General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » My first tri...only 8 weeks to train Rss Feed  
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2004-03-29 12:27 PM


Subject: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train
Hi there! After finishing the Capitol City 10K yesterday in Austin, TX, there were flyers being handed out for different races and one of them was the Danskin Sprint Triathlon. I was totally intrigued and stoked to do it, but because of previous commitments, I will only have 8 weeks to train. Is this too little? The run is no problem, so if I focused on the swim and bike, would I make a decent showing (I'll take finishing) or should I hold off?

I've got all the equipment, moral support and gym access I need, and my evenings would be free. I appreciate any feedback I can get on this...

Austin, TX

2004-03-29 2:10 PM
in reply to: #15166

Subject: RE: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train
Don't hold off Amy...jump right in there and do it. Your running ability is fine, there's 1/3 of the event already covered. And since you can complete a 10K, your fitness level will help tremendously in the other events. Spend the time getting used to riding the bike, do some swimming, and try to eventually cover the distances required by the time the race is a week or two away. That way you won't be surprised. Then just pace yourself. Try and save something during the first 2 sections so that when you get to the run (your strong point) you have gas left in the tank. Think positive, and let us know how the training is going, and then tell us all about the race. We are here for motivation and support!

2004-03-29 2:29 PM
in reply to: #15166

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New Port Richey
Subject: RE: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train

Go for it Amy. If you already have the running down, picking up the cylcling and swimming will be easy. Good luck on your training.

2004-03-29 2:36 PM
in reply to: #15166

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Gold member
Subject: RE: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train
yeah, u can do it especially with the great running base....u can certainly make dramatic improvements in swimming in two months and biking is relatviely easy to build at the sprint stage.  BUT take some rest when your body is tired...dont feel like u have to train like a berzerker for 8 weeks - enjoy the first tri experience. u will finish.
2004-03-29 10:03 PM
in reply to: #15166

, Alabama
Subject: RE: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train

As long as you're enjoying yourself, go for it and have fun!


2004-03-29 10:34 PM
in reply to: #15166

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train
I agree with Sharon, keep it fun and enjoy the experience!

2004-03-29 11:07 PM
in reply to: #15166

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train

You can do it!

Here's to the tri going well.

2004-03-29 11:14 PM
in reply to: #15166

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Extreme Veteran
Epworth. Iowa
Subject: RE: My first tri...only 8 weeks to train
You can very well do it - with Ron - make sure you take the rest you need. Build up the swim and bike endurance week by week - patiently and slowly. Go for it!!
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