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2012-02-01 1:13 PM
in reply to: #4017283

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Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?
skipg - 2012-01-29 3:42 PM
skipg - 2012-01-29 4:33 PM
lisac957 - 2012-01-29 3:45 PM

Many, many places as I was diagnosed with Celiac disease as a baby and the slightest crumb of gluten would have me puking for hours - throughout my entire childhood.

But the best was on a guy's bare chest. 
Not a single word was said, he just walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sorry dude. 

Just a little nasty! Was that it...nothing else was ever said?
Can't get this nasty image out of my head, was it during pizza...please say no!?!?

I hate to admit but I did puke on my girlfriend during pizza and thanks to this thread for reminding me of it.

 Also, has anyone else had the pleasure of using the barf bag on a airplane?

Edited by Krega 2012-02-01 1:14 PM

2012-02-01 1:27 PM
in reply to: #4017428

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Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?

nerdjock - 2012-01-29 5:35 PM On the guest book when I was the maid of honor at my best friend from college's wedding.  The puke happened as I was sitting in the backseat of the family minivan with the bride's father, mother, little sister and little brother, who was driving after the wedding reception.  A winding road + lots of wine = purple barf all over the guest book that was sitting on my lap.  Also, the bride had made the guest book herself with a fabric cover.  The inside was fine but the fabric cover had to be replaced.

I went to wedding once where I was dating the maid of honor and the groom puked on the bridle table barely missing the bride and the flower girl.

Funny thing is, the situation lead directly to the MOH and myself breaking up but the bride and groom are still together.

2012-02-01 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4017159

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Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?
On second thought, I think I should refrain from sharing. I will leave this last line:

This would be one of the rare instances where upchucking in your boss' vacation home was not a CLM (career limiting move).

Edited by Renee 2012-02-01 1:48 PM
2012-02-01 1:50 PM
in reply to: #4023546

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?
Krega - 2012-02-01 1:13 PM

skipg - 2012-01-29 3:42 PM
skipg - 2012-01-29 4:33 PM
lisac957 - 2012-01-29 3:45 PM

Many, many places as I was diagnosed with Celiac disease as a baby and the slightest crumb of gluten would have me puking for hours - throughout my entire childhood.

But the best was on a guy's bare chest. 
Not a single word was said, he just walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sorry dude. 

Just a little nasty! Was that it...nothing else was ever said?
Can't get this nasty image out of my head, was it during pizza...please say no!?!?

I hate to admit but I did puke on my girlfriend during pizza and thanks to this thread for reminding me of it.

 Also, has anyone else had the pleasure of using the barf bag on a airplane?

Why yes. Yes I have used a barf bag on an airplane. And it was a 10 passenger turbo prop with no bathroom of course. And since the quarters are nice and snug every one of those other 9 people got to sit there while I barfed a jelly donut into a paper bag. They all pretended not to notice.
2012-02-01 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4023546

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?

 Also, has anyone else had the pleasure of using the barf bag on a airplane?

On a trans-Atlantic flight, we ran into a bunch of turbulence...in fact, they seemed to last for about 20 mins or so. Well, the plane was packed and there was a bunch of French high school students who where heading home and they really enjoyed the bumps and stomach-flying episode. However, the guy right next to me was not feeling so well. He sat there moaning with every up and down as he's hanging onto his barf bag - just in case. Well, just before the plane found that sweet spot and evened out we went through a particularly vigorous bout of ups and downs to the point where the overhead compartments were opening up and spewing content and the entire plane was rattling. In the middle of all this, the French kids are laughing and chanting, "Space Mountain! Space Mountain!" as they threw their hands up as if going down the first large hill on a roller coaster. And the moaner guy hears them squealing with delight and just tossed his cookies into his barf bag filling it up in one big heave. And before I can hand him the barf bag from my side, he barfs all over my feet. He then barfed one last time into the bag I hand him. He NEVER said a word to me - no sorry, no 'thanks for your barf bag' LOL ...notta! 

2012-02-02 4:31 PM
in reply to: #4017159

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?

A few years ago, my wife's office decided to have the christmas party on a gambling cruise ship. The ship would go out 3 or 4 miles to international waters where gambling was legal, and just cruise up and down the coast for a few hours.

Late December here can be nasty on the ocean when cold fronts come through. Sure enough, that day a cold front passed through and we sailed that afternoon with gusty winds and building seas. The first half of the trip was heading south, so we were going with the winds and seas. The ship's speed was very close the the speed of the waves, so at first it was very smooth.

We were at dinner when the half way point turn around happened.

The 600 foot ship listed 15 degrees and everyone had to grab their drinks to prevent them from spilling. When we headed back north, the fireworks started. I have lived near the sea my whole life, but I have never seen waves of this size. Within twenty minutes, HUNDREDS of people were losing lunch. I was okay, but the smell was unbearable. I spent the last three hours out on deck in the freezing wind with only a sweater on. When we got back to port, I walked back through the ship to leave and it looked like a war zone. The main deck entertainment area looked like someone had taken a puke firehose to it.

That was the last time a cruise office party happened.

Edited by Turnin2 2012-02-02 4:34 PM

2012-02-02 4:42 PM
in reply to: #4023546

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?
Krega - 2012-02-01 1:13 PM

 Also, has anyone else had the pleasure of using the barf bag on a airplane?

Well, most of it made it into the bag...  Embarassed

2012-02-02 7:18 PM
in reply to: #4017159

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Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?

On the screen door, hard to clean the tracks.  Through the screen really most of it came back at me.  Every lawn from Anthony's Attic to Russel hall in Delhi NY.  Out the back seat of numerous car down the side.  I ralphed a lot in college.  I kept the tee shirt maker in business.  I would pull the bottom out and up makes a nice catch basin, not water proof but would catch a lot chunks and saved me a lot of involved clean ups.  

Being a beer drinker in college for the most part didn't know two bottles of wine was pushing it in 2 hours.  The next day as I walked to wash my sheets at 8:00 in the morning I was caught by my girlfriend that knew I puked in my bed.  (I never did my laundry, neither did she, some how got other chicks to do it for me.)  

Super bowl party.  Next day I was ask how I did with my diet through the big game.  I told them I was a little bulimic.

The bushes after I was told to stay in the car after the sheriff pulled us over.  Driver was sober, pulled over for a light out. 

Edited by dexter 2012-02-02 7:19 PM
2012-02-02 9:20 PM
in reply to: #4017159

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?

I'm glad I'm not the only one, and glad this hasn't happened to me in a while!

When I was in college, a friend and I went to play baseball in Spain for a couple of weeks.  The first night in Madrid we went out to see the sights and experience the finest that Madrid's cheap bars had to offer.  Unfortunately, I am a next day puker, which is the worst, since the buzz is gone, so I get to experience all the wonderfulness of it, without the alcohol deadening the edges.  The bummer with this time was that we had to leave in the morning on a long bus ride to the next city.  I started puking that morning before we left, but wasn't done by the time we got on the bus.  There had been a curfew the night before so I needed to make sure the coach didn't know what was going on.  Because I knew I wasn't done puking, I had brought a plastic bag with me and sat towards the back of the bus.   I puked once or twice more after we got on the bus.  The good thing was that I was done.  The bad think was that I had nothing that I could do with the bag for several hours so I tied it to the seat back in front of me, and spent the next couple of hours watching it swing back and forth in front of me (and probably hoping the bag didn't break or leak!).

2012-02-03 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4017159

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Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?

This was around 1990 when I was a senior in highschool. It was summer time and I worked for the school district mowing. I ate some bacon that wasn't fully cooked and when my boss was holding our morning meeting, I puked on his feet and on the ground between his legs. It splashed all over his pants as well as covered his shoes. I  think back now about it and laugh but it wasn't funny, for me, at the time.

2012-02-03 8:56 AM
in reply to: #4017159

Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Where have YOU puked?

Back when I was a junior (I think) in high school, we went to a friends party.  I was DD that night, cause it was my turn so the four that came with me were partying their buts off.  Anyway, the girl throwing the party was a good friend of mine and she was freaking out because her house was totally getting trashed.  tire marks in the front lawn, broken gates, mud and spills everywhere, etc...... you know the drill; so I told her I'd help her clean up and maybe we could get things looking respectable by morning, but I just needed to take my friends home first.  So I gather them up and get them moving to the car.  They are TRASHED.  We all pile in, 3 in the backseat and 1 + driver (me) in the front.  I had parked under a street light about 20 ft from the main intersection.  I turn the car on and go that 20 ft and then remember to turn my headlights on.  I turn down the road and go maybe100 yards and see red & blue lights in my rearview (find out later he pulled me over driving dark).  I pull over and the cop comes up and "license and insurance please?"  At which point the guy in the back seat opens the door and starts vomiting out the side of the car.  The guy in the middle grabs the paper bag that we got when we bought the booze and starts vomiting into the bag.  I asked the front passenger to get my insurance card out of the glove box and so he does and then asks the cop "do you need mine too?"  Cop replies "are you driving?"  So anyway, we go through the drill; I'm DD not drinking, they are all quite inebriated on our way home. He tells me to get them home to which I do.  On my way back to help out my friend, he starts to pull me over again!!!  Once I pulled over again he turned his lights off and drove past.  I'm assuming he recognized the car or me and let it go.

The funny thing about getting pulled over was the collective "oh sh**!" when the two in the back start hurling, and then the look back at the cop with "yeah, yeah, we know...... out of the car."

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