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Ironman Japan - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Goto, Nagasaki
Ironman Japan
80F / 27C
Total Time = 11h 40m 22s
Overall Rank = 234/1026
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 46/141
Pre-race routine:

Rowena and I were up at 4 a.m. Had some peanut butter sandwiches, water, and cytomax. Since we live in Japan we were able to rent a car and drive down to the start site on our own. The race is a point to point so T1 and T2 were not even close to each other it felt like we had stuff all over the place but it all worked out smoothly.

Coming outside you could tell that the bright cloudless skies of the days prior were gone and the overcast getting ready to storm sky was back. The wind was whipping the flags and it drizzled on and off before the start of the race.

Totally different feel to the start of this race than IMFL 08. There are no barriers between athletes and spectators. Rowena was able to walk with me into T1 and talk to me while I checked out the bike and aired up the tires. It was very cool to have her next to me throughout the morning and very calming.
Event warmup:

Row had found a more secluded bathroom the day before while I was doing a practice swim and she went for a run so we hit that to get "empty". Before doing so, she explained to me the intricacies of using a "squat" potty. Little did I know that this would be the single most useful piece of information I could carry with me during the race.

Met up with Trevor and Jason from back home and walked up to the beach. Warmed up my wetsuit a couple of times then dove in and swam up to the start line.
  • 1h 11m 12s
  • 4156 yards
  • 01m 43s / 100 yards

Swam up to the swim start and hung out with Trevor and Jason just floating and yapping. Watched the pros start then 2 minutes later we were off. Got off fast and stuck to it for the first lap. Not so good drafting the first lap. Spent more time making sure I was on line. Some crazy zig zaggers out there. It was a tightly observed course so you really couldn't get too far off course.

Hit the turn around dove in and got moving. Had a good pair of feet to follow the before the turn then a great pair after the turn until a giant Samurai Warrior knocked me off him with his left turn into me.

Coming into the home stretch I felt like I had swam too slow and didn't want to see my swim time. Then I hit the beach ran up to the gate and saw 1:10:xx, smiled really big and went through the gate. Official time 1:11:12, which is over 3:30 faster than at IMFL in November. Very happy with my swim time, I can feel a difference and now I can see it too. My goal was to beat or match my IMFL time so - win.
What would you do differently?:

Draft better during the first half of the swim. Swim faster.
Transition 1
  • 00m

For some reason they did not break the T1 & T2 times up so they are added into the S/B/R total times somewhere. But my T1 was fast, weird, but fast.

Ran throught the gate to the showers, no suit strippers due to the pig flu so I yanked it off myself. My left calf actually cramped a bit while taking off the suit and I had to laugh because I didn't kick hard during the swim and cramps messed with my at IMFL. I think it was my body teasing me.

Got the suit off, grabbed my bag, hit the tent. Put the helmet on, glasses on, suit in the bag and I was out. Ran down the isle grabbed the bike, hit the start line, one foot on, two kicks and I was off. Got me feet into my shoes with zero problems and I was off into the rain and wind.
What would you do differently?:

I thought it went very well but I can always practice so I can go faster.
  • 5h 51m 26s
  • 112 miles
  • 19.12 mile/hr

It started raining before the swim and kept on raining for the first hour or so of the bike. The roads in Japan are made with asphalt and coral, so when it rains it is slick.

Hit the course and saw Rowena, this would become a recurring trend througout the day. The rain and heat were fogging up the sunglasses but I could see fine so I started reeling in some of the faster swimmers. Came around a corner very easy, hit a pothole and almost ate it. Recovered before my slide took me into a curb and pressed on. While most would call the hills in Japan "rolling" it still is an island on which there are 5 volcanoes. The climbing elevation came up just shy of 7000ft, so there were some climbs to be had. Saw Rowena out on the course a couple of times. The course was closed off and we were circling the island so it was tough for her to get around. She stuck with the people from Tri-Travel which ended up being a pretty fun crowd. Saw Jason both times at the little out and back section of the loops, he was going fast. A couple of nice spots where I was all alone and it was just me and the sweet sound of the HED 3's cruising through the beautiful sight of Goto Nagasaki. I never had a point of "why am I doing this" but I did have a point where I was already sad because it seemed like the day was going too fast. I love these races, it's just such a long wait in between them when you live on a tiny island in the East China Sea.

I was happy to see that they were "helping" us with the aid stations even though they were not suppose to due to the pig flu. Not a lot of port-o-potties but there were buildings and park restrooms you could use if you needed them. I just used my shoes.

Unfortunately for me my Garmin decided to pull up some crazy info after the race. It is showing my bike split but it is 6 miles short and has a date of Oct 2006 (got garmin dec 2007), it shows my IMJ run and T2 as normal. So the info I have for the bike is all jacked up.

Anyhow, the course is beautiful. You climb some amazing hills, ride by some of the most awesome beaches, you fly by fishing villages, and rice paddies and tons and tons of spectators. I'll stick with the people of Goto for a second. In my race package were two post card sized notes from children in Goto. On each one was a message and a drawn picture. The kids even left their name and info on the card but since it was in Japanese I have no clue what it says. Throughout the town there were Welcome to IMJ flags and signs and drawn pictures. At the start of the race were big boards where classes of students had painted signs for inspiration. There were people everywhere even thought the weather was kind of sucky. On one of the bigger hills there was a group of older women all dressed in red with giant red fans. As we struggled up the hill they were fanning us trying to keep up cool. Everywere you went they were yelling "FIGHTO FIGHTO" (fight, fight) and "Gam-Badd-A" (good luck), it was awesome.

I was nailing my nutrition and felt good. Most of my training was out of the saddle going up hill and I stuck to that through most of the race. At two different points of the race each of my legs decided to stiffen up, didn't fight it, took it in stride and they went away. Chatted with a guy from the mainland of Japan in one of the many tunnels who was also riding a Motobecane Nemesis. I would see him a few more times during the race and later find out that he knows some friends of ours from Florida who now live near him. Small world.

Kept up with my nutrition and hydration. I had never gone over 60 miles in anything except bike shorts but I knew they were overkill since my Adamo seat is set up perfect. Today I went in nothing but my DeSoto tri shorts and Under Armour sleevless was perfect.

As for the ride itself I thought it went well. I had been training in the hills of Okinawa so I had a good idea of the terrain. I figured I could do this course sub 6 hours and I came in at 5:51:26 - win.
What would you do differently?:

More hills. I've been riding for less than two years and the majority of that was in Florida. I can be faster, I just need more time.
Transition 2
  • 00m

Coming into T2 I saw Row smiling big then Jason and Trevor out on the run. They were moving fast! Out of my shoes cruised to the dismount line, hopped off and ran to the rack. Racked the bike, run bag was right there, ran into the tent and got moving. Since I couldn't train with anything they were serving on the course I brought my own. I was loaded down with my 4 10oz cytomax bottle on my fuel belt, 8 gu's, and a bottle of cytomax which I planned to chuck. Rowena had cut the gel holders from an old race belt and sewed them on my fuel belt. I also had salt tabs in a tick tac case since last year my shirt was soaked with salt and I had cramped like a mofo at mile 14. I had been training with this stuff for months and it was working so I wasn't changing a thing.

So, fuel belt on, hat on, switched glasses, injinji toe socks on, shoes, bottle and I was out. This might have been long winded but I felt like I was in and out.

Again, transition times were not given, I guess they just rolled them in to one of the other events.
What would you do differently?:

Practice to get faster. Those toe socks are slow to get on.
  • 4h 37m 44s
  • 26.22 miles
  • 10m 35s  min/mile

Are you freaking kidding me? I could not believe this crap. The bike hills took some out of me, that I could feel as soon as I started. I planned on sticking around 9 min miles and rolling out a 4hr marathon, I ended up crapping (hold that thought) out a 4:37:44---FAIL.

I hit the ground and felt good, not as good as I felt last year but good. That changed shortly thereafter. I found myself running 9's for the first bit. Okay, fine. Passed Row heading out to the Airport out and back section, saw her again and I was still good. This was a rolling course, just like I had been running in Okinawa. So i'm doing just fine, sticking with my plan of maintaining on the uphills, let gravity work the downhills, and running well on the flats. Keeping my nutrition plan going was easy, just like practice. I was still making up ground on people. Rowena was popping up all over the place yelling and taking pictures. There were markers every freaking kilometer telling you where you were and aid stations every 1.5k.

Lets take a look back for a second. While training and practicing my nutrition I was fine 1hr or a 9 hr brick I was golden as was my nutrition. Whenever I finished training and had something to eat, I would have to go to the bathroom. It was like clockwork within an hour after training I had to go. Today, my body called in early....and often. Back to the race.

Somewhere in the first lap, I feel a gurgle. You know that gurgle, and you too hate that gurgle. I was still running around 9's and was fine with that but gurgle gurgle had me worried. Then, gurrrrrgle. It was on like the break of dawn. I was in the squat potties...a lot. This is where the info Row gave me on using a squat potty came in super handy. I couldn't keep anything in my body. I passed Rowena on Samurai Street (yep, where the real Samurai use to live) and told her my body was playing Gu Hokey Pokey. I'd put one Gu in and take one Gu out find a port o potty and shake it all about. The hokey pokey was not in my plan. I quickly found myself running 10's and beyond. One sip of water and it was gurgle time. Every once in a while I would pass a potty and would end up regretting it. No fun at all. My stomache didn't stop messing with me until 1 am, long after my finish. I was walking the aid stations getting my water and fought off a couple of cramps but I was still running, even in the squat potties;) The tough part was having to run past the same people after every squat potty. I lost a dump load of time and my goal of an 11:30 IM Japan finish time went right into the crapper. But I still had fun. Somehow the time shows that I ran faster the second half than I did the first half. That, I cannot explain.
What would you do differently?:

Back to the nutritional drawing board.
Post race
Warm down:

Came across the line and who is right there, yep, Rowena. Like I said earlier, they let the spectators everywhere. Walked around with Row, Jason who smacked down a 10:35 1st IM and Trevor 11:07. Took some pics, tried some soup, said hi to some new friends and headed home. I needed to go to the bathroom :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Squat Potties

Event comments:

First let me give a shout out to my wonderful, beautiful, awesome, super supportive wife, Rowena. Go to the course map for IM Japan take a look at the hills, mountains, and roads. Remember that it is a closed course and try to figure out how, HOW she found me at 12 different locations throughout the day. TWELVE! She said I must be having a blast because I was always smiling. I tried to explain that those smiles are for her. There were not a lot of English speakers out there on the course, although many did try so when I would see her it was just awesome. There is nothing like seeing the person you love the most while you are out there. I don't know if she'll ever understand just how much that means to me. She gets it. I love this sport and she gets it. It makes her happy seeing me doing something that makes me happy. She just gets it.

The fans get it too! They were everywhere, they would look up your number and try their best to say your name. They'd give you a "FIGHTO FIGHTO" and it was great. Aid stations were everywhere and the volunteers were right on top of things. It was a great race and a great location. They tried to cancell the race due to the pig flu but the RD adjusted and made changes but it was smooth as silk and awesome.

I'm dissapointed. It's nagging at me. I came up short of my goal at IMFL but I was able to give it everything I had so I am fine with that. Today, I wasn't able to go, well I could GO, but I couldn't go all out. Maybe dissapointed is not the right word. I'm unsatisfied. I can't complain about an 11:40 IM finish but I know i'm stronger than that.

The Next Day...
They cancelled the Awards Banquete because of the pig flu but we ended up having a "BBQ" which was just the awards banquet outside. Very cool. Then my buddies Jason and Trevor, who traveled with Shane Smith and Tri Travel said the tri travel team was going to a karaoke bar. I'm no singer but the wife said lets go so we went. Holy crap, great decision Rowena. So there I am sitting at a table chatting with two time IM Japan winner Luke Mckenzie, his girlfriend Amanda Balding, and friend Hillary Biscay. Across the room is Nicole Ward and Cameron Watt. Later after a few beers i'm singing Kenny Rodgers' The Gambler and my wife is singing and dancing with Amanda. This sport is awesome. Then next day we were all stuck inside the same tiny little airport wondering if we would ever get to leave the tiny island of Goto. I met a ton of great people, my wife and I saw almost every inch of the island of Goto. We even went on a 40 min hike the the after the IM in search of a huge waterfall. We found a tiny one. It was a great trip and another lesson in the art of triathlon. I had a great time and look forward to the next one.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2009-02-28 12:00 AM
01:11:12 | 4156 yards | 01m 43s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/141
Overall: 292/1026
Performance: Good
Suit: Xterra Vortex 2
Course: 2 lap Light Bulb with a short beach run before 2nd lap
Start type: Wade Plus: Shot
Water temp: 70F / 21C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 00:00
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
05:51:26 | 112 miles | 19.12 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/141
Overall: 154/1026
Performance: Good
Wind: Some with gusts
Course: Start at the SE corner of the island to the middle, two laps on the main part of the island then finish in the city of Fukue.
Road: Smooth Wet Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:00
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal
04:37:44 | 26.22 miles | 10m 35s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/141
Overall: 378/1026
Performance: Bad
Course: two lap course
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %alot
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2009-06-26 12:44 PM

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: Ironman Japan

2009-06-26 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
Wow...great race other than that reoccurring gurgle gurgle! I hope you work that out.

Impressive improvements on your swim and your bike and the course is vastly different than FL flat.

Its wonderful your wife was able to make her around the course to support you, show you her love throughout the day.


Next up IMLP? You will get that fulfilled filling no doubt about it..nail that nutrition and your run time will come down.
2009-06-26 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
Great race.  Way to fight through the gurgles.  Congrats on your finish. 
2009-06-26 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Nevada City with my BABY!
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan

DUDE! Great race! WOW ... Where is the tat?? You getting one???

2009-07-04 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
Great Race!   Nice report.  YOu cannot always control what your body's going to do.  Way to hang in there.
2009-07-05 11:57 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Surrey BC Canada
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
Excellent time I would love to do an ironman one day too bad about the squat potties on your run but still good race

2009-07-05 11:57 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Surrey BC Canada
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
Excellent time I would love to do an ironman one day too bad about the squat potties on your run but still good race
2009-07-06 12:11 AM
in reply to: #2245668

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
You posted a great time considering the stomach issues.  Singing with the pros sounds like a blast. Congrats on your finish.
2009-07-08 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2245668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
Sucks about the gu rebellion during the race, but great report! This just adds more fuel to the fire for the next one! Sounds like it was a blast hanging out post-race as well. Awesome job!
2009-07-08 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan
WOW! I think you pulled off an amazing race! You went FAST even with stomach issues!

My cousin had an issue like you had... at his Ironman. And it stuck with him for DAYS afterwards. He was never really sure what happened... but from mile 80-140.6 it was out the rear and out his mouth. Bad stuff!

Sounds like a really nice race. A closed bike course? Awesome! I was wondering how it would go after you said they were pulling volunteers for the swine flu and all. Sounds like it went fine.

Congratulations Ironman!
2009-07-08 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan

Sounds like a great race! 

2009-07-08 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan

awesome job congrats

2009-07-08 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2245668

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South Windsor CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Japan

Great job. I love Japan!!!
Enjoy a cold Sapporro!



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