happy to ride the course with you when the temps are warmer - can probably start riding in March, and that would give you a solid 2-2+ months on the course....

2011-12-24 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3951356

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-23 10:06 AM
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-22 7:50 PM

Welcome to all our newbies and to our returning members..This is going to be a great group...Great before and after pics...I still haven't figure out how to post them but I will try over the weekend...

? for all I've been working on my run base to help me since this is my main weakness..Last week got in 25 miles spread out over six runs..2.5/5/2.5/5/2.5/7.5 worked up with a 10 percent increase over the past 4 weeks heart rate never higher than Z2..So most runs had a average HR of 140...The first run this week I had a pain on the top of left foot close to the hinge point..So I have been taking a break this week to prevent injury.. This was the first time I had this pain/what could it be?? How many runs per week would be sufficient to build a great aerobic base???Trying to teach my body to use the fat for fuel? I felt like this was a good plan then I was going to start doing speed work about6-8 weeks out from my first tri next year..

What have others done to help you improve your run base/speed??

In my opinion, for those of you that struggle with the run, this is a very good approach to improving the run.  The off season is a great time of year to deal with the run weakness too.  Before building distance per workout, build frequency.  5 or 6 days a week is a good target for most of us.  A good way to do it if you can is to just hop of the bike and run a mile or 2 on the days you bike.  Then run your longer training runs on the stand alone run days.  If you are starting from scratch, start 3 short runs a week, then add another every other week.  Tim has worked to get up to the 5 and 7.5 mile distance, but start a lot shorter. 

The other important thing here is the effort.  If you can't carry on a conversation when you are running, you are running too fast.  Honestly, until you are consistantly running 25 - 30 mile weeks for months on end, 99% of the time you should be running at a conversational pace.  The pace will improve slowly as you build the endurance so be patient.  If you want to throw a little speed work in, do some short strides.  That is 100 yards at 10K pace or if you are on the treadmill, make it 10 or 15 seconds.  Do 5 or 6 of them towards the end of a run once a week, but don't go too fast.  The biggest problem with newer runners is too much too soon and bingo, injury.

The other advice I would give is to make sure you have good running shoes, preferbly fitted by a store that can video tape your stride and put you in the appropriate shoe. 

Is it better to do the bike first? I tend to run first, since it is harder for me and I figure I'd get it out of the way.Also , if you're just starting off, 3 x week, every other day?When you get up to 5x week, when do you put in your rest days?I ran 3 miles on the treadmill yesterday, by run I mean 5 min. run, 2 min. walk, then 2 min. run and walk off and on. I felt good afterwards but the during was awful. Does it get any easier?Thanks,
2011-12-24 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3952241

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

abake - 2011-12-24 6:27 AM Good morning! Is this training group still open? If so I would love to jump in. 

Would be lovely to have you in the group too - one of my favorite BT'ers...

2011-12-24 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3952457

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
MarlaS - 2011-12-24 10:34 AM[, I'd had a bad ankle sprain last January, had run 3 times in March when I tore my hip muscle, and was ramping up to a painful 2-3 miles of running by the time Columbia rolled around. I was particularly nervous about making it thru the bike (not to mention I'd had SIPE the last time I'd swum in Centennial Lake & left in an ambulance), but did a brick the weekend before with another Team Fighter who nursed me thru the bike .. took it nice & slow, lots of breaks, and I knew that as long as I left the swim walking, I could finish the bike & walk the run and finish before the cut-off (and had my PT's blessing). I don't know if I've ever felt more victorious after any race - even one with a podium win - than that one. It was also my only official Team Fight race of last year, so for me it was all about "fighting" in the face of adversity, and focusing on the cause vs. my body or preconceived ideas about speed.

So, if you're up for it, I'd be happy to ride the course with you when the temps are warmer - can probably start riding in March, and that would give you a solid 2-2+ months on the course....

THanks Marla, you're starting to convince me - and I really appreciate the offer.Will you be at next week's hcc swim? I"m going to try to make it.
2011-12-24 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3952424

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-24 10:12 AM

Finished my 2 hour trainer ride in the pain cave this morning!  Nice to have that out of the way before the festivities start this afternoon! Smile

I beleive we have 2 more joining us, abake and a friend of Kathleens, then we will absolutely be done!  It will be a big group, but with the mix of experience in both triathlons and participating in mentor groups, we can handle it! 

Merry Christmas Eve to everyone!  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend and safe travels if your plans call for that!

THanks KEn, you too!
2011-12-24 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 45 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

While I have the passion and enthusiasm of a Professional Triathlete,  speed in any of the three sports seems elude me. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and I’m here to prove just that!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - Platte River Half Marathon
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3 as well as end my season with Ironman Florida, however, finances, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am three weeks into an “Adaptation Phase” with my new coach.  She and I both were surprised that I did NOT have more “Base” to work with after training for the full year of 2011.  We are working together to rebuild that Base and hopefully see a success at Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2012.

 Swim:  I enjoy swimming and swim generally well.  My body positioning needs improvement and I have spoiled myself by using a pull buoy for many of my sets in the past.  I am removing the “crutch” this year and hoping to feel my natural speed in the water as time unfolds.  It is a tough habit to break but probably necessary to see an improvement in my speed.  I swim a 2:00/100yd Pace for a 2.4 Mile Pool Swim.

Bike:  Biking is a challenge for me at my current weight.  I weigh 212.6lbs and living in hilly Colorado it makes climbing a challenge.  If you saw the size of my thighs you might mistake them for having much more power than they do.  I grind a slow cadence when “the road points upward” so that will be my focus for this year.  I ride a 13 MPH Average Pace over moderately challenging terrain.

Run:  I actually enjoy running… however again, speed has been quite the challenge.  I am building my run now trying to keep my heart rate in “Zone 2”.  My current pace is 13:20 min/mile for 8 miles.  I hope to see some improvement as my weight comes down and my fitness rises to the occasion.

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 212.6lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

As I reflect of my DNF at Ironman Florida 2011 the most significant factor that stands out is that I was 20lbs heavier than I was the year prior.  My concern is that the extra weight, along with the extreme winds typical on race day in Florida, was not a winning combination.  

What makes sense is to get myself to a healthy weight which is now my primary focus.  I am puzzled and feel slightly disappointed in myself as I had hoped to be at a much different fitness level to build into Ironman Coeur d’Alene, instead, I am starting from where I am and taking off the weight that should have technically been lost last year. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

2011-12-24 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3952546

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-24 10:40 AM

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 45 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

While I have the passion and enthusiasm of a Professional Triathlete,  speed in any of the three sports seems elude me. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and I’m here to prove just that!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - Platte River Half Marathon
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3 as well as end my season with Ironman Florida, however, finances, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am three weeks into an “Adaptation Phase” with my new coach.  She and I both were surprised that I did NOT have more “Base” to work with after training for the full year of 2011.  We are working together to rebuild that Base and hopefully see a success at Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2012.

 Swim:  I enjoy swimming and swim generally well.  My body positioning needs improvement and I have spoiled myself by using a pull buoy for many of my sets in the past.  I am removing the “crutch” this year and hoping to feel my natural speed in the water as time unfolds.  It is a tough habit to break but probably necessary to see an improvement in my speed.  I swim a 2:00/100yd Pace for a 2.4 Mile Pool Swim.

Bike:  Biking is a challenge for me at my current weight.  I weigh 212.6lbs and living in hilly Colorado it makes climbing a challenge.  If you saw the size of my thighs you might mistake them for having much more power than they do.  I grind a slow cadence when “the road points upward” so that will be my focus for this year.  I ride a 13 MPH Average Pace over moderately challenging terrain.

Run:  I actually enjoy running… however again, speed has been quite the challenge.  I am building my run now trying to keep my heart rate in “Zone 2”.  My current pace is 13:20 min/mile for 8 miles.  I hope to see some improvement as my weight comes down and my fitness rises to the occasion.

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 212.6lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

As I reflect of my DNF at Ironman Florida 2011 the most significant factor that stands out is that I was 20lbs heavier than I was the year prior.  My concern is that the extra weight, along with the extreme winds typical on race day in Florida, was not a winning combination.  

What makes sense is to get myself to a healthy weight which is now my primary focus.  I am puzzled and feel slightly disappointed in myself as I had hoped to be at a much different fitness level to build into Ironman Coeur d’Alene, instead, I am starting from where I am and taking off the weight that should have technically been lost last year. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

Welcome Carla!

Glad to have you with us Wink

2011-12-24 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3952459

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Viyoung - 2011-12-24 11:35 AM
kenj - 2011-12-23 10:06 AM
shake-n-bake - 2011-12-22 7:50 PM

Welcome to all our newbies and to our returning members..This is going to be a great group...Great before and after pics...I still haven't figure out how to post them but I will try over the weekend...

? for all I've been working on my run base to help me since this is my main weakness..Last week got in 25 miles spread out over six runs..2.5/5/2.5/5/2.5/7.5 worked up with a 10 percent increase over the past 4 weeks heart rate never higher than Z2..So most runs had a average HR of 140...The first run this week I had a pain on the top of left foot close to the hinge point..So I have been taking a break this week to prevent injury.. This was the first time I had this pain/what could it be?? How many runs per week would be sufficient to build a great aerobic base???Trying to teach my body to use the fat for fuel? I felt like this was a good plan then I was going to start doing speed work about6-8 weeks out from my first tri next year..

What have others done to help you improve your run base/speed??

In my opinion, for those of you that struggle with the run, this is a very good approach to improving the run.  The off season is a great time of year to deal with the run weakness too.  Before building distance per workout, build frequency.  5 or 6 days a week is a good target for most of us.  A good way to do it if you can is to just hop of the bike and run a mile or 2 on the days you bike.  Then run your longer training runs on the stand alone run days.  If you are starting from scratch, start 3 short runs a week, then add another every other week.  Tim has worked to get up to the 5 and 7.5 mile distance, but start a lot shorter. 

The other important thing here is the effort.  If you can't carry on a conversation when you are running, you are running too fast.  Honestly, until you are consistantly running 25 - 30 mile weeks for months on end, 99% of the time you should be running at a conversational pace.  The pace will improve slowly as you build the endurance so be patient.  If you want to throw a little speed work in, do some short strides.  That is 100 yards at 10K pace or if you are on the treadmill, make it 10 or 15 seconds.  Do 5 or 6 of them towards the end of a run once a week, but don't go too fast.  The biggest problem with newer runners is too much too soon and bingo, injury.

The other advice I would give is to make sure you have good running shoes, preferbly fitted by a store that can video tape your stride and put you in the appropriate shoe. 

Is it better to do the bike first? I tend to run first, since it is harder for me and I figure I'd get it out of the way.Also , if you're just starting off, 3 x week, every other day?When you get up to 5x week, when do you put in your rest days?I ran 3 miles on the treadmill yesterday, by run I mean 5 min. run, 2 min. walk, then 2 min. run and walk off and on. I felt good afterwards but the during was awful. Does it get any easier?Thanks,

Since you would be adding the extra run in with the bike, the bike is the main workout and it should be done on fresh legs.  These "extra" runs, should be done at an easy pace too.  But yes, it does get easier.  Consistancy is the key here!

As far as rest days, once you get to 5 runs a week, I usually look at taking Saturday and Monday since my longest run of the week is usually on Sunday, and with a long bike on Saturday it makes the most sense. 

I think the key though, to be a little repetitive, is consistancy.  Get 3 runs a week in for a couple of weeks, then 4 for a couple of weeks before going to 5.  Also, dont start adding distance to the runs either until you get there.  There is nothing wrong with a run/walk strategy.  A lot of people do this even in races. 

2011-12-24 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3952546

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-24 12:40 PM

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 45 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

While I have the passion and enthusiasm of a Professional Triathlete,  speed in any of the three sports seems elude me. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and I’m here to prove just that!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - Platte River Half Marathon
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3 as well as end my season with Ironman Florida, however, finances, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am three weeks into an “Adaptation Phase” with my new coach.  She and I both were surprised that I did NOT have more “Base” to work with after training for the full year of 2011.  We are working together to rebuild that Base and hopefully see a success at Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2012.

 Swim:  I enjoy swimming and swim generally well.  My body positioning needs improvement and I have spoiled myself by using a pull buoy for many of my sets in the past.  I am removing the “crutch” this year and hoping to feel my natural speed in the water as time unfolds.  It is a tough habit to break but probably necessary to see an improvement in my speed.  I swim a 2:00/100yd Pace for a 2.4 Mile Pool Swim.

Bike:  Biking is a challenge for me at my current weight.  I weigh 212.6lbs and living in hilly Colorado it makes climbing a challenge.  If you saw the size of my thighs you might mistake them for having much more power than they do.  I grind a slow cadence when “the road points upward” so that will be my focus for this year.  I ride a 13 MPH Average Pace over moderately challenging terrain.

Run:  I actually enjoy running… however again, speed has been quite the challenge.  I am building my run now trying to keep my heart rate in “Zone 2”.  My current pace is 13:20 min/mile for 8 miles.  I hope to see some improvement as my weight comes down and my fitness rises to the occasion.

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 212.6lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

As I reflect of my DNF at Ironman Florida 2011 the most significant factor that stands out is that I was 20lbs heavier than I was the year prior.  My concern is that the extra weight, along with the extreme winds typical on race day in Florida, was not a winning combination.  

What makes sense is to get myself to a healthy weight which is now my primary focus.  I am puzzled and feel slightly disappointed in myself as I had hoped to be at a much different fitness level to build into Ironman Coeur d’Alene, instead, I am starting from where I am and taking off the weight that should have technically been lost last year. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

I was in Florida for 2010 as well!  That bike ride was a bit on the chilly side to start, wasnt' it?

Welcome to the group Carla! I will be interested to hear how your coach trains you each week! 

2011-12-24 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3952546

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-24 12:40 PM

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 45 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

While I have the passion and enthusiasm of a Professional Triathlete,  speed in any of the three sports seems elude me. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and I’m here to prove just that!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - Platte River Half Marathon
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3 as well as end my season with Ironman Florida, however, finances, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am three weeks into an “Adaptation Phase” with my new coach.  She and I both were surprised that I did NOT have more “Base” to work with after training for the full year of 2011.  We are working together to rebuild that Base and hopefully see a success at Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2012.

 Swim:  I enjoy swimming and swim generally well.  My body positioning needs improvement and I have spoiled myself by using a pull buoy for many of my sets in the past.  I am removing the “crutch” this year and hoping to feel my natural speed in the water as time unfolds.  It is a tough habit to break but probably necessary to see an improvement in my speed.  I swim a 2:00/100yd Pace for a 2.4 Mile Pool Swim.

Bike:  Biking is a challenge for me at my current weight.  I weigh 212.6lbs and living in hilly Colorado it makes climbing a challenge.  If you saw the size of my thighs you might mistake them for having much more power than they do.  I grind a slow cadence when “the road points upward” so that will be my focus for this year.  I ride a 13 MPH Average Pace over moderately challenging terrain.

Run:  I actually enjoy running… however again, speed has been quite the challenge.  I am building my run now trying to keep my heart rate in “Zone 2”.  My current pace is 13:20 min/mile for 8 miles.  I hope to see some improvement as my weight comes down and my fitness rises to the occasion.

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 212.6lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

As I reflect of my DNF at Ironman Florida 2011 the most significant factor that stands out is that I was 20lbs heavier than I was the year prior.  My concern is that the extra weight, along with the extreme winds typical on race day in Florida, was not a winning combination.  

What makes sense is to get myself to a healthy weight which is now my primary focus.  I am puzzled and feel slightly disappointed in myself as I had hoped to be at a much different fitness level to build into Ironman Coeur d’Alene, instead, I am starting from where I am and taking off the weight that should have technically been lost last year. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

Sounds like IMFL was more than a little disappointing to you... as much as I'm a sunny-side-up kind of person, I can't imagine how I'd struggle NOT to feel totally, totally bummed. Good for you, though, to come up with a plan & get on it. Maybe you can even help me figure out how to like running just a little

Welcome, and happy holidays!


2011-12-24 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3952565

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


I am deeply grateful to be part of your group!  I am realizing that "talking" about my training is as important to me as "doing" my training.

2010 IMFL was  *Q U I T E* a bit chilli!!! This year the weather was outstanding, so I wish I could have "Finished Up" and fully enjoy the experience!

I would love to share my training here... although my coach would kill me if she read this!!!  Right now we are trying to stop my heart rate from SPIKING while doing my very modest Cycling and Run Paces. 

More to come!  In the New Year "It's ON!" ~Carla


2011-12-24 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3952567

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


"Running is your *friend*!"    

And yes, IMFL was a "Heart Breaker".  I felt an overwhelming sense of inadequacy... but I caught myself before I "Spun out into the Oblivian of Negativity".

I'm struggling to finish my race report which will help add some closure to the event.  I have to remember that it was a "Single Snapshot" in Time... and not a "Declaration of who I am" and "What is Possible for me as a Triathlete" !

Looking forward to reading your bio!  Thanks for the Welcome!

2011-12-24 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Welcome Carla! 

RoadToad - awesome job on your 20 mile run - sounded a little brutal at the end, but I am sure it will be well worth it!

2011-12-24 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3952565

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Ken - Hang on... are you a Steelers Fan??? 

I'm originally from Pittsburgh, PA!!!  Born and raised there!

Edited by CarlaLThompson 2011-12-24 12:24 PM
2011-12-24 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3952461

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-12-24 10:35 AM

abake - 2011-12-24 6:27 AM Good morning! Is this training group still open? If so I would love to jump in. 

Would be lovely to have you in the group too - one of my favorite BT'ers...

I made it in!!!

2011-12-24 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3952585

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Robin - Thanks!  Looking forward to reading about your bio and family! ~Carla
2011-12-24 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3952548

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Kathleen - Many thanks to you!  You have quickly become a dear friend!  I look forward to a New Year of training and racing with you!  I enjoy you already as a Neighbor and Friend!

{{ Hugs }}

2011-12-24 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

We need a list....we must be 20 now!!!

Gonna be fun.  Might motivate me.

Merry Xmas to all of you who celebrate.


PS.  Did a 60 minute spin class this morning, to try & fend off some turkey calories!!!Undecided

2011-12-24 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Got out & ran/walked 2 miles today. My poor dog was thrilled that we are running again. Although she seems confused as to why we were going so slow.

I will totally take Ken's advice here and try to gradually build to running 5x a week for short distances. It will force me to be consistent, and if I'm only running 2-3 miles, it will be much harder for me to use the "I don't have time excuse" since I'm only looking at 30 mins or so.

Carla- So sorry about you DNF. I did a century last August and it gave me huge respect for iron distance racing. Good luck with your training.   

2011-12-24 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I've never been much of a runner but I'm going to be running a half marathon on Jan 14.  As soon as I get off work I'm headed out for my longest run so far (12 miles).  So wish me luck and I'll report back later how it goes.  Hopefully not too bad because with Santa being so close, he might hear some the bad things I would be saying.  Merry Christmas to everyone!
2011-12-24 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Ken,I really enjoy the P90x.My wife and I was on it for 9 weeks last year before my daughter had an emergency surgery and we both fell to the WASTE it sceduled so that when I finish the 90 days,I'll have a couple days before I leave for my Oly in Fl.

I'm with you..a morning person so I can put some S/b/R in before work and push play after work.I've put in a few 3 mile runs already this week and if it's not raining in the morning gonna hit the Dam(4mile-one way)before we open presents,my family will prob. be still in bed when I get home
2011-12-24 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3952618

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-12-24 2:03 PM

I've never been much of a runner but I'm going to be running a half marathon on Jan 14.  As soon as I get off work I'm headed out for my longest run so far (12 miles).  So wish me luck and I'll report back later how it goes.  Hopefully not too bad because with Santa being so close, he might hear some the bad things I would be saying.  Merry Christmas to everyone!

Hi Wesley,is that the half in Charleston?I was looking at that before I signed up for a tri in Fl.I live just up 95 in Manning.
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