General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Rob V Bike Accident at Kona Rss Feed  
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2010-10-08 4:49 PM

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
A lot of you have seen this about TriColumbia founder and local Maryland'r Rob Vigorito...

(Excerpt from his wife's email)

Just a note to a large group of people. We are in Kona for Ironman. Robert was in a bike accident today, Wednesday, while riding his bike on the Queen K Hgwy. He was attempting to avoid a truck that pulled in front of him and wound up going over his handlebars into the truck. 

He has 9 broken ribs, several multiple breaks, a fractured scapula, a pneumothorax and a lacerated lip. He is in the Kona Community Hospital and will be for at least one more day. The intent is to keep him until he can tolerate oral pain medication. The thought is that he will be in pretty severe pain for about a month.

I don’t want him disturbed until he feels he can talk without morphine, so you can feel free to contact me if you need to get a message to him.

How we get back home or when is anyone’s guess right now.  We are thankful he does not have a head or neck injury and is not dead.

I’ll keep people advised as indicated.

 - Sharon

2010-10-08 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3141798

Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
More updates...

 "We transferred Robert to Honolulu today to take advantage of the trauma center on Oahu. We were flown on Hawaii Life Flight. What wonderful people and very professional. Several reasons prompted this. Pain management – he was able to have a thoracic epidural which reduced his pain exponentially. When he is off morphine and awake he can take advantage of the incentive spirometer and work on filling his lungs, preventing pneumonia. Lastly, if there were any surgical intervention required, he is where he needs to be."
2010-10-09 3:58 AM
in reply to: #3141798

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Extreme Veteran
Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona

Man, that's rough. Great man... Im sure he'll be back on his feet soon.

2010-10-09 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3141798

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Extreme Veteran
Frederick, Maryland
Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
Update this morning is that Robert could be released from the hospital in about a week. The not so great news is that due to possible serious problems from his injuries, he won't be able to fly for 4-6 weeks. So, his wife is having to deal with that reality. Hopefully, the professional tri community and perhaps IM franchise could step in and help out.

Edited by sbrdave 2010-10-09 7:01 AM
2010-10-14 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3141798

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
According to JoshN, Rob is the guy who dragged my delerious corpse to the med tent after savageman because he knew what to look for -- wishing him a speedy recovery.
2010-10-14 11:34 PM
in reply to: #3141798

New user

Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
He needs legal help in Hawaii. Not thinking about that now but the driver must be held responsible. All cyclist suffer from vehicle drivers disregard for rules of the road. I suffered same injuries near Kona in '07.  Med bills $175,000.00. Forced to use local lawyer, wish I had taken action sooner.

Buz Carragher, Salisbury Cycle in Maryland          Contacted a good lawyer and advised him of Rob V's injuries.  (see his email to me below)
Dear Buz:
Thank you for your efforts to connect us.  Since he is here at Queens, it would be great to connect before he returns to the mainland.  
If we can connect now it would give us the opportunity to get photographs of the needed treatment and his injuries.  This type of evidence will disappear forever if it is not captured now.  We are willing to provide an experienced photographer to capture that evidence at this point if they are willing - and we will do so without obligation.  It would also be wise to start investigating the available insurance coverages promptly in order to help prevent insurers trying to avoid their responsibilities.
Bill Lawson  

2010-10-15 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3141798

New user

Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
Trying to get message to Sharon.  Hawaii insur. law is much different from Maryland and 65% of vehicles don't have insur.  If they file claim with Md. lawyer expect  much smaller coverage.  I know, it happened to me three year ago.  Not a lawyer but a bike shop owner who has gone thru this. My motve is only to help Rob.  I've got nothing to gain but satisifaction that I helped someone in need.  Buz
2010-10-22 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3141798

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
2010-10-22 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3167051

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Extreme Veteran
Glen Burnie, MD
Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
wow, I didn't know Vig was 62!  Good for him!  I really hope he recovers quickly and doesn't sustain any permanent injuries  
2010-10-27 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3141798

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Subject: RE: Rob V Bike Accident at Kona
hope hes doing better
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Rob V Bike Accident at Kona Rss Feed