Subject: I haven't voted yet... I live in one township and the town hall is in the opposite direction, a few miles, from the other town where my kids go to school and where everything else is. Wifey had the car all weekend (we switched vehicles due to her working and I needed the van with the kids) and didn't fill the gas tank up. Wifey now had the van. With kids in tow in the car, I head out to the town hall, our polling place. While enroute the gas indicator light comes on and warns me "HEY, DUMBAZZ! I'M LOW! FILL ME!". So, not wanting to be left possibly stranded with 3 kids on the side of the road, I turned around and headed back into the other town to get gas. By that time, I had to drop the kids off to school and my youngest at the sitter's, then get to work on time. Well, 1TT is not a happy man this morning for missing his patriotic duty this morning. Hope you had a better morn, and got out to vote, or at least get out later to vote. |