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3Sports Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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Richmond, Virginia
United States
Setup Events
80F / 27C
Total Time = 1h 14m 1s
Overall Rank = 156/260
Age Group = Clydesdale
Age Group Rank = 6/14
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 4:30, had some fruit and got ready. Took a bagel from the hotel but only had a bite or two on the way to the race. Sipped water up until race time. Pumped up my tires and set up transition. My rack was the last one next to the bike exit and I was right in the middle. Couldn't have been easier.
Event warmup:

Took the bike out for a 1/2 mile ride just to make sure everything was working and to get going out of T1 and into T2 down. Swam a few laps in the pool to get used to the water. Pretty cloudy and a little salty.
  • 05m 28s
  • 328 yards
  • 01m 40s / 100 yards

When I pushed off to start, my HRM strap almost slipped down to my stomach; luckily I'm a clyde, so there was something to catch it. I knew this was going to happen but my mind was elsewhere, so from then on I put one hand on it when I kicked off. I was just starting to settle into my swim during the second length when I caught my first swimmer, touched his toes and he let me by. The I caught another, and another. They both let me by. I knew I was swimming harder than I normal but I was holding together pretty well. Towards the end. I passed one guy in the lane, as there was a gap and no one coming towards us. Come to find out, when talking to him later, there was a lady in front of him doing the backstroke. Because of this, there was a huge clog behind her and we were all on top of each other. Exited the pool well and ran out the door. Felt very strong on the swim. Could have gone faster but was held up. Still feel good about being 2/14 in the Clyde division and 94/260 overall men's.
What would you do differently?:

Get a tri top. But the thing that held me up was the lady doing the backstroke. Nothing I could do about that.
Transition 1
  • 02m 25s

Pretty long run from swim to transition. Mats/carpet over rocks was good though. Concentrated on my breathing on the way which made the actual T1 much easier. While getting my gear on I noticed a guy on my rack had his helmet on backwards, so I asked him if that was what he meant to do and he said no and switched it. Already, I was doing better than him! A little trouble getting the bike off the rack because of my bag but ran well to the mount line. Mounting area was very small. Only enough room for two bikes wide. Clipped first shoe in well but almost ran over a cone while throwing my other leg over the bike. Once I dodged the cone, I was good and headed out towards the course. 5/14 and 146/260 in T1.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing really. I was calm and went trough my checklist in my head while gearing up. I think the breathing really helped with this; a little O2 in the noggin really helps. Maybe not almost running over a cone would have helped.
  • 36m 42s
  • 12.43 miles
  • 20.32 mile/hr

I was passed by several racers but I passed more than passed me. Granted a few of the people I passed were overweight and on mountain bikes with bells on the handlebars but most were on road/tri bikes. Really pushed it much harder on the bike than I thought I should have. I kept telling myself to slow down or I'd have nothing for the run but I could make myself do it. My HR was up but not super high so I kept pushing. I'm very happy with bike leg and an avg of over 20 mph is a huge surprise.
What would you do differently?:

Definitely need some hill work. I thought I was drinking a good amount of water but, as you will read in the run, I wasn't. As it turned out, I only drank about half a bottle during the bike leg.
Transition 2
  • 01m 29s

Remembered to stretch hips and calves/hamstrings while coming into T2. Clipped out well just before dismount line and ran to rack. Did very well up until I was putting on my second running shoe. The insole kept sliding down towards the toe. I took it off twice and had to hold the insole with my finger to make it stay. I was just going to say screw it and go but I though I'd better get this right so I wouldn't regret it later. Finally got it and grabbed my race belt/number and was off to run exit. Saw my girlfriend at the race exit and I felt on top of the world. 11/14 and 212/260 in T2 thanks to my insole.
What would you do differently?:

The only thing that went wrong was my insole fighting me. I have to wear an extra insole under the one that came with the shoe because of my PF issues but it has never done this before.
  • 27m 59s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 08m  min/mile

Felt strong leaving T2 but as soon as I got out onto the sidewalk course my right calf started cramping. I stopped for a few seconds and stretched it on the curb before starting again. It was still mad at me for not drinking enough on the bike so I started running with my toes pointing as far upward as I could to keep the calf stretched. I was also yelling at it in my head to HTFU and before I knew it, it had gone away. I was fully expecting to have to walk some of the run so I kept the pace very slow (and I didn't want to push the calf too far). I got in behind some nice pace booty and followed it until she up'd her pace at the turn around. Soon after I realized how slow I was running and started picking up the pace a little. The finish line sort of snuck up on me and I tried to push it a little more. As I came into the finish chute, there was a guy in my age group just ahead of me so I ran him down and passed him.
What would you do differently?:

Hydrate better on the bike. I tried to force down some HEED on the run but does anyone really drink that stuff... it's terrible. I managed a gulp but stuck to water the rest of the way. At just shy of 9 min/mile, that was a super slow run for me. But after pushing so hard on he bike and my calf cramping, I felt I needed to stay there to finish. I was happy I didn't have to walk any though.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around, drank water and soda, ate cookies. Got a massage to help my aching groin muscles. Packed up my stuff and stuck around for some awards. Ate Chipotle and had some more soda. I think I saw wurkit win a swim cap. Watched that same 84 year old lady that seems to run every local race cross the line to the normal standing ovation. I don't know who she is but she is great. There was also a 81 year old man with a long beard that finished... awesome. If those two are single, someone should set them up.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Mostly things that I had no control over. I was surprised at how 'easy' the race was and how well I did. I knew I'd finish and wouldn't be DFL (even though those were my base goals) but I thought I'd struggle more than I did.

Event comments:

Being my first tri and only the second I've been to, I can't really rate it too much. There were tons of volunteers and police helping out. Not much to do between when I finished and when awards started (about 8:45 to 10:30) but get a message and sit around. There were only 2 vendor tents but I'm not sure how normal that is. Offer something besides HEED to drink and Hammer Gels... yuk.

Last updated: 2009-03-21 12:00 AM
00:05:28 | 328 yards | 01m 40s / 100yards
Age Group: 2/14
Overall: 94/260
Performance: Good
Suit: Tri shorts, sleeveless wicking run top
Course: Down and back, 6 lap pool swim. Had us going off every 10 seconds.
Start type: Inside Pool Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Good
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 02:25
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed:
00:36:42 | 12.43 miles | 20.32 mile/hr
Age Group: 6/14
Overall: 135/260
Performance: Good
HR around 170
Wind: Little with gusts
Course: Loop of mostly country 2-lane. Not super-hilly, but compared to Norfolk where the only hills are a few bridges, it was hilly. At least one volunteer and a police officer at every intersection stopping traffic and waving you through. Arrows and mileage painted on the road.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Good Hills: Below average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Not enough
Time: 01:29
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Average
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Below average
00:27:59 | 03.11 miles | 08m  min/mile
Age Group: 7/14
Overall: 195/260
Performance: Below average
HR around 170
Course: Out and back on sidewalk/asphalt road. Water stations at halfway point and midpoints of each 1.5 distance.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5]

2009-07-20 9:03 AM

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Toledo, Ohio
Subject: 3Sports Triathlon

2009-07-20 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2295575

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: 3Sports Triathlon
amazing paces for a first race!  your consistent training really paid off!  congrats!
2009-07-20 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2295575

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: 3Sports Triathlon

Hey, dog - some schpeedy schtuff there!  Nice work!

2009-07-20 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2295575

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: 3Sports Triathlon

Great first tri!  Saw you out there ...I was at the finish line  volunteering.

2009-07-20 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2295575

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Smithfield, VA
Subject: RE: 3Sports Triathlon
Nice job, and your swim time is amazing. 

It was my first event also.  A lot of fun.  Your comment on the 84 y/o woman and 81 y/o man were hysterical.

2009-07-20 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2295575

Subject: RE: 3Sports Triathlon

Yup - I got a swim cap! You should have come and said 'hello' The old dudes were awesome - I saw the old lady at my first race ever, in 2007. Great job yesterday!

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