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2015-01-09 6:35 AM
in reply to: fracas46

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
too much going on to comment on everything. I have had a long week and have not been on here at all. skipped one run this week to have an extra day of rest, The others were on the treadmill as a cold front moved in and its in the teens. Managed to tweek a muscle in my shoulder running (not sure how that happens). Using a lax ball to get it worked out. Had to have my 920 replaced b/c it keeps turning off mid run, and not turning on at times. It is fully charged. A little over a week till my first Half Marathon.

2015-01-09 6:54 AM
in reply to: #5081459

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Scott, injuries suck especially when so close to a race. Take good care of yourself this week. Don't push it, ice, heat, whatever. Your race next weekend won't suffer froma week off of hard training. Best of luck to you! Let us know how it goes!
2015-01-09 12:24 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Workouts 6 & 7 in the books.

6.) 2.15mi run on the indoor track at the university. Was going for 3mi, but I just got new shoes (Brooks Dyad 8) and my left big toe went numb after <1mi. Since this hasn't ever happened to me before, I was concerned. Question for you all: How many miles/how long do you try a pair of shoes before you decide they aren't right for you? The store I where I purchased these shoes will let you return them up to 30 days after purchase, whether you have worn them or not (in fact, they encourage you to wear them several times to see if you like them). If they aren't going to be good, I'll return, but I don't want to jump the gun.

7.) 1150 yds in the pool. I got to try out some of my new gear that I got for Christmas, including pull buoy, kickboard, and swim fins. Of course, I've used the buoy and kickboard before, as the gym has several you can borrow, but the swim fins made me go fast on the kick sets--I like going fast!

Hope everyone is having a great day of training!
2015-01-09 1:51 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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New user
Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I am totally in for the weight loss challenge. I am tracking and working towards weight loss anyway why not join. Holidays officially ended for me on Monday so that is my first weigh in day.

5-Jan-15 254 lb
Goal 8-Jan-15 252 lb

Today: 9-Jan-15 249 lb (I missed the weigh in yesterday)
On track this week let's keep it up.

I call the astounding success of the week for weight loss the “Beer Bloat”. LOL That is all the beer I consumed over the holidays is quickly being lost but I don’t expect this type of result every week. I will need to keep working hard at it. Especially as I approach my best weight last year of 240 lb. I seem the last few years of trying this to always falter between 230 & 240. This is a new year and it won’t happen this year! (if I say it enough and loud enough I will believe than it can happen)

15-Aug-15 190 lb (2 lb/week)

Very busy week for workouts! 1000 m in the pool, 1.5 hrs (22 km) on the bike trainer, 6.6 km running and 32 min of strength training.

Someone asked about high protein snacks. Something that my wife does is she makes a smoothie. She uses plain Greek yogurt (high protein, low fat and sugar), milk, ½-1 banana, and your favorite fresh or frozen fruit. Blend in a blender or using an inversion blender. If you want a lower cal option you can use almond milk instead of regular milk but the protein will be less. And careful on how much fruit you put in because you are adding favour but lots of sugar if you aren’t careful with things like strawberries. I was very skeptical at first as I am not a fan of plain Greek yogurt but it is actually very good. She drinks one most mornings as her breakfast.
2015-01-09 2:54 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Workouts 6 & 7 in the books.

6.) 2.15mi run on the indoor track at the university. Was going for 3mi, but I just got new shoes (Brooks Dyad 8) and my left big toe went numb after <1mi. Since this hasn't ever happened to me before, I was concerned. Question for you all: How many miles/how long do you try a pair of shoes before you decide they aren't right for you? The store I where I purchased these shoes will let you return them up to 30 days after purchase, whether you have worn them or not (in fact, they encourage you to wear them several times to see if you like them). If they aren't going to be good, I'll return, but I don't want to jump the gun.

7.) 1150 yds in the pool. I got to try out some of my new gear that I got for Christmas, including pull buoy, kickboard, and swim fins. Of course, I've used the buoy and kickboard before, as the gym has several you can borrow, but the swim fins made me go fast on the kick sets--I like going fast!

Hope everyone is having a great day of training!

I moved from brooks to hoka since I started training for a marathon. I'm a big guy and they are like walking on a wrestling mat. It took one run to get use to them, but I love them. They are not super cheap but I found them on runners warehouse for less than $100 with free shipping. I did look up a coupon code which gave me 10% off. I think they were just over $100 without it.
2015-01-09 4:12 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Smiley9188

I just figured out how to use this forum, my apologies for joining then being silent. So I've been working out and have an indoor tri next weekend. It's a 10 minute swim, 30 minute guided spin and 20 minute run. Feels like a mini sprint to me. So, has anyone done an indoor tri before? I have a 10 minute transition that I'm hoping to change from my suit to dry clothes. Is that enough time? Anyone have tips?

Also, while I'm not training hard right now I'm staving lately. Aside from hard boiled eggs what are some good protein packed, non processed snacks that you eat?

Oh! And I bought some goo for next weekend. I've never used it. Should I try it out before the race day? I'm freaked out about eating that stuff- after all, it's called goo... Or just give it a go race day if I feel low fuel and hope I don't vomit?

I Swam a strong 20 minutes tonight. Up at 6am for a 3 mile treadmill run tomorrow morning, sadly this will be my first indoor Thursday morning run of the winter but the feels like temps where I am are expected to be -16. Too cold for outside running.

I think the 10 minute transition is plenty of time. Practice in advance...maybe go for a swim and then get out and time how long it takes you to pull your clothes on/off.

Goo...I don't use it...everything I've read is that you definitely want to try it out before race day. I also really don't think that for a sprint you should need it. For my sprints, I've gotten up and had a nice light breakfast 2 hours in advance. An egg or two with maybe cheese or something added in and a whole grain english muffin. That's been perfect for me...afterwards there is usually food, but to be honest I generally give it to my husband. I get hungry about an hour or two after finishing (and then I'm RAVENOUS!). Realistically, you don't need to give yourself nutrition during a 40-50 minute workout to get through it.

Good luck and keep us updated on your race!


2015-01-09 4:37 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I've been keeping up with my goals. I did intend to bike one extra day this week that I've had to miss just because the day crept away from me, but honestly I've been walking so much (over 35 miles a week) I'm okay with it. I am determined to get on the bike tonight though. Keeping up with the running, and am building endurance there so I'm happy with that.

And fortunately, the renewed focus on the exercise is definitely starting to show on the scale and mirror. It hasn't been that long, but the gain happened really quickly so I think my body just knows where it's supposed to be. I feel better just two weeks into this. A huge help is that I work off my stress through exercise, so overall I'm in a way better place than this time last month.
2015-01-09 5:06 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

I've been keeping up with my goals. I did intend to bike one extra day this week that I've had to miss just because the day crept away from me, but honestly I've been walking so much (over 35 miles a week) I'm okay with it. I am determined to get on the bike tonight though. Keeping up with the running, and am building endurance there so I'm happy with that.

And fortunately, the renewed focus on the exercise is definitely starting to show on the scale and mirror. It hasn't been that long, but the gain happened really quickly so I think my body just knows where it's supposed to be. I feel better just two weeks into this. A huge help is that I work off my stress through exercise, so overall I'm in a way better place than this time last month.

Way to get it done! 35 miles per week of walking is incredible and kudos on the weight loss! What are your plans for the weekend?

2015-01-09 5:08 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

too much going on to comment on everything. I have had a long week and have not been on here at all. skipped one run this week to have an extra day of rest, The others were on the treadmill as a cold front moved in and its in the teens. Managed to tweek a muscle in my shoulder running (not sure how that happens). Using a lax ball to get it worked out. Had to have my 920 replaced b/c it keeps turning off mid run, and not turning on at times. It is fully charged. A little over a week till my first Half Marathon.

Scott - Sounds like the cold weather and a crazy week came at just the right time for you to make the most of your taper. I hope your wing heals up quick so you can kick some butt during your first half. You are going to love only having to run... it's gonna seem easy! Have a great weekend!
2015-01-09 5:14 PM
in reply to: Jeakins

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Jeakins

I am totally in for the weight loss challenge. I am tracking and working towards weight loss anyway why not join. Holidays officially ended for me on Monday so that is my first weigh in day.

5-Jan-15 254 lb
Goal 8-Jan-15 252 lb

Today: 9-Jan-15 249 lb (I missed the weigh in yesterday)
On track this week let's keep it up.

I call the astounding success of the week for weight loss the “Beer Bloat”. LOL That is all the beer I consumed over the holidays is quickly being lost but I don’t expect this type of result every week. I will need to keep working hard at it. Especially as I approach my best weight last year of 240 lb. I seem the last few years of trying this to always falter between 230 & 240. This is a new year and it won’t happen this year! (if I say it enough and loud enough I will believe than it can happen)

15-Aug-15 190 lb (2 lb/week)

Very busy week for workouts! 1000 m in the pool, 1.5 hrs (22 km) on the bike trainer, 6.6 km running and 32 min of strength training.

Someone asked about high protein snacks. Something that my wife does is she makes a smoothie. She uses plain Greek yogurt (high protein, low fat and sugar), milk, ½-1 banana, and your favorite fresh or frozen fruit. Blend in a blender or using an inversion blender. If you want a lower cal option you can use almond milk instead of regular milk but the protein will be less. And careful on how much fruit you put in because you are adding favour but lots of sugar if you aren’t careful with things like strawberries. I was very skeptical at first as I am not a fan of plain Greek yogurt but it is actually very good. She drinks one most mornings as her breakfast.

Wow! You had a killer week on the scales! I'm with you on the beer bloat. I too have lost a few pounds thanks to not stuffing my face with beer and wings. And, I agree with you about the smoothies - they can be damn good!

Keep up the hard work - with effort like that, 190 will be here before you know it!

2015-01-09 5:22 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
4 days done and 17 to do. I managed to get in a 40 minute walk after work to keep the streak going. And did my PT despite the fact that I have to do most of it in front of my co-workers. It's nice being back to a place where I feel the need to get a workout in without caring what everyone else things.

Hoping to get in a longish bike ride on Sat. and a swim and aqua jogging on Sunday. I've also dropped some pounds on the scale and have been eating well. Size 36 pants are still pretty tight. Grr.

So, all in all, a good week! Now, where is the beer?

2015-01-09 5:23 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Way to get it done! 35 miles per week of walking is incredible and kudos on the weight loss! What are your plans for the weekend?

4 mile run, lots more walking, 14ish mile bike (an hour), the Seahawks game, and a lot of beer.


2015-01-09 8:43 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Workouts 6 & 7 in the books.

6.) 2.15mi run on the indoor track at the university. Was going for 3mi, but I just got new shoes (Brooks Dyad 8) and my left big toe went numb after <1mi. Since this hasn't ever happened to me before, I was concerned. Question for you all: How many miles/how long do you try a pair of shoes before you decide they aren't right for you? The store I where I purchased these shoes will let you return them up to 30 days after purchase, whether you have worn them or not (in fact, they encourage you to wear them several times to see if you like them). If they aren't going to be good, I'll return, but I don't want to jump the gun.

7.) 1150 yds in the pool. I got to try out some of my new gear that I got for Christmas, including pull buoy, kickboard, and swim fins. Of course, I've used the buoy and kickboard before, as the gym has several you can borrow, but the swim fins made me go fast on the kick sets--I like going fast!

Hope everyone is having a great day of training!

Shoes: I know what I like, and only wear Ascics. To break in a new pair, I always wear them a few hours the first day, like for a trip to the grocery store or something. Then If that feels good, I'll throw them on for a day or two at work. I'm a school teacher and can get away with wearing running shoes and slacks. Also, I'm a dork and do not care what this looks like and am aware it looks awful.

If they still feel good after wearing a few days in the class, then I'll go for a run in them. Short effort. If that feels good, I'm usually good to go out for a longer run.

I've found that breaking them in by wearing them walking around to be helpful. Before this, I'd go for a run first thing, and the shoes would hurt my foot, and I'd try to run through the pain, hoping they'd break in. Sometimes they did, usually I'd take them back. It's also helped that I have my brand, and size nailed down. If I switch brands, I get injured.

Hope that helps. Happy training.
2015-01-09 9:24 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

I am of the "if it doesn't feel right, take it back" approach on the new shoes. If you're getting numbness in your toes, it's because of compression on a nerve, either from the shoe being too tight or inflammation. Neither of which are going to change drastically as the shoes break in. I would try them 1 maybe 2 more times, but don't hesitate to return them if the numbness returns.

Also, awesome job description. I'm sure it's different than I imagine (Indiana Jones kinda stuff) but it sounds cool, except for the running in the desert part.

2015-01-09 9:40 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I think I earned a CLP yesterday. I had to cover a boys soccer game, in addition to teaching I am also an Athletic Trainer and provide medical coverage to our student athletes. I know it's a weak excuse, but after sitting in 40 degree weather for 3 hours, all I wanted to do was hop in the hot tub. So I "switched" my off day. May have to sub an old Bud Light until I can pick up a pack of punishment beer.

Tonight I refereed my oldest son's basketball game and rearranged my boy's playroom so I can set up the bike trainer. I'm heading in there now for a 30 minute spin.

2015-01-10 10:08 AM
in reply to: #5081542

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I would really like to encourage you all to check out Altra shoes. I had little problems that always nagged me when running, until I got a pair of Altra's. They take a little getting used to, with zero drop soles (if you are used to the huge heel of most shoes), but the toe box is amazing. No more smashed together toes in pointy run shoes.

Now, if only they had cycling shoes...

2015-01-10 11:23 AM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Joined a weight loss challenge group at work. We are team of five and there are about 7 other teams. So next week the college's sports and PT students are going to take our measurements and pinch for fat. The challenge will go through the semester,ending in May with measurements every week. This ought to be good knowing my measurements. Yesterday was my off day so to day is another run and getting one bike on the trainer and the other road ready. And then reading up on how to train by HR.

Happy training all!
2015-01-10 12:18 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by cwpeters

I think I earned a CLP yesterday. I had to cover a boys soccer game, in addition to teaching I am also an Athletic Trainer and provide medical coverage to our student athletes. I know it's a weak excuse, but after sitting in 40 degree weather for 3 hours, all I wanted to do was hop in the hot tub. So I "switched" my off day. May have to sub an old Bud Light until I can pick up a pack of punishment beer.

Tonight I refereed my oldest son's basketball game and rearranged my boy's playroom so I can set up the bike trainer. I'm heading in there now for a 30 minute spin.


I don't think switching a day off counts for the CLP unless you still keep your original day off, in which case it is less switching and more skipping

Cynthia- we had PT's come into work and do a strength training study that included body fat and weight. We lifted 4 times a week pretty heavy 5-8 reps with little to no cadio. Everyone went up in weight but down in body fat. I guess my point is for body comp strength training is very important so don't leave that aspect outf. With the endurance coming from rbs I would do low reps with high weight (for you don't hurt yourself) to build new muscle.
2015-01-10 2:59 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Fell off the wagon a bit since my first swim, Ill be swimming in a bathtub full of CL soon.

Got to get back on track!

-17 degrees celcius here today.....wooo hoooo
2015-01-10 6:01 PM
in reply to: #5081964

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Eeked out workout 8 today, and it was UGLY. it was supposed to be a long ride, but ended up 30 min only. I totally blew up my nutrition today by not eating for 10 hours and then thinking I could squeeze in that ride before dinner. For future reference, this is a terrible idea.

happy Training everyone!

2015-01-10 10:23 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Fell off the wagon a bit since my first swim, Ill be swimming in a bathtub full of CL soon.

Got to get back on track!

-17 degrees celcius here today.....wooo hoooo

I know where you're at regarding that wagon. I'm pretty sure after I fell off, I was run over by the next few in line. It takes some internal fortitude to realize what changes you have to make to get back on track. The accountability of this group has been great for me. Good luck with finding your way back.

Can't offer anything for the weather, -17 is brutal.

2015-01-11 4:11 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Happy to hear your difficulties for consistency in training. I sometime envy these guys at the local tri-club that can train double sessions almost daily, don't know what type of job they have, but most of us have to struggle to get the daily session in our schedules. In my case, similar to Gretchen, I do travel a lot (not in the middle of the egyptian dessert) but often to India where you just cannot run on the streets of any city (there are no sidewalks) so try to use the gym at the hotel if there is, or 48h-72h trips to Asia that make training with heavy jet lag difficult to handle. But I have found that this tri-goal gives me a very good, optimistic push to get over jetlag and enjoy the trip. Plus, local beers are usually fun to try.
Going for 13k run now in a beautiful sunny day in Madrid, have a great Sunday!

Originally posted by drfoodlove

The promised bio

Name: Gretchen

Demographics: 35yo, married, female, live in southern Illinois

Back story: Saw triathlon in the 2012 Olympics and thought it sounded cool, decided to give training a try to expand on an existing weight loss/workout program. Trained inconsistently through winter 2012, all 2013 and all 2014. First races in 2014.

2014 Races: Wood River Sprint Triathlon--goal was to finish and not die--accomplished! Second Tri was called the "Trail of Tears" Tri in Cape Girardeau, MO, also a sprint. It took me 2:45min--I was DFL. The name is apparently both a historical reference to the bike path (parts are on the road that was built over part of the Trail of Tears) and also a commentary on the bike course. It was just brutal.

2015 Races: I want to bump up to Oly distance this year. I plan repeat the two races I did in 2014. WR I did with my sister, and it was just fun to have our family cheering us on--it is close to where my folks live. TOT--I want vengeance!! I also want to add another early season race in April/early May and a sprint in early July to keep me honest and training. The Oly I have picked is in mid-September.

Complications: I travel a lot for work. I spend weeks at a time in the middle of the desert in Middle Egypt. There is no possibility of either swimming or biking while there. On my last trip in Nov/Dec I managed to run 52miles in the month along the stretch of road visible to the guards in front of our dig house. It is pretty easy to run (flat, straight), but takes a significant amount of mental toughness to endure the pointing and questions from the locals who think I'm crazy for running back and forth day after day (and also, you have to watch for the donkey poop!).

2015 Goals: Consistency is a big problem for me. I do great for a while, but then my schedule gets thrown off and I have huge gaps between workouts. This year my goals are set so they are relatively easy to attain, but will require consistent work throughout the year.
1.) 400 workouts of at least 30 minutes (most will be s/b/r, but I intentionally left it open to allow for some spontaneity and variety)
2.) Run 600 miles; Bike 1000 miles; Swim 100 miles
3.) Olympic Distance Race

Beer: Right now I'm eight days into Dryanuary (no alcohol in January). Generally, I'm a dark beer kind of woman. I like porters and stouts the best, but I have to say a nice fruity beer every now and then does go down well, especially on a hot day. I'm also a big bourbon drinker.

2015-01-11 7:16 AM
in reply to: #5082066

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Planned rest day here today and just in time. I have no desire to leave the house, we're scheduled to get freezing rain, sleet, and snow. I hope it misses us. I'm traveling tomorrow and have no desire to make the two hour drive to the airport in sleet.

Happy Training everyone!

2015-01-11 10:02 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Complications: I travel a lot for work. I spend weeks at a time in the middle of the desert in Middle Egypt. There is no possibility of either swimming or biking while there. On my last trip in Nov/Dec I managed to run 52miles in the month along the stretch of road visible to the guards in front of our dig house. It is pretty easy to run (flat, straight), but takes a significant amount of mental toughness to endure the pointing and questions from the locals who think I'm crazy for running back and forth day after day (and also, you have to watch for the donkey poop!).

2015 Goals: Consistency is a big problem for me. I do great for a while, but then my schedule gets thrown off and I have huge gaps between workouts. This year my goals are set so they are relatively easy to attain, but will require consistent work throughout the year.
1.) 400 workouts of at least 30 minutes (most will be s/b/r, but I intentionally left it open to allow for some spontaneity and variety)
2.) Run 600 miles; Bike 1000 miles; Swim 100 miles
3.) Olympic Distance Race

Running 52 miles in a month in a foreign land is a big accomplishment, which you should be proud of. A suggestion for a paradigm shift - instead of needing mental toughness to put up with all the pointing - Relish it! Perhaps, as you jump over the piles of Donkey Poop, what the locals are really saying is - Wow! She's a bad! AND YOU ARE.

Consistency with training is also tough for me and I've found that it helps to set a goal for missed workouts. I generally give myself a padding of two missed workouts a month and I don't sweat missing a workout if I keep it under three. But if my schedule gets tough - then I try to add another workout the following week. Usually I try to double up before a rest day so I don't injure myself but having a system where I can cut myself some slack helps!

You are going to crush your OLY and we will toast you when you do!
2015-01-11 10:06 AM
in reply to: justinfss

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Fell off the wagon a bit since my first swim, Ill be swimming in a bathtub full of CL soon.

Got to get back on track!

-17 degrees celcius here today.....wooo hoooo

Justin - I just got back on the wagon and want to help you hop on board with me. Today is Sunday. I challenge you to work out at least 4 times this week for at least 20 minutes. I don't care what you do - I just want you to do it.

My coach challenged me and now I'm challenging you. Don't let me or yourself down. Do the 4 workouts and we will both enjoy a beverage of our choice next Sunday. Fall short - and the only thing we are drinking next Sunday is Coors light. And Justin - I hate Coors Lite.
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