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2007-01-17 10:32 PM

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Springfield, MO
Subject: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?

Background:  Did my first sprint last Aug and a long sprint in Oct.  I developed ITBS after my first race, rested and rehabbed it, and did the second race before I was ready.  I rested longer and rehabbed better after the second race and then started back ever so slowly.  Things were going great.  I was back up to running 30+ mins and riding a little more with no problems.  My m/o was to run or bike approx every other day.  Never on consecutive days.  Then I aggravated it again last week after starting the 20 week Basic Sprint Plan to get ready for the Lonestar March 31st.  The plan had me training Z1/Z2 on consecutive days plus I did a LT test.

I did some calculations with respect to my IT Band issue and based on my previously successful training m/o to see if I can do my first HIM Sept 22, 2007 (Redman).  That has been my plan for some time, but I don't want to continue to have ITB issues.  I'm thinking about either finding a HIM later in the year, or finishing 2007 with a good Oly and finding a HIM early-mid 2008.  Right now I think I can do at least 20 mins of running and 25 mins or more on the bike before experiencing any pain.  I will test that theory Friday when I do my planned trainer ride.  I may be able to do a few mins more, but I want to be conservative.  So starting with 20 minutes and progressing 5-10% per week I will be up to 5 hrs by mid Sept. 

Based on past training and racing I have guessed what my HIM race time might be.  On the bike I may be able to avg 15 mph, but if I maintain a 14 mph avg for 56 miles that's 4 hrs flat.  On the run I should be able to avg 9:00/mile, but if I can only do 9:20/mile that's about 2 hrs.

Swimming has almost no affect on my ITB, as far as I can tell, so I'm not including it in these figures.  My projected Bike+Run time for the HIM is 5-6 hrs.  Hopefully faster of course.

My questions is:  Am I foolish to approach this in such a manor, since I probably won't be able to do as many long rides/runs and bricks as I want to and should?

I'm starting to think I'll have to put off the HIM plans, but would like to hear some opinions and experiences on moving up to this distance.


2007-01-17 10:41 PM
in reply to: #658799

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?
My 2 cents is that I think any approach is fine as long as you go in with three things in mind:

1. You might DNF because you are undertrained and you don't make a time cut off.
2. You DNF yourself if you start to injury is worth finishing a race.
3. Cost is not a factor.

That's my approach to all my races. And I've DNF'ed and have no regrets with my decisions regarding anything.

Edited by auto208562 2007-01-17 10:42 PM
2007-01-18 8:15 AM
in reply to: #658799

Extreme Veteran
South Park, PA
Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?

my suggestion to you is to find a very good sports minded PT to work with you to diagnose why you are having continued ITB troubles.  it is usually a muscle imbalance or even a skeletal imbalance that can be addressed through proper rehab techniques.  i was lucky enough to have an excellent PT who worked with me and after 6+ years of keeping sure that i keep the appropriate muscles involved,  i haven't had any ITB troubles.   <sigh>  i miss my PT. 

if you don't address the issues, you will not be able to train properly for any race.   why be underprepared?  if it were me, i'd just be more frustrated with a poor performance than anything.  



2007-01-18 8:35 AM
in reply to: #658799

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?

I'll second seeing a good PT to help you with your issues.  Self-diagnosis is trouble waiting to happen.

Do you foam roll?  HERE is a thread from a while back talking about self-treatment using foam rolls.  The link to an article on "self-myofacial release" is one that's been particularly beneficial to me.  

Again, see a PT or doc first.  Then get a treatment plan.  Foam rolling is more of a maintenance measure than a treatment.  

2007-01-18 9:12 AM
in reply to: #658799

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?

Thanks for the input.

I did see a Sports Doc and a PT.  PT suggested strengthening adductors.  Bought a foam roller, did the stretches and exercises, and got better.  I brought this on myself the first time by over training, and didn't learn my lesson. 

My question is more about the amount of training, limited by pain not available time, I will be able to do before the race.  After my last race last year I rested for 3-4 weeks and then started back gradually.  Also, I never ran or biked on consecutive days.  This worked very well and if I follow the same m/o I will just barley be at the HIM level be race time.

The absurdity of trying to do a HIM this year is starting to sink in, so I think I will find and enter an Oly or two later in the year and also do a couple of sprints.  I may also see the PT again and do more stretching and rolling.


Good Luck and Have Fun!

2007-01-18 9:21 AM
in reply to: #658799

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?

Thanks for the link Matchman.  Good info.


2007-01-18 12:16 PM
in reply to: #658799

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Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?

I have been fighting IT band syndrom since November.  I can now say, I've just about kicked its little butt right out of my knee.  I run with a guy that had ITBS so bad he had to have cortizone shots.  Last month he ran the White Rock Marathon and last Sunday he ran the Houston Marathon and is now preparing for Austin.  ITBS can be beaten.   For me, there have been a few factors in this success.  A foam rolle has been a large factor.  I don't want to diminish the importance of it.  I wouldn't sell mine for 10 times the cost I paid for it.

But the single largest factor in this success is my physical therapist.  Before I met him, I thought it was just a stretching problem that I could solve with a roam roller.  Turns out there was more wrong in there than I knew.  I've been to PT 4 or 5 times now and my knee problems are history.  There was some funkyness in my tibia bone that was not floating the way it should.  It was stuck in one location where it didn't move back and forth as it should have when I ran and cycled.  It also was leaning over to the side rubbing against the femor.  I would have never known this or been able to solve it without my PT.  My advice is to have a pro do a complete exam and see if there is something else going on.  


2007-01-18 1:22 PM
in reply to: #658799

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?
Just to echo what others have already suggested; Get professional help to determine why running is irritating your ITB.

ITBS is not supposed to be a normal reaction to running. (Running should not hurt)

I developed a case of ITBS when I started running and was able to determine the cause and correct the problem with professional help. They video taped me running at the local track both on fresh legs and later on, with very tired ones.

It was determined that my ITBS was caused by "Turning In" my right knee when I got tired. The suggestion was that my leg and hip muscles were tightening up "Asymetrically" which totally screwed up my bio-mechanics.

Awareness of the problem, strengthening of the affected muscles, (Not just the muscles around the ITB) and running in correct running shoes (Matching my Bio-Mechanics) fixed the problem.

I have not had a flare up of ITBS in over 3,000 miles. (And counting)

Good Luck
2007-01-18 1:52 PM
in reply to: #658799

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: HIM hopes/ITBS nightmares - What should I do?
How many times a week did you use to run (or are you currently running?) how long each session? How hard (from 1 to 5?) Are you over weight? How old are you? Do you run with the right shoe based on your stride style? Do you warm up and cool down before every run? Did the PT or sports doctor mention some sore of muscles imbalance or even mechanical issues?

Have you ever had your bike fitted professionally? Does the pain appear when riding/after riding?  

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