General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Running equally on right and left legs is hard? Rss Feed  
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2008-08-18 12:27 PM

Subject: Running equally on right and left legs is hard?

Is there a drill or training regiment I can impliment once a week or twice a week to help even out my running pace.  I find after 6 miles or more runs I am putting more weight on my right leg.  I need to fix this quick.  Any tips is helpful.  Maybe something I can do instead of running my normal 6-8 miles?  I do realize its a mental thing because when I start to think about it I quickly correct myself but If there is a drill it might make things easier all around.  I was thinking abouit do 40 minutes of stairs.. but I dont know.  HELP 



PS:  I also notice that I dont kick my legs out for each rep during the run.  My legs swing slightly, now I am running a 6 minute/ mile pace but I think my technique in reguards to running is going to get worse if I dont fix it now.  Any tips towards running pls help Embarassed

2008-08-18 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1610820

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Cumming, Georgia
Subject: RE: Running equally on right and left legs is hard?
I don't have an answer but I am curious about this.  I've been having a ton of hip issues and I think it is my running form.  I am trying to figure out how to self correct this but haven't had much luck.  Let me know if you have any success.
2008-08-18 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1610820

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Subject: RE: Running equally on right and left legs is hard?

How do you know you are putting more weight on one foot?

Do you have injuries?  Chronic pains?  Why do you feel this is a problem?

2008-08-19 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1610820

Subject: RE: Running equally on right and left legs is hard?
After long runs go in front of a store window and sprint you will see if you have bad form or not.  Drills on correcting bad form are needed.   help!
2008-08-19 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1613938

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Running equally on right and left legs is hard?
benc84 - 2008-08-19 1:20 PM After long runs go in front of a store window and sprint you will see if you have bad form or not.  Drills on correcting bad form are needed.   help!
could it just be that after a long run your form breaks down not because it is bad but because you are just tired? I am with scout; how do you know you have this problem?
2008-08-19 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1610820

Subject: RE: Running equally on right and left legs is hard?

x3 on 'why do you think you have this problem?'  For example, do you have reason to think that one leg is significantly stronger than the other?

Well, I guess even if it is, this sounds like a mental tick to me.  Even with one leg much stronger than the other, one can run with symmetric form.  (I've been very conscious of this lately as I have one leg much stronger than the other due to atrophy from surgery.  I'm working on this mostly by just running, but also by doing isolated one-leg exercises.  It is working, but slowly...)

Many people seem to run naturally with better form when they run faster, so the occasional pickup might help you keep form.  There are also those who believe that running barefoot (on an appropriate surface) improves form, without the problem of having to train too fast to get to that good form.  I personally love running barefoot, and believe that it has improved my form a bit.  Some people hate it or think that it's total bunk.

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