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2005-05-12 10:55 AM

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Lexington, Kentucky
Subject: Bad luck comes in threes.
They say that bad luck comes in threes. I am going to cite the following events as a triple:

waskelton's car getting broken into,
BGTwinDad's wife hurting her knee,
My car wreck yesterday afternoon.

That's three bad things for members of the BT community. All malevolent forces are hereby notified to keep their claws off of all BT members for the rest of the year.

I was in the middle of a 3 car wreck. (The car in front of me stopped, I stopped, the truck in back of me didn't stop). I feel blessed and lucky that none of the 6 people and 1 dog involved was injured. My beloved, low-mileage, good-condition, fully paid for Honda Civic is toast, however. I had hoped to pass that car on to my daughter in 8 years. Oh well. After dealing with the accident report, tow truck, etc., I made it home to my family. My son asked if I was ok. I said I was fine, but the green car got crunched. He started to wail "But I love the green car!" I said "It's ok, Matthew, we can get a new car." He asked, "Can we get a blue one?" I said sure and he stopped crying immediately.

2005-05-12 11:00 AM
in reply to: #156454

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Bad luck comes in threes.
Just too funny

tim_edwards - 2005-05-12 7:55 AM
My son asked if I was ok. I said I was fine, but the green car got crunched. He started to wail "But I love the green car!" I said "It's ok, Matthew, we can get a new car." He asked, "Can we get a blue one?" I said sure and he stopped crying immediately.
2005-05-12 11:38 AM
in reply to: #156454

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Subject: RE: Bad luck comes in threes.

Too cute! Is that Matthew in your avatar? I just love that little face!

I'm very glad to hear you were otherwise unscathed.

2005-05-12 1:58 PM
in reply to: #156481

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Lexington, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Bad luck comes in threes.
Yup, that's Matthew, laughing his head off.

Oh, well, I've been meaning to start biking to work. Now I've got added incentive!
2005-05-14 3:15 AM
in reply to: #156577

Subject: RE: Bad luck comes in threes.
since the initial post...there have only been three others...and given the theme..that can't be good. I'm adding this one on to the end to either break the cycle quickly or perhaps start it all over again. Here's hoping it's the former. Good luck and be safe out there BTeam
2005-05-17 8:34 PM
in reply to: #156454

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Central Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bad luck comes in threes.
Hmmm... Funny

Today I broke two Coffee makers.

The first one was one of thoes Pod coffee machines. The one I got was a piece of CRAP, the water pump failed today, as I was in a hurry to get out the door. But needed my caffene fix.

So I whiped out my old trusty filter coffe maker. Get some filters, put in the grounds, add the water. Plug it in, and POOF!!!!! A nice blue flash, and a whiff of Ozone. Came very close to getting electrocuted.

Had to stop at 7/11 and get my coffee but, after I paid for it I realized how much dammed sugar I put in it. BLECH! Dont know if this was the third occurance in the trifecta of bad luck.

I spent the day trying to figure out what would be the third thing to happen to me. But nothing yet has happend.. knock on wood.

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