krystyna47 - 2011-06-11 4:17 AM
Okay, I'm on a bit of a roll in terms of triathlon/run/bike/inspirational sport reading.
Here's what I've read (and enjoyed):
- Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
- Running with the Buffaloes by Chris Lear
- It's Not About the Bike by Lance Armstrong
- I'm Here To Win by Chris McCormack
- Once a Runner by John L Parker Jr
- The Rider by Tim Krabbe
- 50 Marathons, 50 States by Dean Karnazes (although I didn't LOVE it, not at all, I mainly read it b/c the book, and the guy, are so over the top and ridiculous)
SO... what should I add to the reading list? What's out there that I don't know about???
That's so neat, I've been doing a lot of reading of tri-related books too! haha I've read the two that I bolded, plus Ultramarathon Man
(from the reviews it sounds like it's a lot better than 50/50 so you may want to check it out. To me, it read like 3 huge race reports with some other stuff thrown in between. I recommend it
). I also read "Lance Armstrong's War" by Daniel Coyle
) and thought it offered a good look from the outside at not only LA but also the Tour and pro cycling in general. Taught me a lot of stuff I didn't know
(which doesn't take much since I'm a complete pro cycling noob
I'll also recommend "Momentum Is Your Friend" by Joe Kurmaskie. It'll make you want to be a better person. AND it will make you want to go ride your bike across the country. I'm now reading through "Mud, Sweat, and Gears" by the same author and, while I'm still enjoying it, sometimes reading back-and-forth between the wife's commentary in the footnotes can be more distracting than insightful or witty.
There was a thread on BT a long time ago about "Motivational Books" and from that I started a list of the ones that sounded interesting to me. They are:
Duel in the Sun
Iron Heart - boyle
50/50 - karnazes
A race like no other - NYC mary
Once a Runner
Again To Carthage
To the Edge: A Man, Death Valley, and the Mystery of Endurance
The Long Run - matt long
Swimming to Antarctica