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2009-08-26 10:31 PM

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Santa Maria
Subject: Injured and missing workouts
Hello there,

First off I am training for my first Ironman in Cozumel this year and am following the 20 week BT training plan. I am not sure how many workouts I can miss due to injury or illness and still finish the race. My goal is 14 hours and all my training times make me believe I am in the right direction. Now the problem, 3 weeks ago I dropped a heavy item on the top of my foot and continued training and it led to a ligament strain. Did my first run on it yesterday for and hour and it felt great with only a week off. So I think that problem has been resolved. I put in a extra time on the bike to make up for the missed runs. The next problem is that today at work I noticed a insect bite on my left thigh. Knowing how I am with insect bites, it is going to get infected and be a pain in the . I am prone to staph infections. Tomarrow morning I am going to the doctor to get antibiotic and try and nip this in the bud. I don't know if I can train with a staph infections. The area is already red and warm to the touch. My problem is I don't know how many workouts I can miss and still meet my goal. I feel like a real slug when I miss a workout. In the training I am up to 56 mile bikes and 13 mile runs. Bike takes 3 hours, and run takes 2 hrs. The race is only 3 months away at the end of november. I feel great after I get done with those long workouts. If anyone has any insight for me that would be great, I know I am not alone but have no friends that have ever done an IM race.

2009-08-27 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2373189

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Injured and missing workouts
I don't know if this will help you feel any better since I've not yet completed my scheduled IM race... ..but...

3 months ago my longest rides were around 60 miles, and my longest run was right where you are--13 miles.  I think you are on  track at least to finish the IM if you can hang in there with the endurance aspect of the training--despite what setbacks you've had.
As long as you can stay healthy for the next 3 months I think you are in good shape!
Again, I'm no seasoned IM veteran--but in my opinion, you'll be able to finish!!Smile
2009-08-27 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2373189

SF Bay Area, California
Subject: RE: Injured and missing workouts
You seem to need some assurance that advice comes from someone who has a history in the sport. Not sure I qualify but here goes.  I did a couple of IM's over twenty years ago.  I hope to be at IMAZ this year. Most of my life I was a very solid runner.  More to the point, I used to coach marathon runners.  

Anyway, a missed workout once in a while is not at all a big deal.  A missed week isn't really a big deal either (often it ends up being a good thing).  What you have to worry about is routinely missing workouts or layoffs greater than 1 or 2 weeks.  Also be aware that many try to compensate for a missed workout and over do it and injure themselves.  That and ramping up too quickly after some time off causes a large number of injuries.  You sound like you are on track and will be fine.  If you can't run or bike for a few days because of the bite, do some extra swimming.  Ask your doctor for advice too.

Good luck!

2009-08-27 10:57 PM
in reply to: #2373189

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Santa Maria
Subject: RE: Injured and missing workouts
Thanks for the replies. It is nice to get assurance from people you have done IM races. I have only done olympic distance races before this. It is hard to now if you are on the right track when you have never done a race this distance before and have no friends to draw on their wisedom. I saw my doctor today and thankfully it is a workmans comp issue, he put me on 2 oral antibiotics and got a shot in my as well.
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