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2008-05-12 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Kristen, I am so glad that your boyfriend is setting limits and supportive. That means so much. He must be pretty awesome. You will get through this, just make the best out of it. Channel all that energy into training (just don't get too good if you are in my age group, although I think you are much younger than me).

I guess I need to look into wetsuits. I so do not want that extra expense.

I am getting back into running tomorrow if all goes well. I am swimming tonight and then maybe some time in the hot tub for my hip. I am going to start with a 2 mile run and see how that goes. It bums me out because that is my strong discipline and I suck at biking and swimming. Biking is getting better. I am hoping something clicks with the swimming soon.

Good Training to all tonight!!! Lets all keep up the good work!

2008-05-12 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
my body just quit today - trying to do a long ride on the trainers in the basement. Sometimes I don't take into account the sleep depravation, and it catches up with me- and today may just be that day. It''s not that the baby does not sleep- it's that she does not sleep for longer than 2 or if I am lucky 3 hours, then she is up and needs help getting back to sleep. It will pass, I know. I realized when I got on here today that I have not had a day off of training since last Monday, so my body was ready for a day off and I decided to push through, thinking I would do Thursday and maybe Friday off because of my race on Saturday. I think I need to rethink the training plan this week with the husband. So I quit my ride 10 minutes in and my whole body is achy. I plan on getting baths for the kids, putting everyone to bed, taking some tylenol and hitting the hay myself.

Will catch up with everyone's logs tomorrow. Oh, and I had a playdate here today with screaming six year old girls. Wow. My head is still echoing.
2008-05-12 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Hi everyone! It sounds like everyone is having lots of challenges!! Hang in there!

I had a morale boost this morning! At my weigh in at WW, I lost 2.6 pounds in the last week for a total of 10.8! I was very excited!

Now that I have gone "running" (walk/jog and whimper) 3 different times, I am not as freaked out about the idea. I still have a long road ahead of me, but I feel I have a good understanding of where I am and where I want to go.

I did a bit of walking/jogging this evening and then hit the pool at our condo. By my very sketchy estimates, I think that I would have to swim 40 lengths of the pool to equal 1/4 mile. The pool is kind of odd shaped. Tonight I swam 20 lengths without stopping but it was a mix of freestyle, backstroke, side stroke and a little dog paddle for good measure!
2008-05-14 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Hi everyone,

I didn't mean to disappear. Dave had a health scare not last weekend but the weekend before and continued on for a few days. He's just fine now but I got totally discombobulated.

Good news though--I did five days of workouts last week. I just fit them in when I could. I'm kinda surprised at myself.Wink This week I've done a strength training workout and walk/run. This evening I'll get in the bike and upper body strength training.

Also on the plus side, I might have another workout partner. The doctor told Dave to exericse and lose weight. As someone in the elevator at the clinic said, "That's what they all say!" Well, true, but Dave's making exercise noises! I'm hoping i can get him on a bike and maybe do the run/walk program. He's not too much for swimming. Where we both truly excel is as couch-pototoes.Tongue out

I'll catch up on messages this evening. Just wanted to say i'm back. Hope all is going well for each of you!


2008-05-15 5:29 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Mary, I hope all is well with Dave. Sometimes it takes a scare to get them off the couch. My DH has a routine that he does at the gym but I think he goes more for the hot tub. It'll be nice for you two to do some activity together. He may even find he likes it.

Sharyn-WAY TO GO!!!!! That is great weight loss. WOO!!! HOOO!!! WW does work if you are committed to it.

Ann-It does get better with the kids. I applaud you for fitting training in with little ones at home. My youngest is 16 and we have school events but nothing like it was when they were full dependent on me. Keep up the great balancing act! You are awesome!

I had a breakthrough last night with swimming. I really struggle with my breathing (I don't exhale under water). My coach has been really working with me. He had me use fins last night and just concentrate on breathing and I finally got a pattern. I felt great and am so excited. I felt like a baby walking for the first time. I can't wait to get back in the pool this weekend and swim again to see what I can do with my endurance now.

Happy Training to all!!!

Edited by jogo 2008-05-15 5:32 AM
2008-05-15 6:31 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
congrats, Jo, on the swim breakthrough! I think that will help a lot and you will be able to do more distance work. that whole breathing thing is pretty essential, right? great work!

i'm starting to get nervous for the race Saturday. It's my first 5k run since college- and let's not even talk about how long ago that was. we are going to pick up our race packets at the zoo today. my 6 year old is very excited about her 1k race. yesterday was my last real training day this week; today is waterbabies class with the wee one, lots of stretching planned, and then tomorrow morning I will get in a short run- the 1 mile loop and then the half mile loop, nice and super slow to get my legs stretched even better. Prepping for this race this week and last means I have really neglected the bike, but I have not been riding outside yet and that is a whole different hot mess.

great job, everyone, on staying up on the training. have a good rest of the week!

2008-05-15 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Hi everyone,

My training buddy and I did our walk/run intervals today at the lake. it was 54 at 8 a.m. and they're predicting over 80 this weekend! Woohoo, summer is here, at least for awhile. We're doing 1.5 minute running/2 minute walking plus warm up and cool down. We're making progress with consistency even if not with actual speed/endurance.

I've been doing well with strength training. I know if I keep this up I'll change the shape of my body. I'm the total apple and want to see a waist at some point. And the cardio will eventually get off the pounds. I need to work on my food but right now just getting used to exercising again is taking all my focus.

I read up on the posts I missed. Glad to be part of such a motivating group.

Jo, I'm so impressed at your bike mileage--26 miles. Terrific. I have the same problem with working out on weekends--it seems to be when I catch up on house stuff and Dave and I spend time together. Evenings are a bust for me because I have so much trouble getting to sleep after an evening workout. So for me it's mornings and lunchtime. I sympathize. It seems to get easier and easier to get up early in the a.m., I think because summer is coming. I hope the hip is getting better. Hot tubs are so nice! Great about the breathing in your swim training. I haven't got it mastered.

Sharyn, that's so nice you have a running group. For me, when I know someone is waiting for me, I don't blow off the workout (which I'm inclined to do!). Congrats on the weight loss!!

Kate, great you survived the standardized testing! You mentioned measuring portions--this was such a shock to me when I started doing it. Half a cup of rice is so little! But I noticed I lost weight when I was good about portion sizes. Right now I'm just eyeballing and hmmm...don't seem to be losing. That's so helpful you have the treadmills and pool right at the condo.

Kristen, I hope the lady can get the help she needs. So hard to find the right balance sometimes. Glad you're able to be firm with your boundaries. It's sounds like a tough situation.

Anne, I'm interested in that book. I'm going to see if the library can get a copy for me. Good luck on your race. Adrenaline is great stuff--get you over the finish line. It's wonderful how you train as much as you do with all the family stuff. Good going.

Hope your day is going well.


2008-05-16 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Okay, I sucked it up and spent some money. I ordered a wetsuit online. It is a TX2 T:0 triathlon team wetsuit. It was not as expensive as some so I hope it will be good. I think it is enough for a beginner, like myself, just doing sprint tris. With my first tri in 2 weeks and the weather still in the 60's on the warm days, I figured I had to do it. There was something that grossed me out about renting a suit and if I use it 3 or 4 times it will definitely pay for itself. I will be able to train for the OWS in it so I should make it worth it. I'm excited to get it now. I'll be checking the mail everyday! Woo Hoo!

FYI-a friend gave me a new bike saddle to try-gonna do that tonight. My husband and kids bought me a cadence computer for Mother's day. I'm starting to feel like a triathlete with all these goodies.
2008-05-17 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

The weather is going to get in the 80s here! I'm going for a real bikeride today, the first in a couple years. There's a nice trail down by the river--nice and flat! I'm excited but a little nervous. The bike brings out my anxiety and phobia issues.

Jo, the wetsuit sure sounds like a good idea. With your hot days in the 60s, the water temperature must be cold! I've heard it's an art form to get in and out of one. Good luck!


2008-05-18 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Hi all!

That's exciting about getting your wetsuit!

I spent Fri. morning at the Urgent Care tending to a corneal abrasion (my DD accidentally poked me in the eye (HARD)!!) Spent Fri. and Sat. on some heavy duty pain meds. Today it feels much better, but it will be a few days before I can get in the water, and even bike or run (wind in my eye kills). I think I would be fine with swim goggles and wraparound sun glasses, but will still take it easy. Sight is such a precious thing!

Hope you guys are doing well with your training.

2008-05-18 10:21 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Sharyn, I'm so glad you're okay. Take it easy and don't push too hard. Let your eye heal. Sight is a precious thing, much more precious than training. Maybe do some strength training or something that won't risk further injury while you are waiting for it to heal.

2008-05-20 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1354433

Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Ugh...there is NOTHING worse than an eye injury.  I had some problems with my left eye over the winter.  It was irritated for some reason....wasn't infected or anything.....just was inflamed.  It hurt like a mother!  Hopefully you'll feel better soon.

I have just under two weeks before my first-ever Triathlon!  I'm way excited.  I'm feeling good about the swim and the bike....but am nowhere near ready for the run.  So...for the next two weeks, I'm totally focused on running.  I'm still going to get at least 2 swims and bike rides in per week...but am going to force myself to run EVERY DAY.  I'd also like to get out into the water with my wetsuit on for an open water swim or two before the big day. 

Hope everyone else is doing well! 

Edited by hamiltks10 2008-05-20 8:33 AM
2008-05-20 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Sharyn, glad you're taking care of your eye. That's just such a sensitive place--I hope the pain has gone away.

Kristen, I'm excited for you! I'm so impressed with your logs--you're really consistent with your training. Good luck with the wetsuit.

I haven't done anything in the way of training. I've got some family stuff I'm procrastinating on. I notice that when I'm resisting one area of my life, I seem to put up resistance in other areas. Anyone else like that? My plan is to get at least one bikeride outside by the end of the month and two of everything else.

Happy training.


2008-05-20 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Kristen-you and I are doing the same tri. I just ordered a wetsuit. I am hoping to meet up with some people on my team and the BTA forum to do a run-through of the course on Saturday. I am hoping my wetsuit is here so I can break it in a little. I need to focus on running also. I am hoping to get a few miles in tonight. I was looking at my log and I really neglect that.

Mary-I can relate with resisting everything. It seems very hard to motivate when you just want to be invisible.

I have to tell all of you, I'm scared to death of this first tri. I am so afraid that I will not be able to complete it. I did an indoor tri on March 31 and was so distraught after because I ended up walking the run. I was so depressed, I did not want to continue training. I really don't want to walk the run at all. I am nervous about the swim, the transitions, and the run. I can handle the bike as long as it doesn't get a flat. I will be a nervous wreck until June 1. Please bear with my ranting and ramblings.
2008-05-20 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Hey, Jo--rant and ramble all you want!! It's a necessary part of training--getting it out of your system, just like sweating. First, I gotta say I'm so glad you two are doing your tri's first, before I am. I figure I'll benefit so much from all your rants, ramblings, ups, downs, and whatever.

I'm excited for you--and impressed that you're happy with the bike leg. This is my great fear. I just may end up walking the run, but sure appreciate your anxiety about doing that. With all the training I can see why you'd want to do it "right." On the other hand, there's a whole school of thought that says anything worth doing, is worth doing so-so.

Not to cause angst or whatever, just to say I bet you do great, and have a wonderful time to boot! I'm so happy to be on this team with you.

My first go around will be a Try a Tri at the end of June or early July. And my real tri will be late July or mid August. I expect to be ranting, rambling and drooling sometime soon.

2008-05-21 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Jo- keep going on strong with the training. Maybe do a heavy run week or two to really work on that running endurance? I've been told that, even with all of the training, the race can be more of a mental challenge. Lots of positive thinking. You can do it!

How is the eye, sharyn?

got back on the training wagon yesterday after my few days off, post-race. my husband has a nagging knee injury- we think it's his IT band- so I'm feeling really badly for him. Worrying myself about the time I took off from the bike to focus on the run, but the run is what worries me most about my first Tri. Jo, I'm with you- so worried about walking it. But, with Mike's injury, now I'm worried about overtraining for the run. Trying to get back in the habit of following my training plan as exactly as possible, but that is so hard to do with kids and family and travelling for the next few weeks!

It's cold here- so training inside a bunch. How is everyone else doing this week?

2008-05-21 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1354433

Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Hey Jo -

I won't be able to make it out on Saturday to run though the course...I have plans to play golf with my family.

My goal, too, is to finish the run without having to walk.  But...I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't do as well as I expect.  I know that I'm going to do one or two more tri's later this summer...and this first one will give me a real good idea of my weaknesses and what I should focus on over the next few months. 

I'm mostly excited.  And I'm really looking forward to meeting some of the BT people...since it looks like there are a TON of us that will be doing this race.  I'm just going to go into this looking to have as much fun as possible!  Hopefully you will to because if it's not fun, then what's the point....right?? 


2008-05-22 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
exactly, Kristin. it's supposed to be fun!

hoping to get a long ride in on the trainers tonight- supposed to be 70 minutes, we'll see how much I get done and how long my husband can watch the girls. normally thursdays are my day off but with travelling this weekend I'm trying to fit all my training for the week in before we leave.

hope everyone has had a good week training! it was nice to get back on the bike the last two days and realize I had not forgotten or lost anything when I did so much focus on my running.
helped boost my confidence a little. now i just have to get out on the roads! maybe next week.

everyone have a good long weekend! train hard!
2008-05-23 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Woo Hoo! My wetsuit came and it fits. Its a little long in the arms and ankles for my liking but it fits!!! I ended up going with a Zoot because they were out of my size in the other one. I had to go with an x-large because of my chest (quite a blow to my size 10 ego). But it fits and its here. I am trying it out tomorrow with a BTA group that is going to the course we will be doing on June 1.

The best thing is, it has a "tramp stamp" above the butt. Too cool and I didn't have to go through the pain of a tattoo. I look like a big, slutty whale. Hopefully I'm am not a beached whale and can swim in it.

Happy training all! Happy Memorial Day!
2008-05-24 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Went and did a run-through of the tri today. HATED the wet suit. I felt like there was a hundred pounds of lead on my arms. I was so spent after the swim, total exhaustion. The bike and run went well. I am hoping to get into open water one more time before next weekend. Good thing was, the water was 62 degrees and I was warm.
2008-05-26 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
I'm back!!

My eye is completely better now! Whew! I did do a lot of sit-ups, leg lifts etc. instead of the bike, run and swim.

I did get in a bike ride, some walk/jogging, and swimming in this holiday weekend. I am a little sore, but glad to be moving again.

I am so excited for you guys to do your tri on June 1st! I wish you guys the best of luck as you prepare this week!

My husband is a high school principal and usually gets up very early (5:00) to go in to the office. Now that school is out, he has agreed to waiting until 6:30 to leave, so I can get up and go swim before DD wakes up. This week we are going to try it on Tues. and Thurs. If it goes well, hopefully, it will become a good habit. I am happy that he is willing to work with me on that!

Have a great week everyone!

2008-05-27 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1354433

Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

I got my first open water swim in on Sunday morning....and it was fun!  I agree with Jo...the wetsuit does feel wierd and makes your arms feel super heavy.  But it sure helped with keeping me warm.  I had no problem with the water temp.  It's a wierd feeling though....becasue you're working hard and swimming away, but because you can't see the lake floor, your mind thinks you're not moving at all!   

I'm hoping to get out for another swim on Thursday after work....and again on Saturday morning.  I guess there is a Tri team that is doing a swim and having a pot-luck style lunch after on that will be fun and I'll get to meet some other tri people.



2008-05-27 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Kristen- I'm glad you enjoyed the open water swim! I have never swam (swum,,whatever) in open water yet. I live 5 minutes from the gulf and have the opportunity...just haven't yet.

Since I live in SW Florida and will do sprint tri's locally, I don't think I have to get a wetsuit yet. Even in the winter time, I don't think the water gets really cold? Something I need to check on though.

My major accomplishment today was walking to and from the cafe where I met a friend for ice cream. I made a deal with myself...if I wanted to eat ice cream, I had to walk, if I didn't walk..only a diet soda. That ice cream sure was good!
2008-05-29 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Good luck this weekend at Hawk Island, ladies!

Hoping the weather will be wonderful there. The forecast keeps changing for NW Ohio for the weekend- wish the weathermen could get it right! Gorgeous day today- still have not gotten out for an official ride on my bike, but am hoping to do so tomorrow night.
2008-06-01 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
My first tri was awesome!!! Kristen made it very special. It was nice to see someone from our mentor group and experience that success together. We both ROCKED!!!!!

I was so proud of myself. I didn't stop. I didn't stop or drown during the swim and I, especially, didn't walk on the run. I did it all, no stopping, which was my goal. I finished mid age group. I was hoping to finish in about 1:30 and I finished in 1:24. WOO HOO!!!

I am so hooked. I can't wait for the next one on June 22. This one was such a nice course and so well organized. I really enjoyed myself. We had a BTA tent and there were quite a few people from the forum there. It was so nice to meet, compete, and celebrate everyone's successes together.

Definitely a highlight day in my life!
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