BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome) Rss Feed  
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2016-03-11 5:59 AM
in reply to: #5171365

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
That is great news Liz.
Yeah enjoy your workouts.


2016-03-13 11:19 AM
in reply to: #5171546

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
So this week there has been some small progress.....managed to survive the bike and run and it wasnt as hard as i feared!!! Also managed a swim on Monday but the work and childcare took over....a couple of bad nights with child waking hourly for no apparent reason....left me soooo tired I couldnt get up to train!!! ????However I did eat better last week with much less rubbish so will try to continue that and maybe manage a bit more training.....the light at the end of the tunnel is I have 2 weeks annual leave starting March 25th so can devote plenty if time to training ??
2016-03-14 10:24 AM
in reply to: AnnabelleLong

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by AnnabelleLong

So this week there has been some small progress.....managed to survive the bike and run and it wasnt as hard as i feared!!! Also managed a swim on Monday but the work and childcare took over....a couple of bad nights with child waking hourly for no apparent reason....left me soooo tired I couldnt get up to train!!! ????However I did eat better last week with much less rubbish so will try to continue that and maybe manage a bit more training.....the light at the end of the tunnel is I have 2 weeks annual leave starting March 25th so can devote plenty if time to training ??

Progress is progress! Congrats....!!!! Those 2 weeks off work at the end of the month should allow you to get additional sessions in....
2016-03-14 10:34 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Pretty good swim this morning compared to last week's sessions; I think that cold (bordered on bronchitis actually) is nearly completely resolved; will do a weight session late this afternoon; gotta get some time in on the bike; trainer is a mind over matter thing ; hopefully weather will cooperate for a short outdoor ride in the morning.
2016-03-14 7:53 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Here's hoping you get that ride in Bill. I managed not one, but two outdoor rides over the weekend. 26 miles on Saturday with a few folks from the local tri club, followed by a short 14 miler yesterday. Saturday conditions were perfect. Sunday was warm but very windy. Still much better than sitting on the trainer though!
2016-03-15 1:03 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
I am so jealous of your rides, Ted!! We've had the rainiest winter ever (even for Seattle) and I've been on my trainer in our unfinished basement with no hope of getting outside. It looks like the clouds may part for a few days later this week, though, and then maybe I'll figure out if all that time on my very flat trainer has prepared me at all for my super hilly neighborhood roads! I predict some major crashing and burning (figuratively speaking).

I'm also hoping to get out for my first run in many years. Woohoo-- wish me luck!

2016-03-15 7:42 AM
in reply to: #5171812

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
I had a good Tri camp on Saturday. Learned some things about my swim- my arms are too far out at my sides and not angled enough. Burning my energy. My head position and body rotation is good. Learned some new drills. Running I am swifting my weight side to side in my upper body and my feet kick out when I run. I guess I will have some work to do on that. Wow crazy legs. I did improve since last year. Great day of training. Took Sunday off. My body was feeling it. Monday I ran with the dog, she can run real fast. So I ran fast for me. 7-8-9 mph. My husband clocked her running 33 mph once in the bike. We got in 3 mile run. Today I am in the pool to put some of those drills to work.
I am signing up for a Tri coach computrainer sessions, Wednesdays for 8 weeks. Coach says I could drop a day in the pool and put it on running.

Make it a great day!!
2016-03-15 11:55 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by nekomidori

I had a good Tri camp on Saturday. Learned some things about my swim- my arms are too far out at my sides and not angled enough. Burning my energy. My head position and body rotation is good. Learned some new drills. Running I am swifting my weight side to side in my upper body and my feet kick out when I run. I guess I will have some work to do on that. Wow crazy legs. I did improve since last year. Great day of training. Took Sunday off. My body was feeling it. Monday I ran with the dog, she can run real fast. So I ran fast for me. 7-8-9 mph. My husband clocked her running 33 mph once in the bike. We got in 3 mile run. Today I am in the pool to put some of those drills to work.
I am signing up for a Tri coach computrainer sessions, Wednesdays for 8 weeks. Coach says I could drop a day in the pool and put it on running.

Make it a great day!!

Excellent learning experience!!!! It'll pay dividends for sure! Nice run with your dog....I ran a few times with my daughter's Weimaraner- Lili when I was still running; I was slow and Lili would look up at me as if to say....."well......when are we gonna go fast"!!! . Sadly Lili took very ill last November and had to be put down. Our daughter and son in law were devastated as were we. I posted a photo of Lili last summer in our Todds TriTurtle group. But I digress....congrats to you!!!
2016-03-15 11:59 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by tedjohn

Here's hoping you get that ride in Bill. I managed not one, but two outdoor rides over the weekend. 26 miles on Saturday with a few folks from the local tri club, followed by a short 14 miler yesterday. Saturday conditions were perfect. Sunday was warm but very windy. Still much better than sitting on the trainer though!

Ted....congrats on the great rides!! Weather cooperated here enough this morning for me to get a walk and ride in. Nothing too drastic; amazing how much more refreshing and motivating a ride outdoors can be. Kept it short just to get the "feel" again. I'll change the sequence back to ride/run(walk) next time out. It's been ages since I've had the opportunity to ride outdoors. Better get more rides in; first event is just a little more than a month away!!!
2016-03-15 4:09 PM
in reply to: #5172072

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
We have had some lovely weather over here in England since Friday......hoping this means spring has sprung and it lasts for a few weeks. I know what you mean Bill.....its so lovely to get out and bike/run instead of pounding the treadmill and the static bike indoors....fingers crossed it lasts to and through my annual leave!!!
2016-03-18 9:39 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Even though a shorter swim than I'd hoped for, I felt pretty good about the pool session this morning considering all of the distractions going on around here. Won't be able to get a training session in tomorrow and only an outside chance on Sunday. Weather going downhill over the weekend; maybe an outdoor walk but possible snow and cold will prevent an outdoor ride Sunday......

For those of you with Garmin products, are you experiencing super slow response times in downloading data....or is it just me???

2016-03-18 8:07 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Garmin downloads still slow and there are errors...recorded my session this afternoon as a morning activity.....oh well. Got it corrected.

No training tomorrow; heading out to watch granddaughter's gymnastics competition....
2016-03-18 9:00 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
So . .. we had temps in the 30's (F) today. The forecast for Monday is in the 80's however. Purchased a couple of SUP's a couple of weeks ago, so hoping to get those out for a trial run in the coming week. A couple of swims this week. Hope everyone has a good weekend of training. Enjoy the competition Bill!
2016-03-19 12:42 PM
in reply to: #5172171

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Hoorah.....all 6 training sessions completed this week!!! It was a recovery week on the training schedule though so the sessions were short.
Hopefully with it being Easter Weekend so husband will be at home 4 days over next weekend instead of 2 I should get my training in next week too....fingers crossed
2016-03-21 2:23 PM
in reply to: AnnabelleLong


Middleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Couple questions:

Are there usually time limits on a Sprint distance? Like that you have to finish in a certain time?? I'm hoping to be done in less than 2 hours!

Can you swim any stroke? Can you make up a stroke? Freestyle arms and breaststroke legs for example??

Guess I should look into the rules of Tris!

After my 500 swim and 10 mile bike at the gym yesterday I am feeling more positive about being able to do this!!!
2016-03-21 8:55 PM
in reply to: alm52386

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by alm52386

Couple questions:

Are there usually time limits on a Sprint distance? Like that you have to finish in a certain time?? I'm hoping to be done in less than 2 hours!

Can you swim any stroke? Can you make up a stroke? Freestyle arms and breaststroke legs for example??

Guess I should look into the rules of Tris!

After my 500 swim and 10 mile bike at the gym yesterday I am feeling more positive about being able to do this!!!

I did my first 2 sprints last spring; I had the same concerns about time limits especially since I have to walk the 5K segment due to my knee replacements....I was able to finish in under 2 hours even with walking the run portion. I did reach out to the race organizer to double check and since it was an event that caters to beginners I was encouraged to participate and told many folks would end up doing some walking. So, I don't anticipate you'd have a problem based on your swim and bike you mentioned. But perhaps some sprint events do, maybe checking with the race organizer might be a good idea....others with more Tri experience may be able to provide some insight....

As far as guess is whatever works best for you....

Congrats on a great run and bike ride!

Best of luck!!!!

2016-03-21 9:01 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
We really enjoyed our granddaughter's gymnastics meet. This is her first year to compete. She did an excellent job and finished in the top 4 in one of her events. Of course not knowing how those events are scored by the experts....she got 10s each time in the Grandparent Scoring System!

Only training this week will be limited to walks. Had to travel south again due to a serious family illness (we lost my wife's mom back in January) and now my dad is facing a serious health challenge....we'll squeeze in some walks early am;s then spend time at the hospital with him. The way this is shaping up; not certain I'll make my 4/23 race, but that's the least important thing at this point. Will have to see how the next few days go....
2016-03-22 7:42 AM
in reply to: #5172862

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Bill Congrats to your granddaughter.
As for sprint Tris, I walked part of my run last year. I was brand new to swimming and in my swim it was get from one side of the pool without drowning. It wasn't pretty I did breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, I think it is just get it done. I practice all the strokes but I can tell you for me free and back are fastest. On my back I can't see so I use it only for a moment if I get tired. I'm trying to use my side for this. You will be fine. Just keep practicing, get a coach and or watch swim instructions on you tube. They are great.
Today is swim and weights. I got in a quick run yesterday. I haven't felt like working out lately but I have kept on going.
The important part is to keep moving forward.
Enjoy your day everyone and "keep on swimming, keep on swimming" Finding Nemo
2016-03-22 4:49 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: First Triathlon -- DONE!
I've been totally absent on this thread since my original post because I was totally sucked into training for my triathlon!

I finished my first (reverse sprint) Tri this past Sunday! And guess what, I finished 3rd in my age category! Completely surprised by this result!

Key Takeaways:

1. review the course before the day before the race.
2. more hill training (bike and run), which would have been indicated by knowing more about the course before hand!
3. next time, think Duathlon. I *really* don't like to run. I need to find some kayaking/bike events!

And now, two days later, I'm already wondering what's next. Soooooo....what do you guys do when the race is over?!?!? I've started looking at new ones and I'm looking into joining a tri community here in Los Angeles. I trained by myself this time and wouldn't like to do that again!

For the moment, I'm just going to wear my medal everywhere I go ;-)!


2016-03-22 5:10 PM
in reply to: giavanni

Subject: RE: First Triathlon -- DONE!
Congrats Giovanni well done. Just ccnfused on why you want to do a duathlon do you not like swimming. Let us know what your next plans are?
2016-03-23 4:55 AM
in reply to: #5173208

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Way to go! I think you mean an Aqua bike. Duathlon is run bike run. Aqua bike is swim bike. It gets confusing sometimes.
Excellent on your Tri!

2016-03-24 7:40 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Good morning!
I got in a good 900 yd in the pool on Tuesday. I have found my motivation has been down a bit. I got in my cycle training class last night and kicked it up a bit more than last week. I think it is a good motivator to be with other triathletes and break out of my comfort zone. I came home in much better spirits.
I am now looking at a long swim this morning and a run later today.. I am going to do some broken ladders and just swim, leaving the drills for another day.
I will have an off day tomorrow because of my work schedule. I am doing a long bike on Saturday, hopefully with the family outside. Then a run on Sunday.
Enjoy your weekend and happy Easter. May everyone have great training weather,
2016-03-27 10:24 PM
in reply to: #5173423

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
My weekend plans didn't go as I thought I got caught up in yard work and family time. My event is 2 weeks away. I will be training again in the morning.
I will be going unplugged with my family so no electricity for us. Working on the cast away activity pin for scouts. I will still be training though and logging workouts on paper until next weekend.
Have a good week.
Take care,
2016-03-28 8:16 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Best of luck and enjoy your time with family!
2016-03-28 6:16 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Congrats on your race, Giavanni! Sounds like you crushed it!

I've been struggling with getting the workouts in lately because work has ramped up like crazy. I used to work out at night a lot but when I work all day and don't get enough sleep (my 6 month old daughter is in the middle of a "sleep regression"), it really saps my motivation. The biking seems to be the first thing to go, but that's not good because my race has a very hilly 17 mile bike course.

The good news is I did safely complete my very first run without injury! Woohoo! The bad news is I discovered on that run that my new orthotics don't work as well as my old ones so I have to have them modified, which means I'm in a holding pattern again (at least for running) until they are ready. Sigh.

The clouds have parted here in Seattle and forecasts for the next 5 -7 days are for beautiful sunny Spring weather. I plan to make the most of it! I hope the sun shines on all of you as well.
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