Happy Mama's Day! Hope the mamas on the boards all have a wonderful day...and that the rest of you all call your mamas and grandmas, take them out to dinner, or light a candle for them.
I've been thinking a lot lately about training with my girls and how they now seem to expect our weekly excursions in the burley and jogging stroller. Here are some of my own 'You know your a mama in training when...'. Please share your own:
+ Runs and rides include stops to visit the potty, pick dandelions, and watch wildlife.
+ Running 10 minute miles is a big deal...because you're running while pushing 100 lbs of stroller and kids...while singing 'I've been working on the railroad'.
+ Biking 15 miles an hour is a big deal...because you're pulling 100 lbs of burley and kids...while singing 'Mama rides on the trail, Zoo-oom, Zoo-oom, Mama rides on the trail, Zoo-oom, Zoo-oom, Round and round the bike wheels go, biking fast, biking slow....here comes Mama! ZOOOM!'
+ Along with water and clif shots, your stash for a long run or bike includes fruit leather, dum dum lollipops
(aka bribes
) and magna-doodles.
+ Along with worrying about bad drivers, getting hit, getting a flat, you also worry about leaky diapers, wet pants, and the kids torturing each other in such close proximity.
+ You look forward to a restful hour or more of running or biking, since its the only time your children nap at the same time.
+ When running, people smile or give you strange looks. Is it because they think you're nuts pushing a double jogger? Or that your kids are going to catch cold being out in the
(very healthy
) fresh air? Or is it that your kids are both dressed as elephants or fairies?
+ You want to clap and cheer when you see another parent pushing a jogger or pulling a burley.
+ Your children want to train and/or race with you, or are already racing on their own
(like Kelly's daughters, who did a triathlon yesterday morning!
). Ella likes to talk about doing a 'traplon' someday, and wants to race to the backyard, down the stairs, around the store, etc.
+ Other racers think you're inspirational/nuts to train with your kids. Other parents think you're inspirations/nuts to race when you have kids.
+ You've garage is full of wheels - bikes, joggers, trailers.
+ Your pre-race routine includes going to the bathroom, downing a shot, and breastfeeding the baby.
+ The thought 'Should I have another baby? Or do a half-IM next year?' has crossed your mind more than once.
+ And finally, at the finish line you get to see the best cheerleaders in earth smiling and waving and shouting 'Molto veloce, Mama!'
Happy Mamas Day! This mama is off for a bike ride to try out her new Brooks saddle!
Edited by autumn 2005-05-08 10:30 AM
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