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2004-09-02 11:46 AM

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: Almost committed in Philly

Here's how I got here:

Spent high school and college at or near elite level athlete (rowing).  Got 80-100hr week job and stopped working out/exercising.  Got slightly more sane job and started at least working out some again.  Got married.  Had a kid. Stopped.  Started again.  Moved from NYC to Philly and had another kid.  Stopped.  Started again.  Had another kid.  Stopped.  Just truned 35 and basically have decided that I need something tangible to shoot for to keep my exercise program more consistent and have decided to try a tri.  Don't like running enough (much at all really) to just do that and wanted to get into swimming to use more upper body.  (It was my search for some swimming help that actually led me to discover this site.)

I have now been to my local Y to swim 3x since getting some goggles for my B-day and realized that while I could easily survive in water, it may help to actually know the techniques for swimming efficiently to get through more than a few laps without drowning.  I am planning on taking some lessons there soon to improve on this.

I am comfortable on a bike and am not too concerned about this leg--just have to worry about integrating it into the whole (i.e., don't blow out my legs before the run).

I need to buy some running shoes before I even start here.  (part of registering here and writing this down is to make sure I go do it)  I am about 6'3" and 210lbs.  As I was about 197 in peak physical condition, running has never been one of my favorite activities (I doubt I will ever "look" like a runner).  Unless or until that changes, ironmans are not in my plans.

Over the fall &winter, I want to start getting into a training routine and gradually ramp up the work I can do in both the swim and run in particular.  My goal is to do a sprint and/or olympic tri next season.  Hopefully get down to around college weight (maybe even below since I'm sure I've lost muscle mass since then) and stay there.  Oh yeah, and have some fun.


2004-09-02 12:05 PM
in reply to: #56923

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Subject: RE: Almost committed in Philly
Hey John,
Welcome and commit!!!! You can do it.

I defitnely do not look like a runner either (5'6'' and 155 lbs, with what they call "thunder thighs") - but I think you find that it grows on you. I started doing tri's because I had a couple friends who were running marathons and thought - I could never do that. I can't handle that much running, but I wanted to do something.

I was a hockey player in college and have always been in decent physical shape. I ran a little during the summers to stay in shape but hated every minute. As I have gotten more into the tri's I have found that the running gets easier - I think it is the cross training. I now find myself saying...I know I can do an Olympic length race and I think I can do a marathon...and then an Ironman. All are in my goals for the next two years. So sign up!!! You will love it.
2004-09-02 2:17 PM
in reply to: #56941

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Almost committed in Philly

Thanks for the encouragement.  I figure just by writing this down it should be enough to get me going.  I'm glad this site is here since as of yet I don't have anyone to agree to do this with me (though I'm working on a couple).  With someone else (either in-person or cyberspace) it should keep me motivated to stick to a program (my working thesis anyway).

As to the run, maybe you'll be right.  If so I'll update my longer-term goals.  To get started, I want to have a goal I know is attainable--even if I still hate the running!

2004-09-02 6:39 PM
in reply to: #56923

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Almost committed in Philly
Welcome to the the T-Spot!
2004-09-04 11:35 AM
in reply to: #56923

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Almost committed in Philly
Welcome!  You've definitely taken the first step - using the logs will help too. Good luck training!
2004-09-05 12:28 AM
in reply to: #56923


Subject: RE: Almost committed in Philly
John, good to have you here! Good luck with your training. Perhaps, we'll end up at the same event at some point in time -- I'm committed in Harrisburg.


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