Subject: RE: Kid's Cancer ride A-burg Just a reminder that the Second Annual Amherstburg Kids Cancer Ride will take place this Saturday May 30. It starts at Toddy Jones Park (the main park behind the high school in Amherstburg ) at 9 am sharp. Registration is between 8 and 9. Participants can bring pledges of $100 for free entry, or can pay an entry fee of $50. Every dollar raised goes directly to children with cancer via the Coast to coast Against Cancer Foundation. The event features lots of good refreshments, a post event BBQ and live entertainment. Ride options include a 10k, 20k and 60k. Something for riders of all abilities. The cause is a great one, and I hope everyone can come out and ride with us! We have a handful of cyclists that are going to cycle from Zehr's Plaza in Tecumseh to Amherstburg to participate in the Kids Cancer Ride. This group will be leaving at 7:00 a.m. and this will be a REAL century ride. Others going can meet at Zehr's plaza, 8:00 am, car pool and caravan out to Amherstburg or find your own way. Ride starts at 9:00a.m sharp! Our last two "event" rides this year were a hoot and I expect Saturday's ride will be a blast. by Silver_wlf 2009-05-29 6:32 AM